(FxM Pairing) Looking for Mass Effect-verse play or Dragon Age

Started by CalliLurk, November 09, 2014, 11:04:49 AM

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I had been hoping to find something Mass Effect related play on here and so far I have ended up bust and only found already paired play and group games that have died out. I am fairly new here, havn't even gotten into some in depth RP yet though working on hopefully one. But my major craving is Mass Effect. I  also can only play a decent  female. I have tried playing males and I really suck at it. I also prefer FxM pairings but I can try FxF with a really good idea. So onto the cravings!

1. OC Female Human X OC Male Turian- Before Shepard and during the Relay 314 incident. A human shuttle pilot was flying in for a hot zone pick up and ended up hit. She is found wounded by a Turian scout or some other Turian and taken prisoner but they are far from any Turian encampment on Shanxi. (May have some elements of NC but it might lead who knows where. I would like to just have this one develop as it goes.)

2. OC Human Female X OC Male Drell- If you have an idea for this I am more then willing to give it a shot.

Please don't post on this thread since I don't know how to really make it so it pops up someone posted to it. A PM would be best to get ahold of me.



Since I seem to be going bust on trying to dig up Mass Effect RP for any length of time here is  another one.

Dragon Age

Even though I have not even managed to finish  Dragon Age Origins yet there are many characters I would be interested playing verses. Most of the male possible Romances for one against a female Warden or Hawke or even Inquisitor if needed. Would also be game to do it as an NC of either as well. Plots are open to discussion, I just think this would be something fun and with someone to talk with on it I think something will be able to be come up with.