Law School

Started by JuliaInNJ2007, April 15, 2009, 03:01:17 PM

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Hi there. I have an idea for something involving submission and betrayal.

You would play a law school student. You grew up very rich, prep school,the son of a very powerful man, vacations in Nantucket, Ivy League blood in your family, etc. You hope to use your law degree to become a Master of the Universe type. You're in the running to finish at the top of the class and win a prestigious award/fellowship, one that will no doubt launch your career.

My boyfriend and I also go to the same law school. My boyfriend is the son of a single mother. He worked his way through high school and college. Very blue-collar background. He has dreams of entering the legal profession to help better the condition of people with similar backgrounds to himself. And he's the other contender for the award/fellowship.

You two despise each other. And you also despise me by association.

I'll just leave it at that. :)



This sounds very interesting but not exactly sure where you see the story heading? Do you want to pm me a few more details?

Also, any chance of doing over IM?

Let me know!


Any interest in the law school student being a female? I am in law school and would love to play this one :)