Departures... Wrackage of untold stories

Started by brainsout, January 16, 2018, 05:56:30 AM

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Hey! I am Brainsout, just in approval state and eager to do some contributions. So I decided to take up some old "wrackages" of stories I started long ago, and never was able to complete by myself or to find some co-writer. As most of my roleplays they start with some kind of an innocent setting, and may lead to roleplays under the radar of smut and violence. But if you want you can also read them as being a teaser and imagine, what could happen...

Some of thems may be seen to be stereotype, but... sometimes good old stories are best * smile

An Entity of deeper space

It was cold on the nameless planet, deep deep in the middle of nowhere in outer space, somewhere in the galaxy, "where no man has gone before". From the edge of the jungle "it" was spying out to the endless desert of sand and rocks. And there, in a distance of about maybe a mile, some weird metal constructions stretched out to the sky, like extremities of a large skeleton of some dinosaur. In fact it was a wreck of a spaceship, lost so many years ago. "It" could not remember, it could only feel the need, to come back again and again to this place and to look for it. It lived here, alone, since... thousands of years. And now... it was somehow excited. Something was about to happen. It was not able to have rational thoughts, it had no memories as we know, no inner images of what was and what should be. Only a strange feeling, a desire. Hunger. It raised its senses up to the sky. Heavy clouds and a storm. It was always storm, and waves of duster around.

Deep in the wrack an old power supply was still working, and an old style transceiver was repeating on sending a signal. Futile, as all the crew was done. But it was programmed to do so. The power would be sufficient for eons. If "it" would have been able to examine the wreck, it would have found a little red light, blinking in the rhythm of the transmissions, and, if it would have got ears to listen, it would have been aware of a beep tone, repeating stupidly for years and years, sounding unheard in the oxygen based atmosphere of the lost planet.

But it was... different. And it was aware of... something coming up. It did not feel any hurry, it simply was... prepared.

And in fact... something was... coming up.

A shuttle of the USS Erebus was entering the orbit of the planet. B'Elanna Torres was send out for a scientific mission ( or better... she persuaded her captain to give her permission), as the long range sensors of the Erebus detected some low level signal coming up from a planet or an unexplored solar system, not given a name before then, only a number. There was a lot of time, as the Erebros was on a eventless patrol at the border to the neutral zone between the Romulan space and the sphere of influence of the Confederation of Planets. Seven did argue that it should be some kind of emergency call. When she analyzed the physical characteristics of the signal, she found up some surprising properties, and she was simply curious to come up to the sender and to have a deeper look for its technical features. She did not expect to be someone out there, neither humans nor any beings. When entering the orbit she send out a last message to the mothership, as she detected some electric storms in the atmosphere of the planet. "Don't worry, there will be a blackout of communication, when I enter the atmosphere of 37B231-A. Will start automatic approach procedure now. Cu later, comrades."

[ more to follow. All kind of comments welcome. ]
My o/o thread - My Request thread ( maybe always object to change/ under construction)