Looking for a Gay Josh Hutcherson!

Started by PanzerDude92, February 05, 2014, 08:56:56 PM

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I know what you're thinking. What kind of request is this? Ha!

I've recently grown a liking to the actor Josh Hutcherson. I dare not call it an obsession because to my degree, I don't believe I've gotten to that point (Yet). I've enjoyed many of his movies from Bridge to Terabithia to The Hunger Games. I was wondering if someone would like roleplay a longterm/shortterm scenario with me playing another male actor/original character of my own and someone play Josh for me? I know it's a bit of a silly request, and I probably will not get any responses, but nevertheless, I thought that I would try!

I'll take anybody who wants to do anything from Modern Realistic/Modern Fantasy/Horror settings with this Josh Hutcherson/Random Guy of our Choice pairing.

P.S. I promise that as long as I am unapproved and limited to this specific forum I will keep any Rated NC-17 situations and above out. Strictly PG-13 here! (For now).

I'm extremely nice and laid back. Seriously guys. I don't care about your gender either. I'm friendly! Hit me up. :D