Found girl

Started by seeria, August 22, 2012, 03:11:54 PM

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She opened her eyes. Wide gateways into her fragile yet immortal soul. Light was shining from them green as an emerald brighter than even the sun's blinding light. She was unmistakably beautiful now, and not afraid to show it. Her black shoulder length hair glistened with shine. He body, even intimidating to the likes of perfect Barbie herself. Soft, smooth pale skin with a hint of warm olive to show pulse. She slowly gathered herself, her limbs feeling for movement as she rose to stand. She had experienced the craziest night of her life, but not like the other craziest nights of others experiencing the french quarter.

That guy, beaten and scratched and begging for help from somethig he claimed he couldnt describe. She had felt for him, almost scared to leave him, but her friends hurried her to their local hangout on bourban, claiming people strung out on strong stuff can be the best actors.

Within two hours life had changed, and she woke to a new world, a new being, and new sight. She no longer feared Nighttime New Orleans, just what lingers in the alleys. And yet she wanted him that saved her. Black cloaked, beautiful.
Lady Seeria