1x1 Matrix Role Play (Male wanted)

Started by VideoKid, May 24, 2014, 02:50:19 PM

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I had a matrix role play going with a good partner a while ago and I believe it was the best game I ever did. The Matrix Trilogies are my favorite movies. So I am looking for someone to play the role of Neo. He can even be played to your own liking. The setting of the matrix gives a lot of room for your own imagination. So I will leave this and till I type up some more information.

So I have a slight idea, just a tweak of another plot to do where it can be tweak and borders on the edge of possible incest. I'm open to doing it in any rp if it can fit and be placed right. I rather just tell someone than write a whole summary about it so just message me if interested.


So while I am looking for some people to play Neo....Agent Smith was a pretty good obsession for a while so if anyone is a fan of his character I love to play against him. We could figure out at what point in the movies we would want to role play. Think it would be fun, he is probably one of my favorite villains.



So this hasn't been bumped in a while. I thought I would give it a go as I love trying to get back into this world.

Someone be my neo....?


An update....would love a 1/2 more games.


Have an incestual plot that can work with Neo if anyone is interested.



I can give this a bump. This movie never get's old. It be great to do a role play where it last a while. I also older role play's we can go off of.


So I haven't updated this in a while and its still my favorite movie. I've done quite a few role plays but none of them have ever been long term......so willing to start up another one. Its a world I easily know.


Its been a month so I would like to bump this back to the top. I need to get back into role playing and the matrix would be fun to start back up.


So its been a while....I'm active in many role plays. I could handle 1 or 2.


Come on, someone have pity and do this fandom with me. I need the matrix in my life, take me back to 1999!!!!