Arcane/LoL Stories w/ Canons (M or Futa/F mostly, Complex and Deep)

Started by Odanrav, February 25, 2023, 10:39:55 PM

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Hi all, so I thought it merited making an entirely new thread for this rather than my normal seeking thread. Perhaps in time this will become a canon character seeking thread for other settings. But as of right now, I have a deep and needful craving for complex, story driven, and well characterized stories using canon League of Legends characters. Not that no OCs at all are welcome, but the crux of every story I am imagining will be driven by canons within the world. If you have interest in any of the stories below feel free to PM me. I am open to playing these out either on the E forums or on Discord. I would like if we were able to connect on Discord at least for brainstorming purposes even if we do wind up writing here.

Also, it is not necessary to have a deep understanding of the LoL lore. Just being an Arcane fan is enough and I can help fill in gaps of knowledge and help partners get a feel for the female characters they will be playing. Yet at the same time I am not fully committed to 100% sticking to LoL lore and am open to changing things to suit our own stories for the better. I am certainly more inspired from the meaningful character drama we got in Arcane over the some of the disparate tones LoL canon lore sets.

Shuriman Nights

A story that seeks to advance and resolve many of the hanging Shuriman/Void plot threads right now, using Ezreal as a sort of viewpoint character. My goal was to establish something of a love triangle, however distant, between Ezreal, Sivir, and Kai'Sa. Very much a young Indiana Jones sort of trope of a trailblazing youthful explorer searching for precious artifacts and the secrets of his parents's dissapearance while developing young love (or lust) with the desert princess Sivir and the daughter of the void Kai'Sa (at different times of course).

Why those two characters? Well Sivir and Ezreal are both treasure hunters of a kind and could very well be seeking many of the same ruins and items. And Sivir doesn't have any established connections to any other people around her own age besides Taliyah, so there seems to be oppurtunity there for worlds collide sort of romance. As for Kai'Sa there's many more connections given Kassadin (Kai'Sa's father) was the last person to see Ezreal's parents and Ezreal and Kai'Sa are featured in the Warriors trailer together but nothing is expounded upon from that in the lore. It's very possible they could've developed a relationship from that point.

My general thought on how a story might unfold would be to begin with retelling the origin of how Ezreal got the gauntlet of Na'zuk where Ezreal meets and teams up with Sivir under the pretense he's just looking for signs of his parents, but winds up stealing the gauntlet and screwing Sivir over. Then the story would progress some time forward to his next adventure, perhaps this time with Kai'Sa.

Plenty of other champions could be featured throughout this story including Azir, Nassus, Renekton, Xerath, Kassadin, Bel'Veth, Taliyah, and others either in prominent roles or small roles. It's all still very much in the air for discussion.

The Exiled Heart

This is a Ionia based plot that occurs after the events of the First Noxian Invasion. For those not in the know the character on the left, Riven, was a Noxian soldier during the Invasion who effectively defected and wound up living on a farm with Ionians. However, she did some messed up things during the war and so was put on trial by the Ionians. Long story short she was sentenced to work around the Ionian villages and repay her debt to the country she helped partially destroy.

So what's the story? Well my idea was to do a sort of Seven Samurai type of thing here with Riven as a major character who helps defend a village from the attack of the Shadow Order, a group of Ionian radicals who seek to turn Ionia from the peaceful, spiritual land it has historically been into more of a militaristic society hellbent on defending it from foreign threats like Noxus. Riven, as an outsider, naturally would not be trusted but throughout the story she gains the trust of her Ionian captors and selflessly fights.

So what of the other six "samurai?" Well Irelia (pictured middle), and Akali (pictured right) make a good bit of sense. Riven could develop a romantic bond with either of them, but I lean towards Irelia. Akali's former master, Shen, also makes sense. Then there are a number of various Ionian characters who could be throw in here as supllimentary characters.

On the opposite side of this conflict I would place a heavy amount of attention on Kayn, a young and dangerous shadow assassin wielding a Darkin scythe with the hope of being able to humanize him and make him a relatable villain, perhaps even engage in a romance angle with Akali since it's already established in the lore Akali finds him attractive. I'm also open to exploring the option of Riven being made futa by some Ionian magical means. Perhaps a storyline of how too many men in this particular village died during the Invasion and now they cannot repopulate themselves within resorting to this strange magical means.

A War Without End

My inspiration for a Noxian story would revolve primarily around Darius, the legendary Hand of Noxus. I wanted to do something like a character study of a character who has spent his entire adult life at war. Whether it's fighting internal Noxian threats, fighting Damacia, invading the Freljord, invading Ionia, surviving a coup and everything else in between. War has claimed his son's life, his lover's life, and it could be said it led his daughter to prison. I wanted to humanize Darius and try to see how all of this loss and destruction has effected his psyche and how he feels about the nation he fights for.

And then I want to pit him into the impossible position between all of the major power players in Noxus and see where all of the cards fall. The crux of this story will revolve around the Pale Sorceress LeBlanc pushing for Darius to usurp Grand General Swain, similar to how Swain usurped Boram Darkwill years ago. Meanwhile he is also developing a kinship and newfound romance with the mercenary Samira.

I'm in essence looking for a deeply complex and seedy political drama here with a main focus on a character like Darius who only understands war, yet as the most respected general of all of Noxus holds a staggering amount of power. This story could feature many Noxian characters including his brother Draven, Grand General Swain, the elusive Vladimir and other Black Rose members, the assassin Katarina, and perhaps even the return of Mordekaiser himself, the Iron Revenant.

The Chains of Change

Damacia and the associated mage rebellion led by Sylas is a difficult plot thread to pick up as Riot has actually produced a lot of short stories, comics, and even a spin-off game focused on it. Despite that, I'm still very much interested in playing the aforementioned mage revolutionary. There is a number of female characters who could be played as a primary character opposing or on the same side as Sylas. There's Lux, Quinn, Kayle, and Fiora aligned with Damacia obviously, and then I could see Morgana, a exiled Shyvana, Sona, or even sleeper agent Katarina siding themselves with the mages. Sylas also goes to the Freljord at one point so some of those characters are also in play. It's a large pool to pick and choose from where we would want to focus so I'll leave that to my potential partner to parse out, though I am hardly opposed to the idea of a series of short lived romances and lust driven romps as Sylas revels in his new freedom.

I think a rational starting point would be the slightly alter the origins of how Sylas escaped his imprisonment, skewing it towards a romantic angle with Lux. Where he uses the young Lux's growing affections for him as a means to escape... whether he has developed reciprocal feelings for her or not. Love-stricken Lux decides to remain loyal to Damacia and her brother than follow Sylas into rebellion, but perhaps that changes over time. From that point on it's really just up to us to decide an overall direction, with the end goal being I assume the battle that is featured in the Warriors trailer and resolving how that ends and where the cards all fall.

The crux of the story will be about justified villiany. Though Sylas is right in many regards that mages do deserve more liberties in Damacia and the current ruling line has failed it's people, he still opts to go to extreme and terrible measures to earn that liberty. Is it justified? Is it worthwhile? Both those on his side and against him have to grapple with that question. How much bloodshed will be enough?

Beasts of Another Kind

A story that revolves around a far flung spiritual journey by the spiritwalker Udyr. After he has spent many years mastering the nature spirits of the Freljord, Udyr goes out to the farthest corners of Runeterra searching for other nature spirits to master in what will amount to a series of adventures in various locations, each featuring new champions and new love interests and gaining new powers through that intimacy and connection.

There's many female champions that fit that bill including Nidalee (pictured left, the tiger/jaguar), Neeko (pictured right, chameleon), Elise the Spider Queen (spider), Illaoi the truth seeker of the Mother Serpent (a serpent), perhaps even Vastayan characters like Ahri (fox) or Xayah (bird). Given that in lore it is mentioned that Nidalee and Udyr are friends my initial idea was for Udyr to travel to Ixtal where he encounters a Nidalee who is deep in her rut and because of this she is being hunted by Rengar. Udyr and Neeko help Nidalee defend her territory and then she honors him with siring her cubs. And Neeko is there too, since Neeko has a crush on Nidalee :).


The World Ender's Army

I've been playing Wild Rift lately and have discovered I am apparently a Aatrox main, at least for the time being. Given he's one of the few champions I feel comfortable enough to play PVP with. So that got me more interested in the guy and trying to formulate something of a plot for him. My basic idea would be that Aatrox realizes finally that himself alone will not be able to become the world ending force of annihilation he wants to be to create a new order. His new plan? Find the strongest women he can and begin to breed an army of little Aatrox's with them for a more long term goal of conquest and annihilation commanding his Darkin spawn.

There's a handful of female characters in the lore Aatrox has a connection with. Ashe would make sense given that Aatrox wants to consume Tryndamere's body. Perhaps that would be a story beginning, Aatrox attacking the Avarosans and finishing the job on Tryndamere then taking his wife Ashe as his first forced bride (should be obvious by now this will be almost exclusively a non-con story). Aatrox also has connections with various Demacian characters. His dialogue with Fiora indicates he has fought her before and might even respect her, so he could attempt to take her as a bride. He also has a natural dislike for everything Targon related, especially the Aspects so Kayle and Morgana are prime potential here, perhaps Kayle is even warped enough into thinking Aatrox has a just cause and means of bringing order to the world.

The long form idea here boiling down to Aatrox and the 3-4 brides he has claimed and then corrupted into being loyal to him fighting his various enemies. Namely Pantheon, Zoe, Xolaani, even conflict with the Void possibly.


Love in The Void

Another Kai'Sa idea here, this time featuring Jax in the main male character role of the scenario. The concept being pretty simple; Kai'Sa has a duty to fight the Void and so does Jax, for very different reasons. They both should be around the same area and very well could theoretically meet but never have in lore. Jax is looking for strong warriors to help him fight the Void, and Kai'Sa fits that pretty well.

I would, however, make some changes to the backstory here. Cause it never made much sense to me that Jax was just... dicking around basically for several thousands of years before deciding to look for warriors to fight the Void. So my solution would be that whenever Zilean's time freeze thing happened during the Icathian Rebellion Jax would be hit by it somehow and wind up frozen in time on the battlefield. Since he was so close to the center of Icathia where the largest Void rifts are no living person has dared to come close, until Kai'Sa. My general thought being she approaches Jax and just by touch is able to unfreeze him. My notion being that though it is unconventional they are bonded through conflict to the point of romance and seeking comfort in the arms of someone who uniquely understands them.

A number of Void creatures can appear here as enemies like Bel'Veth, Rek'Sai, Malzahar, etc. Along with Zilean. If we wanted to included champions like Nidalee, Neeko, Rengar, and other Ixtal characters perhaps Jax and Kai'Sa also fight Kha'Zix. I'd also be very down for combining Beasts of Another King story beats here, replacing Udry with Jax in the breeding-Nidalee role.

Conquest of The Freljord

Another non-con focused story here of simple conquest in war leading to Trundle taking war-brides from the Avarosans and Winterclaw. Namely Ashe and Sejuani. Which comes first is totally up for discussion. I guess the general thought here is the trolls have a lack of females and their raids are increasing so that they can capture human females. With Trundle of court taking his pick of the best ones. I don't have the longest view of this story's potential besides maybe opposing Lissandra and the Frostguard, or even teaming up with them to fight an escaped Watcher.


Would be interested in picking up some more Runeterra stories. Anything here still on the table except Exiled Heart or even bring your own ideas. I'll listen and happily discuss just about anything.