Fantasy intrigue/possible romance RPs wanted (AnyxAny)

Started by JillianCorvus, January 06, 2013, 11:21:03 AM

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I'm a big fan of playing with original characters, but pre-existing settings can be fun to work in. I really like standard High Fantasy, med-to-low fantasy in historical settings (or even modern settings), pre-exsisting universes along the lines of Kushiel's Legacy, Pern, Harry Potter, and suchlike, and I'm amenable to a wide variety of other settings as well. Smut RPs can be fun, but I like for the relationships between characters to evolve at a natural pace, so if you're just looking for a literary quicky, best check another thread~

I'm really open to anything, I'm mostly looking for solo RPs since I work 3rd shift full-time, which makes it tricky for me to keep up with fast-paced group RPs. I prefer medium-to-high literacy (though I understand that sometimes a good response only requires a few lines), and I tend to make posts in the 3rd person in RPs, 1st always seems a little odd to me xD

Some random, less vague RP ideas:

- Kushiel's Legacy setting, Midwinter Masque, 2 characters (2 adepts, an adept and a patron, 2 citizens of high standing with a politically risky interest in each other).

- Harry Potter setting, 2 Hogwarts graduates getting their bearings in the "real world".

- High Fantasy intrigue, 2 adventurers thrown together following the same lead (from the same or opposing sides)

I am of course interested in other RP ideas if there's something you'd like to play.