Zettai Ryouiki & the Temple of Tentacles: The Reboot (Pathfinder, recruiting)

Started by Autocad, October 01, 2017, 12:33:23 AM

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See, I was thinking about the Monkey Tail Belt when I was talking about avoiding three armed hax...on the other hand, I could do things with a prehensile tail.

Eh, I'll poke around my usual image sources and see if anything fits the game's criteria and tickles my fancy.  The gm might be a man of taste for disregarding garters, but it does complicate things somewhat.


Status update: I will be away for the next two weeks.

ZR pictures are fine, no to guns, and submissions are still open while I'm away.


Well, good thing I went trawling a little deeper through the forums, since this seems to still accept submissions.

A high-level pathfinder should be just the thing to shake the rust off.

Since I'm currently on a Sorcerer kick, and there doesn't seem to be one in the present lineup, I'm gonna go ahead and get started with my Shadowmage sorcerer.

Need to find a suitable picture too...

In Sword, Truth.


Listrata Elitoris

Female Human Oracle 12
Actually a Futa Half-elf with rounded ears


Futa Half-elf Oracle(Ancient Lorekeeper) 12
Init +7; Senses Perception +15
AC 32, touch 17, flat-footed 27 (+5 dex, +9 armor, +4 shield, +2 deflection, +2natural)
hp 104 (12d8+36+5)
Fort +8, Ref +10, Will +9
Defensive Abilities: Elven Immunities, immune to sleep and +2 vs enchant effects
Speed 30 ft., fly 40' (overland flight)
Melee: +2 Agile Rapier +16/+11 (1d6+7/18-20)
Special attacks: Spellcasting
Spells (CL 12, +6 to bypass SR; concentration +19)
   at will   Mage Hand, Ghost Sound, Guidance, Detect Magic, Create Water, Enhanced Diplomacy, Light, Mending, Read Magic, Stabilize, Purify Food and Drink
   8/day   DC 18   Cure Light Wounds, Prestidigitation / Command, LiberatingCommand, Obscuring Mist, Prot vs Evil, Sanctuary
   8/day   DC 19   Cure Moderate Wounds, Levitate, Minor Image, Unseen Servant / Grace, Shatter, Shield Other, Silence, Spiritual Squire, Spiritual Weapon, Weapon of Awe, Whispering Lore
   8/day   DC 20   Cure Serious Wounds,  Mirror Image / Borrow Fortune, Chain of Perdition, Communal Delay Poison, Dispel Magic, Speak with the Dead, Stone Shape
   7/day   DC 21   Cure Critical Wounds, Fireball? / Blessing of Fervor, Debilitating Portent(DC 23), Magic Circle Against Evil, Spiritual Ally
   6/day   DC 22   Mass Cure Light Wounds, Telekinesis, Shadow Conjuration / Breath of Life, Break Enchantment, Greater Forbid Action
   4/day   DC 23   Mass Cure Moderate Wounds, Overland Flight / Animate Objects

Str 10, Dex 20, Con 16, Int 12, Wis 10, Cha 24
Base Atk +9; CMB +9; CMD 26
Feats Fey Foundling, Elven spirit, Spell penetration, Greater Spell Penetration, Weapon Finesse, Selective Channeling
Skills Acrobatics+7 (3r+0+5-1), Bluff+18 (11r+7), Diplomacy+18 (8r+3+7), Disguise +13 to appear human, Fly+15 (11r+0+5-1), Knowledge(Planes)+5 (1r+3+1), Knowledge(Religion)+5 (1r+3+1), Knowledge(Arcane)+5 (1r+3+1), Knowledge(Local)+5 (1r+3+1), [+6 on knowledge checks if elf related], Linguistics +2 (1r+1), Perception+15 (12r+3+0), Stealth+15 (11r+0+5-1), Use Magic Device+22 (12r+3+7)
Languages: Common, Elven, Orc, Draconic
SQ: Round Ears, Skilled, Elven Immunities, Elf Blood, Fey Thoughts
Class Features: Mystery Life: Channel 8/day 6d6, Energy Body 12rounds/day heal 1d6+12, Lifelink, Lifesense; Curse: Haunted, Elven Arcana.
Favored Bonus: 6 spells (2,2,3,3,4,5), 1 skill and 5 hit points
Traits: Elven Reflexes, Heirloom Weapon
Gear: +2 Agile Rapier (Heirloom) (18380), +3 mithral breastplate (13200), +3 Light shield (9159), Ring of Protection +2 (8000), Amulet of Natural Armor +2 (8000), Cloak of Resistance +1 (1000), Headband of Alluring Charisma +4 (16000), Belt of Incredible Dexterity +4 (16000), Sash of Mighty Constitution +2 (chest) (4000), Boots of the Earth (5000), Traveler’s any-tool(250), Wand of Lesser Restoration(paladin) x2 (750), Masterwork human grooming kit(51) (as a grooming kit but adds +2 to appear human), Gear Maintenance Kit(5), Inquisitor Kit(30)
Money: 175 gp


Unseen servant, spiritual squire, spiritual ally plus any other relevant spell coming altogether as a sort of secondary character going by the name of Eli.


For those knowledgeable in history it would be weird to see a young human girl wielding an elven treasure such as the Elitoris Blade as a weapon, it would even be stranger if they asked what her last name was, could the elves have adopted an orphan child they found in the woods and given her the honor of being bestowed with a family name that was foreign to her race? they wouldn't be so wrong about the last part since she was indeed found in the wilds, nonetheless despite her human looks and rounded ears Listrata still had elf blood in her veins. It was on one assault to the once famous elf family that her mother, in order to save her life escaped to the woods where she met a hermit human druid that would give her refuge until things were safe again, such thing never happened though as she was soon found and he protected her even at the cost of his life not before impregnating the beautiful highborn elven lady. What happened next nobody knows as everyone was dead when the rescue party arrived, orcs, elf and human, the two latter denying themselves to be raised from the dead claiming they were happy together in the afterlife but that was not what disconcerted the other elves the most but the fact that their child had survived on her own.

Taken by her mother's family Listrata was supposed to be trained and educated like a lady but growing fast and lacking the patience of their fellow she soon refused to continue her lessons and instead decided that she would fight to restore the Elitoris family to its former glory and her only clue were the slain orcs that were found next to her parents whom she interrogated to have a clue of who had perpetrated that attack. It was like that she began her personal quest all alone, or not so much as she was accompanied by an elf she created with her magic not to feel alone and that she named Eli, never expecting that this would guide her to the temple of tentacles, that she would eventually get involved with a group of maidens that share her style for dressing up or that she could end up being captured and trapped by a tentacled mass that would slowly ravish her.


Quote from: Kathyan on February 15, 2018, 08:58:27 PM
Ups, had almost forgot about this :P

I decided to go either paladin or oracle

*Giselle fans herself while admiring dat coronet*


I am considering running several variants for existing and new players, depending on what kind of "difficulty" level you're looking for.

Standard PF: Encounters mostly with CR equal to APL, a bit higher for bosses. Individual characters may die be defeated occasionally, but losing is not intended.

Equally matched: Encounters mostly with CR equal to APL+4, i.e. theoretically even matched with the party, with a theoretical 50% win/lose rate for each encounter. Bosses stacked with even worse odds. The question is not if the tentacle sex commences, but when.

Something in between: Encounters mostly with CR equal to APL+2, bosses APL+4 to +6. Theoretically there should be a significant risk of being dropped, but not practically guaranteed like the previous difficulty.

The current thread is basically on "standard" difficulty, for reference.

Looking for feedback from existing and potential players. I'm not 100% sure if it's a good idea  :P


I forgot about this for a bit, do I still have the to make an application or have they closed?


So wait, is this getting like a reboot or something? I.e., new roster and new dungeon, etc?



Ditto on the question, do I need to offer up another character after getting in the first time?
"I am a Southern Gentleman, which means that I'm a rogue and a scoundrel. When I'm not kissin' the hands of married women, I'm slipping off their wedding rings."
My Ons' & offs'
Absenses & Apologies (Updated 3/02/23)
Blinkins' Thinkin's (Story Ideas)
Yes, I really am blind.
Being Literate is the ability to read and understand a language. When you ask for literate, what you are looking for is Verbosity, which is the ability to use lots of words without actually saying very much... like politicians. I consider myself both literate and verbose.


Quote from: Autocad on February 20, 2018, 06:43:13 PM
I am considering running several variants for existing and new players, depending on what kind of "difficulty" level you're looking for.

Standard PF: Encounters mostly with CR equal to APL, a bit higher for bosses. Individual characters may die be defeated occasionally, but losing is not intended.

Equally matched: Encounters mostly with CR equal to APL+4, i.e. theoretically even matched with the party, with a theoretical 50% win/lose rate for each encounter. Bosses stacked with even worse odds. The question is not if the tentacle sex commences, but when.

Something in between: Encounters mostly with CR equal to APL+2, bosses APL+4 to +6. Theoretically there should be a significant risk of being dropped, but not practically guaranteed like the previous difficulty.

The current thread is basically on "standard" difficulty, for reference.

Looking for feedback from existing and potential players. I'm not 100% sure if it's a good idea  :P
I'd like to know what the people already playing think about this, although my thoughts would a higher difficulty probably the EPL+2 option but not opposed either to any of the two other options.

Also I don't think this was starting over as Autocad mentioned something about how the newcomers would join the existing Zettai Ryouiki but I don't know what will be at the end.


Well, took quite a bit of work to find a picture which was close to what I wanted, but I finally managed it.

Meet Erie Yagami, gnomish Shadow Caster extraordinaire.

Character sheet is just about done, mostly writing the background now.  Although a sorcerer, she can do more utility casting than you can shake a wizard at.  Destructive power should also be respectable when required.  I'm still picking over a couple spell options, and the last items.  What's your stance on 3rd party spells?

On the encounter level, I'd likely lean on the middle option.  I did a quick read of the existing game thread, and the fight there.  That was CR=APL, I think, and it was pretty fast.  Something with CR+1 to +2 should make for a slightly longer fight, but still well within the bounds of doable fights.  Are you also planning to increase rewards in proportion?  That would also mean a faster progression, which most people are A-okay with.  Not sure which XP track you're using, either.

In Sword, Truth.



Quote from: Snake on February 23, 2018, 03:23:29 PM
Is this because Kana just one-two shot an enemy?

How were you getting 7d8+19 out of that, anyway?

Base physical blast damage of 6d6+6
+2d6 from diadem = 8d6+6
+7 from Constitution bonus = 8d6+13
if you have 4+ Burn, you get double your attack bonus from Elemental Overflow added to your damage; it becomes 8d6+21
if you have 5+ points of burn, you gain a +4 size bonus to Constitution from Elemental Overflow, making your total damage 8d6+23
Your fire blast would be doing 8d6+12.

Also, FWIW, a blast counts as a standard action in and of itself, sort of like a charge attack; you only get the one per round (until level level 13 / 17 Metakinesis, letting you Quicken your blast, or toss two as a single standard action respectively)


oh I thought it was counted as  normal attack for  kineticist. And you're right. Math isn't my forte so I probably got it wrong.


Quote from: Snake on February 23, 2018, 05:09:14 PM
oh I thought it was counted as  normal attack for  kineticist. And you're right. Math isn't my forte so I probably got it wrong.

Kineticists are a numerical dyslexic's worst nightmare.  :P


I have only looked at kineticists briefly just to have an idea of what they do but have never played or built one, hopefully I will soon. :)

Re Z L

They're pretty interesting, but yea you don't get iterative attacks (normally) with their blasts.  They're basically just at-will spell like abilities.

However, you can get it shaped into a melee weapon that keeps the normal damage but does end up getting iterative attacks, which boosts damage considerably.



Don't really know kineticist that well, but most any caster build that has some focus in blast should be able to do 100+ damage in a round at these levels, possibly to all enemies present at the same time.

I'm just about done with my shadowcaster submission too, just need to update the sheet.  Any good suggestions for a 5th level sor/wiz spell I'm currently missing?  Got overland flight already.

In Sword, Truth.


Quote from: Blinkin on February 21, 2018, 02:11:28 PM
Ditto on the question, do I need to offer up another character after getting in the first time?

Back on this; I ask because at the moment i'm a little barded-out. I think i'm running like... three, between a few games? And Giselle's been sitting idle for a while. I kinda want to pull out something fresh! New! Hopefully not another damn rogue 'cause if there's one thing I play more than bards, it's goddamned rogues!


I'm interested in joining this, if there's still room. I've got two character ideas; no anime-style pictures, unfortunately.

Lilura - human sorceress

Liliura has used her magical talents to set herself up as an effective thief, spy, and occasional assassin. But the lure of a traditional dungeon delve has piqued her jaded curiosity. She has no experience of such things, but how bad could it be?

(Lawful evil. Infernal bloodline, with spells and powers deliberately 'optimised' for the wrong sort of game  ;))

Nisha - tiefling fighter

Looks can be deceiving. Nisha might look demonic, but she's actually on the side of good (and has caustic words for paladins who "smite first and ask questions afterwards"). She's only 5', and 92 pounds dripping wet, yet wields a greatsword almost as big as she is. If only she could curb her tendency to look before she leaps... she agreed to the dungeon delve before she had any idea what it involved.

(Chaotic good. Much more traditional 'thug', mostly based around using a greatsword, but with some skill unarmed: her claws aren't decoration. No tail  ;))