ZK's Video-Game and P&P Game Reviews

Started by ZK, September 06, 2008, 02:05:32 PM

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There isn't going to be any reviews in my first post. This is simply an announcement.

I shall be reviewing video-games and pencil and paper games once again. The former will be games nearly anyone can gain. The latter will be based on those rare books that is hard to find (but still in print or for sale) at a FLGS, but not the internet.

I shall keep you updated with regular reviews and such. Now I will admit, some of these reviews will take a while to do, as I will make sure to get a lot out of the product before posting it (I.E. beating the game if it has an end or finish reading the book and possibly play-testing it).

You of course may comment on my review after the review is up. Each review will be in this board thread, but will each have an unique subject title of it's own.

This has become an index for my reviews to keep it from being flooded behind.
On's/Off's --- Game Reviews

"Only the insane have strength enough to prosper. Only those who prosper may judge what is sane."


Pencil & Paper:

Unhallowed Metropolis:


Video Games:

Fallout 3 (XBOX 360 & PC):

On's/Off's --- Game Reviews

"Only the insane have strength enough to prosper. Only those who prosper may judge what is sane."