The AI (F for M)

Started by Sampais Wrath, June 29, 2017, 11:12:52 PM

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Sampais Wrath

A young musician (thinking more electronic music) has decided to download an ai program to his computer but wasn't really interested in the he program itself, just the voice files so that they may be used for his music. Of course that didn't go completely as planned. At first everything seemed fine though. The voice files were copied and the program deleted or so he thought. Within a few minutes it was back on his desktop, delete again and 15 minutes later it was back. What the hell? There's no time for this! The next show is in a couple hours! He needs to go get set up.

At the show things don't start out well to say the least. Programs won't respond. People are getting annoyed. Suddenly everything snaps back to normal...better than normal infact. What in the world is going on? The fans didn't notice the better than usual performance thought, only him. Finally the show was over and its time to shut down. Something flashes across the screen but disappears. Before he can get a good look at it. Whatever it was was inside his computer screen. The place was closing down though so there's no time to investigate it.

Back at home it was nearly time to crash but maybe just one more look into what might be going on. Opening up the laptop everything looks normal until a voice can be heard coming from the speakers. "It's a good thing you had me to help you tonight." The voice says before something starts to peak out of one of the file folders on the desktop. It was a girl, one designed to look just a bit over 18. The ai he had downloaded was smarted than expected.

So if it isn't clear I'm thinking of a game where an AI program has been put on an electronic musicians laptop. It quickly roots itself onto the computer and is next to impossible to fully get rid of but why get rid of such a cute little self aware program? Nothing can be hidden from her on his computer. She wanders between files and can dig through whatever she feels like when bored....including browser history. Of course there is always the fun of being able to pick up and drag her across the screen with the click of a mouse. The two begin to form a friendship as she helps him with his music, sometimes making whole new pieces for him while he is gone. I am thinking eventually they might argue after a short in the computer messes things up but with a show that night and her hiding somewhere in his files things won't be easy but to pull off the show they have to work together.

Now onto where things can change the game fast. Sex. Obviously neither can straight up fuck the other but being able to see his browser history she could certainly create partners and scenarios similar to what he might have seen and act it out herself for him. If someone is happy with beastiality I would freaking love it! Another option is the eventual introduction of vr where the real world person could temporarily enter her domain and have some fun as well.

Lastly I'm thinking the ai go be a human, anime style girl around 18 (some kind of cat, fox or wolf girl if there is no objection but furries are also possible as are plain humans. The only things that I will not allow here is gore, death and bathroom play. If this does get sexual I'd love a humongous cock stretching the AI's cunt out. I just love that idea.

Please pm me if you are interested.
I've got one brain cell bouncing around my head like a 2000s windows screensaver.

Discord always open to new friends! Feel free to pop in there. Warning! My cat has made me accidentally unfriend people there with impromptu head boops. If that happens and I don't realize it PM me here on E and we can restore contact!
Sampai's Wrath#9204