Fall Of The House Of X (X-MEN RPG)

Started by VoluptuousVixen, January 20, 2024, 10:13:59 AM

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1. This game will be focussing on the Island of Krakoka *The House of Xavier.* But Also the Marvel world at Large.

2. The game is set in its own continuity with its own timeline in place. But loosely off the comic books.

3. "Homebreweds" are allowed for potential New Mutants.

4. Jean Grey, is all allowed but not poessing godlike powers i.e the Phoenix force, no "Mary Sues".

5. Characters ages and backstory's willy varies but no character under the age of 16.

6. Each member will be required to submit a written audition piece for the game for each character. 

7. Just because a canon character was in a relationship in the comics doesn't mean your PC was.  It's up to the individual players. Its a New Day

8. This is not a sex focused game but rather a story focussed game. However it still will feature scenes when they occur.

9.  GM ran plots and allow for character/player developed plots as well, who are encouraged to make suggested plotlines.

10. The game is "sandbox" in style.



This is a freeform game, so fight scenes shall be discussed and planned with GM approval. I.E the outcome of a fight as we are not using a Dice system to determine such factors within the story. In many superhero fights luck and chance are factors to the eventual outcome and that will be taken into consideration here.

Each player may start off and submit Bios for TWO characters to start off with. But if you claim more then one character you must be willing to write double the amount expected of a player with one character.

Your GM for this game will be silkNsatan (main GM).



Claimed Characters

Marvel Woman/Jean Grey
x-23/Laura Howlette



Professor X
Mr Sinister
Sabertooth (Imprisoned)

For Approved Characters and Face Claims, and Players Please PM the GM


Character Sheets:

Hero Name:

Legal Name:

Origin of Powers:



Description (Appearance):



Special Skills and Other:



Character History:

== Character Extras =
Played By:
Face Claim: 
Writing Sample:

Please PM your questions to volutpiousvixen for approval.
The Game Will Start January the THIRTY First 2024.



== Character Bio ==

== Personal Information ==
Legal Name: Jean Grey Summers
Alias: Marvel Girl
Age: 34, November the 28th 1989
Sexuality: Hetrosexual
Part of Karoka Residing In: The Summers Home

== Physical Description == 5`7 Jean is a attractive woman with a good toned body for her age. 

== Persona == This version of Jean is traumizted to learn the future of her counterpart and as such is determined not to g back to the past where she comes from and to have the same fate. Jean is fine with been a time paradox.

== Key Skills ==
Jean is able to read thoughts, project and broadcast her own thoughts, as well as affect the minds of humans and animals with higher order intelligence (such as dolphins, ravens or dogs). Jean quickly displayed advanced telepathic skills, after being tutored by Charles Xavier, such as cloaking herself and Scott Summers from even the most powerful of the X-Mens' telepaths. The extent of her power was evidenced when she blasted Thor out of her path during a confrontation with the Avengers and most prominently during an altercation with Xorn (her future self), whom she was able to overpower through sheer power in spite of her inferior experience . The magnitude of this achievement is shown by the fact that even the combined might of Emma Frost and the Stepford Cuckoos was insufficient to defeat her. She has demonstrated the following specialized uses:

Telepathic Defense: She can manifest her telepathy in a number of defensive ways.
◾Telepathic Cloak: She can mask her presence and the use of her abilities from being detected by other psions and psychic entities. She can extend these defenses to others around her as well. Cloaking via telepathy is not perfect and powerful psis may notice and 'see' through this ability.
◾Cloak Mind: Ability to rearrange the “mental engrams” of mutants so their distinctive mutant thought patterns cannot be detected by Cerebro-type devises or by other telepaths.
◾Psychic Shield: Ability to erect a psychic shield for protection of herself and of others minds.

Telepathic Illusions: She can create realistic telepathic illusions and cause people to experience events which are not actually occurring.
Telepathic Camouflage: She can alter the apparent physical appearance of herself and other people by altering the perceptions of those around her. This can go so far as to make other people believe that the camouflaged people are not there (invisible). A limit, if one exists, is only imposed by the number of people she is trying to fool, not the number of people she is camouflaging.

Telepathic Manipulation: She can manipulate other people's minds easily, achieving a variety of effects.
◾Mind Control: She can control the thoughts and actions of others.
◾Mind Possession: She can possess the mind of another, and use that being's body as her own.
◾Personality Alteration: She can alter the minds of others by force of will, thus permanently changing their personality partially or entirely.
◾Mental Paralysis: She can induce temporary mental or physical paralysis.
◾Mental Amnesia: She can erase any awareness of particular memories or cause total amnesia.
◾Mind Transferal: She can transfer both her mind and powers into other host bodies if her own physical body could be somehow killed.

== Advantages == Jean is a straight A student with a high capacity to learn, her telepathic power helps her with this. Trained in hand to hand combat by Wolverine she can pack a punch even without her mutation.

== Disadvantages ==  Jean is still learning her powers which means she can be vulnerable even to her own powers. She is vulnerable to telepaths with more skill such as Mastermind, she is vulnerable to magic based attacks.

== Background ==
Jean Grey was the younger daughter of Professor John Grey of the History Department of Bard College in Annandale-on-Hudson, New York, and his wife Elaine Grey. When Jean was ten years old she was playing with her best friend, Annie Richardson when Annie was hit by a car. The emotion that Jean felt as she held her dying friend awakened her own latent telepathic powers and she experienced Annie's own emotions as she died. This traumatic event left Jean in a withdrawn and deeply depressed state. Moreover, Jean could not control her newly awakened telepathic abilities and had to isolate herself from other people to hold on to her sanity. Jean Grey was the younger daughter of Professor John Grey of the History Department of Bard College in Annandale-on-Hudson, New York, and his wife Elaine Grey. When Jean was ten years old she was playing with her best friend, Annie Richardson when Annie was hit by a car.  The emotion that Jean felt as she held her dying friend awakened her own latent telepathic powers and she experienced Annie's own emotions as she died. This traumatic event left Jean in a withdrawn and deeply depressed state. Moreover, Jean could not control her newly awakened telepathic abilities and had to isolate herself from other people to hold on to her sanity.

When Prof. Xavier judged that Jean had reached a certain level of mastery of her telekinetic power, he recommended to her parents that they enroll her in his newly established Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters. Unknown to Mr. and Mrs. Grey, this school served as a cover for the X-Men, a team of young superhuman mutants being trained by Prof. Xavier to combat the threats posed by evil mutants who used their powers against humanity. Even though Jean Grey was the first student to enroll, Xavier didn't have her join the school until he had collected four more students. She became the fifth X-Man and the first female to join the team, which also consisted of Cyclops, Iceman, Angel, and Beast. Jean took on the codename Marvel Girl. In the School for Gifted Youngsters, the original X-Men were tutored by Professor X and trained in the use of their powers in the Danger Room. They remained together for several years.

== Character Extras == Face Claim: Elena Satine 

Ons: Scott Summers, James *Logan* Howlette, men, romantic sex.
Offs: Toilet, Blood Gore, Animals, underage, non consensual.



Yes he is. But Charles Xavier will be presumed dead. 


REAL NAME: Laura Howlette Kinney
AGE: 18, Birthday the 21st of July
WEIGHT: 127lbs.
AFFILIATION: The X-men, Weapon X (formerly) X-Force (formerly) Avengers Academy (formerly)
PLAYED BY: voluptiousvixen
FACECLAIM: Emilia Clarke


A top-secret program is tasked to replicate the original Weapon X experiment that bonded adamantium to the skeleton of Wolverine. The project is taken in a new direction: Dr. Martin Sutter recruits renowned mutant geneticist Doctor Sarah Kinney to develop a clone of Wolverine. Also on the team is Sutter's protege, Dr. Zander Rice, who was raised by Sutter after his father was killed by the original Weapon X.  Since the only genetic sample from Weapon X is damaged, Kinney is unable to salvage the Y chromosome. Kinney proposes the creation of a female genetic twin. Her request is denied; Rice is opposed to the idea. After 22 failed attempts at reconstituting the DNA using a duplicate X chromosome, the 23rd sample yields a viable sample to combine with an embryo. Although Kinney is allowed to proceed, Rice exacts revenge for her insubordination by forcing her to act as the surrogate mother of the specimen. For nine months, Kinney's every move is monitored. Finally, she gives birth to "X-23".  After seven years, Rice subjects X-23 to radiation poisoning in order to activate her mutant gene. He extracts her claws, coats them with adamantium, and reinserts them back into her hands and feet – a procedure performed without affording the child any anesthetic. Rice creates a "trigger scent" that drives X-23 into a murderous rage when she detects it.  X-23 is then trained to be a hired assassin, ordered to kill "anyone ... everyone ... for a price."  Kinney's niece Megan is abducted by a serial killer; she smuggles X-23 out of the facility to rescue her. X-23 tracks the abductor to his apartment, kills him, and frees Megan. Kinney is fired when she returns and is escorted off the base. Shortly thereafter, Rice assigns X-23 to eliminate Sutter and his family. He orders her to keep it secret.  X-23 reveals to Sarah that Rice is responsible for the murders. Before Kinney leaves, Rice reveals a chamber containing the incubation pods for subjects X-24 through X-50.  Kinney drafts a letter to her daughter, assigning her a final mission: destroy the pods and kill Rice. X-23 succeeds and meets her mother, and they prepare to flee. However, prior to his death, Rice exposed Kinney to the trigger scent. X-23 goes into a murderous frenzy and kills her mother. As she lies dying, Kinney tells X-23 that her name is Laura and that she loves her, and hands her the letter and pictures of Charles Xavier, Wolverine, and the Xavier Institute.

After being arrested by S.H.I.E.L.D. agents, X-23 awakens bound and gagged in the company of Captain America and Matt Murdock, who proceed to interrogate her about her past. X-23 describes how she traveled to San Francisco and tracked down Megan and Debbie (her mother's sister). Introducing herself as Sarah's daughter, she moves in with them. Although Megan experiences vivid nightmares of her abduction, her family believes these to be utter fantasies. X-23 informs Megan that the man in her nightmares was indeed real and that she killed him.  Debbie's boyfriend turns out to be an agent for the Facility who has been instructed to manipulate X-23 into killing Megan and Debbie using the trigger scent. The agent fumbles the assignment and is killed by X-23. Facility agents storm the house, led by the woman who served as X-23's handler, Kimura. Kimura had treated X-23 harshly in the facility, punishing her even if the missions went according to plan.  X-23 manages to get Megan and Debbie to safety by handcuffing Kimura to a radiator and then triggering an explosion in the house, buying some time. After X-23 and Megan part, X-23 decides to confront the man who made her creation possible, Wolverine.  X-23 tracks Wolverine to Xavier's mansion and engages him in a battle, defeating him using tactics and maneuverability. She does not kill Wolverine, instead telling him why she came. Wolverine reveals that he is aware of X-23's ordeal, having received a detailed letter from her mother. The talk is interrupted when Captain America comes to arrest Laura.  Despite the mayhem in her past, Matt Murdock accepts X-23's innocence. Captain America wants X-23 to atone for the murders she has committed. He ultimately frees X-23 in order to avoid S.H.I.E.L.D. exploiting her as their own weapon.

X-23 surfaces in New York City and is taken in by a pimp named Zebra Daddy. She works as a prostitute who caters to sadomasochistic patrons. X-23 continues to cut herself with her own claws, is mostly mute, and proves unable to free herself from the grip of Zebra Daddy. Upon meeting Kiden Nixon, a young mutant with the ability to freeze time when in danger, and Tatiana Caban, a mutant who can take on the physical attributes of whoever and whatever she comes into contact with via their blood, X-23 starts to come to her senses. Although she runs away from Zebra Daddy, he tracks her down. With the aid of her new-found friends (and the mutant named Bobby Soul), Zebra Daddy and his thugs are defeated: X-23 kills him to save the lives of her friends.  X-23 takes a job as a waitress at the mutant-themed "Wannabee's" nightclub in the Mutant Town district of New York.  She defends Jade Parisi, daughter of mob boss Don Parisi, against some thugs who berate her for having a mutant boyfriend. X-23 kills some of the thugs and helps Jade escape and go into hiding. The deaths inadvertently implicate Wolverine, prompting his teammates to investigate. X-23 attacks Wolverine on sight, but he eventually calms her down. She leads the X-Men to Parisi's daughter. After aiding the X-Men against Parisi's mutant enforcer Geech, X-23 flees the scene. This encounter is later revealed to be partially arranged between X-23 and Wolverine in order for her to encounter and ally with the X-Men without revealing her past.  She later returns to help the X-Men save victims of a car accident, after which she is enrolled at the Xavier Institute and assigned a room with Rachel Summers and Kitty Pryde.  X-23 behaves protectively towards Wolverine, observing him on the mansion's security monitors and even attacking his teammate Bishop after he floors Wolverine during a training session.  During one of her sessions at the mansion's monitors, an anomalous energy spike prompts X-23 to investigate. She encounters Spider-Man at the source of the signal, mistaking him for an enemy, she attacks him. The pair ultimately team up to save the young mutant Paul Patterson from an alternate reality version of Iron Man known as Iron Maniac. The arrival of Captain America and the super-spy Black Widow help turn the tide, with Spider-Man and X-23 destroying Iron Maniac's equipment using their own version of the classic Fastball Special.  X-23 secretly follows Wolverine on his investigation of strange activity in the Canadian Rockies. Ambushed by the Hauk'ka, evolved Saurians from the Savage Land, X-23 manages to escape and alert the X-Men. Traveling to the Savage Land, X-23 and the X-Men team-up with the Savage Land's lord Ka-Zar and his allies, the Savage Land Mutates, to prevent the Hauk'ka from destroying human civilization by exerting control over the weather-manipulating X-Man, Storm.

Laura joins the X-men and then Later Wolverines special task force X-force, she leaves the X-men after Wolverine falls out with Cyclops and the team splits. She goes it on her own for awhile and teams up with the Fantastic Four, Red Hulk, Agent Venom and Ghost Rider over the corse of six months. She now has returned to the fold and taken up the mantle of the Wolverine in Logans absence.

Regenerative Healing Factor:  Wolverine's primary mutant power is an accelerated healing factor that enables her to regenerate damaged or destroyed tissue with far greater speed and efficiency than an ordinary human.  She is capable of fully healing injuries resulting in massive tissue damage and blood loss such as multiple bullet wounds, slash wounds, and puncture wounds within a matter of minutes.  She has also been shown to be able to reattach limbs; for example, she reattached her hand in seconds after she severed it to escape the restraints placed on her.  The effects of her accelerated healing powers extend to her body's immune system, rendering her immune to disease and infection. She is also immune to most drugs and toxins, although she can be affected by certain drugs if given sufficient dosage. Given the regenerative nature of her cells, it's implied her powers will heavily retard the aging process.

Wolverine's skeleton includes two retractable bone claws in each arm and one in each foot that she can extend and retract at will.  These claws are housed beneath the skin and muscle.  Unsheathing them causes her skin to tear and bleed, but the wounds are quickly dealt with by her healing factor. X-23 can unsheathe any number of these claws at once.  The claws are naturally sharp and tougher than normal human bone, allowing X-23 to cut through most types of flesh and natural materials.  The claws have been coated with the nigh-indestructible metal Adamantium. As a result, her claws are virtually unbreakable and are capable of cutting almost any substance, with the exceptions of Adamantium itself.  Her ability to slice completely through a substance depends upon the amount of force she can exert and the thickness of the substance.

Wolverine possesses the ability to quickly process multiple information streams (e.g., threat assessment) and rapidly respond to changing tactical situations.  Due to her enhanced sense of smell, Laura is a dangerous tracker and has memorized many different scents.  Her muscles produce considerably less fatigue toxins during physical activity than the muscles of an ordinary human. She can exert herself at peak capacity for about 24 hours before fatigue begins to impair her.  Her reflexes, agility, balance, and bodily coordination are enhanced to levels that are beyond the natural physical limits of even the finest human athlete.


Her healing factor may fluctuate with her psychological state as battle wounds tend to heal very quickly, but her self inflicted cuts appear to remain visible for some time.  She must keep her wrists and/or feet straight at the moment the claws emerge.  Since the bones of her hands and wrists are not laced with Adamantium, it is likely that the reverberation of her claws could conceivably break her hands with significant force.  he has also been subjected to conditioning in which a specific "trigger scent" has been used to send her into a berserker rage, killing anything in sight.  Her heightened senses also leave her vulnerable to sonic attacks and very bright flashes of light.



KNOWN ENEMIES: Bastian, Mr Sinister, Weapon X, Sabertooth, Dakken, Mystique, and others.

KNOWN LOVERS: Warren Worthington (Lost her virginity too), Hellion, Synch


Name: Scott Summers
Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual
Age: 35
Height: 6'3"
Weight: 195 lbs
Affiliation: X-Men, X-Force
Played by: Bowen
Face Claim: Chris Pine

Personality: Cyclops behaves like the stern and no-nonsense leader he believes he needs to be. He has no real life outside of his responsibilities, sacrificing his personal needs to his perceived duties time and again. Selfless, he is devoted to safeguarding mutantkind from all threats and proving they can coexist with mankind. He is trying to be more personable and there for mutants with the loss of Charles.

Oldest son of USAF Major Christopher Summers, young Scott Summers barely survived the Shi’ar attack that took his parents from him. Attempting to save his life, his mother strapped him into the only parachute onboard and pushed him and his younger brother Alex from their father’s burning plane. Orphaned and hospitalized, Scott became a ward of the state, which separated him from his brother and shuttled him from home to home. As he grew older, Summers’ mutant abilities emerged and caused him trouble until Professor Charles Xavier rescued him and became the boy’s teacher and father figure.

As “Cyclops,” Scott Summers was a member of the first class of X-Men trained by Xavier. He has remained loyal to Xavier’s dream, if not the man himself, at great cost over the years and a revolving roster of X-Men. Eventually he emerged from Xavier’s shadow to take a leadership position, in charge not only of the X-Men but also of the school bearing Xavier’s name.

Optic Blast Cyclops’ eyes constantly emit a ruby-colored beam of force, which he controls by means of an adjustable visor or ruby quartz glasses. With his visor
on, Scott can control the beam’s focus making it wide angle or narrowing it down to laser focus. Cyclops can also use his optical blast as a pressure beam, firing it at
low power to push up to 500 lbs. along the ground or to stop it from falling. When he does this, he still does some damage he has even used his blasts as a way to break a fall from a height. He has even been able to absorb energies and use them to amp up his blasts.
* Force Blast: a nuke in his head that can punch through mountains
* Area Attack:
* Ricochet off of multiple targets/objects:
* Energy Absorption:
* Trajectory Bending: is learning to curve and twist his blasts (still new)
* Spatial Awareness: uncanny sense of trigonometry and his ability to work out his observe objects in relation to each other and himself
* Energy Resistance: to his own and Havoc's powers

Excellent Strategist and Leader: Cyclops has spent most of his super hero career as the leader of either the X-Men or X-Factor and has developed exceptional leadership skills. Regardless of their general attitude towards him X-Men tend to obey his orders in battle, because they know that he is usually right.
Expert Martial Artist: Cyclops also has extensive training in martial arts and unarmed combat, holding black belts in judo and aikido. His level of skill is sufficient to defeat six normal men with his eyes closed, and he has in the past held his own against dangerous hand-to-hand enemies like Wolverine.
Telepathic Resistance: Years of being in intimate situations with telepaths have allowed Cyclops to hone his mind to the point where he can resist telepathic intrusion and withhold certain information from high level telepaths.
Pilot: Scott is an amazing pilot and can operate anything from a car, to a helicopter to a spaceship
Covert: due to the nature of many X-Men missions Scott has acquired the training and the skills to sneak into, infiltrate, investigate, and even overthrow other organizations or locations.
Multilingual: Scott is fluent in English, Mandarin, Russian and Japanese
Tech: although not on the level of the Beast, due to his being around intergalactic spaceships and the need to repair their systems many times, Scott has developed a very good understanding of technology between computer systems, Cerebro and especially vehicles and is an expert at repairs

* Mutant: with a human appearance (moderated by X-Men uniforms)
* Limitation-Power Regulation: Uncontrollable without the Ruby Quartz visor or Ruby Quartz sunglasses
* Limitation-Surplus Energy: Cyclops has mentioned that he needs to fire blasts frequently, because he gathers surplus energy within him if not. He apparently needs an outlet for that energy.

X-Man Uniform: The Uniforms are constructed out of unstable molecule fabric of kevlar. The suits come with a standard comlink that has a 250 mile range and a GPS tracking device built into it. The suits are insulated providing good protection vs. heat and cold as well as being designed to hide the wearer from mutant scanning equipment, with the exception of the Cerebro. The Suits are also lined with a material designed by both Forge and Hank McCoy that provides body armor. The armor is extremely light and is no thicker or heavier then a standard tee-shirt.



 The thing none of you will ever understand is that there are no sides. There's no heroes or villains. There's just what I want and how I'll get it. 

Hero Name: Magneto

Legal Name: Erik Lensherr

Origin of Powers:

Known by many names, Max Eisenhart, also most commonly known as Erik Magnus Lehnsherr, is a powerful mutant willing to go to any extreme to protect his species as Magneto, the master of magnetism.During his youth, he suffered atrocities at the hands of the Nazis in Auschwitz. After escaping, he learned at the cost of his own daughter's life that he had the mutant ability to generate and control magnetic fields, a condition that caused additional hate and fear from those who were different from him. Being a target for so long and explicitly rejecting the possibility of any harmony with humans, Magneto aimed to conquer the world to enable mutants, whom he refers to as Homo superior, to become the dominant species on Earth.

Age: XX

Sexuality: Straight

Description (Appearance):

His eyes are bluish grey, while his hair, fittingly, is silver-colored, and shaped in the typical Wolverine or Quicksilver style. The civilian Erik often bears a fine suit, while as Magneto he bears a battle-fatigued combat suit of own-designed metal alloys.

The costume of Magneto includes:

  • *A full-body suit in red (in honor of those that have died).
  • *The notorious red helmet of Magneto (fully covering, but leaves the eyes, the nose and the mouth visible; All edges are colored purple and above his eyes is a red piece of two horns pointed at each other).
  • *The purple band-formed gloves and boots of metal-reinforced leather.
  • *A pair of purple trunks with a purple belt.
  • *A fully covering neckpiece in purple metal with large half-spheres of metal attached to it around the neck.
  • *A rectangular piece of purple metal on the chest.
  • *A huge purple cloak.
All this gives the impression of a modern warrior king and is a feared sight for most of humanity. Various body parts, such as the hands, the head or his entire body radiates power on visible wavelengths when he’s using his offensive magnetically-based powers.



Erik is the victim of extreme prejudice, which has left him with deep psychological scars. Unfortunately, like many such victims, he has become somewhat prejudiced himself like those who could hurt him and the minorities group he belonged to. But there’s a big difference; he has the power to push back hard.

He truly believes that humans can never overcome their fear and hatred of anyone different, so he must protect mutants from human oppression.

He has never considered himself evil, since he fights for what he believes is the greater good; if he must do evil acts to attain his goal, so be it ! He has tried many different routes for this, including the conqueror, the mastermind and even the peaceful teacher.

For each mutant that dies, friend or foe, his anger grows larger. He feels a great guilt for those who’ve died under his tutelage and protection (like Doug Ramsey, Illyana Rasputin and his daughter Anya) and has vowed never to allow that to happen again.

He also feels greatly for his fellow mutants, and will, burdened by guilt, fall down and cry if any are innocently killed. OTHO, he will himself kill mutants that are standing in the way of the cause if need be. In its’ truest sense, he’s a fanatic.

It’s also a fact that the use of his powers, ironically, makes him irrational and powermad. He almost becomes more ruthless the more power he uses (in DC Heroes terms, he doesn’t have enough MIND not to be corrupted by his own power). He can be overly aggressive and arrogant at times. Although overly tense at all times, he becomes much worse after prolonged use of power.
His feelings toward his own children, Pietro and Wanda, has varied a lot over the years. 

During his leadership of the Brotherhood of the Evil Mutants they were only pawns to follow his order. Today they’re both lost in their own dreams, but Erik has some hope that Pietro should join his cause.
It has been said that while neither man would admit it, Professor Xavier and Magneto are two sides to the same coin; two men convinced that their way is mutantkind‘ only hope.

Special Skills and Other: None.

Equipment: None.

Studying/Teacher: None.

Character History: None.

== Character Extras =
Played By:JackTheTipper Face Claim: Ons: Offs:Writing Sample:


Hey guys, im going to keep looking for more members the next few days. Dont loose hope. X


So I might be interested, but not in a canon character. More of a New Mutant/teenage mutant who's new to the island and being a mutant. Would that be acceptable?




Hero Name: Torrent
Legal Name: Alison Springs
Origin of Powers: X-Gene
Age: 18
Description (Appearance): A slender young Caucasian woman with flowing golden-blonde hair and bright green eyes. Her figure is quite agreeably curved at the chest and hips, with long legs. She typically dresses in tight jeans and crop tops.
Powers: Liquid Generation and Control. Alison can generate any liquid she can think of, and control any liquid she can sense. She most commonly generates water, fresh or salt, as that's what's most familiar to her, though liquid corrosives and acids are certainly a possibility. She can generate up to a hundred thousand tons of liquid at one time at her maximum, though she doesn't know her upper limits as of game start. She can manifest this liquid as high-pressure blasts or as floods, geysers, and other shapes. Alison does not know how to control her powers at game start.  
Personality: Alison was the quintessential Hawaiian surfer girl. She was carefree, lived in the moment, and enjoyed life. Her parents are an investment broker and a corporate attorney on Hawai'i's Big Island. She grew up on the beach and believes in live and let live.
Special Skills and Other: Surfing. She's rather talented at it. Modeling.
Equipment: None
Studying/Teacher: Open
Character History: Alison was born on June 15th, 2006 on Hawai'i's Big Island. Her parents, Jake and Karen Springs, doted on their only child, and raised her at their beachside mansion. Even though her parents adored her and spoiled her, somehow Alison grew up to be a good kid. She had good friends, good grades (when she applied herself), and grew up in the surfer culture of the islands.

Things continued on this track until the summer of her final year of high school. She was out with some of her girlfriends at the beach, enjoying a bonfire, when some guys rolled up. Local troublemakers, they saw some pretty girls and decided that the girls would "entertain" them, willingly or otherwise. When the girls turned them down, the guys got aggressive and violent, and one of them struck Alison across the face. The surge of adrenaline triggered her latent X-Gene. Without knowing how, Alison caused a small tidal wave that swept away the boys down the beach. She was shocked, and so were her friends.

It was a day later when she was contacted by the mutants of Krakoa. With her parents' encouragement, she left for an altogether different island to begin her new life.

== Character Extras =
Played By:Face Claim: Amanda Lee (instagram model)  Ons: Breastplay, cumplay, oral (giving and receiving), exploring her sexuality Offs: Toilet play, gore, pain.

Writing Sample: Stunned at how rapidly her life had changed, Alison walked through the portal to this weird new island. Her parents had been contacted by some strange people after...after what had happened on the beach. She still couldn't believe that she had washed those jerks that had attacked the bonfire party three miles down the beach. She didn't even know she could do that! And now her folks were being contacted by someone from the mutant homeland and within a day she'd been swept up and brought to the island of Krakoa. She could feel an uncomfortable swirl of emotions bubbling up in her. This was soooo weird! And if she was a mutant...she didn't let herself finish the thought. 



Am so down for this will submit a character if this is still ongoing 

Pumpkin Seeds

If this is still alive I wouldn’t mind turning in an idea or two.




Hero Name: Red Bishop

Legal Name: Lucas Bishop

Origin of Powers:

Lucas Bishop was born in the Mutant Containment Center, located in Sheepshead, Brooklyn, in the alternate reality, Earth-1191. The "M" over Bishop's right eye is a brand used in the future to mark mutants for quick physical identification. He was raised in a crumbling apocalyptic society that spawned from the ramifications of what was known as the Summer's Rebellion, which was an uprising where the mutants and humans of that time joined forces to battle the Sentinels. As a child, Bishop was taken in by a man named Witness LeBeau. Later, Bishop and his sister, Shard, were taken away from LeBeau by their grandmother. The grandmother then raised them secretly inside mutant concentration camps in Brooklyn and Nevada.

Bishop learned of the heroic legacy of Xavier and his X-Men from his grandmother. Her dying request was that Bishop protect Shard at all costs, and to live up to the X-Men of legend. It wasn't long afterward that the Summer's Rebellion ended, freeing the mutants from their camps. Bishop and Shard were still only children, so they resorted to underhanded tactics such as thievery to survive in the cruel post-rebellion society. They were eventually stumbled upon by a blind war veteran named, Hancock. Hancock felt a deep sense of compassion towards the young mutants. He took them in and raised them as best as he could.

The Exhumes were a group of mutants who had extremely anti-human philosophies. Bishop deeply admired the Exhumes, until they took his sister hostage and discovered that Hancock was murdered in cold blood. Later when the XSE rescued his sister, he knew that they were the group he should admire and eventually join. Bishop later rose through the ranks of the XSE, becoming a commanding officer.

While on a mission to destroy a nest of vampire mutants known as Emplates, Shard was seriously injured. Distraught, Bishop had nowhere to turn except for the imprisoned Witness. He asked for Witness' help but was told that he would only save Shard and that Bishop must work for him for one year. He agreed. Witness then transferred Shard's being into a holographic matrix which saved her life. This agreement with Witness lead to Bishop leaving the XSE for an extended period of time. What Bishop did for Witness and the nature of the missions are unknown.

Eventually, Bishop was reinstated as Chief Commanding Officer for the XSE team, "Omega Squad" . At the ruins of the Xavier Institute for Higher Learning, Bishop and the Omega Squad captured and imprisoned a serial killer, and former XSE member, Trevor Fitzroy. While on this mission, Bishop stumbles upon an old recording of Jean Grey, which claimed that the X-Men were betrayed and destroyed from the inside. Later, Bishop confronts Witness concerning the information. His former master gives him an evasive responses, making Bishop suspect that Witness was more involved with the destruction of the X-Men than just an observer.

Age: XX (Appears to be Early 30s)

Sexuality: Straight

Description (Appearance):

Bishop has changed hair styles numerous times, from almost shaven to locs.


Bishop is a mutant who can manipulate kinetic energy (the energy created by any form of movement) and absorb most types of energy , as well as most types of energy directed toward him.The energy can be converted into electricity, plasma, fire, etc. He can then re-channel it through his body for concussive blasts, or in the same form that was absorbed (this includes Storm's weather effects such as lightning). This re-channeled energy is apparently able to damage beings who are normally immune to their own powers.

 Due to the nature of his mutant powers, it makes it extremely difficult to damage him with energy-based attacks, while enabling him to work well with any energy-using teammates. Bishop can also store absorbed energy within his personal reserves. Storing this energy within body gives Bishop a variety of benefits including superhuman strength (baseline of a 8 to 12 ton lifting/carrying capacity) with unknown limits, superhuman speed, increased stamina, accelerated healing, and invulnerability. His powers reduce the need for sleep, food, drinking, body evacuations, and oxygen. 


Bishop is an intense, dedicated, utterly serious soldier-detective. Although decades removed from his jurisdiction, he’s still a tough cop at heart. He stands steadfastly behind his badge and oath and never rests until justice is served.

He’ll rely both an analytical intelligence and methodical analysis, and on hard-hitting, ruthlessly efficient tactics intended to solve situations with no regard for prejudice to the opponents. However the X-Men have worked long and hard and having him downgrade his level of expediency in combat.

Bishop has very little time for levity and humor, and rarely relaxes.

Special Skills and Other: None.

Equipment: Plasma Gun and Belt.

Studying/Teacher: None.

Character History: None.

== Character Extras =
Played By:JackTheTipper Face Claim: Montez Ford Ons: Offs:Writing Sample:


please guys and gals submitt bios. if we can get 7 of us we can play. 



Hero Name:  Martyr

Legal Name:  Aras Augustus

Age: 20 years old

Sexuality:  Unknown

Description (Appearance): Aras stands 5'9" tall with a slender frame, pale skin coated by light brown hair cut as efficiently as possible to ear length, never styled or worried about beyond keeping it out of the way.  Aras is usually dawning a robe of his old monastic order, keeping to be out of sight or notice of many in the crowds.

Powers:  Can intake parasites, bacterial, viral and other infections from one host into himself through skin to skin contact, as far as Aras knows.  His heightened immune system for doing this for so long helps him recover slightly faster than normal, yet he is still sickened from the effects of the disease for some time.  Can intake multiple diseases at once from as many people as possible.

Cells on Aras’ skin becomes acidic to the touch, burning through skin and cloth with ease and through certain metals if enough time has passed

Personality:  Aras is a product of his environment, gaining the traits of caring for others the way that the monks took care of him in his most desperate moment.  The teachings by the men in both religion and social respect for human life resulted in a moral compass not many can break from the young man.  Many years of meditation and prayer have lead to a calm and collected man, his outlook on the world developing from a genuine hope for humanity and it’s people.  Even with the downfall of social order among the race, Aras holds out the hope that God’s greatest creation can fight off the temptation of submission to an evil force.

Although Aras is devout in his religion, his years of listening to more progressive members of the church as well as humility in the face of God’s judgement made him realize the precious nature of keeping it to himself.  In the times of tyrants of seemingly supernatural origin, what the Bible teaches for humans have become dwarfed in comparison.  James 4:12 is a key example of his philosophy of his relationship with others; There is only one Lawgiver and Judge, the one who is able to save and destroy. But you--who are you to judge your neighbor?  What happens to people when they raise for their judgement before God is of their own concern.  So long as they are as welling to help him as he is to help them, Aras is fine with people of all shades of piety and sin.

Special Skills and Other:  His years learning to preach through prayer have given him excellent public speaking abilities, more than able to have his voice carry conviction and uplifting many fallen to despair.


Studying/Teacher: Both studying the sciences and volunteering at the medical bay, apprenticing to become a doctor.

Character History:

== Character Extras =
Face Claim: Logan Lerman
Ons: Offs: In signature
Writing Sample: 

Aras couldn’t help but smirk as his eyes glanced once over the physique of Sarah, light blue eyes widening softly at the display of power before him.  Her attire covered only the most sensitive area’s of her body, allowing for Aras to truly see what he would be facing shortly.  He knew of the former SEAL’s background and had seen small glimpses here and there of her form, never doubting this possibility, but this level of exposure solidified that “badass” label the young monk had placed on Sarah upon meeting her.  The corners of his lips raised as he became more confident in his decision to ask her to spar, a small bit of intimidation mixed with excitement as the veteran returned his greeting and cut straight to business.

“I admit envy of both your confidence and your appearance, Ms. Rushman; both are quite endearing goals.”  Aras nodded his head down towards the body of Sarah to more openly declare his intentions.  Even if his mind never strayed into the clutches of lust, he could only be honest in admitting the view that others in the compound would certainly walk right off that cliff if they were in his position.  How couldn’t they, to be fair?  “I know this may sound silly, but you’re one of the few people in this compound that I can approach this with.”  Aras began to his arms into his robes, holding his cross pendants and the insides of the chocolate cloth in his hands as he removed his traditional clothing and revealing a white t-shirt and athletic shorts underneath; his muscles paled in comparison to his opponents, his arms much more slender and petite where Sarah was ripped and powerful.

“Erik has been training with me in all categories, hand to hand combat included, and I admit I still have much to learn from him.  However, those times when we collide in battle result in me holding back.”  Aras folded the robes in front of him and tossed them to the corner of the room, his face matching his tonal shift from warm and welcoming to genuine and slightly vulnerable as he returned his gaze to her.  “He wants me to be fighting him at full potential respectfully, yet I fear what I can do with my gifts; what damage can be done to someone if I fight with my back to the wall.  If I use my gifts… well, one of those gifts, against him I fear that I will hurt him beyond what even Rae can fix.”  Aras’ steel blue orbs shallowed as he recalled his encounters before joining this resistance, when his peaceful demeanor failed him and he had to fight for his life.  The sights of a few of those men still woke him up at night.

“This is why I asked for you specifically, Sarah.”  The man of the cloth dropped his formalities as he steeled himself for the scenario he would put out in front of her.  “Your own gifts, your ability to manipulate your bones, seems to be at least a temporary solution to my fear.  If I place Hellfire upon your flesh, you have a way out of it.  If I do the same to Erik and neither of us are careful… I could maim him and hurt not only the both of us, but the entire mission as well.”  His smile slowly began to return as his feet guided him backwards towards the center of the training area, hoping the magenta-haired veteran would follow.  “If I am wrong about any of this, I understand if you wish to back out.  I do not want to jeopardize this mission over finding and pushing my limits.  All I can say is that once the Hellfire is on you, it will end shortly after I release my grip on you.  Hopefully, my predictions are right and you could push away the impending serum before it reaches your muscles.  Plus,” Aras concluded coyly, looking to test a theory about both mentors in his head, “I would get to see how the two of you compare in the field of close-quarters combat without trying to orchestrate it among yourselves.  Still interested, Ms. Rushman?”


Pumpkin Seeds

I will be writing up at least one if not two this weekend. Just getting through this exam first.

I did have a question if a character idea would work before I start. Who do I message to ask?


Layne Spooks

Hey, you guys still looking for new players? I've been itching to write Nightcrawler for a while


Layne Spooks

Perfect! Do you want me to post the sheet here, or would you prefer I PM it to you first?


Layne Spooks

Hero Name: Nightcrawler
Legal Name: Kurt Wagner
Origin of Powers: Primary: Birth, Secondary; Traumatic Event
Age: 34
Sexuality: Bisexual
Gender: Transman

Description (Appearance): Kurt stands at 5'9 with a lean, gymnast's build. His entire body is covered with short blue fuzz, similar to velvet, and the hair on his head is a darker, almost black shade of blue. He has a long, prehensile tail which ends in a spade like point and he only has three digits on each hand (including his thumbs), and two on his feet. His eyes are a bright, iridescent yellow with no iris or pupil. His ears are pointed as well, leading him to gain the nickname 'fuzzy elf' from friends.
Personality: Kurt is widely known as being a very sociable and charming person, generally able to find or make a friend wherever he goes. On occasion, this charm pairs itself with a romantic streak that can land Kurt in a pinch from time to time. Despite this tendency, he has few enemies and most of his relationships end amicably. Above all though, Kurt is kind and full of hope, nearly always able to find the good in people and situations.
~Teleportation: Kurt can teleport himself as well as items and other people in contact with him from one location to another. When he does this, he leaves behind a cloud of brimstone smelling smoke and creates a 'bamf' sound.
~Micro-Suction Discs: Kurt has micro-suction discs on the surfaces of his hands and feet, allowing him to stick to and climb surfaces like walls and ceilings.
~Night Vision: Kurt's unique eyes grant him the ability to see much better in low light and darkness than other humans and mutants can.
~Prehensile Tail: Kurt's tail is prehensile and strong enough to bear his entire body weight for short periods. He can use it to hold and manipulate objects, sometimes using it to wield a third sword in combat.
~Superhuman Reflexes and Agility: Kurt's unique physiology grants him above average reaction speed and flexibility, giving him an edge on normal humans and mutants without enhanced reflexes.
Special Skills and Other:
~Acrobatics: Due to his childhood in the circus and his natural reflexes and flexibility, Kurt is an Olympic level acrobat.
~Combat: Kurt is trained in hand-to-hand combat and is quite skilled in the field. He's also a master fencer and swordsman.
~Aviation: Kurt has experience being both a pilot and mechanic for the X-Men's Blackbird jet.
~Multilingual: Kurt's native language is German and from a life time of travel, he is also fluent in English, French, Spanish and Italian.
~Swords: Kurt occasionally uses swords in combat. Fencing foils, rapiers and cutlass' are his preferred blades.
~Image Inducers: Though he rarely uses it anymore, Kurt has an Image Inducer which he can use to camouflage his appearance. When doing so, he often appears as Errol Flynn.
Studying/Teacher: Currently neither, though Kurt used to teach drama class at Xavier's school.
Character History:
Abandoned as an infant, Kurt was found and taken in by Margali Szardos, a fortune teller at a traveling circus in Germany. Despite not knowing his true origins, Kurt had a happy childhood. In the circus, a mutant didn't stand out nearly as much, and so he never grew up feeling alienated in the way other mutants had. His natural abilities and unique appearance saw Kurt becoming a beloved member of the circus cast, preforming acrobatic routines with his brother, Stephan, and his sister, Jimaine. This changed however, when the circus was purchased by Max Getmann. The man had prejudices against mutants, and began to display Kurt in a freak show act. This was a stark change from his previous life, and Herr Getmann kept Kurt compliant by sedating him between acts. Over time though, this became less and less lucrative and eventually it became clear to Herr Getmann that the cost of sedating Kurt was becoming more than any profit they would earn displaying him. As a result, he decided to sell Kurt. Appalled by this and afraid for her adopted child, Margali freed him in secret.

As Kurt snuck away from the circus that night, he knocked over a torch in his rush. This alerted Herr Getmann to his escape and the man and his henchmen gave chase. They chased Kurt through the woods, carrying clubs and guns with them. They managed to corner Kurt, and at the moment they were about to shoot, his teleportation ability manifested, saving his life. Using his newfound power, Kurt was able to escape the goons, taking shelter in a small church. There, he was discovered by the priest of the church, Father Wagner, though he was welcomed and able to take refuge there by doing labour around the church. This lasted for a while, but eventually another boy escaped the circus and took shelter in the church, leading Herr Getmann to find Kurt there. Though Father Wagner tried to stop him from taking the boys, Herr Getmann was both determined and enraged. In the struggle, the church was set ablaze. Just when things were looking desperate, the people around Kurt froze in place, and Charles Xavier revealed himself. He saved Kurt's life that day, though he implanted memories of Kurt dying in the fire in the minds of everyone else present.

Returning to where he felt most comfortable, Kurt continued working for another circus. This circus was eventually purchased by millionaire Amos Jardine, who decided to move the best acts to his own circus in Florida. Initially, Kurt was excited for this change, though when Jardine revealed his plans to put Kurt in a freak show, Kurt was appalled. It was because of this that Kurt left Jardine's circus and made his way back to Germany to find his brother Stephan in Winzeldorf. When he arrived however, he found that his brother had changed, seemingly loosing mind and killing several children. Desperate to stop him from doing more harm the two fought, and in the struggle Kurt accidentally broke Stephan's neck, killing him. When the townspeople saw the carnage, they assumed Kurt was a demon who had killed Stephan and the children, and a mob started to kill him. Once again, Professor Xavier appeared, freezing the mob and saving Kurt's life; this time with the goal of recruiting him into the X-Men.

Joining the X-Men, Kurt made friends with his teammates quickly. The X-Men became his new family over the years, even as the team's line up fluctuated over the years. He went on many missions with the group, and as a part of other groups with the same goals. At times, he remained at Xavier's school, serving as a drama teacher.

== Character Extras =
Played By: Layne Spooks
Ons/Offs: Writer's O/Os


*Bounces and waves*  Yuto! Yuto!  Over here!  

Voluptuos Vixen! Just the girl I was looking for!  This is Yuto!  You are just the GM he needs in his life!  Could you please give my young friend a fair shot at tasting the superpowered slice of life delicacies that you bring to Eliquiy so exquisitely?  
A link for all of us who ever had a shouting match with our muse: http://www.ted.com/talks/elizabeth_gilbert_on_genius.html

How to set this Muse ablaze (O/Os)

When the little angel won't appear no matter how many plum blossoms you swirl:  https://elliquiy.com/forums/index.php?topic=135346.msg16474321#msg16474321 (Major update 5/10/2023)


Uh... hi? I'm Yuto. I got sent here by Muse I guess?

I'm not really a fan of irl face claims or canon characters but I'll try to make this work? It's not a deal breaker or anything, just a preference.

I'm a bit tired right now so I'll respond to things tomorrow.


  You don't need to a cannon character, Yuto.  You get some sleep, okay?  Plenty of time for this in the next few days, but thank you for stopping in to wave on the way to bed.  

   I usually start with an original superhero--like, a teenage mutant student at Xaviers.  (Not quite sure what the theme is here compared those games.)  And then Pumpkin or Silk suggests a cannon X-man that they think I'll be really good at playing that i know from the 90s cartoon when i was growing up and talk me through it, but this is it's own time line so my spin on that character is fine.  *smiles*  

  So just focus on your own original character and see what develops from there.  

  (Silk, VV, you can make an exception on the RL face claim for a player who's uncomfortable with them, right?)  
A link for all of us who ever had a shouting match with our muse: http://www.ted.com/talks/elizabeth_gilbert_on_genius.html

How to set this Muse ablaze (O/Os)

When the little angel won't appear no matter how many plum blossoms you swirl:  https://elliquiy.com/forums/index.php?topic=135346.msg16474321#msg16474321 (Major update 5/10/2023)



A link for all of us who ever had a shouting match with our muse: http://www.ted.com/talks/elizabeth_gilbert_on_genius.html

How to set this Muse ablaze (O/Os)

When the little angel won't appear no matter how many plum blossoms you swirl:  https://elliquiy.com/forums/index.php?topic=135346.msg16474321#msg16474321 (Major update 5/10/2023)

Pumpkin Seeds

Still think the young Blob works for you. Last the one in the movie that shall not be named.


Hehehe.  My first priority was to get Yuto here.  *smiles*  

I'm not sure if I have the time to play.  I need to know what posting pace Vixen wants.  That's what I was just hopping on to ask.  

Vixen, what kind of posting pace are you hoping for?  

Pumpkin, i was actually thinking about trying to do Beat again.  I had some other ideas too.  
A link for all of us who ever had a shouting match with our muse: http://www.ted.com/talks/elizabeth_gilbert_on_genius.html

How to set this Muse ablaze (O/Os)

When the little angel won't appear no matter how many plum blossoms you swirl:  https://elliquiy.com/forums/index.php?topic=135346.msg16474321#msg16474321 (Major update 5/10/2023)



Oh I'm interested. I finished Torrent a while back, though admittedly, I don't know if she's approved.


Character Sheets:
Hero Name: Lava Lord
Legal Name: Reilly Takahashi
Origin of Powers: Mutant. Mutation was revealed when saving a Japanese girl, his girlfriend that summer, from being swept into water heated to boiling by an under water lava vent after she fell off a boat

Age: 20
Sexuality: Pansexual, dominant, polyamorous
Description (Appearance): In human form, he stands at around 5'10" tall, has fair skin, lava red hair and amber orange eyes. He has a slightly lean, athletic build. In his Lava Lord form, he becomes much larger, at about 7'6" tall, and seems to be chiseled out of molten volcanic rock.
A surprise under Reilly's clothes.  It's a secret!
His Lava Lord form also has three large dragon cocks (and large can be up to interpretation, I'm willing to be flexible to players' desires).

In human form he has:
--Low level super strength and toughness.
--High level fire resistance.
--Can spend about "one panel" transforming into his "lava lord" form.
In Lava Lord form he has:
--Mid level super strength and toughness.
--High level fire projection with poor precision.
--Mid level psychokinetic control of existing flames. This power needs alot of development.
--Fire immunity. Though the limits of this power have not been well tested, it seems to be complete and absolute.
Lava Lord form has two major limitations:
--It takes a while to get out of. When Reilly first discovered the form he had to actually go to sleep to get out of the form. Now he needs to spend quite some time calming down. Potentially an hour or more, but at least several dozen minutes. (could be used to good effect for some warm cuddles or hot sex scenes)
--Though Reilly is resistant to damage in Lava Lord form, his healing is not much faster than a normal human beings and his blood is lava. While this can save his life if he's just been stabbed by an enemy, it can make medical treatment extremely problematic and he's extremely afraid of hurting his friends by bleeding on them. Fortunately an open wound can be closed quickly be wading into the ocean!

Personality: TBD

Special Skills and Other: Strong swimmer. Art student (specifically in manga production). Studying/practicing martial arts, especially karate.
Equipment: TBD
Studying/Teacher: Student, studying art and animation
Character History: TBD

== Character Extras ==
Played By: Yuto
Face Claim: Drawn, see below
Ons/Offs: Link forthcoming
Writing Sample: Yuto's Writing Sample!



Spoiler: Click to Show/Hide
i'm suffering Senpai failure. 
A link for all of us who ever had a shouting match with our muse: http://www.ted.com/talks/elizabeth_gilbert_on_genius.html

How to set this Muse ablaze (O/Os)

When the little angel won't appear no matter how many plum blossoms you swirl:  https://elliquiy.com/forums/index.php?topic=135346.msg16474321#msg16474321 (Major update 5/10/2023)


Senpai failure overcome! 

Yuto, inside the [], change spoiler to spoiler=A surprise under Reilly's clothes.  It's a secret!
A link for all of us who ever had a shouting match with our muse: http://www.ted.com/talks/elizabeth_gilbert_on_genius.html

How to set this Muse ablaze (O/Os)

When the little angel won't appear no matter how many plum blossoms you swirl:  https://elliquiy.com/forums/index.php?topic=135346.msg16474321#msg16474321 (Major update 5/10/2023)



Name: Remy Etienne LeBeau
Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual
Age: 31
Height: 6'2"
Weight: 180 lbs
Affiliation: X-Men, X-Force, Thieves Guild, Marauders, Horsemen
Played by: Bowen
Face Claim: Nick Bateman

Personality: Gambit is cunning, smart, tricky, manipulative, and sneaky. Despite all this, he seems to have a good heart deep down and even a bit of a conscience. Gambit can be prone to sarcastic outbursts when annoyed or stressed out, and he can make a good quip here and there. He would sometimes rather talk a problem out then fight, depending on the situation. It was never shown whether Gambit was flirtatious or even romantic, but it's very clear, Gambit's a powerful mutant, but also is an expert thief and has a charm that the other Acolytes lack. He's a master of witty one-liners and has an abundance of charisma and self-confidence.

Abandoned at birth, Remy LeBeau was stolen by the New Orleans chapter of the Thieves Guild. His devilish red eyes earned him the tag "le diable blanc", or "the white devil". The Thieves Guild believed that Remy would be the inheritor of a prophecy that was foretold in which he would be a vital part of their future. Raised as the adopted son of Jean-Luc LeBeau, Remy would spend the earliest years of his life learning the art of theft, as he became a specialist at pickpocketing. At the age of 8 years old, Remy met and fell in love with the patriarch of the Assassin's Guild, Bella Donna Boudreax. Due to the conflicts between the Thieves Guild and the Assassins Guild, the two childrens fathers arranged for them to be married when they became of age. The union between Remy and Bella would ensure lasting peace between the two.

Guilds, and though both were reluctant, in the end the two agreed. It was sometime during his teen years when Remy's mutant talents began to emerge. Unlike most developing mutants, Remy seemed to gain control over his abilities with ease, using them for various tasks for the Thieves Guild. During a visit to Spain with his cousin Etienne, Remy and Etienne were captured by the beautiful villianness, Candra, whom claimed to have met Remy prior. After a chance escape thanks to Remy's powers, the two were apprehended by The Pig, whom Remy managed to fend off with the use of a deck of throwing card that he kinetically charged. Despite escaping, the two boys had fallen into the ocean where although Remy was rescued, his cousin Etienne had drowned. Shortly before his wedding to Bella Donna, Remy travelled to Paris with his adoptive brother Henri. It was there that Gambit would complete his rites of passage and earn his place into the Thieves Guild. The task was to steal a valuable jewel called l’Etoile du Tricherie, but it had already been stolen by another. After a failed mishap, Remy was introduced to the murderous Sabretooth for the first time, whom almost took the life of Henri had Remy not chosen to return the jewel and save his brother. When his wedding day came, Remy was challenged to a duel by Bella Donna's brother Julien, who opposed any type of union between the two duels. Remy won the duel, but in by doing so he killed Julien and was exiled from the Guilds. Banished from the Guilds, Remy left New Orleans and became a master thief over time.

Molecular Acceleration: Remy has the power to take the potential energy stored in an object and convert it to kinetic energy, thus “charging” that item with explosive results. He prefers to charge smaller objects, such as his ever-present playing cards, as the time required to charge them is greatly reduced and they are much easier for him to throw. The only real limitation to this ability is the time required to charge the object. The larger it is, the more time it takes.
* Dissolution: Gambit can also cause objects to pull themselves apart instead of exploding violently making them harmlessly melt down to nothing. Once having focused charging on dissolving shrapnel in a victim's stomach and at times when jump-started able to overcharge falling debris from crumbling buildings. His control over this has increased to the point he can shatter ice he was encased in without blowing up.
* Disruption: Gambit can take his explosive acceleration to temporarily scramble the sensory awareness of a person, knocking them out cold
* Enhanced Conditioning:Gambit's ability to tap energy also grants him increased speed, strength, reflexes and reactions, flexibility, dexterity, coordination, balance, and endurance as a side effect, bestowing him an added edge he has used to his advantage by developing a unique acrobatic fighting style.
*    Accelerating Regeneration: Gambit can enhance his own recovery rate by stimulating his own cellular activity. Through this process he once healed after removing a bone slag lodged in his chest.[27] Another time, when his eyes were damaged by a charged card exploding in his face, Sage augmented his powers and enabled him to restore his sight
*    Speed Augmentation:LeBeau can use his kinetic abilities to vastly increase his reflexes and locomotion to incredible extremes. Shown by dodging bullets, lasers, catching a bullet and throwing it back, blocking bullets with his staff, able to dodge missiles, spotting a magical bullet and knocking it out of the air scant moments before it struck him in the eye.
* Static Interference: Creates natural static, because of the charged potential energy always in his body, that shields his mind from intrusion by telepaths. Can increase the effect by holding a charged object near his head. Although reportedly uncomfortable for the parties involved, this shield does not totally prevent telepathic invasion.
* Vibration Emission: Gambit, through kinetic acceleration instead of conversion, can emit a shockwave accompanying a bright flashbang which leaves a sizable crater in the ground He can also charge items and not have them explode, such as his bo staff and even Captain America's shield. Rather than exploding, the energy is released upon impact.
* Shearing/Cutting: By charging his cards, Remy can use them to slice through objects as dense as solid steel without worry of them exploding.

Multilingual: He is fluent in English and Cajun French. He also knows some Japanese though he is not very fluent.
Master Marksman: He is extremely skilled in throwing small objects such as cards, bolas, knives, and balls with great accuracy.
Master Martial Artist: A profound fighter, often employing martial arts, street fighting, and acrobatics. He is well adept in the martial arts Savate (French kickboxing), and Bojutsu, the art of using a Bo staff.
Master Stick Fighter: Remy's extreme skills in Bojutsu makes him dangerously skilled in the use of his bo staff.
Master Thief: One of the world's greatest thieves, being able to get into anyplace on earth
Gifted Intellect: Gambit is a born strategist, and without studying, he managed to prove himself to be one of the greatest strategists of the X-Men. It is possible that he is as good a strategist as Wolverine or Beast.

* Mutant: with a human appearance (moderated by X-Men uniforms)
* Touch required: Generally, Gambit's powers require physical contact to function and were nearly, if not totally, incapable of affecting organic matter. His abilities have occasionally been augmented so that these limitations are no longer applicable.

Guild Costume: Gambit's guild costume is armored, providing better protection than a normal X-Men uniform,[89] according to Gambit himself, there may be a slight headache from being hit, but bullets and energy blasts will bounce off the armor. On his recent adventures Remy LeBeau stole a magic deck of Tarot Cards from Lady Saturnyne's keep, each one having the magical ability represented by the mystical arcana based upon the various characters who represent them, such as Longshot's visage on the wheel of fate governing good fortune.

Gambit's Staff: Gambit also often uses a telescoping bo-staff.
Playing Cards:


Etah dna Evol

If this is a thing I would like to make a speed based/vibration based OC that didn't develop his mutant powers until after he became a war veteran and suffered severe PTSD.