Looks Can be Deceiving (alien on earth, fandom possible, MxF preferred)

Started by razorbackxr, September 19, 2019, 05:21:45 PM

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I love a nice wierd story, so here it is. An alien, in no way human, crashes in the mountains and is rescued by an earthling. This individual could be any race that originates on Earth, so long as they could blend into modern society.

Or not, if they live in the mountains. It's set on earth today, but there may be other inserts, like Stargate.

I have no expectations of post length or frequency, though I will always reply within 48 hours, and one-liners won't happen.

I can do it here, through email, or on my forums.

Also, it would not be an extremely action-heavy story.

Name: Ga'dreg
Nickname: Lizard (but don't call him that.)
Race: Torran GMO gladiator/heavy laborer
Sex: male
Age: 22
Appearance: Height: 8'. Length: 10'. Build: skinny. Skin: jet black. Eyes: 45 degree slant, yellow, with cat pupils. "Hair": black dredlocks to back. Tail: 6' + 1' blade, muscular. Extremities: walks on toes. Hands and feet human proportionate for body, but only 3 toes, as one is similar to a raptor's. Every digit has 1" claw, except inside toes, which has 6" claw. Head: Catlike ears, crest that extends into a row of spines to end of tail. Wide mouth with dislocatable jaw, carnivorous teeth. two diagonal slits for nose. Other: 8" spikes on forearms, curved backward, bladed on front for cutting, flat on back for climbing. 1' spikes on shins, similar shape.
Clothes: utility belts made of bullet/fireproof material. black.
Weapons: claws, fangs, spikes, tailblade, Predator MK1 pneumatic spear, and a Predator P3M3 plasma pistol.
Vehicle: None
Skills: Torran kickboxing/wrestling, sword dance, sidearm marksman, rifle marksman, aerospace pilot, 0-G combat, knife throwing.
Powers: nearly bullet-proof, concussion-resistant, can run up to 60mph for extended periods, doglike smell, catlike hearing, line of nerves on arms can detect micro changes in air density, dreadlocks detect nerve impulses, like electric eels. Full-spectrum vision. Capable of 2-ton lift/carry. His body is thermoconforming, like a naked mole rat. This means it quickly equalizes to any ambient temperature, neutralizing thermal sensors.
In Star Wars universe, has zero midichlorians, rendering him unable to use the force, but also undetectable to force users and immune to force attacks like throw, choke, or lightning.
Status: single
Orientation: straight
History: Ga'dreg was built from the individual amino acids to be the ultimate heavy-laborer and gladiator. He served grudgingly, as this resulted in high intelligence, until a pirate captain bought him. At this point, he slaughtered the command crew and took over as captain.
Personality: cunning. Those who don't know him would say he is cold and calculating, but he values life above all else, the mission second.
Quirks: speaks in a sibilant rasp. Favorite Music: Metal in general.
Pets: Hellhound (deceased upon impact)
Home: His ship, Revenge
Occupation: Pirate Captain