Just a Guy, Looking for a Playmate or So. (Female characters desired)

Started by AlexStone, July 06, 2015, 07:58:48 PM

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I'll start by saying that I'm open to a lot of different ideas.  If the ideas I have make you think you and I might be on the same wavelength, well, drop me a note  and we can get hashing.  I will say I'm looking for pretty light fare, in terms of content.  People who are interested in each other and go after the bedroom stuff with a certain level of enthusiasm, though witty banter and playing coy can be part of the fun.  I'm just not the sort of person to knock a gal in the back of the head with a pipe and drag her into my creepy van, I guess.

If you like an idea here, PM me or reply here.  I'm intentionally leaving a lot open, since, I'll admit, the negotiation and hashing out is part of the fun for me.

It's Better than Just Sitting There All Week:

In the Third Imperium of Man, interstellar travel is common, not too expensive, and more or less safe.   It does have on quirk, though- the trip between stars takes a whole week, no matter how far you actually go.  While the ship is in Jump Space, it's more or less on its own- there's no navigating, no fighting, no communications.  Other than the normal running of the ship- keeping the lights on and the air moving- there's not much to do.  Some people study in this time, others catch up on their reading, still others take the trip in cyrosleep.  Some, of course, go looking for someone to spend the time with- it makes the cabins seem less lonely.  For those that know their classic RPGs, I'm borrowing from Traveller, but there's no system here.  We can make up details about the setting, or I can help you crib the OTU enough to make it work.  This story would need a passenger at least, with the other role being either a crew member or a passenger.  Details are open- the ship can be a luxurious liner or a dingy tramp freighter, the characters can be high society nobles or down on their luck sorts- whatever makes sense.  Either way, the story runs for the week or so of travel, either as a light hearted sex romp or a rather bittersweet travel romance.

On the Campaign Trail

Power is the ultimate aphrodisiac, according to Henry Kissinger, and if you've seen a picture of old Kiss, you know he probably needed the help.  In this story, there are two roles- a politician of middle to high importance- a US Senator, or a major player in a European-type party, and the staffer/intern.  I think you know where this is going, but I'd like to throw in some story elements, such as an effort to keep it out of the press, away from spouses and/or significant others, and the usual sorts of relationship/affair dramas.  The backdrop of a campaign may make sense, it may not.

The Dame Was Loaded

I'll admit a certain fondness for hardboiled noir stuff.  I know it's a niche sort of thing, but if you're going to find someone who's looking for it too, it's probably going to be here, right?  This could be any number of stories done in the genre/style of noir, or neo-noir, or it could be a full-blown co-written hard boiled tale where we cover a number of characters and scenes.  Whatever ends up working.