The Blind Man's Keep (m/m)

Started by meowpiepanda, September 15, 2015, 10:57:50 AM

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My character was on his way to the gallows when the government ship transporting him was attacked by pirates.  Unfortunately the damage done by a nearby cannon left him blind, either from debris flying into his face or from the subsequent collapse, causing cortical blindness.   The invading marauders chose to pull him from the rubble of the sinking ship, planning to indoctrinate the prisoner and likely buccaneer, but they soon realized his relative uselessness.   Determined to earn his stay among pirates he swore he would help any way he could.  The captain, an authoritarian man never shy of his sexuality, and never merciful when others attempt to berate him for it, told him he could come to some use in his cabin.  Determined to survive, and relieved to have escaped the gallows, my character accepted.

So, you would play the captain.  Various crew members would be played by either of us as we create them.
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