Several Random Ideas (F for Any)

Started by Kadigan, July 05, 2014, 09:50:27 AM

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I suppose I'll keep this fairly shortish, though I should note that by no means does that reflect on posting length. Lately I've been looking for a couple different ideas. I'll post more as I think of them, but this is really what I've been thinking of lately.

Jonni Future

I've always been a big fan of the ABC's comics Jonni Future, and I never seem to get many opportunities to play her, in forums, chats, etc. Basically, she's transported from "now" to several million years in the future, having various adventures. I'd certainly love to see what trouble she could get into, be it monsters, aliens, villains, interstellar brothels, slave mines, etc.

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Recently inspired by the web comic Collar6 (which is very good, fun to read) basically just the thought of a perhaps track star, Olympic athlete, etc, being lured to a private "equestrian hobbyist's" farm, which turns out to be a bit more geared towards Human ponies.

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Like I said, just random thoughts really..might post up more, but if interested please msg me.