A Temple of Two Spirits -- 7: The Root of Hypocrisy

Started by Twisted Crow, May 24, 2016, 01:55:20 AM

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Twisted Crow

'The Root of Hypocrisy'

Disclaimer: I feel that this gets a tad ranty... so I apologize. ^-^

You know, I would say that hypocrisy bothers me more than anything but... I think what I find to be the root of hypocrisy is more offensive to me. Particularly when it is gleefully swallowed like just another shot of hard liquor.

While I am indeed aggravated by hypocrites... I am also a firm believer that anyone (and everyone) can stumble in those weeds by losing track of themselves every now and then. After all... we are all supposed to be human, right? But I strongly feel that hypocrisy is bred by ignorance as its chief catalyst. I don't think there is anything I hate more than being profiled, type-casted or stereotyped... especially by people that are so insistent that they themselves are not to be treated that way. If anything, I would expect it least of all from them. But... I find that these love to pack the same closet double-standards as any other. Haha, I have seen my fair share of it. The worst part of it is that I always have to mask my vehemence with a "knowing" smile on my face. A smile attempting to cloak my annoyance (and disappointment) in them, to say the least. Honestly, I still haven't quite figured out how to vent this frustration in a better way. I often tend to "fake it" on impulse.

Today was no exception to throw a wrench in my gears, but I won't get into that. Instead, I'll just gloss over a few things that normally push my buttons with this. Now... Sure, there are tendencies in the populous, trends in various social groups that I feel are undeniable... but unfortunately, people just get "stacked" based on these trends due to a few bits and pieces fitting said subjected "profile". So, I tend to get people trying to argue this whole ideological social construct that we have manifested over a series of generations. What's more, we sometimes try to "enforce" it as if it were documented law. And we tend to pit this construct against the natural status quo of "If it appears to be such, then it is as such". That's not to say that there is never a time to call a duck a duck. But if I can be honest? Both extremes kind of irk me. A social construct is a social construct. No matter how much I believe in its ideology, even with my whole identity thing: I can't expect for people to go out of their way for my sake. And no offense, sometimes there is a time and place to call it as one sees it. However, I am not a "typical male". I am neither classified nor defined by anatomy and basic instincts (though I acknowledge such things as a part of me). Even people who may seem dim of wit can be quite multi-dimensional. People are not simply canned with quaint labels based on a fraction of information. And it's something I feel like I deal with in spades given my "qualities":

He likes Rock music, and can totally relate on what songs he thinks are just badass. But then he also likes soft sounding, slow and sappy stuff that hits you on an emotional level.
He's probably a big wuss that puts on this big front.

I am into thrash-speed, but I love music in general. The cool thing about music is that it's a stacked deck of plenty... and each song is a card I can play for a given situation in life that just feels right. The double-standard in sensitivity is always mind-blowing to me, though. It borders on insane troll logic, you just can't argue with it and expect to make any headway. It's just another situation where there is little to be won from arguing with the ignorant.

He talks to women all the time, yet never makes a move...
He even turns down sex if some "bombshell babe" offered it up to him.
He plays the part of "sensitive friend" and hardly ever makes the move for her pants to drop.
And... he says he's straight?

Because, you know... I am this guy with a conscience. My family screwed up and tried to make me a good person with a heart and whatnot. So I'm just not all that ready to get in bed with a random woman on the spot (even when my body is eager for it). It just doesn't feel right doing anything that personal with someone I don't even know. So you know, because of that... people sometimes suspect my sexual orientation (or I'm "White Knighting", bah!). Sigh... another burden to carry. Heh heh...  ::)

He doesn't say much, sometimes doesn't say anything for ages.
He just listens and just comes out of his shell randomly.
It's just not normal.

Yeah... introversion is real fickle like that, especially when coupled with shyness. And it's been my obstacle in causing a slew of miscommunications with others in the past. From making guys think that I have a superiority complex to leading women on to think that I don't find them attractive/interesting (when in fact, I sometimes do!). But hey, everyone is a critic, right?

The point of this entry? I encourage you to not allow people to define you... but I advise not to be so quick to turn every little observation people make into a 'label'. Sometimes, an observation is an observation. It doesn't actually become judgmental until someone crudely decides to frontload some conclusion behind such a tiny amount of what you are as a whole. I ask my readers to carefully think this on both sides before lashing out. Be mindful that, in the face of ignorance, you do not become ignorant yourself.

Have a pleasant night, and apologies for the semi-rant this evening. I've had a lot on my mind and few comrades to let loose with these days. ::)


On The Music: I feel like this goodie from The Strokes works with the tone on this entry. Not to sound unoriginal, but I also really dig this song. I'm too tired to get into all the things I want to touch on with this track. Why does this always happen when I write the main body of the entry first?  ;)