NINE [Modern Fantasy, Magic, and Fable] - (Need USA, Africa, SA, CA and Caribbe)

Started by TheBlackThrone, January 12, 2019, 04:31:15 PM

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I do not plan to start this game when we have all Nine players. I plan to start it once everyone finishes their CS. We will acquire more players as games always go. However, I will only be accepting males because we only have one currently.
The gates are open
Current Time Zone: US MST
Delays: School 20 Feb - 9 May
Current solo request: None.
Current group request: Strings


Ya need males, you say? Well I got a male for ya RIGHT HERE

Expression in the image is rather uncharacteristic of him, though I guess it'd be accurate enough for him after being forced into a fight. He also would be rather unlikely to use guns. He has two scars marking lost lives. One from a harsh fight he lost, the other... get him drunk and he'll be happy to tell you the story
Name: Nagual Blank
Alias: He has earned the title of "The Wall" primarily due to the fact that it's phonetically similar to his name while being easier for those of other cultures to pronounce.
Age: Early 20's
Cat Breed: Ocicat
Fur Color: standard
Height: (Human Form) 5'4
Weight: (Human Form)130
Hair Color: (Human Form) As pictured, featuring braided sides of a considerable length, and a messy, unkempt top
Eye Color: (Human Form) Light blue
Eye Color: (Cat) Light blue, gives oddly clear reflections
Mark: A tribal design down one side of his face. Almost looks like writing in an ancient language but doesn't actually form any letters.
Gender: Male
From: Guatemala
Personality: Nagual never cared much for rules or formality. Or about much in general other than relaxing and having fun. He doesn't even care if those he's hanging with are cats or humans, they're both pretty equally entertaining. As a whole, he has a very go-with-the-flow personallity and does pretty much everything he can to avoid conflict and violence, preferring to talk his way out of problems rather than just fight them, and few things make him happier than turning an enemy into a friend. Honerable mentions, though, to soccer and avoiding responsibility in general. He never was keen on the whole "chosen one" deal and would much rather just spend his days chillin' or exploring the plethura of ruins around his home. He may hit on women of whatever species he currently is. Is he just joking around when he does this? That's up to whoever he's hitting on.
Special Arch: The X-Ball
By all appearances, it's a rather plain, reddish-brown ball, it could easily pass as a dodgeball or something you might play 4square with. A closer inspection reveals it to be close to clay in composition, though Nagual can change its physical properties at will, making it much lighter than air, indestructible, hot as lava, etc. He can, if he chooses, change only part of the ball, but he cannot change the shape, size, or appearance (outside of mundane means such as painting over it). He does not have to be holding the ball to change its properties. He plays with it a lot, especially in his human form, bouncing it around for hours without letting it touch the ground or using his hands or feet. ((inspired by the mesoamerican ball game that doesn't really have a name, and named after Xbalanque, a mayan jaguar god))
Power: Transience
Nagual is supposed to be a sort of bridge between worlds (typically the spirit world), but he's found that he can do a lot of tricks by only crossing part way, as well as by cutting himself off from the various planes entirely. In the most basic of terms, he can choose what things he feels like interacting with, and what he would rather just be completely unaffected by, phasing through solid matter or being completely unnaffected by spiritual energy. Staying cut off from a plane for too long can have negative effects, though, as he has to re-attune himself afterwards even in mild cases (in the meantime he would be numb to whatever he was cut off from, even after rejoining. In particular it's hard to move your muscles right after spending time away from the physical world) and splitting or rejoining a world is not a spur-of-the-moment thing.
Extra: His temple is one of the pyramids in the mayan ruins of Tikal. Painfully obvious yet nearly impossible to assault due to being constantly surrounded by guards and tourists and such. Not to mention that the Eye rests in the spirit world, rather than the material one. He feels pretty safe in leaving it alone. After all, it's only been stolen like, four times with him as the guardian, and even then the theives didn't do THAT much damage.

He's pretty chill


Hopefully she is okay!

FC: Madison Paige
Name: Sora Ulrich
Pet Name:Casper
Alias:  Aeolus
Age: late 20's
Cat Breed: Turkish Angora
Fur Color: White
Height: 5'8"
Weight: 130 lbs
Hair Color: (Human) Blonde (bleached)
Eye Color: (Human) Blue
Eye Color: (Cat) Blue


Gender: Female

From: Nova Scotia, Canada

Personality: Calm and quiet despite her appearance, Sora prefers to watch things from a distance. People watching in both her human and cat form seems to be her biggest hobbies which some can mistake as being lazy or too laid back. Either way she doesn't mind what people think about her since beings will always make an assumption one way or the other.

Sora is a tom-boy and with Aeolus being considered a masculine name, she embraces both sides since that is the duality of the soul and spirit in her opinion which will bring balance to the person as a whole. While some may consider her a "pretty male", she isn't afraid to use this to her advantage to become a white knight for some girls that are tormented.

Special Arch: Duel-Wield War Fans

Power: Like her alias, Sora has the power of wind on her side. Using her Aero-Telekinesis she can use it for combat or flight. Using her fans as a conduit, she can create a breeze or a strong gust of wind. Anything more will require more power and the possibility of losing control so it is avoided.


Sora doesn't drive, but instead ride a bike, wears her roller blades, or uses her skateboard when in human form. She is fairly sporty and athletic, enjoys the outdoors no matter the season, but gets pretty bad allergies during the summer.

Relationships with other NINE members: TBA


The gates are open
Current Time Zone: US MST
Delays: School 20 Feb - 9 May
Current solo request: None.
Current group request: Strings




Name: Baekho
Alias: Houser
Age: 36
Cat Breed: Maine Coon
Fur Color: Creamy White
Height: 6 ft. 3 in.
Weight: 240 lbs.
Hair Color: Dark Sandy Brown Hair
Eye Color: Grey Eyes
Eye Color: Red Eyes
Mark: A black patch of fur in his cat form with four white lines running unilaterally through it. This is not mark that delineates how many lives he’s lost. It looks like a cat clawed that spot is all.
Gender: Male
From: Sydney, AU
Personality: Houser is a serious cat, in part because his family has had to go through some rough times, resulting in them being in Witness Protection. He still has the typical weakness for that blasted red dot that floats across surfaces though and loves a good tummy rub.
Special Arch: Kusari-gama – This particular weapon appears to be made of silver yarn. But that yarn is nearly indestructible and light as a feather. The blade on one end is curved and grooved like a cat’s claw so that when it bites, it rends flesh making the wound harder to close. The blade also secrets a toxin that can change to suit the needs he might have. Allowing it to change from a toxic poison to a truth serum in a single thought. The weighted end can change on a whim from Houser. Ranging from a simple weighted ball to a grappling hook if he needed it.
Power: Aside from his powers as one of the nine, Houser has a shapeshifter ability that allows him to change form fluidly. Allowing him to even change the appearance of his gender, hair color, build, etc. This has allowed him to work as the perfect spy.
Extra: Houser’s family is in Witness Protection from the Chinese Triads. The mother witnessed not only a murder but a conversation that when reported to the police cost the Triads millions of dollars as it allowed the DEA to shut down one of their major pipelines for drugs. The fact that she was able to get video footage certainly helped her case. But now there is a bounty on her and her family. The government moves her and her family around periodically.

Houser has been forced on more than one occasion to take the defense of his family into his own hands on more than one occasion. The first time, he was forced to defend his owner by leaping at the attacker in his cat form. Thus he was named after the White Lion of Asian legend. Since then, he has gone out of his way to ensure that the local ‘strays’ report anything funny to him about people following his humans. He has also gone out of his way to learn several human martial arts and has sought mastery of the Kung Fu Tiger style, allowing him to integrate his shapeshifting powers into martial arts by actually growing claws to use while fighting.

After his responsibilities as one of the Nine, his primary focus is the care and safety of his human family. He just hopes that he won’t have to be forced into choosing between his responsibility as one of the Nine and his family. Which is another reason why he tries to promote a solid relationship with the local ‘stray’ community. Often setting out bowls of cream and tuna when his human family is away as treats and rewards.

He also might not like them, but he has a working relationship with the family dogs. The two American Pitbulls and the German Shepard have saved his cat form at least twice and their territorial barking has alerted him to danger on more than one occasion.

Edit: Added a picture of his Maine Coon form.
08/02 - New A/A Update


The CS is good. But I'm letting you know that the USA is contested as a location since there is only one Cat Eye temple per region. I'm waiting for the other player who wanted the US to finish her CS before I decide (if she finishes her CS). So if you want the US that badly, then you can remain in contest with her. Otherwise, choosing another region of the world would be best.
The gates are open
Current Time Zone: US MST
Delays: School 20 Feb - 9 May
Current solo request: None.
Current group request: Strings


Name: Azizi
Alias: Pālanā // in English the direct translation would be Cradle. The saying and song with the line ‘Cat in the cradle’ stems from Azizi.

Age: Appearance in human years is early twenties or late teens

Cat Breed: Egyptian Mau

Fur Color: Bronze coloured spotted Mau
Height: (Human Form) 5’ 9”
Weight: (Human Form) 55kg
Hair Color: (Human Form) Azizi’s hair looks deep brown with light spots throughout, in contrast to her cat form which is bronze like her skin tone with deep brown spots.
Eye Color: green eyes
Eye Color: (Cat) green eyes
Mark: Shen-Ring
Azizi often wears the front of her hair styled like this also, the symbol means eternal protection.

Gender: female
Personality: Azizi is fiercely loyal, even when someone betrays that trust – she will believe they had a very good reason for doing so. Extremely intelligent, whether in her cat form or human, Azizi is like a walking encyclopedia of facts and truth. Very social, the perfect cat to be around humans, her protective nature and social attitude means she always wins out over any dog – in any family.

Special Arch: Yōd'dhā looks like nothing more than an ancient wooden yoyo. Azizi was gifted this by Bastet and when used she becomes a warrior. Yōd'dhā or Yoda embues Azizi with strength that she would not otherwise possess. The speed of a cheetah is hers to pursue any violator.

Power: Telepathy -- Cats Cradle : her power is from where the rumours came from, where the legend begins, where song and saying are spread. Azizi means precious, but for those that she protects – they to her are the precious ones. Her power allows her to sense when they are in danger, much like many cats and their sixth sense. She has separated many families in her life time, abusive fathers who would wish harm to their children, often mere babies in a crib or cradle. With her power she can control the mind of the wrongdoer and simply make them leave, go far away – walk until their feet bleed, straight into a river, straight off a cliff edge. All in her duty to protect.

[There have been times it is said that a woman is seen with what looks like a yoyo in her hand forming it’s thread into a triangle and swinging the yoyo like a pendulum between it. This is how Yōd'dhā gets activated but over the years, the name became associated with a trick with a yoyo.]


Lives in Egypt - Temple: Ipet Resyt -- The Southern Sanctuary: The sanctuary is hidden from the eyes of humans who visit the Luxor Temple on a daily basis.
The Cat's Eye is hidden safely there. The same enchantments that keep Catmandu hidden - hold Ipet Resyt from humans.

Pet Name: Pakhet – she who scratches

Her human master is very wealthy and takes his beloved Pakhet with him everywhere. She finds adorable that her human cannot live without her but also finds him somewhat suffocating at times, for this she does scratch him to keep him in his place.

If I need to add anything else TBT, just let me know.


Quote from: Kendra on January 26, 2019, 04:23:14 AM
Name: Azizi
Alias: Pālanā // in English the direct translation would be Cradle. The saying and song with the line ‘Cat in the cradle’ stems from Azizi.

Age: Appearance in human years is early twenties or late teens

Cat Breed: Egyptian Mau

Fur Color: Bronze coloured spotted Mau
Height: (Human Form) 5’ 9”
Weight: (Human Form) 55kg
Hair Color: (Human Form) Azizi’s hair looks deep brown with light spots throughout, in contrast to her cat form which is bronze like her skin tone with deep brown spots.
Eye Color: green eyes
Eye Color: (Cat) green eyes
Mark: Shen-Ring
Azizi often wears the front of her hair styled like this also, the symbol means eternal protection.

Gender: female
Personality: Azizi is fiercely loyal, even when someone betrays that trust – she will believe they had a very good reason for doing so. Extremely intelligent, whether in her cat form or human, Azizi is like a walking encyclopedia of facts and truth. Very social, the perfect cat to be around humans, her protective nature and social attitude means she always wins out over any dog – in any family.

Special Arch: Yōd'dhā looks like nothing more than an ancient wooden yoyo. Azizi was gifted this by Bastet and when used she becomes a warrior. Yōd'dhā or Yoda embues Azizi with strength that she would not otherwise possess. The speed of a cheetah is hers to pursue any violator.

Power: Telepathy -- Cats Cradle : her power is from where the rumours came from, where the legend begins, where song and saying are spread. Azizi means precious, but for those that she protects – they to her are the precious ones. Her power allows her to sense when they are in danger, much like many cats and their sixth sense. She has separated many families in her life time, abusive fathers who would wish harm to their children, often mere babies in a crib or cradle. With her power she can control the mind of the wrongdoer and simply make them leave, go far away – walk until their feet bleed, straight into a river, straight off a cliff edge. All in her duty to protect.

[There have been times it is said that a woman is seen with what looks like a yoyo in her hand forming it’s thread into a triangle and swinging the yoyo like a pendulum between it. This is how Yōd'dhā gets activated but over the years, the name became associated with a trick with a yoyo.]


Lives in Egypt - Temple: Ipet Resyt -- The Southern Sanctuary: The sanctuary is hidden from the eyes of humans who visit the Luxor Temple on a daily basis.
The Cat's Eye is hidden safely there. The same enchantments that keep Catmandu hidden - hold Ipet Resyt from humans.

Pet Name: Pakhet – she who scratches

Her human master is very wealthy and takes his beloved Pakhet with him everywhere. She finds adorable that her human cannot live without her but also finds him somewhat suffocating at times, for this she does scratch him to keep him in his place.

If I need to add anything else TBT, just let me know.

lol I love her relationship with her human. She is approved. I'm going to be working on getting this game set up tomorrow (GMT+1). I want to see who is still active and willing to continue this story since we've had a lull period on the CSes. I have also had some writers not respond to my PMs. But we'll see who is around and about once I get this game up.  :-)
The gates are open
Current Time Zone: US MST
Delays: School 20 Feb - 9 May
Current solo request: None.
Current group request: Strings



Me too sorry I’ve had a busy work week and a laptop failure 😊




kinda my fault since I was carrying it downstairs and fell which made me drop it >.<

But I think I finished my CS may add more to my extra but I'm still not sure what else to put...


Quote from: Chasseybaby on January 27, 2019, 03:33:51 AM
kinda my fault since I was carrying it downstairs and fell which made me drop it >.<

But I think I finished my CS may add more to my extra but I'm still not sure what else to put...

Hey, better it fell than you! I think I could add to my CS too, but we can always add as we game too I'm sure.


Hey guys, just a heads up. Give me a day to catch up with this. I was very busy today. I'm more than likely going to focus my energy on getting the IC up since the Character Thread is a no brainer and once I get that Character Thread up, then I'll sort through the active and inactive CSes.  :-)
The gates are open
Current Time Zone: US MST
Delays: School 20 Feb - 9 May
Current solo request: None.
Current group request: Strings


Quote from: TheBlackThrone on January 26, 2019, 01:11:16 PM
lol I love her relationship with her human. She is approved. I'm going to be working on getting this game set up tomorrow (GMT+1). I want to see who is still active and willing to continue this story since we've had a lull period on the CSes. I have also had some writers not respond to my PMs. But we'll see who is around and about once I get this game up.  :-)

Thank you, I thought it would be fun to have her know she's really the one in charge of her human and not the other way around  ;D

No worries on set up, have been busy myself the last few days.


Yeah I had some RP due outs come up. I Rp on several sites.  ;D I'm also making my rounds here. I have one GM post today and then I should be here ready to get NINE straightened out.
The gates are open
Current Time Zone: US MST
Delays: School 20 Feb - 9 May
Current solo request: None.
Current group request: Strings


Quote from: Kendra on January 29, 2019, 02:32:10 AM
Thank you, I thought it would be fun to have her know she's really the one in charge of her human and not the other way around  ;D

No worries on set up, have been busy myself the last few days.

Can't wait for our characters to meet up! XD she seems super fun and wonder how your girl and Chassey's redhead will be lol


Quote from: Saika on January 29, 2019, 12:34:42 PM
Can't wait for our characters to meet up! XD she seems super fun and wonder how your girl and Chassey's redhead will be lol

The same Saika,  Casper is so beautiful - as is Sora  ;D

lol I know - am looking forward to this getting off the ground soon  ;)

Quote from: TheBlackThrone on January 29, 2019, 11:59:40 AM
Yeah I had some RP due outs come up. I Rp on several sites.  ;D I'm also making my rounds here. I have one GM post today and then I should be here ready to get NINE straightened out.

ah we know you're a busy guy - we won't put too much pressure on you  :P ;D


Quote from: Kendra on January 29, 2019, 12:50:27 PM
The same Saika,  Casper is so beautiful - as is Sora  ;D

lol I know - am looking forward to this getting off the ground soon  ;)

Thank you haha wonderhow it will all go.



5 cats have so far been approved. I know abandoned is working on finishing her cat. I'm going to PM Pockets and levant to see if they're still active for this game.
The gates are open
Current Time Zone: US MST
Delays: School 20 Feb - 9 May
Current solo request: None.
Current group request: Strings




Name: Cali Oaks
Alias:  Copy Cat
Age: 23
Cat Breed: Calico
Fur Color: white, orange, and black
Height: 5'2
Weight: 120
Hair Color: long with half black, and half blond
Eye Color:brown
Eye Color: green
Mark:  Chinese Symbol for reflection.
Gender: Female
From: China
Personality: Cali is a fun loving practical joker that likes to hide in the crowd. She likes to start chaos unnoticed, and watch it spread. For those who don't know her shes quite, and always on guard.  To her friends she is social, and always there to tell a joke, or play a trick to make them feel better.
Special Arch: A Katana
Power: Shapeshifting, Copying powers, She can change to a copy of a person or animal but only for a limited time. She also has had to have been close enough to touch the person or animal before she can copy them. Trying to change into something she has not had contact with can result in a messed up transformation.

cat name- Buttercream

Her owners run a bakery, and  our half convinced the place is haunted for all the accidents that happen. Accidents such as spilled batter, weird ingredients in the cake, or a cookie, or cupcake going missing. Buttercream is the unofficially mascot of the store, and as such would never do anything to harm it.


Quote from: abandoneddolly on January 30, 2019, 05:55:05 PM
Name: Cali Oaks
Alias:  Copy Cat
Age: 23
Cat Breed: Calico
Fur Color: white, orange, and black
Height: 5'2
Weight: 120
Hair Color: long with half black, and half blond
Eye Color:brown
Eye Color: green
Mark:  Chinese Symbol for reflection.
Gender: Female
From: China
Personality: Cali is a fun loving practical joker that likes to hide in the crowd. She likes to start chaos unnoticed, and watch it spread. For those who don't know her shes quite, and always on guard.  To her friends she is social, and always there to tell a joke, or play a trick to make them feel better.
Special Arch: A Katana
Power: Shapeshifting, Copying powers, She can change to a copy of a person or animal but only for a limited time. She also has had to have been close enough to touch the person or animal before she can copy them. Trying to change into something she has not had contact with can result in a messed up transformation.

cat name- Buttercream

Her owners run a bakery, and  our half convinced the place is haunted for all the accidents that happen. Accidents such as spilled batter, weird ingredients in the cake, or a cookie, or cupcake going missing. Buttercream is the unofficially mascot of the store, and as such would never do anything to harm it.

You know katanas are Japanese right? The Chinese use a jian sword. What does her arch do?
The gates are open
Current Time Zone: US MST
Delays: School 20 Feb - 9 May
Current solo request: None.
Current group request: Strings


Quote from: TheBlackThrone on January 30, 2019, 11:35:02 PM
You know katanas are Japanese right? The Chinese use a jian sword. What does her arch do?

Oh right umm mistakes were made. I'll fix it.