Steampunk - Pleasure Dome - < Interest Check > Now Closed

Started by Sasha, November 11, 2010, 08:05:58 PM

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Character Name : Abejundo Gregory Webb
Played by : Metody
Character Age  : 24
Character Role in game : Clockmaker and purveyor of delicate gears
Sexual Orientation : Bisexual; switch

Interested Fetish or Kinks :
He has little experience with sexual games, and is still learning what he likes.  He has a bit of a kink for contrasts - an elegantly coifed and beautifully jeweled woman in a well-used boiler suit, a brutish thug dressed in a fine suit.


(I am having a bit of trouble finding a good picture, but this is close)

Character Personality :
Abejundo exists somewhere between constant joy and worried timidity.  He is brimming over with enthusiasm, but is also acutely aware that his humble upbringing has left him naive and lacking in some of the finer social graces.  He rarely gets angry, and when he does, his usual response is to simply withdraw.  His main passion in life is his job; he has yet to find anything half as satisfying as good, useful work.

Background Information:
Abejundo is the bastard offspring of a brief liaison between a Crescencia Botella de la Bosqu, a Spanish dancer of mysterious background,  and Gregory Webb, a British tourist.  He spent his early childhood under the sole care of his mother, and remembers it as being golden and perfect.  This came to an end when his father returned to marry his mother and take her home to England.  Crescencia found that her new husband was not so carefree and laughing at home as on his travels, and she soon escaped, leaving behind her seven year old son.

The loss of his wife crippled Gregory Webb, and he fell into a deep depression.  The family business faltered and he had to take on a partner - Smithson Webb, his own brother, a grim and humorless man.  Gregory  threw himself into his work, and found a quiet, meticulous happiness in his increasingly fantastic clockwork creations.  Abejundo grew up in the shop, learning the trade from his father and the business side of things from Smithson, who took the young man as a secretary as soon as he was old enough to stay quiet, write and cipher.  The grind of having to be around Smithson was more than made up by the pleasures of his own budding talent.

Gregory never really recovered from Crescencia's abandonment.  When Abejundo was twenty, he finally faded away, a tired, broken man.  Abejundo inherited his share in the business - and Smithson, who had only grown more unpleasant with age.  A series of suspiciously bad decisions left the business hemorrhaging money, and reduced Abejundo's life to a rote cycle of clock making and too little sleep.

When Smithson's ticker failed two years later, well, it had been coming a long time.  The old man was always so angry, and that will have an effect on a person - even a person with a Genuine Clearwater Artificial Clockwork Heart (Guaranteed for Fifty Years, Barring Direct Lightning Strike or Other Act of God).  The entire business fell to Abejundo, as he was the last descendant of the family. 

Abejundo invested his meager savings in the business, selling off back stock and diversifying from making only clocks to also providing parts and labor for inventors.  His meticulous approach, quick work and extreme accuracy have all made him a leader in the field.  In two short years, he has gone from teetering on the edge of poverty to being comfortable enough to rent a narrow bit of space in the Pleasure Dome.  Currently, his main focus in life is to build his business and save money.


Character Name : Abejundo Gregory Webb
Played by : Metody

Character approved .....

   Please add your character with the new pic  to the Character Profiles and feel free to join in the crazy conversation of the OOC .  Most all the game threads are available in the first post on the Character Profile thread .

You can start your character off  arriving at the Front Desk/Lobby look forward to seeing what contrapuntal mode of transportation is used . Always seems a bit fun anyways .

Reading your character sheet ....I would say he has been invited by Beatrice to come to set up a small shop in the Merchant area . Most likely will give him a room in the Guild Member area ....till his shop front and side bedchambers are made ready .  I do have a lovely pic though to use for the clock maker's shop ....will be a bit humble at first .

Welcome to the Game .


Closing this interest check - down for now ......anyone wishing to make a character ....please send me a PM .

If your character has been approved or in the process of being approved ....everything will be handled through the PM system to finalize discussions .

Thank-you all for your interest in the game .
