The Collingwood Academy, an anime role play (M for F)

Started by Denivar, May 25, 2015, 09:46:17 PM

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The Collingwood Academy is a prestigious high school, catering to elite students. It expects much of its students, and only the best find their way through its doors. It is situated on forty acres of find land, and parents vie to have their offspring enrolled.

Naturally, students must wear full school uniform at all time when attending classes.

And, of course, its students are expected to abide by a strict code of conduct, and any infractions are swiftly punished.  We're not (just) talking about detentions or suspensions here either. Late to class? Talking back to a teacher? A student can expect a good dose of the cane. Corporal punishment is a big fat ON of mine and will feature prominently in this role play, so it had better be something you're very very into like me for this to work out.

Now, your character will be a very competitive, ambitious young woman. Perhaps you come from a wealthy family and you want to do better than the other 'rich girls' at the school. Perhaps you come from a working-class family and won a scholarship to attend the Collingwood Academy. This makes you even more competitive, wanting to show you can do better than the rich girls.

In any case, your character will be competitive with the other young women of the school certainly romantically over the boys of the school (or even male teachers!), academically, socially, and athletically.

Most of all though, your character will utilize the strict discipline code of the school to see her rivals punished. Wouldn't it be so satisfying to loiter outside the staff room as you hear one of your rivals being turned over a teacher's knee and soundly spanked for some infraction you pointed out to a teacher? What about framing a rival so that she ends up getting six strokes of the cane in front of the entire school!

Of course, plans might back fire, and it might be your character who ends up being punished. Or perhaps you and your class mates are such bitter rivals that you play the mutually assured destruction game and end up with both of you being punished.

This role play will involve me playing as a GM, controlling a number of different characters, and you controlling your character -- you can also extend to some control of NPC's if you're comfortable with that. I'm also open to doing this as a small group game if several people are interested and they seem committed.

Being willing to post anime images matching their posts frequently as well as indulging in extensive world building is a big big bonus.

Please PM me if interested!
"If you go to see the woman, do not forget the whip." -- Friedrich Nietzsche

Ons and Offs -- Roleplay Ideas -- Apologies, Absences, Excuses, that sort of thing