F looking for Male Trainers and Pokemon for Smut Heavy Game

Started by LtRipley, September 10, 2014, 12:44:23 PM

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Please read my o/o's before contacting me :) They're linked in my sig

I would like for this game to be pretty smut heavy, but definitely interested in plot and romance too!

So yeah, I've been toying with the idea of doing a pokemon game for a while and finally got the motivation to sit down and figure out what exactly I wanted to do.

I would like to basically recreate the show/games, focusing on a trainer and her team as she goes from Pallet Town to the Indigo Plateau, fighting trainers, wild pokemon, gym leaders, and maybe even some villains along the way. Obviously we wouldn't be starting out with her as a 12 year old like in the canon material, I was leaning towards her being somewhere between 16-18, actually preferring 18, it always confused me how kids could just drop out of school to become pokemon trainers so I think her finishing school first would be what I'd like best.

She still got her starter when she was 12 from Professor Oak (I'm thinking a charmander) and has been training with him and a small team of pokemon as she finished school. So when she turns 18, he's a charmeleon.

Now, I'm looking for a partner that is up for playing multiple roles, your main character would likely be her charmander, and also her rival, who would have picked a squirtle, but I'm also looking for other male pokemon (both wild and belonging to MC or other trainers) as well as other trainers, gym leaders, maybe Team Rocket or a similar organization for villains, etc.

This game will include sex scenes with pokemon, just keep that in mind. It will actually probably be pretty smutty. I would prefer to keep any pokemon we have smut scenes with in their original forms as much as possible but I'd be willing to change some around to a more humanoid/anthro form. I am also willing to play other female characters (whether they be human or pokemon) if ever want to maybe focus on the rival or have one of MC's pokemon taken an interest in another trainer or pokemon, I could even play a couple of female pokemon on the rival's team.

A lot of stuff is up in the air for me, as far as how canon do we want things to be with characters (do we want to just use pre existing gym leaders, come up with our own, etc?) and we could either leave out a lot of the battling or include it (I have some ideas for this), and I would be open to tweaking some of this, but I think it's a pretty basic idea.

I'm looking for some one who can post at least once a week and at least two paragraphs, more on both fronts would be awesome, those are just my minimums.



pm me and we can talk more on it im interested greatly. we can bounce ideas