Warhammer: Age of Sigmar: Soulbound

Started by wander, May 13, 2020, 05:30:04 PM

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Warhammer Age of Sigmar; Soulbound

So, the official Age of Sigmar rpg got released on drivethru and seems really fun, so I'm seeking a GM and group to give it a go with.

The game itself is set in The Mortal Realms, eight elemental magic worlds of differing themes (Realms of Heaven, Light, Shadow, Life, Death, Beasts, Fire & Metal) floating in the aetheric void. Realms that settled from the crystallisation of the Eight Winds of Magic, after the End Times destroyed the Warhammer Fantasy world of old and sent magic into the ether.

a casual rundown of the Age of Sigmar metaplot for Warhammer Fantasy chads

Essentially, in old Fantasy the End Times came, Chaos WON and the world crumpled in on itself when the Skaven decided to recreate their own version of Majora's Mask with the green warpstone moon. The main god for the humans, Sigmar (think Emps from 40k as Conan crossed with Odin and you're pretty much there) and the larger players embued by the literal Winds of Magic with the help of a flying space dragon remade their reality into Nine Realms, eight embodying a wind of magic that specific now-deity embodied and the ninth was an All-Points that allowed easy travel between them all.

Some stuff happens with souls from the old-world and the races of old are reborn and reincarnate in the Realms, except the elves because Slaanesh gorged itself into a blob eating them all. Peace is lived for a time, then the Chaos Gods as they sat in their outside Realm of Chaos got hungry for more Reality and decided to crash the party...

The last remaining Old World elves (who were now Gods: Tyrion & Teclis were now twin-Gods of Light, Malekith was now Malerion, God of Shadow, Alarielle was Goddess of Life. Morathi was also around though didn't have god-power or did much until later after Nagash thot-patrolled her and she decided to turn into the new Goddess of Murder) were hungry for some sweet vengeance on Slaanesh for eating all the others. Slaanesh was laying low as they got essentially obese from eating near every elf ever and couldn't do much. So the Elf-Gods booked it at the big battle to kick out Chaos before they could get their foot in the door to stop it shutting, deciding punching Slaanesh in the gut to hawk up dem elf-souls was way better than fighting cohesively with everyone else to keep Chaos the hell out entirely. The Elf-Gods of Light and Shadow keep Slaanesh chained in their shared basement sub-realm and very painfully start extracting out all the elf souls it swallowed whole to remake their lost people, though a fair chunk are a little... off. The Elf-Gods don't like to talk on those ones...

Chaos seems to be making massive progress taking over every Realm and splitting them between each other and whilst Slaanesh was MIA, the Skaven god - The Horned Rat - takes Slaaanesh's place in the four. Though the resident Champion of Chaos Archaon doesn't think much on him and told him where to go when the Chaos Gods were telling Archaon they'd totally have his back and let him join the club of Gods if he wanted. Archaon's too cool for that jazz though. He costs 800pts as is and doesn't afraid of anything!!. Archaon is currently hanging at the central hub-realm of The All-Points (if the Eight Mortal Realms make an eight pointed star, Archaon's sub-realm house is the point in the middle).

Sigmar seeing Chaos was getting out of hand decided to put his Realm of Heaven on lockdown. He never gave up though and spent his off-time snagging up the souls of mortal heroes that kicked ass in the Chaos Wars and with his house-mate, the Dwarf God of Metal he was shielding with makes them into his golden bois, the Stormcast Eternals - they use the Realmgates found in each Realm (think Stargate and that's exactly it) to spew forth from Sigmar's crib to lay some elitey smack-down on Chaos. They're joined then by the Slaan survivors from old Fantasy, who managed to jump on their Slaan pyramid spaceships and avoid the End Times entirely. They have new Slaan magic that summons up 'Seraphon', who were basically Anti-Chaos Daemons that look like the lizardmen of old, though they can become real and they breed true fleshy Seraphon lizardchads too.

Dwarves that were sorta hanging about see some coin in this and decide to go Merc for Sigmar in this venture of kicking Chaos in the teeth, the Orcs are still about and decide all this fightin' Chaos would be "a roit laff n' no mistake bruv" and when the Stormcast serve Khorne's boys some, the next stop happens to be the Realm of Life, where Nurgle is creepin' on former wood-elf turned Life Goddess Alarielle (as Isha in 40k being his missus may or may not even be canon right now - also Isha in old fantasy is part of Alarielle, long story don't worry about it... TL;DR - Nurgle is still simping for elf goddess puss though he's yet to hook her in this reality). Alarielle rides a massive beetle, has thick thighs to and rule Life and also rules the Sylvaneth, which are old timey scary fae dryads that also happen to be what happens when she decided to collect up some wood-elf souls when the End Times were occuring and plant them like seeds in her Realm to see what happens. Vengeful Faerie shit happened...

Also recently Nagash, god of Death, had been plotting to expand his Realm ownership too. He does a lot, like try and make everyone dead to rule over everything using a shiny Black Pyramid, though Skaven looters fuck it up and the magic backlash makes magic go wild in the Realms, creating 'Endless Spells', that don't one and done peter out and actually stick around to fuck shit up.  A load of ghosties called Nighthaunts wake up though and cause some hassle, whilst also Nagash makes his own special Bonecast Eternals by sticking dead warrior souls in bone golems; The Ossiarch Bonereapers are sent to fight Sigmar using his own tactics and they also make good in causing hassle for Archaon too.

Aeons have passed since Sigmar first arrived in the Mortal Realms, civilisations have come and gone. The Gods of Chaos have once more invaded and for a time managed to take over the Realms, though Sigmar and the forces of Order are now retaking ground, forming cities and civilisation. There is fighting skirmishes to wars daily between Order and Chaos, the greenskins who seek Destruction and the various undead forces of Death.

It's a much more overtly high magic and higher powered fantasy version of Warhammer Fantasy - Players take on Heroic roles where they face the multiple threats of Chaos, Nagash's Legions of Death and the forces of Destruction (greenskinz, goblins, ogors, gargants) and other such catastrophes.

It's Warhammer Fantasy where now you have the power, magic and devotion to the Deities of Order to go forth and kick some ass for once!

The setting is just prior to the Wrath of the Everchosen arc in Age of Sigmar, where Nagash the God of Death and Katakros, one of his Motarchs and Commander of the Ossiarch Bonereapers is plotting to the invade and take claim of the hub-realm of the Eightpoints, from Archaon, Chosen Champion of Chaos, giving Nagash access to spurt forth his undead freely across all the Realms. Though it does touch on a few things from the recent Broken Realms stuff, such as Morathi deciding to just flat-out take over a City of Order (her allies!) with her dark aelfs...

Nagash's Legions of Death and the various corrupting influences of Chaos make fair antagonists to battle against in this setting, as do the various nomadic forces of Destruction.

I'm pretty open on this, I just want to play so I'm open to general setting and what overarching threats and arcs are out there to face.

If anyone else got this, come in and say hi and hopefully we can put a little game together to get some escapism from current times.  :-)


I am intensely interested in this as well.  I like the setting setup and am quite a fan of a lot of the mechanics, like currency being effectively heal potions is a neat trick.
If I have not responded to a post in 4 days, send me a PM as I may have missed it.


Yeah, I quite like that there's a variable difficulty along with number of successes needed for rolls, with skill focus allowing you to modify one or more dice to a better result if you happened to roll bad.

I (did, pre-current time) play Age of Sigmar as the miniatures wargame, my own force is a Skaven Pestilens army from Ulgu, the Realm of Shadow.

The setting is also pretty neat in that Norse mythos kind of way, having different Realms and the use of Star Gates Realm Gates to travel from one to another. It'd be kinda scifi with each realm effectively being a themed planet in a solar system if it wasn't for that. Of course the Seraphon (Lizardmen) have their pyramid temple spacecraft from when they bailed out of the Old World when the End Times happened too.

I think what helps for an rpg is that the Realms are huge and pretty much only mapped in part, it's very much a setting that can happily cater for /your dudes/, if you wanted to play a concept, then there's likely somewhere in the Realms that it's cool to do so.

The Warhammer Fantasy world essentially had the issue over 30 years it was essentially fully mapped and sometimes it was hard to justify how one faction could do X, or how Y faction could have travelled all the way to Z country to fight another faction.

Age of Sigmar is more sandbox-y and looking at the mechanics, I think it can handle a variety of stories for sure.

(also is that a Chronicler from Degenesis as your avatar? Cool stuff, wanting to play some Degenesis rpg too!  ;D )


Yeah, I played WHFB and WHRPG back in the day.  A big issue is that it was tough to justify a lot of the elements of the setting coming together.  A developer in a podcast mentioned the first design goal of AoS was to ensure there was a reason for any army to encounter any other army.  This is nice because it avoids the comical issue of that old WHFB that had tomb kings sailing down rivers in the Empire for one campaign they ran.  RPGs in the setting really only worked I felt in either Lustria or really local stuff and crossing borders could be problematic at the best of times even getting between human countries like from the Empire to Brettonia.  Lustria was great because it was just a jungle and everyone was there in small amounts.

Yep, he is a Chronicler, I love the Degenesis setting it is just a pain to find a game for and it is a setting I have struggled to come up with my own long term plot for me to GM it.  It is actually currently free now, you can get all the PDFs from their site.
If I have not responded to a post in 4 days, send me a PM as I may have missed it.


Well, with Soulbound being one of the most popular drivethru products atm, I'm hoping someone will pop this in thread to give GMing a go. System seems nice and light and character generation is thankfully super quick. I find games held here can die out in character generation if it takes ages to get a character sorted.

Also yeah, I know Degenesis is free, I got the main books for it myself.

Hopefully we can system game some time, you have a clear great taste in games!  :D

Marie Reynolds

Hmm Ill keep an eye on this. Looks Wistfully at my  Coven Throne.  When game stores get reopened  I need to give my Vampire Counts some love.


Bumping after sprucing the old OP up and in search for some action and adventure across the fantasy setting of the Mortal Realms!!

I need a GM and I need some fellow players! Lemme see your interest below!  ;D