Sailor Moon: AU [LGBTQ+] [Original Verse] - [Discontinued]

Started by TheBlackThrone, July 13, 2018, 12:47:53 AM

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Once upon a time, the Moon Kingdom ruled over the universe. The queen guarded the universe and all of its planets with the might of the other ruling kingdoms: Mercury, Mars, Jupiter, Venus, Pluto, Uranus, Neptune, and Saturn. There was one peculiar kingdom that interested her. The Kingdom of Earth whose king ruled over beings called “Humans.” Secretly, the curious queen would runaway to Earth to learn more about it with its king when one day, a darkness attacked.

The Dark Kingdom also known as the Negaverse expanded their conquest into the Moon Kingdom. It moved like a demon. Its evil tore open the Space-Time Doors guarded by Pluto and expanded throughout the Moon Kingdom, swallowing and corrupting everything in its path with its delectable evil. Armies turned on Armies, and then planets on planets. The princes and princesses of their respective kingdoms were forced back to the moon in a final effort to protect the queen. Each warrior fell except for Saturn, the Moon, and Earth. Fearful of what a new beginning would bring and fearful that she may never see her Earth lover again, the queen asked for the prince and princess of Saturn to destroy the universe.

Before Saturn proceeded, the queen summoned the power of her Silver Crystal and sealed all of her subjects within. Saturn took the crystal and using their phenomenal power destroyed the universe and the Dark Kingdom—so they believed. When the universe was reborn, the planets’ kingdoms were vacant. The humans of Earth were oblivious to the destruction. They called it the “Big Bang” and had no memory of a previous time. The Dark Kingdom had learned before the destruction that it could seal itself within the darkness that exists in the heart of every human. From the darkness, the Dark Kingdom began to slowly rebirth, but it was a painfully slow process, requiring for evil to prevail, which it did most significantly during World War 2.

When the queen of the Dark Kingdom, Nefra, was finally born, she took darkness into her womb and gave birth to the Four Kings of Heaven: Vicius; Wickard; Devio; and Terris. The kings sole purpose was to harvest the darkness from the hearts of the humans and restore the full power of the Dark Kingdom.

The New Year of 2000 brought about a new millennia. The moon was full and a single tear fell from it to earth. The tear was the Silver Crystal. When the crystal landed on earth, it released the spirits of the Moon Kingdom. In the year 2000, each spirit was reincarnated as a human. The humans would grow oblivious of their true destiny. They enjoyed a normal life until fate brought them together at a private university by the name of Bay Point in Bay Point, California, USA.

Bay Point is a prestigious private school in Northern California. It guarantees an excellent education and only the best of influences, promising the rearing of leaders and great minds. The president of the school is Gabriel Locklar. The mascot of the school is a Seahawk; and the colors of the school are black and blue, which wasn’t the wisest of color choices seeing as sports teams are constantly the butt of all black and blue jokes. Regardless, Bay Point has one of the most competitive and top sports teams in the nation.

At Bay Point, all students are required to wear a uniform and maintain a strict dress code for the sake of the professional development the school promises. All females wear skirts, high socks, blouses, and dress shoes; and all males will wear a suit and tie. For those students who identify themselves as either gender, they wear the uniform they identify with, but they are not permitted to mix and match.

Here at Bay Point university, your characters will be allowed to partake in 2 clubs and 4 classes. If you play Mercury, the geniuses of the group, then you are allowed up to 6 classes a semester because they can handle it. While at the university, all characters live on campus and in male and female dormitories. They will encounter many wicked attempts by the Dark Kingdom, and these attempts may not always be consensual.

All Sailors will be female. No exceptions. They are the reincarnated princesses who govern their designated half of the planet, usually the north. The one ruling planet is the Moon, where the Neo Queen of the Universe once resided. The Queen of the Universe is Sailor Moon in this game.

All Knights are males. No exceptions. They are the reincarnated princes who govern their designated half of the planet, usually the south. While the knights respect the Neo Queen, they have devoted themselves to the King of Earth who is Terra Knight in this game.

Outer Senshi are those princesses and knights of the planets: Uranus, Neptune, Saturn, and Pluto. They will also be the international exchange students in the game. You can have their nationality come from any part of the world. The Outer Senshi always had a turbulent relationship with the Inner Senshi (Mars, Mercy, Jupiter, and Venus). Because they held great power and responsibility with protecting the universe from external threats they were often times cocky and looked down on the other planets. It was always the Queen who united all the planets and without her, the Outer Senshi may not have ever cooperated.

Below are the descriptions for each planet:

  • Earth: Terra Knight is the only knight and King of Earth. He is the leader of the knights and possesses powers over energy. A special crystal called the Golden Crystal exists inside him. He was once the fiancé of the Queen of the Universe before the Dark Kingdom nearly swallowed everything. Reborn as a human on earth, he bears a natural charisma and talent for leadership. (Taken)[1/1]
    • Moon: Queen of the Universe and former fiancée of the King of Earth. She is the leader of the group and the princesses serve under her as guardians and affiliates. She is the main protagonist of this game and has powers over the moon, light, and healing corrupted souls. Reborn as a human on earth, she naturally has a healing and mediating nature. (Taken) [1/1]

    Inner Senshi
    • Mercury: Controls ice and water. They are also adept in intelligence, technopathy, and computers. Mercuries have a natural high intellect. They are the smartest of all the Senshi. They have the abilities to seek out an enemy’s weak point and exploit it. They were the War Advisor and Strategists in the Moon Kingdom. (Open) [0M/1F]
    • Venus: Controls love, light, and metal. Like Venus from Roman mythology, those of Venus possess powers over and love and beauty. They are the most attractive out of all the Senshi and are the first to learn about their powers, acting covertly to combat the Dark Kingdom’s secret group known as the Dark Agency. Their powers can manipulate and restrain those of weak willpower into submission. They were the Captains of Covert Operations (Assassination) in the Moon Kingdom. (Open) [0M/0F]
    • Mars: Controls fire, psionics, and the spirit. Mars are capable of sensing disturbances in the balance. They can sense unnatural beings and powers—a danger sense. They also have a natural fiery temper. They were War Generals in the Moon Kingdom along with those forces from Jupiter. (Taken) [1M/1F]
    • Jupiter: Controls lightning, plants, and physical strength. Jupiters are the tallest and physically strongest of all the Senshi. They were War Generals in the Moon Kingdom along with those forces from Mars. (Open) [1M/0F]

    Outer Senshi

    • Saturn: Possesses power over destruction, death, and rebirth. They have the powers to annihilate planets, entire star systems, as well as reset evolution to zero. They govern balance. Despite their frightening abilities, they are conscious of the consequences their powers can have on the world and thus never utilize their full strength. Still exhausted after The Great Destruction and Rebirth, they are the last to awaken and can only be awakened by three relics possesses by the other outer senshi. They were the Moon Kingdom’s Last Resort. (Taken) [1M/1F]
    • Uranus: Possesses power over the sky, precognition, and swordsmanship. Each Uranus possesses a half of one relic: The Space Sword. Their swordsmanship is unmatched in the universe and their precognitive powers allowed them to glimpse in the future. They were the Seers in the Moon Kingdom. (Open) [0M/1F]
    • Neptune: Controls the sea and has similar precognitive powers as Uranus. Each Neptune possesses a half of one relic: The Deep Aqua Mirror. The mirror allowed Neptunes to reflect any attack, reveal the truth in all illusions and lies, and reveal secret enemy locations. They were the Scouts in the Moon Kingdom. (Open) [0M/1F]
    • Pluto: Possesses powers over time, the underworld, space, darkness, and precognition. Each Pluto possesses a half of one relic: The Garnet Orb. The Garnet Orb is a planetary weapon of great power and Plutos are able to use their halves to pull the other talismans from the hearts of Uranus and Neptune. Plutos have the role similar to Heimdall. They guard the Space-Time Doors at the edge of the universe, permitting no one to enter or leave. Like Sailor Saturn, they try to protect the stability of the universe, and in order to do so, they cannot allow intruders or deserters. They were the Gatekeepers in the Moon Kingdom. (Open) [0M/1F]

    When the three talismans are brought together, then they can be used to awaken the Saturns.

    Each Sailor will have a cat guardian and each knight a dog. They are to be named after the moons, which orbit around your characters’ planets. If the planet doesn’t have a moon, then name them after unclaimed moons or stars. We want to keep the space theme. The cats can be whatever kind of house cat you want. The dogs are not to be wolves or wolf-hybrids. They are to be dogs. The guardians once possessed a different form. They may have been a unicorn, griffon, dragon, serpent, etc. once. Due to the Rebirth, they were reborn as common pets on Earth with the loss of their great powers. Be sure to mention the guardians and their beast form (if you wish to give them one). They are the creatures that will seek out the unawakened Senshi and keep an eye on them until they can be awakened. All guardians will awaken the Inner and Outer Senshi, however, Saturns can only be awakened by the three talismans.

    When your characters transform, they must grasp their transformation device (whatever it is, it can be any object) and shout out the activation name. The Sailors often said, “[Name of their Planet] POWER MAKE UP!” While the knights can just get creative. In the last version of this game, they popularly said “[Name of their planet] PLANET POWER!” or Planet Charge!

    I don’t expect everyone to describe their transformation sequence over and over each time it becomes relevant. But definitely the first time to reveal their uniform. The Sailors wore the traditional uniforms from the show, while the Knights mostly wore armor. When transformed, the Senshi may encounter aspects of their old selves. If they had past relationships with any of the princes of princesses, or if they ever had some fancy heroic line they always said before a battle such as Sailor Moon’s: “In the name of the moon, I will punish you!” They won’t understand at first why they say these things, but they’ll understand it when their guardians reveal it to them.

    Characters are allowed 1 power at this time. This power comes from whatever planet your character is affiliated with. This power can only be accessed when transformed. If your character forgets his or her transformation device, that is okay. Usually, your backup cat or dog guardian will deliver it to you. That’s why they are there to cover your ass! As the game progresses and characters acquire more powerful transformation devices, then the number of powers will grow.

    Here is the character sheet that you will fill out for this game. Here are also some Character Sheet Building Rules:

    1. Do not copy another writer's creation. Always ask a writer for permission even if you want to take the format they use for their CS. Try to come up with your own idea. If it looks like you took the idea from another writer, then it will not be accepted.
    2. Choose different breeds. Try to avoid using the same animal breed. If your favorite breed is already taken, then ask the writer who took it for permission. Maybe he or she will give it to you.
    3. Choose different weapons. If everyone had a great sword or katana, then combat wouldn't be at all interesting. Try to use a different weapon. It is okay if it's just two people with a similar, but more than that is a bit much.
    4. LGBTQ+ We allow all types here. Everyone must be respectful.
    5. No Anime. I know this idea is based on a manga/anime, but there won't be any anime pics allowed here.
    6. Mention your Face Claim. If you don't know who it is, then that's fine. If you do know, mention it.
    7. Do not have to have a picture. I know finding the proper face claim can be a pain. We have all been there. It is not mandatory.

[B]Name:[/B] Character’s name.
[b]Former Name:[/b] (Usagi/Serena was formerly called Princess Serenity and Mamoru/Darien, Prince Endymion. What was your character's Moon name?)
[B]Alias:[/B] Sailor Who? [Planet] Knight?
[B]Age:[/B] (19+ because we’re in college. Everyone was born in the 2000s.)
[B]Height:[/B] (Remember Jupiters are the tallest so try to stay below 6'3 and above 5'0")
[B]Hair Color:[/B] (if your character has highlights, shaved head, whatever. You describe it here)
[B]Eye Color:[/B] (they should have normal eye colors)
[B]Sexuality:[/B] (Hetero/Homo/Bi)
[B]Nationality:[/B] (Where do they come from? Outer Senshi are the only International Students)
[B]Basic Description:[/B] (if they have scars, tattoos, piercings, etc. You go all out describing it here)
[B]Visual Description:[/B] (No anime please. You can use photos of famous models or actors but please drop a Face Claim name so we don’t have two of the same model and actor in the game)
[B]Degree:[/B] (Optional - what are they majoring/double majoring in. You can even add any minors here)
[B]Classes:[/B] (List up to 4 classes. It’s important because other characters may be in the same class as you therefore more interaction. Mercuries can list up to six.)
[B]Clubs:[/B] (Optional – list 2 clubs - it’s encouraged. It gives your characters some unique skills)
[b]Personality/Background:[/b] (Whatever needs to be said about their personality or background can be written here. You do not have to write the pre-Destruction story if you don't want to.)
[b]Plant:[/b] (What planet do they hail from? Also refer to this link for planetary symbols. Each Senshi has the symbol appear somewhere on their body when they display some amazing act that identifies them. No normal human can see the symbol but the guardians and other senshi can. Reference:
[B]Special Powers:[/B] (list 1 and describe it. Remember one power. Not 3 powers in one. One power. It may not be as strong as you want but they will grow and learn more powers.)
[B]Weapon:[/B] (one weapon - you will also describe what it looks like and any other features and details. Dual weapons as long as they are the same weapon are still considered one weapon. So is hand-to-hand combat (fists and feet))
[B]Guardian:[/B] (the name of your cat or dog)
[B]Description:[/B] (what kind of cat or dog are they, what do they look like? They all have the trademark crescent moon symbol on their foreheads. If they have a beast form.)

Dove Cameron
Naressa Valdez
Greg Kheel
Luke Guldan
Kanna Hashimoto
Tommy DiDario
Madison Paige
Kina Shen

1) Post all OOC comments in the OOC. I will make an OOC when the game starts. For now, this recruitment thread will be the OOC. So feel free to talk here.
2) Write more than 300 words. If your muse is shot, then wait for it to revive or collaborate with someone. Especially when it comes to long back and forth dialog.
3) Be active. If you haven’t posted in 14 days I’m going to send you a PM. If you haven’t posted in 30 days, then I’m going to drop your character.
4) Post all sex scenes in either links to solo threads or spoiler them with (NSFW).
5) Communicate. Tell me if you’re going to be absent so I can accommodate your absence otherwise I may drop you from the game if your absence goes beyond 30 days and you never told me about it. I will NPC other players after 14 days to keep the game moving.
6) You are allowed only one character not two. We want for everyone to have a chance.
7) Do not pick the same breed of dog or cat as someone else. Again. Variety.
8) Currently, I will be GMing the Dark Kingdom/Negaverse but if ever a player in this game wants to step up and GM their own situation or scenario that they want to happen, then please PM me so we can discuss it. If I find it acceptable, then I will grant you permission to be the GM of that scenario.

Q: If I want to make a nonbinary role, how can I go about doing that?

A: The first challenge the nb character may face is the school uniform for it cannot be mismatched due to professionalism. They will have to choose which uniform they want to wear. Nb characters can be given their own room or dorm depending on how many of them join the game. If we have one, then letting them have their own room shouldn't be a problem. The second challenge, "somewhat" would be their Sailor or Knight uniform. If they were always Nb around the time of the Moon Kingdom, then I don't see a problem if the Nb character dons their own unique uniform. It's their uniform. When they are on weekend or vacation, there isn't a uniform so they can dress how they want. I don't think any character in this game will want to wear the school uniform 24/7 for the rest of their university lives lol.

Character Thread


Bay Point University IC

Bay Point/San Francisco IC

Messenger IC
The gates are open
Current Time Zone: US MST
Delays: School 20 Feb - 9 May
Current solo request: None.
Current group request: Strings


I've got stuff to catch up on before I can comfortably commit to another rp atm, but I'll admit I'm a huge Sailor Moon fan. So I'm certainly interested.

I'm curious though, since it says in the title that it's LGBTQ+ friendly, and the characters seem to be sorted pretty rigidly into gender roles, what the deal would be regarding nb characters. Would they even be allowed? If they would, what roles would they fit into?
O/O: I was going to make a barebones F-list as a rough summary, but then it logged me out and I lost my progress, so I made a VERY barebones F-list instead: Here.


Quote from: Florence on July 13, 2018, 05:29:50 AM
I've got stuff to catch up on before I can comfortably commit to another rp atm, but I'll admit I'm a huge Sailor Moon fan. So I'm certainly interested.

I'm curious though, since it says in the title that it's LGBTQ+ friendly, and the characters seem to be sorted pretty rigidly into gender roles, what the deal would be regarding nb characters. Would they even be allowed? If they would, what roles would they fit into?

I am allowing 1 male and 1 female for each planet, but there is nothing dictating "ships." I don't plan to start this game until about sometime in August so for now, I'm allowing people time to comfortably go through the character building process, and when they get that done. They can start collaborating with others. As for your nb question, it shouldn't be an issue if there are others who are open in sexuality in the game. There usually are pansexuals and nonbinaries. It just depends on what kind of writers come along. I role play whatever type of personality I create, so if I make a hetero, then I make one. If I make a homo, then I make a homo, etc for bi and what have you.

I first made this game back in 2015, and I had role played Knight Uranus, and he was definitely gay and my favorite to play.  ::) It will depend on the writers that join the group and where they want to take their characters.

To further add, the nb role, because I was thinking about the school uniform. They would have to choose which uniform they would be comfortable in wearing because they cannot mix and match the uniform. As for dorms, I am sure they can just have their own dormitory or they could opt to have a room to themselves.

If you plan to make a nb role for a certain planet, just let me know. It wouldn't be hard to change the M/F thing to N or to just simply mark the slot as taken.

This was a really good question. I'm going to add it to the FAQ.

See the FAQ because I provide a short and sweet answer, and I hope the answer was helpful. Just know that this game is not set in stone for certain things. We can make most things work. Its the god-level characters who I'm more adamant about not permitting in this game or the Mary Sues/Gary Stus.
The gates are open
Current Time Zone: US MST
Delays: School 20 Feb - 9 May
Current solo request: None.
Current group request: Strings


I'd be interested in Pluto...likely Knight but maybe Sailor? Never played a woman before.


Quote from: HockeyGod on July 13, 2018, 06:20:54 AM
I'd be interested in Pluto...likely Knight but maybe Sailor? Never played a woman before.

Give it a shot.  ;D But try to make a character you see yourself using long-term. I wouldn't want to see your muse get burned up.

Let me just put out there to everyone. If someone would like to potentially MxM, let me know. I will be all for it.  ;) We can traditionally make them Uranus and Neptune or mix it around with the other roles.
The gates are open
Current Time Zone: US MST
Delays: School 20 Feb - 9 May
Current solo request: None.
Current group request: Strings


( I saw this in the world building area
and then I saw it here and just got excited all over again. )

but I want in, absolutely.
sailor mars, likely probably? <3
your hungry heart was 
o v e r f e d.

Sirian Eve

What no one wants to be the moon? I'll take it or Saturn.

CURRENT STATUS: Posting 8/26



Quote from: hernameisbanks on July 13, 2018, 08:41:10 AM
( I saw this in the world building area
and then I saw it here and just got excited all over again. )

but I want in, absolutely.
sailor mars, likely probably? <3

I'll reserve it. When you start the CS process and you find yourself leaning in another direction, you can always change it while the game is still fresh. There aren't that many roles reserved or claimed.  :-)

Quote from: Sirian Eve on July 13, 2018, 08:57:52 AM
What no one wants to be the moon? I'll take it or Saturn.

See which one inspires you most during the CS-making process. Sailor Saturn or Saturn Knight?

Quote from: Belisuavious on July 13, 2018, 10:36:09 AM
I'm interested in the Venus Knight

I shall reserve.  :-)
The gates are open
Current Time Zone: US MST
Delays: School 20 Feb - 9 May
Current solo request: None.
Current group request: Strings


Definitely going to set my sights on mars.

And for the sake of face claims, since I am about to head out for a busy day,
Rihanna.  ::)
your hungry heart was 
o v e r f e d.


Quote from: hernameisbanks on July 13, 2018, 10:54:41 AM
Definitely going to set my sights on mars.

And for the sake of face claims, since I am about to head out for a busy day,
Rihanna.  ::)

Whaaa~t? I don't think I've ever seen her as a FC. That's going to be very interesting.  ;D
The gates are open
Current Time Zone: US MST
Delays: School 20 Feb - 9 May
Current solo request: None.
Current group request: Strings


Quote from: TheBlackThrone on July 13, 2018, 10:57:07 AM
Whaaa~t? I don't think I've ever seen her as a FC. That's going to be very interesting.  ;D

I was looking at a gif of her the other day like
"wow as soon as I find a story for you mama,
we're in there."

and then you came along with this idea, like a gift.
your hungry heart was 
o v e r f e d.

la dame en noir

This was the hardest decision of my $#@& life. I was staring at this list forever.

I'm just gonna go ahead and reserve Neptune(female). Face claim pending. Working on sheet now.
Games(Group & 1x1): 7 | Post Rate: 1 - 6 days | Availability: Actively looking!
A&A | FxF |
O/Os | FxF Writers Directory

Sirian Eve

Mmmm decisions! Okay I'll choose the Moon princess..

If no one takes Saturn by August I would gladly portray any side.....face claim for the moon is still pending.

Dove Cameron

CURRENT STATUS: Posting 8/26


If there are no objections (that is, unless someone else would like it) I'd like to use a young, long haired Chris Hemsworth as my face claim.

Also, here's my WIP character sheet (I have the day off and got really excited about this.)

Spoiler: Click to Show/Hide

Name: Andrew
Former Name: Aeneas
Alias:Venus Knight
Age: 19
Height: 5'10
Weight: 177
Hair Color: Shoulder length sandy blond hair
Eye Color: Blue
Sexuality: Bi, leans slightly more to women
Nationality: American

Basic Description: He has a small heart tattoo on each wrist that he got on a whim at 15, and thought he briefly considered an earring, ultimately decided that it could wait until he was ready for it. He has a small collection of tiny scars from minor childhood incidents. There are a number of larger, more painful looking scars on his forearms and a rather nasty looking one along the left side of his ribs from the fighting he has done since being awoken at 16.

Visual Description: He has a “classically heroic” build; that is to say broad shoulders and a narrow waist. Well proportioned, he is muscular without being bulky,  and all while seemingly doing very little work for it all! While he is no slob, it was clear to him from a young age that looking the way he did came with very little effort, though it became clear after Neith filled him in on the details of his past form. He was the Venus Knight, and looking beautiful was just how he was supposed to be. Even his hair follows the “rules”, despite using nothing more advanced than a very basic shampoo and conditioner his locks are lustrous and no matter how it's cut or styled, it looks just right on him.

Degree: Majoring in History. It's a subject he has loved for many years, and it helps to be good at something if you have the occasional emergency that causes you to miss class.
Classes:   World History – The Pre-Modern World
         Intro to Mythology
         American History – Pre-Colonial to the Revolution
         Topics in History – Warfare and Technology in the Dark Ages

Clubs: Wrestling Club

Personality/Background: Andrew spent the first 14 years of his life in rural Montana near the Canadian border, though he never really got into the “redneck” style of shooting guns, riding horses and being angry at “the gays”, and as a result spent much of his time alone, either hiking, riding his bike or curled up with a book. Perhaps the only stereotypical “country” virtues he picked up was a stubborn streak a mile wide, and the desire to see things through to the end. His life improved dramatically when his family moved to Portland, Oregon. He adjusted quickly to life in the city, losing any traces of his former rural accent and thriving in school with a markedly increased social life. It was here that he finally felt able to explore his sexuality safely, discovering that he was also interested in men.

Things were looking up for Andrew. School was going well, he was attractive, had plenty of friends, and he had just came in first place at a wrestling tournament.

That's when the dog appeared.

It was a cute dog, that much was clear. He was a cheerful little guy, smaller than he should have been but not at all unhealthy. More like a slightly scaled down version of the American Bulldog. Thinking about it, Andrew couldn't remember how the dog wound up at his home. It just sort of happened one day, all of a sudden there was a family pet and his parents didn't seem to notice that anything was out of place. Still, it had only been a feeling until the dog spoke to him. Told him who he was, or at least who he had been. What he had been.

Things got complicated then. Or perhaps they became very simple. The Dark Agency became known to Andrew, and at the urging of Neith, his new dog and mentor, he began to fight. It was difficult at first, having only gotten into a fight once before at 13. He got hurt, often, and training with Neith gave him more bruises than sports ever had. Still, it needed to be done, and if he wasn't yet strong enough to charge into the fight, he was smart enough to find ways around the problem. The others, whoever they were, hadn't awoken yet (whatever that meant, Neith wasn't very forthcoming on that particular point), and so he was the only one who could help. It would be nice to know who these others were though.

Even with the workload of protecting Portland, he managed to keep his grades up, and even applied to Oregon State University to stay close to where he was needed. However, as graduation day approached he noticed less and less Dark Agency activity around his region. At first he thought this meant he was winning, that whoever the others were, they weren't needed. Then he received a packet in the mail, congratulating him for his acceptance into Bay Point University with a full ride scholarship. It seems that the fight wasn't over, and that whatever or whoever was pulling the strings needed him to be at this Bay Point University.

Likes: Despite the stress of near constant conflict for the past tree years Andrew has managed to stay relatively upbeat in his down time. He enjoys a mix of activities, from reading and writing to cycling and going for a run. His favourite foods are burgers of all shapes and sizes, and guacamole, preferably with chips but just fine without them. As for people, he likes folks he can be himself around. More importantly, he likes being around people who are of a more open-minded bent, having had more than enough of close minded bigots in his early years.
Dislikes: Team sports aren't really his thing, and aside from the occasional movie or party game, he doesn't do much with a television. He is shockingly intolerant of bigoted jerks, but otherwise tries his best to get along with people who are trying their best to live a good life.

Planet: The Venus symbol appears on his wrists, the circle surrounding the heart with the tail pointing away from his hand.
Special Powers: Venus Love-Bomb: This power overwhelms the target with an intense feeling of love. Not lust, or infatuation but a deep, meaningful feeling of love and care, if only for a moment. It is a physical manifestation, in the shape of a small cartoon-like bomb, of the purest expression of love and care. It overwhelms evil, though whether the end result is destruction, pain or just a brief distraction depends on how powerful the foe is, how much anger and hatred they hold in their heart, and how willing they are to open themselves to love.
Weapon: Preferring to avoid direct combat entirely, Andrew will fall back on a pair of slim knives when he has to fight. He hasn't killed anyone with them, but they hare handy for striking people using the handle, and they look intimidating.
Guardian: Neith
Description: Neith is an American bulldog with a brown and white coat. The Venus symbol appears on his forehead. He is a bit smaller than the average bulldog but otherwise looks and acts like a cheerful young dog, despite being a serious and demanding mentor. He has been responsible for Andrew's combat training the past three years.


I started my profile because I had a little time.
buuuuut for anyone playing a Sailor.

i'm claiming a maine coon cat.
your hungry heart was 
o v e r f e d.



Face Claim: Jimmy Q
Planet: Pluto

Dog type: Black Great Dane (small planet, big dog)
Dog name: Charon or "Char" for short

Do the outer senshei have current possession of their half of the relic? that the weapon I should put in the profile?
The bio says they start with 1 power. The outer senshei have had their power, plus the power of their relic. Should we still start with 1 power and ignore the power of the relic?
Pluto has always had the power over time, but uses it at peril. Should this be noted in the bio?


Quote from: HockeyGod on July 13, 2018, 04:45:41 PM

Face Claim: Jimmy Q
Planet: Pluto

Dog type: Black Great Dane (small planet, big dog)
Dog name: Charon or "Char" for short

Do the outer senshei have current possession of their half of the relic? that the weapon I should put in the profile?

That is up to you. Charon gives him the device he uses to transform. If you want to incorporate the garnet orb into your character's weapon, then up to you. Plutos have their talismans physically in their possession, meaning it exists outside their body. They are the ones who can draw the other talismans from Uranus and Neptune, but of course, they would need to learn and be made aware of all of this.

The bio says they start with 1 power. The outer senshei have had their power, plus the power of their relic. Should we still start with 1 power and ignore the power of the relic?

Everyone has one power. I wouldn't even count the talisman as a power since they don't know how to use it unless the talisman is the weapon and thus the one power. But only one.

Pluto has always had the power over time, but uses it at peril. Should this be noted in the bio?

Unless you plan to use it for plot/story purposes. If he is at peril in every single fight with the Dark Kingdom, then it might as well be his first ability and be annotated as a power.

Made my answers in bold.
The gates are open
Current Time Zone: US MST
Delays: School 20 Feb - 9 May
Current solo request: None.
Current group request: Strings

Lady Sakura

I might be interested in picking up female Mercury.


Ooh, this sounds like fun.  Is Mars Knight available, and can I pull off using hide as a faceclaim?


Quote from: Lady Sakura on July 14, 2018, 07:24:44 AM
I might be interested in picking up female Mercury.

Great.  ;D If you made a CS for her in the past, let me know. I still have the link to the old character thread.

Quote from: Vicissitude on July 14, 2018, 09:21:34 AM
Ooh, this sounds like fun.  Is Mars Knight available, and can I pull off using hide as a faceclaim?

He is available. I don't know who Hide is?
The gates are open
Current Time Zone: US MST
Delays: School 20 Feb - 9 May
Current solo request: None.
Current group request: Strings

Lady Sakura

Quote from: TheBlackThrone on July 14, 2018, 10:48:00 AM
Great.  ;D If you made a CS for her in the past, let me know. I still have the link to the old character thread.

I was Neptune in the previous version. I was caught between Mercury and Jupiter but my love for water and ice has won out. I had a dream of her power; hopefully it goes well.



The gates are open
Current Time Zone: US MST
Delays: School 20 Feb - 9 May
Current solo request: None.
Current group request: Strings


Lady Sakura


Quote from: TheBlackThrone on July 14, 2018, 02:13:42 PM
I don't see a problem with that. I wrote in the OP what wasn't allowed.

Awesome, then I will make a go on Mars.  I'll work up a sheet.


Name: Asuka Suzuki
Former Name: Maris
Alias: Mars Knight
Age: 20
Height: 5'7"
Weight: 136 lbs
Hair Color: Shoulder length hair, dyed electric pink on the top and sometimes fluffed up like a cockatoo's crest.
Eye Color: Honey brown
Sexuality: Asexual
Nationality: Japanese-American
Basic Description: A slender, slightly androgynous young man, his hair is never shorter than shoulder length and usually dyed some shade of pink or red on top, black beneath.  Both ears are pierced, and he wears a variety of studs and rings, but usually nothing so dangly it will get caught in his headphone cords.  He's fond of wearing dark eyeliner and eyeshadow, just because he likes the way he looks in it.  More often than not his casual dress is just as bright as his personality, favoring colorful hoodies and loose jeans with the holes repaired with colorful patches, toned down, a bucket hat or beanie pulled down over the brighter part of his hair, especially when he doesn't want to attract too much attention to himself, such as in new situations and locations.  His socks almost never match, and usually there is a hole in one toe.
Visual Description:

Degree: Veterinary Science
Classes: English, Mythology, Biology, Commutations (ditches it constantly).
Clubs: Animal Lover's Club, Art club.
Personality/Background: Asuka is usually most commonly found wherever his friends are, cuddling up to one of them for the sake of contact.  He doesn't, though, usually seek out the physical company of people he doesn't know well.  That's reserved for once you are a part of his inner circle; once he decides that you are a trustworthy person.  Then you may be a victim of random hugs or attacks with a water gun or well-flung beanbag toy if he thinks he can get away with it.  He tries to avoid pushing other's buttons, though he's prone to having his own pushed, especially if he sees a friend in trouble.  When he's not busy scraping by in his classes, he likes to paint.  Any medium and any surface, though acrylic appllied to a canvas in creative ways is his favorite. He has a hedgehog he named Shaymin (f) who sometimes hides out in his hoodie pockets or hood.
Likes: Animals, painting, Halloween haunted houses, Boston cream donuts
Dislikes: Having to show up to boring classes, boring people, watching the news
Planet: Mars ♂
Special Powers: Fire Shield, a defensive attack created by whirling his fire poi in front of himself.
Weapon: Fire poi
Guardian: Phobos
Description: Shiba inu


and I believe I'm done with Sailor Mars.
spoiler spoiler.

Princess Mars

Name: Jinalle Deisy Rodriguez ( yee-NAH-ell )
Former Name: Scarlet Ares
Alias: Sailor Mars
Age: twenty
Height: five feet, seven inches
Weight: none of your business one hundred and thirty eight pounds.
Hair Color:Ever changing, it is currently resting at her natural color of black.
Eye Color: Green
Sexuality: Pansexual when it boils down to it.
Nationality: Born and raised in the Dominican Republic until high school, moved to California with dual citizenship and has been here ever since.
Basic Description: Wow we could be here for days, huh. To name a few pieces of body modification, our young Jinalle has a rather large design of the goddess Isis across her sternum that only a lucky few have seen, there's a cross made out of negative space on the inner portion of her right wrist, while an intricate henna design sits on the front and over her hand. There are several more easily hidden pieces, but you'll just have to be good to see those.
Degree: Psychology, with a minor in Philosphy.
Abnormal Psych.
Modern Philosophy.
Habitat for Humanity
Wishmakers on Campus, assistance with funding Make a Wish.
Where do we begin, certainly not from the very very boring beginning, right? Born and raised in the beautiful city of Santo Domingo, Jinalle is the youngest and only daughter with three older brothers. With that being said, it comes as no surprise that she grew up with them knowing she knew how to take care of herself, the devout need of her older brothers wanting to keep their baby sister safe. What they had not planned on was this same little girl becoming even more fiery than them, fiercely loyal to her family and those she considered friends, there were often times that she was known to not deal with anyone's shit when it came to her family. When they moved from Santo Domingo for her father's job just before she started high school, it had been a slight culture shock only to find that she instantly felt right at home here.

California had so much to offer, and apparently one of the first things it gave her was Deimos. It was always odd to her how he had came about being her house cat, able to maneuver through her house with ease despite her older brother having a severe cat hair allergy. Deimos did not seem to agitate this at all. It was abnormal really, looking back on it now, how he had just stepped into her life and seemed to blend so easily into her daily life, no matter how he always looked at her knowingly. At this point, the girl has grown used to it, how he always seems to be around, watching over her like he is. Even when she went off to college, she didn't really expect to see him quite frequently, and after the first year, she didn't. Not until she moved into her college apartment was she reunited with her favorite, scold faced cat.

"You've got a smart ass mouth."
Are usually the famous words of exes as far as she is concerned, the ability to approach a situation with a comeback so very easily ready and to disregard this comment entirely. With that being said, she is well aware that this is true, something she likely gets from her passionate father. When her mind is set to something, there is a guarantee it will get done and she will see to it. Now that she has been in college and away from her blood relatives, it has found that the people that she does put her faith in, her deepest friends, do find that she is also loyal. Loyal and ready to argue anyone down if in the event she senses a negative approach to their intentions. There have been only a few arguments where she has gotten to the point of almost fighting, but by then whoever she is arguing with has usually succumbed. With that also being said, Jinalle is habitually encouraging, almost occasionally to the point of being aggressive, offering gentle nudges and planting the seeds of conversation. Truthfully, she can't help it.
Likes: Candy. My god can she take out a pack of sour gummy worms like it's nothing, or run through a bag of almond M&M's when she gets stressed. Tarot card reading, it was a guilty pleasure but has become a bit more in tuned with things as of late. Dancing. There's nothing like a good bit of dancing to calm your nerves and create a fun environment, right? And the way people tick, she's interested in watching how people react, it's her major after all.
Dislikes: Being yelled at, surprisingly. It's like a trigger for her that makes her want to shut down. When people take themselves too seriously and get bent out of shape for nothing. Someone underestimating her for any reason. Spilling candy out in her bag, usually an annoyance. The amount of hair that Deimos sheds, my god, and the way he absolutely hates being groomed.
Planet: The Red Planet itself, its symbol always appearing simply as a birthmark to her over her heart.  ♂
Special Powers: A flame tornado, in the simplest of terms.
Weapon: A scythe. Quite naturally it can be a bit daunting to see the thing, but with a bit of assistance she's learned to use it gracefully, like an odd dance.
Guardian: Deimos
Description: Deimos is Jinalle's blue haired Maine Coon, often found looking like he's disappointed in just about everything going on around him. Ironically he happens to be a sweet boy, but he often time simply appears as though he's caught you sneaking snacks into your bedroom and he looks ashamed of you.
your hungry heart was 
o v e r f e d.

la dame en noir

I'm just going to go ahead and reserve the Egyptian Mau cat as my character's Guardian. I have a party princess gig tomorrow, so I'll be busy all day lol. I'm trying to put in some details here and there so I can have in my character sheet asap. Since my character is an outer senshi, I'm think I want to have her from somewhere in African(but it will probably be from East Africa, no - not Egypt lol).

Still going through face claims :3

Also, she's a lesbian <3 I'm super excited!
Games(Group & 1x1): 7 | Post Rate: 1 - 6 days | Availability: Actively looking!
A&A | FxF |
O/Os | FxF Writers Directory


Name: Andrew
Former Name: Aeneas
Alias:Venus Knight
Age: 19
Height: 5'10
Weight: 177
Hair Color: Shoulder length sandy blond hair
Eye Color: Blue
Sexuality: Bi, leans slightly more to women
Nationality: American

Basic Description: He has a small heart tattoo on each wrist that he got on a whim at 15, and thought he briefly considered an earring, ultimately decided that it could wait until he was ready for it. He has a small collection of tiny scars from minor childhood incidents. There are a number of larger, more painful looking scars on his forearms and a rather nasty looking one along the left side of his ribs from the fighting he has done since being awoken at 16.

Visual Description: He has a “classically heroic” build; that is to say broad shoulders and a narrow waist. Well proportioned, he is muscular without being bulky,  and all while seemingly doing very little work for it all! While he is no slob, it was clear to him from a young age that looking the way he did came with very little effort, though it became clear after Neith filled him in on the details of his past form. He was the Venus Knight, and looking beautiful was just how he was supposed to be. Even his hair follows the “rules”, despite using nothing more advanced than a very basic shampoo and conditioner his locks are lustrous and no matter how it's cut or styled, it looks just right on him.
Kinda like this, though I suppose I'm falling into Bland White Guy territory

Degree: Majoring in History. It's a subject he has loved for many years, and it helps to be good at something if you have the occasional emergency that causes you to miss class.
Classes:   World History – The Pre-Modern World
         Intro to Mythology
         American History – Pre-Colonial to the Revolution
         Topics in History – Warfare and Technology in the Dark Ages

Clubs: Wrestling Club
           He has yet to find a second club, but is open to the idea of joining one.

Personality/Background: Andrew spent the first 14 years of his life in rural Montana near the Canadian border, though he never really got into the “redneck” style of shooting guns, riding horses and being angry at “the gays”, and as a result spent much of his time alone, either hiking, riding his bike or curled up with a book. Perhaps the only stereotypical “country” virtues he picked up was a stubborn streak a mile wide, and the desire to see things through to the end. His life improved dramatically when his family moved to Portland, Oregon. He adjusted quickly to life in the city, losing any traces of his former rural accent and thriving in school with a markedly increased social life. It was here that he finally felt able to explore his sexuality safely, discovering that he was also interested in men.

Things were looking up for Andrew. School was going well, he was attractive, had plenty of friends, and he had just came in first place at a wrestling tournament.

That's when the dog appeared.

It was a cute dog, that much was clear. He was a cheerful little guy, smaller than he should have been but not at all unhealthy. More like a slightly scaled down version of the American Bulldog. Thinking about it, Andrew couldn't remember how the dog wound up at his home. It just sort of happened one day, all of a sudden there was a family pet and his parents didn't seem to notice that anything was out of place. Still, it had only been a feeling until the dog spoke to him. Told him who he was, or at least who he had been. What he had been.

Things got complicated then. Or perhaps they became very simple. The Dark Agency became known to Andrew, and at the urging of Neith, his new dog and mentor, he began to fight. It was difficult at first, having only gotten into a fight once before at 13. He got hurt, often, and training with Neith gave him more bruises than sports ever had. Still, it needed to be done, and if he wasn't yet strong enough to charge into the fight, he was smart enough to find ways around the problem. The others, whoever they were, hadn't awoken yet (whatever that meant, Neith wasn't very forthcoming on that particular point), and so he was the only one who could help. It would be nice to know who these others were though.

Even with the workload of protecting Portland, he managed to keep his grades up, and even applied to Oregon State University to stay close to where he was needed. However, as graduation day approached he noticed less and less Dark Agency activity around his region. At first he thought this meant he was winning, that whoever the others were, they weren't needed. Then he received a packet in the mail, congratulating him for his acceptance into Bay Point University with a full ride scholarship. It seems that the fight wasn't over, and that whatever or whoever was pulling the strings needed him to be at this Bay Point University.

Likes: Despite the stress of near constant conflict for the past tree years Andrew has managed to stay relatively upbeat in his down time. He enjoys a mix of activities, from reading and writing to cycling and going for a run. His favourite foods are burgers of all shapes and sizes, and guacamole, preferably with chips but just fine without them. As for people, he likes folks he can be himself around. More importantly, he likes being around people who are of a more open-minded bent, having had more than enough of close minded bigots in his early years.
Dislikes: Team sports aren't really his thing, and aside from the occasional movie or party game, he doesn't do much with a television. He is shockingly intolerant of bigoted jerks, but otherwise tries his best to get along with people who are trying their best to live a good life.

Planet: The Venus symbol appears on his wrists, the circle surrounding the heart with the tail pointing away from his hand.
Special Powers: Venus Love-Bomb: This power overwhelms the target with an intense feeling of love. Not lust, or infatuation but a deep, meaningful feeling of love and care, if only for a moment. It is a physical manifestation, in the shape of a small cartoon-like bomb, of the purest expression of love and care. It overwhelms evil, though whether the end result is destruction, pain or just a brief distraction depends on how powerful the foe is, how much anger and hatred they hold in their heart, and how willing they are to open themselves to love.
Weapon: Preferring to avoid direct combat entirely, Andrew will fall back on a pair of slim knives when he has to fight. He hasn't killed anyone with them, but they hare handy for striking people using the handle, and they look intimidating.
Guardian: Neith
Description: Neith is an American bulldog with a brown and white coat. The Venus symbol appears on his forehead. He is a bit smaller than the average bulldog but otherwise looks and acts like a cheerful young dog, despite being a serious and demanding mentor. He has been responsible for Andrew's combat training the past three years.


your hungry heart was 
o v e r f e d.


I mean, I like me some Chris Hemsworth but just in comparison to the others... I'm just saying it's hard to be "the most attractive knight/sailor" when Rihanna is around.


Chris Hemsworth is like that classic prince beauty,
so you accomplished the goal.
your hungry heart was 
o v e r f e d.


Ditto on the laughing hysterically.

In case you are interested, there is a faceclaim directory online that you can use to search. "Bland white guy" isn't an option, but you can get pretty close  ::)


@hernameisbanks, Belisuavious, and Vicissitude: All approved. I will make a character thread tomorrow. I am in a different time zone than most of E.
The gates are open
Current Time Zone: US MST
Delays: School 20 Feb - 9 May
Current solo request: None.
Current group request: Strings


A couple more questions, sorry about that! Let me know if you'd rather have these in PM. I'm working on the bio now...

1. You noted that Jupiter is the tallest, but actually Pluto is taller than Jupiter. Should I still make Pluto shorter?

2. Pluto is the oldest. Should I make Pluto a graduate student/lab assistant? I'm planning on making him a physics major which I think is closes to time study.

Ack...I sent a draft bio which takes these into consideration.

very early draft bio

Name: Mikhail (meek-hah-EEL) Konstantin Abramov

Former Name: Lyet (means “years” in Russian)

Alias: Pluto Knight

Age:  24

Height: 6’0”

Weight: 160

Hair Color: Black, tightly cut on the sides or at time shaved completely

Eye Color: Blue

Sexuality: Gay

Nationality: Moscow, Russia

Basic Description: Mikhail is covered in tattoos up behind his ear. In addition, he has both ears pierced, both nostrils pierced, and by his left temple.

Visual Description:


Faceclaim: Jimmy Q

Degree: Mikhail is working towards a Ph.D. in Quantum Physics

Classes: Mikhail recently started the doctoral program in Quantum Physics. However, he is a TA Inorganic Chemistry 1 and a student tutor.

Clubs: Mikhail is a bit of an isolationist. However, to make his doctoral application competitive, he opted to join a drama club as a set designer.

Personality/Background: Mikhail grew up in Moscow, Russia after the fall of the Soviet Union. While a still a tightly controlled society, free access to the Internet and Western ways influenced him greatly.

Mikhail avoids large crowds and prefers a solitary life with quiet contemplation. His exterior is direct contrast to his interior.

Likes: Smoking, tattoos, piercings, leather, solitude, meditation, and theoretical physics.

Dislikes: Large crowds, animal meat, big ego, and incessant chatting.

Planet: A Pluto symbol tattoo is etched between Mikhail’s shoulder blades.

Special Powers: Pluto Planet Power. This is the phrase Mikhail utters to transform into Pluto Knight.

Pluto Time Vortex. As traditional with Pluto who are on the quiet side, the power is spoken as a whisper. The effect is to surround the target with a ball of energy, striking them with electric currents caused by time displacement. In other words…

Weapon: The Garnet Orb is a jewel bestowed upon Pluto guardians as a way to focus their energy. Mikhail’s takes the form of a jewel in a ring. He has yet to discover his role and full potential as a guardian of time and the Space-Time doors.

Guardian: Charon

Description: Black great dane (small planet, big dog)

Charon’s Image

Sirian Eve

For some reason I thought the Venus Knight was going to be hella tall, but nah. Lol

CURRENT STATUS: Posting 8/26


It's not a well known fact, but Montana beefsteak is actually a slightly scaled down version of the Australian breed


I can hear Jinalle talking to him now.
“so you just wake up looking like that? like a Disney character.
such bullshit.”
your hungry heart was 
o v e r f e d.


"Yeah, I've tried everything but no matter what this is just what happens when I get out of bed. Damndest thing."

Sirian Eve

CURRENT STATUS: Posting 8/26


Sirian Eve

Quote from: Vicissitude on July 15, 2018, 08:37:53 PM
You are all hilarious.  This is gonna be a fun game!

It sure is!


Name: Selena sweets Knute (newt)
Former Name: Neo Queen of the Universe, Princess Selene
Alias: Sailor Moon [Planet] Moon bro...
Age: 19
Height: 5’0
Weight: 110
Hair Color: Platinum blonde (dyed) Auburn (natural hair color)
Eye Color: Greenish-Blue
Sexuality: Hetero-ish
Nationality: American-Vietnamese
Basic Description: This is a secret, but she has a bunny tattoo on her inner right thigh. Don’t tell anyone!
Visual Description:
Spoiler: Click to Show/Hide

Degree: Art Therapy
Classes: Art History II, Art Therapy Theory, Expressive Therapy, Studio class
Clubs: Art Club, Theatre Club
Personality/Background:  She has always had a fixation for the moon. When she was little girl, her eyes would wander up to the sky at night and dream about living in a beautiful palace. It was just good fortune that her dad was a astronomer before he retired. Selena grew up the oldest of two. It was her and her younger brother Jordan. She was born in California. Her mom worked as make up artist. That’s where Selena gets her artistic eye from. Though she isn’t big on fashion and runway she does love to dress up. Sometimes she will dye her hair or wear wigs just to try a different look.

She’s not really big on sharing though. Especially since her egghead brother is always eating up the food in the fridge, annoying little punk. She loves him though. Anyway! Her mom travels a lot for work, so that woman isn’t usually home. It’s mostly just her and the boys. Because of that she had to learn to cook and they always complain about how bad it tastes. Oh well! She tried, if they don’t like it screw it! Order take out!

Selena wants to help people through creative expression, which is why she took up Art Therapy. Plus any job where she could sit down all day was always a plus! She has this natural ability with animals, almost like she can talk to them and feel how they feel. Bunnies are her favorite! They are so sweet and adorable. Her dream is to open up a Art therapy shop and use animals as a medium for healing. Also she wants to be married to her one true love so that they can run the shop together and have their children run it!

On the flip side, Selena can be a little selfish when it comes to sharing things like food and attention. She recalled this one time that she sabotaged her friends date with this guy because she liked him too.Though she was able to get them back together after almost breaking them up. The girl still hasn’t forgiven her completely, but it was a long time ago! Sometimes you learn and you grow. Thank god Selena only has four classes! She was struggling with just three! She’s not big on homework or studying. Math sucked and biology was boring as hell. She was grateful that she was able to take her core classes now. Art is lovely, except Art history-boring!
Anything artsy, like painting and drawing. She loves playing video games and reading romance novels. Selena is a huge nerd, so hot super heroic men in tights is definitely a thing for her. Let’s see what else, there’s cookies, cakes, candies and pies. Huge love of ice cream, cookie dough to be exact.  Male models is definitely on her list and boy bands. She loves dance and techno music. Going out to festivals and trick or treating Halloween parties are some things she looks forward to. Did she mention male models? Good. Cooking desserts, but she kinda sucks at cooking. Animals! Loves Animals! Especially bunnies!
Math, straight up hates it. Science isn’t to far behind. Cooking when she has to do all the work! Studying! Her attention span so short, thank god for friends that take notes. Bullies and know it all jack asses. Like, who asked them?! Stay in your lane. Space invaders and people that think they can dance, but really can’t. Dirty rotten nasty evil beings who take advantage of the innocent and running late to a meeting. Dislikes when people tell her how to do something when she didn’t ask for their help in the first place. Once again, stay in your lane.
Planet: Ummm...Moon. Crescent Moon! Can we really call the moon a planet?
Special Powers: Moon Healing Activation! So this a bright beam of light that feels warm to a person of pure will and heart, but will obliterate the shit out of a basic enemy from the Dark Kingdom. It’s a ray of light that shines from the center of her forehead (where the crescent  symbol is located) and erupts like a blast of dazzling bright light.
Weapon: Chakram in the shape of two crescent moons that can be divided into two blades. Together they are circular in motion, with sharp outter edges.
Spoiler: Click to Show/Hide
Guardian: Pearl
Description: A white Bengal cat with a crescent moon on her forehead. In her past Pearl was actually a unicorn from a different realm that served the Moon Kingdom. Pearl came to Earth with thorough knowledge of self and the past cataclysm that destroyed the universe. She sought out the Moon princess in hopes of awakening her to her true purpose and to seek out the rest of the senshi. Pearl is very patient, but even she can grow ill tempered with Selena. Her mission is serious and she feels like Selena isn't yet aware of the danger she is in. The girl is sometimes to lazy to even train! Luckily with the help of the other guardians, their forces combine will protect the earth until Selena reaches her true potential. On the other side, life as a feline has truly been entertaining. She naps as often as possible, loves tuna, yet you will never find her licking herself. NEVER.

CURRENT STATUS: Posting 8/26


la dame en noir

A newer rough draft!

Name: Zuri Namono
Former Name: Nalatune Ultin
Alias: Sailor Neptune
Age: Twenty-One
Height: 5'4"
Weight: 125lbs
Hair Color: Dark Brown
Eye Color: Brown
Sexuality: Pansexual (Heavily leans towards women)
Nationality: Nigerian
Basic Description: She has a pretty massive tattoo of an octopus on her back. Not to mention she's incredibly proud of her dreads and does well to maintain them.
Visual Description:

Just look at her pretty face

Degree: Major in Marine Biology || Minor in Cello

  • Organic Chemistry II
  • Aquatic Botany
  • Animal Behavior
  • Concert Performance

  • Queer Society Club
  • String Appreciation Club

Personality/Background: Sophisticated ✦ Ambitious ✦ Mature ✦ Reserved ✦ Flirty

Do you talk to her or do you watch her? That's the sort of person Zuri is. Walk with a purpose whenever she enters a room and yet - she has this warmth about her that doesn't make come off as condescending. Her confidence only radiates sophistication and a sense of calm that makes people either blush or feel like they can take on anything. Zuri has always been the type of person that would challenge something and do it ten times better - making her a very ambitious person and a force to be reckoned with. Although her actions seem to speak louder than words, Zuri manages to keep calm under pressure and doesn't allow her feelings to get the better of her.

Likes: Animals || Achievements || Nature || Fine Dining || The Ocean || Stringed Instruments || Traveling || Intimacy
Dislikes: Dishonesty || Immaturity || Fast Food || Those that destroy the environment || Carelessness
Planet: Neptune
Special Powers:

Description: Shango is a male Egyptian Mau. Zuri came across Shango by fate during her trip to Egypt while she still lived in Africa. She always found him fascinating with his brilliant green eyes, and interesting ring shaped fur on his tail.

I don't expect anyone to use this face claim - but her name is Nafessa Williams <3

new face claim lol
Games(Group & 1x1): 7 | Post Rate: 1 - 6 days | Availability: Actively looking!
A&A | FxF |
O/Os | FxF Writers Directory


For those whose CSes were already approved, please use the Character Thread. For those who need a place to socialize, please use the OOC. Just be sure to bookmark these threads.

Character Thread

The gates are open
Current Time Zone: US MST
Delays: School 20 Feb - 9 May
Current solo request: None.
Current group request: Strings


Sailor moon!!!! Omg I love the series and rewatch it all the time! Have to view this after work!

Lady Sakura


your hungry heart was 
o v e r f e d.

Sirian Eve

CURRENT STATUS: Posting 8/26


Quote from: Sirian Eve on July 16, 2018, 11:56:27 AM
I am le finished...

You decide on a weapon yet?

Quote from: Lady Sakura on July 16, 2018, 10:04:30 AM
Throne can I reserve Naressa Valdez please.


Quote from: Saika on July 16, 2018, 09:59:02 AM
Sailor moon!!!! Omg I love the series and rewatch it all the time! Have to view this after work!

Heya. Still spots open.  :-)
The gates are open
Current Time Zone: US MST
Delays: School 20 Feb - 9 May
Current solo request: None.
Current group request: Strings



Former Name: Jupiter Knight; Storm (Lightning) General; Lightning Champion; Prince Jove
Age: 25
Height: 6’4”
Weight: 225 lbs.
Hair Color: Brown
Eye Color: Green
Sexuality: Heterosexual (but me, personally, if I need to make it Bi, I can if need be.)
Nationality: American
Basic Description: Brock's most striking quality are his eyes (if not his height). Because of his size, on first impression, he is an intimidating young man. There’s a scar beneath his right eye where a drunk had cut him with a broken bottle, and his jaw, at times, can be shadowed by stubble. His dark hair is short for easy management but is capable of growing slightly past his shoulders. Overall, Brock is a big guy, and if he looks like someone you don’t want to mess with, then maybe it is best you didn’t.
Visual Description: Face Claim Greg Kheel
Degree: B.A. Culinary Arts
  • Culinary Fundamentals
  • Introduction to Meat, Fish, and Poultry
  • Soups and Sauces
  • French
Clubs: Judo and Cooking
Personality/Background: Brock was born to Nathan and Martha Matheson. Nathan was a young businessman from England, making deals with engineering firms in America when he came across Brock's enchanting mother. She was a tailor at a store that sold business attire, and she often tailored Nathan’s suits for him while he was in town. Having fallen in love with her, one month he took her to England, and it wasn’t long before Martha was with child. She stayed in a nice, upscale apartment in San Francisco, while her husband was darting about the city. Brock was born one winter day and that was when his life as well as his mother’s changed. He was a bad boy growing up, bullying the other kids, and it became a bigger problem when he hit his growth spurt in Junior High. He was bigger than most of the kids there, which registered to him that he was better. His grades were always passable, but nothing impressive, which was unacceptable to his parents. Mid-way through Junior High, his mother fell sick and he was too immature to realize how sick she really was. He was on the verge of being expelled when his mother was suddenly hospitalized. The shock of nearly losing his mother was what made him dramatically turn over a new leaf. His grades went up and he lost a bit of the bully reputation, even though it still followed him to high school.

One day, when Brock was looking for a job to help with the cost of his mother’s medical bills, he saw his father with another woman. He was quick to confront him, and rather not have his mother face any more stress than she was already facing, Brock told his father to leave and he would keep his adultery a secret. Brock had him and his mother move out of the fancy apartment to a suburb. He managed to graduate high school with honors, but as reality opened its arms to him again, he knew that he had to do something more with his life than work minimum wage. He had to go to college.

Despite having turned over a new leaf, Brock still has an intimidating aura about him that could have probably come about due to habit. He was a bully for half of his life and he still isn’t one to put up with people’s shit. There are many stereotypes that follow him, exaggerations that make him seem bigger and badder than he really is. No one would have thought that he has an eye for art in the form of cooking. He has a gift, and a dream to open his own classy restaurant one day.

He is rough around the edges but is overall friendly. He has a slight competitive nature that as soon as someone makes it known that they’re trying to outdo him, then he’ll put his game face on.
Likes: Cooking, good cooking, experimenting in the kitchen, when people appreciate his cooking (that’s the fast and sure way to get you on his good side), fighting, competition and challenges.
Dislikes: Bullies, people who act like they’re better than him, people who don’t like his cooking, bad cooking, and failure.

Planet: Jupiter; Brock's symbol appears on the left side of his neck.

Special Powers:
Lighting Cage: Brock will summon lightning that can trap one to multiple opponents in an electrical cage. As long as he keeps his axe raised, the cage will not fail unless the enemy is able to overwhelm Jupiter’s Earthsplitter. While within the cage, the enemy will become susceptible to five billion joules (the power of a mere lightning strike).

Weapon: Earthsplitter - a double-headed great axe. In the old lore, it was said that the Lightning General was notorious for wielding a mighty ax with twin heads crafted on the same shaft. When he charges his powers, he raises his ax aloft to the clouds and the heads begin to rotate, flipping rapidly as they conjure a devastating charge. Earthsplitter is designed to cripple shields and armor with its explosive and critical blows. It forces the enemy to seek agility as one's primary defense or to turtle at the expense of their defense's durability.

Guardian: Ganymede
Description: Ganymede is a golden Pembroke Welsh Corgi. He’s about two feet from paws to shoulder with rounded fox-like ears. Gan is playful and always in good spirits. He always has Brock's back no matter how large the knight is in comparison. The dog is loyal, bold, and protective unafraid to challenge anyone or anything 10xs his size.
His beast form is that of a Chimera with the main head of a white lion, with large dragon-like wings and three tails with the heads of a: goat, dragon, and serpent. The serpent carries a fatal toxin in its bite, the dragon a flame hotter than the sun, and the goat the lightning of the storms of Jupiter. In his beast form, Gan is fierce and a soldier and steed to the lightning general.


Coming soon...
The gates are open
Current Time Zone: US MST
Delays: School 20 Feb - 9 May
Current solo request: None.
Current group request: Strings



Sirian Eve

Quote from: TheBlackThrone on July 16, 2018, 01:24:00 PM
You decide on a weapon yet?


Heya. Still spots open.  :-)

I'm trying to think of a weapon, any ideas?

I was going to do a scepter, but I thought it's to early in the game for that.

CURRENT STATUS: Posting 8/26

Lady Sakura




Quote from: Sirian Eve on July 16, 2018, 03:24:57 PM
I'm trying to think of a weapon, any ideas?

I was going to do a scepter, but I thought it's to early in the game for that.

Mmm.. one of the early weapons Sailor Moon had in the show was the Tiara Boomerang. So maybe something like that if you wanted to avoid a scepter for now.

Sirian Eve

Quote from: Codexa on July 16, 2018, 03:54:53 PM
Mmm.. one of the early weapons Sailor Moon had in the show was the Tiara Boomerang. So maybe something like that if you wanted to avoid a scepter for now.

Yes, I really didn't want to do that either. I was going  to, but I wanted to come up with something original.

CURRENT STATUS: Posting 8/26


Quote from: Sirian Eve on July 16, 2018, 03:58:38 PM
Yes, I really didn't want to do that either. I was going  to, but I wanted to come up with something original.

you could give ole meatball head a gun.
your hungry heart was 
o v e r f e d.

Sirian Eve


I couldn't imagine it. I just got Harley Quinn vibes.

CURRENT STATUS: Posting 8/26


can you fucking imagine.
everyone else with their axes, and rings, and basic weapons ready to fight.
and she pulls out a fucking gun.
"wow okay, so this is what we're doing."
your hungry heart was 
o v e r f e d.


"Wow, that is so much more effective. Why weren't we using these earlier, I feel like we could have won."

You could do a sickle or something like that with a crescent moon shape for theming reasons.


What about a mace?  Anyone using a mace yet?

Or go the Harley route with a massive hammer.

Sirian Eve

Haha true....maybe a bullwhip lol

Alright..I went Xena style.

CURRENT STATUS: Posting 8/26


Tossing my hat into the ring.

Can I reserve the King of Earth please?


your hungry heart was 
o v e r f e d.

Lady Sakura

Sailor Mercury
Name: Shaylee B. Jackson
Former Name: Ryia
Alias: Sailor Mercury
Age: 21
Height: 5'7"
Weight: Why you gotta be so noisy for?
Hair Color: Dark brown
Eye Color: Dark brown
Sexuality: Try seducing me and see.
Nationality: A Mixed tape.
Basic Description: Tall, lean, and skinny. Born to be a model but denied such fame for a rewarding career.
Visual Description:
Degree: Pre-Med for Pathology/epidemiology or her PharmD She hasn't decided yet
Classes: Honors Organic Chemistry, Honors Microbiology, Statistics, Psychology, Anatomy and Physiology (this is one class), and Public Speaking
Clubs: Book club and Swim club
Personality/Background: Introverted, Hard-Working, Composed, Cultured, Intelligent/Inventive, Witty, Slightly bitter, and Detail Oriented.

Born into a working class family. Shaylee is the eldest daughter of two. Shaylee grew up in the projects of Wavering Heights just on the outskirts of LA. Everything she got was do to the hard working stress her parents put in at their jobs to provide for them. While her younger sister asked for the world, Shaylee asked for very little. A minimalist at best, she tried not to add extra stress to her family's needs. She was raised on values of earning everything you get. Unless you were born in an upper class white american family you basically had to tread through blood, sweat, and tears in order to reach the "American" Dream.

It goes without saying that her parents took their children's education seriously and while many of your typical parents put money into sports and after school activities. Shaylee spent most of her time perfecting her mind, body, and focus on her school work. She learned the habits of studying effectively and enjoying solving physical problems on paper instead of the impossible equation that was human nature. She wanted to make sure that she could pay her way into college and get the grades necessary for a scholarship and with that driven focus she had little room in her busy world to make many friends. Of course, the friends that she met a long the way where the ones that helped her reach her goal. Challenged her every day, whether it was with local debates or on math problems. Labeled "The wasted beauty." due to the face that she would rather focus on her course work, then enjoy the youth out socializing, and partying.

To help supplement herself so that she didn't have to ask her parents for nothing, she started a small tutoring business, it allowed her to learn how to manage money for the things that were most important. Nothing too grand, she'd schedule sections of her time and energy into helping others study. She charged what was reasonable and it helped her give herself enough money to go and buy make up that she loved to wear, pay for presents, and help her parents with bills when it was needed. It allowed her to retrain everything she had learned and solidify it into her long term memory. When she graduated high school she graduated with high honors. Getting the scholarship of her choice.

She had her pick of the litter with schools all across the country; however, she rationalized that it would be more affordable to go to a local campus. She could live at home but her mother forbid her from wasting her youth at home. Forcing her to live on campus and actually enjoy her life a little more. Of course, she picked the career that would be most rewarding with the highest pay out. However, the idea of putting her local and reasoning to the test in doing research, helping the world find a cure or new treatments for diseases that were rapidly growing would be fascinating. A goal to perhaps work for the CDC would be there.

Looking to return everything her parents had sacrificed so she and her sister could a better life. So home to the Seahawks she went, majoring in Pathology and Epidemiology.

Likes: Reading, Computers, people watching, sweets, water, swimming, music of all kinds, dancing, wearing make up, thunderstorms, peace, playing the piano, talking with close friends, food (baking), crossword puzzles, chess. Beautiful people. Stargazing, her routine and rituals. Comedy, helping people. Meditating. Going on nature walks to clear her head.
Dislikes: Meeting new people, bad grades, unmotivated people, humidity, sour things, noisy people, privileged people flaunting themselves, bullies, loud people. Being unproductive, being left behind.
Plant: Mercury symbol is etched between Shaylee's collar bone. Reference:
Special Powers: Mercury Glacial Orbit - Five spherical orbs of frost circle around her body. One by one she can throw them at her foes freezing parts that they touch. If she throws them at their feet she can hinder their movement speed significantly. 
Weapon: A crossbow
Guardian: Pallene
Description: Pallene is a kitten that's right a kitten. She is curious, playful, affectionate, stubborn, possessive, and devoted.

Sirian Eve

Awww look at the wittle kitty.

Quote from: Codexa on July 16, 2018, 07:02:00 PM
Tossing my hat into the ring.

Can I reserve the King of Earth please?


CURRENT STATUS: Posting 8/26


la dame en noir

In the anime, Neptune had a mirror - I wanna be generic? What is something more unique and fun?
Games(Group & 1x1): 7 | Post Rate: 1 - 6 days | Availability: Actively looking!
A&A | FxF |
O/Os | FxF Writers Directory


Face Claim is Lidia Savoderova

Name: Alena Vodianova
Former Name: Runa (means secret lore)
Alias: Sailor Venus
Age: 20
Height: 5' 7"
Weight:130 lbs
Hair Color: Brown
Eye Color: hazel
Sexuality: Heterosexual(bi curious WHAT it's college the time for extermination!)
Nationality: Russian-American (mother Russian, father American)
Basic Description:  Alena's has pierced ears and belly button. The allure of her curves flow gracefully creating an hour glass figure. Her expressive eyes are highlighted by the soft brushing of freckles that appear over the bridge of her nose and across her cheeks. Alena has a classic ageless beauty that looks as if it could fit perfectly within any era. And her smile, oh her smile can brighten any room she enters. Her body holds no scars from her active past, any injury she ever experienced, including some burns from an accident have always completely faded as if it had never happened.

Visual Description (face claim is Lidia Savoderova)

Degree: Writing and language study (including ancient languages)
Classes: Creative Writing, Foreign Language, Dance , Performing Arts (Dance, as well as writing performances and stories they preform, or converting books and movies. )
Clubs: Dance club, Book Club
Alena's childhood could be what trashy European sitcoms were based off, or so she jokes in her later years. It isn't to say she had a bad childhood, she was always given what she needed in everyday life. But between her father's sporadic appearances, and her mother’s drinking and countless love affairs, Alena learned to fend for herself. Her mother married for love, or so she says. He had been a bold brash american artist, guided by his passion or more so his manhood and a hefty wallet. Her mother had been the spoiled daughter of old money that simply wanted to piss off daddy. Well, in the end, she accomplished just that and found herself alone for it as well.

Alena's father ran at the first mention of responsibility, and her grandfather disowned her mother the moment he heard the disgraceful news. Discard and unsure Alena's mother did the only thing she knew how and found some man to take care of her. And as the years past that man became another, and another, each love affair ending the same way. One could almost write a script for it. It was a life filled with ups and downs, but Alena seemed to find some way to hold onto herself despite all that.

She turned to books, their stories filled with promises and wishes that she hoped were true. Her imagination grew as she lived her seemingly lonely childhood, and Alena soon began to write her own stories. The stories were filled with the great loves one could only dream about, wars that proved your worth, sacrifices that would always be remembered, and hope that seemed to keep the main characters going. It was these stories that ended up changing her life forever.

Her mother’s latest lover had them living in California of all places. A wealthy businessman Mr. Yoshiro had been lured in and wrapped around her mother's little finger before he even stood a chance. It was almost sad really, he was a kind man and seemed as if he truly cared about them both. He had even encouraged and helped Alena to become a full-fledged writer after he had found and read one of her short stories.

Alena explained they were like dreams she never had, so vivid one would think they were almost memories. Once submitted Alena had them published under a pen name, not wanting her personal life to become overrun by the massive fan following they seemed to gain. Her short stories gained a great deal of fame, people saying they felt drawn into the vivid imagery she had created with her words. It was the profits that came from these books that gave Alena the freedom to tell her mother the truth.

She wasn't happy, money and things could only provide so much for a person and Alena wanted more than that for her life. So when her mother enviably grew tired of her current lover Alena refused to move once more. Her mother left her there, storming off as if she was the victim. But Alena knew better, and with the support and help of Mr. Yoshiro, she was able to get her own place and do something she had been wanting to do for some time, enter college and fine-tune her craft or learn about the things she loved most.

Now free of the whims of her mother, and able to stay and make friends Alena seemed to thrive. She had always been well liked, and not simply because of the money she always had, but because of the lively and vibrant energy she always seemed to have. Entering Bay Point University, she quickly threw herself into her new life. Using her dance skills she was quickly welcomed on the schools dance team, though keeping up with it's demands as well as her studies would be challenging. But it was a challenge that she happily met. Now happy and free to write her own stories Alena thrives and begins to blossom into the woman she had always been meant to be.

Likes: writing, reading or hearing a good story, sweets (old fashioned candies and gummies are her fav), video games (specially MMORPG's and arcade games like Parpar and Dance dance revolution.), cooking, board games, staying active (cheerleading, gymnastics), old movies, being totally girly sometimes, warm weather, laying out in the sun, beaches, music, dancing, karaoke, Driving(though most are terrified when she does so she doesn't get to do it often)

Dislikes:bullies, sour foods, slimy anything, bad smells, Math, stupid comedy(spoof movies and the like), Bugs, senseless cruelty, biology class (seriously dissecting a frog GROSS), seeing people getting used(users), being lied too, The cold or being cold, arrogance,

Plant:Venus, symbol appears on her right rib cage
Special Powers:

Venus Trap: The attacks sends beam of energy outward, closing around the enemy much like a Venus fly trap does its pray. Not only constricting their movements, but also cutting into their body with countless teeth like points.

Weapon: Bifrost a ring blade, that in its dormant state is part of a necklace she wears everywhere. The blade was specially designed to not only be concealable, but to be utilized in several different ways. It is particularly well designed for combat with multiple enemies at ones. And to utilize a style of movement that makes the wielder a very difficult target to hit.

Guardian: Triton
Description: Triton isn't particularly happy he was chosen for babysitting duty. Even less thrilled that he had to do so as the naked furrless feline. But Alena's mother was allergic to most anything furry and if he wanted to get close to the girl he'd have to suck it up. And if there was one thing Triton ever did was back down from an assignment, even one like this. He has a gruff attitude, and a true smart ass, but when push comes to shove he is there for Alena.

His beast form is nearly the thing of nightmares, shadows and darkness surround him, and it’s hard to really tell what his full true form looks like, at least not till it’s too late. but what else could be expected from the guardian of the Venus's QoU’s Captain of Covert Ops.


I sent some of you a PM.

For those who have had their CSes approved, if you want to talk character relations or pre-game connections, then use the OOC on the OP.
The gates are open
Current Time Zone: US MST
Delays: School 20 Feb - 9 May
Current solo request: None.
Current group request: Strings


Oh my gosh, a Sailor Moon game!! And am I reading correctly that Sailor Jupiter is still available!? I'll write something up later today!


Quote from: Aprrrl on July 17, 2018, 09:53:10 AM
Oh my gosh, a Sailor Moon game!! And am I reading correctly that Sailor Jupiter is still available!? I'll write something up later today!

Yes ma'am!   :-)
The gates are open
Current Time Zone: US MST
Delays: School 20 Feb - 9 May
Current solo request: None.
Current group request: Strings

Sirian Eve

Quote from: la dame en noir on July 17, 2018, 01:00:39 AM
In the anime, Neptune had a mirror - I wanna be generic? What is something more unique and fun?

A compact Mirror! I kid...hmmm...perhaps a musical instrument?

CURRENT STATUS: Posting 8/26


If Sailor Saturn is the last senshi that awakens means she won't be part of the group and yet will be gravitated to the outer senshi's right? Also she probably won't have anything special on her unless we wish to stick to a little bit of cannon and have her partially corrupted?


(character withdrawn)




Yay, I'm glad you're into her!

Assuming she gets approved, I always love coming up with shared backstories and plots and stuff, so definitely hit me up with any ideas

la dame en noir

Games(Group & 1x1): 7 | Post Rate: 1 - 6 days | Availability: Actively looking!
A&A | FxF |
O/Os | FxF Writers Directory


I oddly think Lil and Asuka might get along really well...! (and he'll eat any stray chocolate for her.  Anything for a friend, right?)



Added more piccy-pics to my chara sheet.  To... make up for lack of content? XD


Quote from: Saika on July 17, 2018, 12:56:42 PM
If Sailor Saturn is the last senshi that awakens means she won't be part of the group and yet will be gravitated to the outer senshi's right? Also she probably won't have anything special on her unless we wish to stick to a little bit of cannon and have her partially corrupted?

Her friendships and social life have nothing to do with her transformation, so even if she is last to be awakened, it doesn't mean she can't have friends.
The gates are open
Current Time Zone: US MST
Delays: School 20 Feb - 9 May
Current solo request: None.
Current group request: Strings

la dame en noir

I've lied to everyone here. My face claim is an instagram girl under the username @Anjel.Face - Her name is Angel i believe. Anyway, I'm going with this so I can just finish this damn profile lol

I think shes pretty :D
Games(Group & 1x1): 7 | Post Rate: 1 - 6 days | Availability: Actively looking!
A&A | FxF |
O/Os | FxF Writers Directory


@Vicissitude AbsoLUTEly! First of all, he's adorable, but also he's unabashedly *himself* and that is the trait Lil most aspires to! Plus they have Bio class together. Can Lil drag him to karaoke?

@la dame an noir No kidding, she's gorgeous! *heart eyes* I'm looking forward to seeing what you come up with! And Lil just *seems* intimidating -- she's a sweetheart if you give her a chance :P

la dame en noir

She's DONE!

Zuri || Sailor Neptune

Name: Zuri Namono
Former Name: Nalatune Ultin
Alias: Sailor Neptune
Age: Twenty-Two
Height: 5'4"
Weight: 125lbs
Hair Color: Dark Brown
Eye Color: Brown
Sexuality: Pansexual (Heavily leans towards women)
Nationality: Nigerian
Basic Description: She has a pretty massive tattoo of an octopus on her back. Not to mention she's incredibly proud of her dreads and does well to maintain them.
Visual Description:

Just look at her pretty face

Degree: Major in Marine Biology || Minor in Cello

  • Organic Chemistry II
  • Aquatic Botany
  • Animal Behavior
  • Concert Performance

  • Queer Society Club
  • String Appreciation Club

Personality/Background: Sophisticated ✦ Ambitious ✦ Mature ✦ Reserved ✦ Flirty

Do you talk to her or do you watch her? That's the sort of person Zuri is. Walk with a purpose whenever she enters a room and yet - she has this warmth about her that doesn't make come off as condescending. Her confidence only radiates sophistication and a sense of calm that makes people either blush or feel like they can take on anything. Zuri has always been the type of person that would challenge something and do it ten times better - making her a very ambitious person and a force to be reckoned with. Although her actions seem to speak louder than words, Zuri manages to keep calm under pressure and doesn't allow her feelings to get the better of her.

Zuri spent her early years in Nigeria with her family. She was privileged to have grown up with an educated family and money, which gave her many opportunities. They moved to the united states when she was just sixteen, making her integrate into a society that was vastly different than what she was used to. However, given Zuri's adaptability, she was able to navigate America's diverse, and sometimes difficult culture. She was popular among her peers and did well in academics. In extracurriculars - she picked up music and danced, but ultimately stuck with music, mastering the cello and violin specifically.

Now in college, Zuri continues to have the same confidence and effect she's add on those in high school. She is the president of both her Queer Society Club & String Appreciation Club. She is constantly at the top of her class in academics, but still manages to make friends and have a social life. However, there is still something quite mysterious about the beautiful girl from Nigeria. She's reserved, mature, and keeps to herself quite often she's focused on something.

Maybe one day - something will break her out of her shell?

Likes: Animals || Achievements || Nature || Fine Dining || The Ocean || Stringed Instruments || Traveling || Intimacy
Dislikes: Dishonesty || Immaturity || Fast Food || Those that destroy the environment || Carelessness
Planet: Neptune
Special Powers: Neptune Light Reflection: The shield transforms into a large mirror, projecting a blinding light so devastating - that it has the ability to immobilize its foes. The stronger it becomes, the likelier chance of it destroying the enemies eyes completely.
Blue shield
This shield can change into a mirror, allowing her to project devastating blinding light reflection at her enemies.

Beast Form || Hippocampus

Description: Shango is a male Egyptian Mau. Zuri came across Shango by fate during her trip to Egypt while she still lived in Africa. She always found him fascinating with his brilliant green eyes, and interesting ring shaped fur on his tail.
Games(Group & 1x1): 7 | Post Rate: 1 - 6 days | Availability: Actively looking!
A&A | FxF |
O/Os | FxF Writers Directory



Quote from: Aprrrl on July 18, 2018, 12:00:26 AM
@Vicissitude AbsoLUTEly! First of all, he's adorable, but also he's unabashedly *himself* and that is the trait Lil most aspires to! Plus they have Bio class together. Can Lil drag him to karaoke?

Always very much himself, and there's no doing anything about it!  And of course she can! Karaoke is awesome!  And he'd probably definitely stand out in bio class...   Reaaaaaaaaaaaaaasons.  Ones that have nothing to do with that hair of his.


WIP Saturn - Face Claim: Kanna Hashimoto

Name: Sakura Nakamura
Former Name: Shiva
Alias: Sailor Saturn
Age: 21
Height: 5'3"
Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: Brown
Sexuality: Hererosexual
Nationality: Japanese
Basic Description: Raised red, hypertrophic scars from an injury that almost taken her life. Because of this, she avoids backpacks to not aggravate them and keeps her hair just long enough to cover her neck.
Back Scar

Visual Description:
Degree: Agricultural and Environmental Plant Sciences with an AMP (Accelerated Master's Program)
AEPS 329. Plants, Food, and Biotechnology
AEPS 339. Internship in Horticulture and Crop
AEPS 230. Environmental Horticulture
SS 322. Soil Plant Relationships.

Clubs: Garden Club, Music club (loves the piano, violin, and singing)
Likes: Dancing, Cooking, Music, Gardening, Art, Reading, Paranormal/Supernatural, and animals
Dislikes: Politics, Rude people, Playboys/Womanizers, Exposing her back
Plant: Saturn,
Special Powers: Devour: A powerful attack that once casted, the opponent loses their abilities and/or powers as the attack manifests as a a dark purple and black lighting-like energy that forms into a dragon and pierces the target astrally. If used against another attack, the same manifestation happens, but instead the dragon's mouth opens to devour it.
Weapon: Silence Glaive
Guardian: Bastet
Description: Savannah Cat, F3

Before the fall, her guardian was the mighty Phoenix whom she named Genesis.


I'm interested! I'd like to play the Saturn knight if that's alright?

la dame en noir

@Saika: Hey, My girl is currently got an Egyptian Mau as her guardian cat.
Games(Group & 1x1): 7 | Post Rate: 1 - 6 days | Availability: Actively looking!
A&A | FxF |
O/Os | FxF Writers Directory


K and I claim the Savannah! Haven't seen that one yet XD

Lady Sakura

Quote from: OtakuStarchild on July 19, 2018, 01:42:18 AM
I'm interested! I'd like to play the Saturn knight if that's alright?

Hey long time no see <3


The gates are open
Current Time Zone: US MST
Delays: School 20 Feb - 9 May
Current solo request: None.
Current group request: Strings

Zaer Darkwail

Name: Chao Hou
Former Name: Tyrion
Alias: Uranus Knight
Age: 20
Height: 6'0'ft
Weight: 200lb
Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: Dark brown
Sexuality: Hetero (curious/willing experiment with transgender women, futas etc, women with dicks)
Nationality: China/American (born Hong Kong)
Basic Description: Chao Hou is muscularly build and tall for average chinese man, having more western physique and he likes to wear earrings but not while practicing athletic pursuits. He prefers dress comfortable in casual setting but is used to uniforms as well. He uses cologne, albeit lightly, on himself always after a shower and uses always same scent and brand.
Visual Description: Tuan Tran (face claim)
Degree: Business and management (major)
Classes: Statistics, Communication, Law, Economics
Clubs: Athlete Club (various athletic training/practices, sport games have their own separated clubs), Martial Arts Club
Personality/Background: Chao Hou was born to a wealthy chinese businessman and american mother who was model (in truth high class escort as well but she quit that job as she married). His father has deep connections to country government through his deep association to local politics, so Chao was born golden gilded spoon in his mouth by most perspective in regards wealth, status and how much trouble he got away with. But his eye opener to realities of his own relatively confined life was both his friend going jail because he allowed him use his computer (which had international access where as most chinese network is strictly localized for propaganda reasons by government) and that he was already 'betrothed' to marry a another politician's daughter as means merge bloodlines and form 'alliance' between his family and another influential family!

However to avoid being engaged and married 'too soon' for his liking he with thanks of mother's help managed influence his father to allow him go study board, to states, as even if he is top trained and successful athlete, his body will not forever remain young so he needs other education to support long term his (and family) future. Father agreed and so he booked Chao to attend in the Bay Point University (by mother's advice as she is former graduate from there). Chao knows he can only buy few years before forced return home and start actual marriage with his supposed future spouse, which he had never met her nor heard her besides her name; Ying Yue Song. So Chao makes most of his freedom as he can....including dalliances with local women if possible. But he devotes to his studies as he realizes as well he needs education for his own long term success and is devoted otherwise to his family and family oriented man. Holding traditional chinese values deeply in his heart, as does his father, much to his dismay in regards arranged marriages. Father at least chose to marry his mother, despite her past career as escort (which is family only known secret, as father's public image would not allow information to spread and he had 'silenced' people before spreading even rumors about them).

Growing in high profile political figures, partly exposed to their world a little as both education provided by his father and sort preparation for marrying to political family he is for reason highly suspicious and paranoid regarding anything about politics, government or families or people associated in said field. His reason for athletic career was simply adrenaline rush; he enjoys push his body into point of euphoric daze from pushing himself on limits. It was his only legal ways of escape otherwise strictly regimented household and depression in childhood as his father was much absent in his own childhood, later on father paid more attention to him and his athletic pursuits when he won national athletic competition golden metal as youngest competition in china at the time.
Likes: Athlete activities, sports, driving fast cars/bikes, parties, sometimes seek quiet place meditate in peace (once a week), movies, porn (who guy does not like it?), american greasy fat burgers (guilty pleasure)
Dislikes: Unhealthy habits (excess drinking, smoking, drug abuse, excess eating), lack of hygiene, body odors (reason why he uses cologne always after showering and showers soon as he can after athletic activity), people who mistreat women, people who (knowingly) disrespect his culture/traditions and mocks them
Plant: Uranus (mark in his left bicep)
Special Powers: Read the Wind: When transformed Chao can literally predict any motion/physical element moving through the air and sense it in advance up to ten seconds. Including any actions which happen as response to his own. Example he can predict perfectly where his foe will move and strike him, he can dodge it and if foe has counter to said move, Chao can predict it as well and counter or able react to it when normally it should be impossible. This includes physical projectiles. Only limit is that his body may not able change course of activity if his body is too slow to move even if he is given advance information (but he would know in advance he would fail and thus able pick alternatives). Also this sense only senses physical presence, nothing about pure magical/spirit elements or things which do not anyway disrupt the air around him. Also being in airless space (vacuum) counters his ability entirely.
Weapon: As Uranus Knight he has access to half-relic known as The Space Sword, the sword can grow and shrink to any size in his hand. But overall form of The Space Sword to him is pair of butterfly swords with razor sharp edge.
Guardian: Oberon
Description: Oberon is quite typical pug; fun, lazy, affectionate and attention seeker. Can at times be crazy as well and have sort 'Napeleon' complex when facing someone bigger than him and having no shits given courage to bite if said 'bigger' entity offends it or it's charge. But given his beast form was dark blue giant bull, he sort is upset reborn as tiny pug.


OMG a pug, yes!

Just a note, Zaer, since this is a queer-friendly game: being interested in trans women doesn't make a man bi since trans women are women. Do you think you could change that line to just "Hetero", maybe with a note that he's interested in experimenting with women with dicks?

Zaer Darkwail

Ok, edited. Also curious enough china has lots weird dog breeds but was surprised pug originally came from there :P. But then they got many lap dogs which were meant for imperial social functions mostly and be lap warmers.


Here's my WIP

Micah/Saturn Knight

Name: Micah Winsborough
Former Name: Prince Leviathan
Alias: Saturn Knight
Age: 23
Height: 5’9”
Weight: 78 kg (about 172lbs)
Hair Color: Shaved, dark hickory whenever it grows out
Eye Color: dark cacao
Sexuality: Pansexual
Nationality: England
Basic Description: lean, toned but not overly muscular, left ear is pierced and usually has a gold stud in it, has a tattoo of a small chain holding dog tags on his chest with his Father's name, military rank, DOB, and when he died.
Visual Description:

Face Claim: Ainsworth
Degree: Master's in Wildlife Biology
Required Courses
FW 555 – Conservation Biology
FW 577 – Management of Wildlife Habitat

FW 544 – Ecotoxicology
FW 563 – Analyses for Managing Wild Populations

Clubs: Archery club, Music club
Planet: Saturn

Special Powers: (list 1 and describe it. Remember one power. Not 3 powers in one. One power. It may not be as strong as you want but they will grow and learn more powers.)
Guardian: Bucky
Description: Flat-coated Retriever

Before the Destruction, Bucky was known as Watatsumi, the Sea God


Will get my character done by this weekend. Not going about the way I hoped tonight.


Quote from: OtakuStarchild on July 20, 2018, 03:18:20 AM
Here's my WIP

Micah/Saturn Knight

Name: Micah Winsborough
Former Name: Prince Leviathan
Alias: Saturn Knight
Age: 23
Height: 5’9”
Weight: 78 kg (about 172lbs)
Hair Color: Shaved, dark hickory whenever it grows out
Eye Color: dark cacao
Sexuality: Pansexual
Nationality: England
Basic Description: lean, toned but not overly muscular, left ear is pierced and usually has a gold stud in it, has a tattoo of a small chain holding dog tags on his chest with his Father's name, military rank, DOB, and when he died.
Visual Description:

Face Claim: Ainsworth
Degree: Master's in Wildlife Biology
Required Courses
FW 555 – Conservation Biology
FW 577 – Management of Wildlife Habitat

FW 544 – Ecotoxicology
FW 563 – Analyses for Managing Wild Populations

Clubs: Archery club, Music club
Planet: Saturn

Special Powers: (list 1 and describe it. Remember one power. Not 3 powers in one. One power. It may not be as strong as you want but they will grow and learn more powers.)
Weapon: Heavy Crossbow

Guardian: Bucky
Description: Flat-coated Retriever

Before the Destruction, Bucky was known as Watatsumi, the Sea God

That is one beautiful man lol. But I think someone has a crossbow already as a weapon. I know I didn't make it mandatory everyone choose different ones, but I did say try if you could.

On another note, I am finally at a computer so I'm going to try and get as much as I can done on here before I'm whisked away again.
The gates are open
Current Time Zone: US MST
Delays: School 20 Feb - 9 May
Current solo request: None.
Current group request: Strings


I made updates to the front page. See the Character Thread for taken weapons/faceclaims/breeds.
The gates are open
Current Time Zone: US MST
Delays: School 20 Feb - 9 May
Current solo request: None.
Current group request: Strings


Quote from: TheBlackThrone on July 20, 2018, 06:03:24 AM
That is one beautiful man lol. But I think someone has a crossbow already as a weapon. I know I didn't make it mandatory everyone choose different ones, but I did say try if you could.
Okies, no worries. I can find a different weapon ^^

la dame en noir

This is probably one of the most diverse casts I've ever been apart of and I'm very happy about this.
Games(Group & 1x1): 7 | Post Rate: 1 - 6 days | Availability: Actively looking!
A&A | FxF |
O/Os | FxF Writers Directory


Me too and Saturn's Knight is beautiful! XD We are playing off the balance of Harmony in lore. Can't wait to finish my senshi tonight!!!

la dame en noir

Quote from: Saika on July 20, 2018, 11:21:36 AM
Me too and Saturn's Knight is beautiful! XD We are playing off the balance of Harmony in lore. Can't wait to finish my senshi tonight!!!
Yeah~ My Neptune is from Nigeria and I gotta finish her background, powers, and find a weapon! <3
Games(Group & 1x1): 7 | Post Rate: 1 - 6 days | Availability: Actively looking!
A&A | FxF |
O/Os | FxF Writers Directory


Quote from: la dame en noir on July 20, 2018, 11:24:42 AM
Yeah~ My Neptune is from Nigeria and I gotta finish her background, powers, and find a weapon! <3

Ooh there's some beautiful artifacts I am sure we can find :3



I'm also into the diverse cast and the queerness! I can't wait!

Lady Sakura

Quote from: la dame en noir on July 20, 2018, 11:02:19 AM
This is probably one of the most diverse casts I've ever been apart of and I'm very happy about this.

All the +1. This made me happy as well.

la dame en noir

Quote from: Aprrrl on July 20, 2018, 12:29:21 PM
I'm also into the diverse cast and the queerness! I can't wait!
+1 to the queerness. I just hope that Neptune can find someone lol
Games(Group & 1x1): 7 | Post Rate: 1 - 6 days | Availability: Actively looking!
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Are you kidding? She's amazing and gorgeous. Think she might TA the bio class that Lil and Asuka are in? Or want to start a band with Lil? Bass and cello!


Quote from: Aprrrl on July 20, 2018, 01:04:03 PM
Are you kidding? She's amazing and gorgeous. Think she might TA the bio class that Lil and Asuka are in? Or want to start a band with Lil? Bass and cello!

Every time someone says band, I keep wanting to give Asuka his faceclaim's guitars.

Quote from: Saika on July 20, 2018, 11:21:36 AM
Me too and Saturn's Knight is beautiful! XD We are playing off the balance of Harmony in lore. Can't wait to finish my senshi tonight!!!

I read that as Elements of Harmony and went "Wat."  XD


Quote from: Vicissitude on July 20, 2018, 01:30:51 PM
Every time someone says band, I keep wanting to give Asuka his faceclaim's guitars.

I read that as Elements of Harmony and went "Wat."  XD

Phoenix and Dragon in in Eastern culture symbolizes Harmony and balance. Also read around to bring various culture to her name, weapon, etc.

Sirian Eve

CURRENT STATUS: Posting 8/26





I think I finished my character's sheet. I chose the Longbow simply because I do want a ranged weapon but if that is too close to the crossbow, I can change it to something else =p

Micah (Completed)

Name: Micah Winsborough
Former Name: Prince Leviathan
Alias: Saturn Knight
Age: 23
Height: 5’9”
Weight: 78 kg (about 172lbs)
Hair Color: Shaved, dark hickory whenever it grows out
Eye Color: dark cacao
Sexuality: Pansexual
Nationality: England
Basic Description: lean, toned but not overly muscular, left ear is pierced and usually has a gold stud in it, has a tattoo of a small chain holding dog tags on his chest with his Father's name, military rank, DOB, and when he died.
Visual Description:

Face Claim: Ainsworth
Degree: Master's in Wildlife Biology
Required Courses
FW 555 – Conservation Biology
FW 577 – Management of Wildlife Habitat

FW 544 – Ecotoxicology
FW 563 – Analyses for Managing Wild Populations

Clubs: Archery club, Music club
Personality/Background: Micah has a warm personality, friendly to strangers, and forgiving to many. He tries his best to wear a smile no matter what and to be there for whomever may need him. He’s not quick to anger, choosing instead to come at problems with a logical approach, and tries to find a middle ground. Micah is the middle child of three, sharing his childhood with two sisters who he adores. Both parents were kind and loving, doing their best to raise them right. His father served their country for many years until another war broke out and he was sent out on tour. A year later, and his father died for Queen and country a few months before the end of the war was declared. His family was heartbroken, his mother suffering from the lost the most as it proved to be too much for her to mentally handle. Though he wished to stay and help take care of his mother even with her being in a mental health institute, his older sister insisted that he take advantage of the military benefits their father gave them and go to college. For a few years, he went to a local school then was transferred to America to continue his studies abroad.
Likes: Favorite color is blue-green, mint chocolate chip ice cream, painting with oils, music - can play the Alto sax and loves to listen to the violin (fave genre of music is electro swing), favorite animal is the Komodo Dragon, reading - prefers horror stories, movies - thrillers are the best, and being outside, specifically swimming
Dislikes: snow, flying insects, candy-flavored stuff that’s not candy (i.e. soda, pastries, popsicles/ice cream, etc), ocean scented stuff (it’s just not the real enough), mud, death metal music, intolerant or arrogant people
Planet: Saturn

Special Powers: Fiery Retribution: Aiming an arrow straight above the targets head, he is able to create a visceral pillar of blue fire that encircles the target from the sky, healing them.
Weapon: Longbow

Guardian: Bucky
Description: Flat-coated Retriever

Before the Destruction, Bucky was known as Watatsumi, the Sea God


The gates are open
Current Time Zone: US MST
Delays: School 20 Feb - 9 May
Current solo request: None.
Current group request: Strings




your hungry heart was 
o v e r f e d.



la dame en noir

Sailor Neptune is finally done! The hardest part was actually finding a beast form for Shango! Since Phoenix was taken lol.
Games(Group & 1x1): 7 | Post Rate: 1 - 6 days | Availability: Actively looking!
A&A | FxF |
O/Os | FxF Writers Directory


Quote from: hernameisbanks on July 20, 2018, 09:34:51 PM


Phobos is huggable, but I think Shaymin might protest!


Face Claim: Kanna Hashimoto

Name: Sakura Nakamura

Former Name: Shiva

Alias: Sailor Saturn

Age: 21

Height: 5'3"


Hair Color: Black

Eye Color: Brown

Sexuality: Hererosexual

Nationality: Japanese

Basic Description: Raised red, hypertrophic scars from an injury that should have taken her life. Because of this, she avoids backpacks to not aggravate them and keeps her hair just long enough to cover her neck.
Back Scar

Visual Description:

Degree: Agricultural and Environmental Plant Sciences with an AMP (Accelerated Master's Program)


AEPS 329. Plants, Food, and Biotechnology
MUSI 159. Chamber Choir
AEPS 230. Environmental Horticulture
ENGL 310. Modern Poetry

Clubs: Garden Club, Music club (loves the piano, violin, and singing)


Sakura was born to a powerful family that held a seat in the United Nations Security Council as one of the G4 nations. Because of this she always had someone with her at all times or following her which made things very awkward for her. Her mother was from a well-known pianist of the classical arts as well as an ikebanist. For her, tradition and customs were very important and integrated into her life. Yet sadly, her childhood was difficult because of expectations and how they treated her thinking they will garner favor.

By the age of ten she knew what everyone around her really wanted. The "friends" at school she had only being friendly because they had to. Boy showing interest for the same reason. She felt like a mark that people wanted to claim and it made her sad and lonely. Sakura can hear what those "friends" really felt when her back was turned and made her feel more withdrawn. That is until she thought she made a real friend, a girl named Moe as they were always together for the next six years.

Upon reaching her 13th birthday, so much seemed to change. Sakura was blossoming into a beautiful young woman and she was attracting the attention of both men and women. Her friend Moe has been growing distant as of late and she has been trying to figure out why. During lunch she doesn't feel well and tries to get to the nurses office when she felt a sharp pain on her head then the rest of her body. Soon she found herself being forced to stand up as her friend stood there with an expression she didn't recognize.

Moe then explains to her how much she hated her. How she was a freak when she would talk to plants, animals, and things that were not there. How it was her father's fault that her father was fired (which was proven false later) and took his own life which Sakura didn't know. That the only reason why she was even excepted into this prestigious school was because of her family status and money and that she never had to work for anything. That people like her takes the spot of true, worthy people that deserve to be there and not some wannabe. Then suddenly Moe rushed her and pushed. Moe's eyes had the intent to kill and the people around her had a mixture of being horrified and smirking as she broke through a window as the panes seemed to give way. Sakura cried as she fell and was met with darkness. A part of her asking God if her death would make things better.

To her surprise, Sakura awoke a few weeks later. Her parents were thrilled and her mother never left her side. The people involved were punished and the school was even punished for the incident as well. While at the hospital, the doctors told her that she would never walk again. To never be able to use her hands like she used to and that it was a miracle that she didn't break her spine. Some were astonished she even woke up and thought it was a medical miracle.

For the next couple of years, her body was back the way it used to be, but with scars on her back from the surgeries and the glass that shredded her skin. When the winters are very cold, her body aches and her hands get stiff. Small price to pay to be able to walk, run, dance, and play music, things that most take for granted. Because of the incident, she was forced to be tutored at home as her father was devastated to believe that he was the cause.

Once she graduated and joined a university, she asked her parents if she could go to participate in a "study abroad" program. Her grades were good and honestly, no one would know her there. Her parents reluctantly agreed and she promises to come back once school was done though a part of her hoped that she didn't have to and live a normal life at Bay Point University.

Likes: Dancing, Cooking, Music, Gardening, Art, Reading, Paranormal/Supernatural, Ikebana, Writing/Poetry, and Animals

Dislikes: Politics, Rude people, Playboys/Womanizers, Exposing her back, Spiders, Manipulators

Plant: Saturn,

Special Powers: Devour: A powerful attack that once casted, the opponent loses their abilities and/or powers as the attack manifests as a a dark purple and black lighting-like energy that forms into a dragon and pierces the target astrally. If used against another attack, the same manifestation happens, but instead the dragon's mouth opens to devour it.

Weapon: Silence Glaive

Guardian: Bastet

Description: Savannah Cat

Before the fall, her guardian was the mighty Phoenix whom she named Genesis.


Quote from: la dame en noir on July 21, 2018, 02:27:35 AM
Sailor Neptune is finally done! The hardest part was actually finding a beast form for Shango! Since Phoenix was taken lol.

Still a beautiful creature though!


The gates are open
Current Time Zone: US MST
Delays: School 20 Feb - 9 May
Current solo request: None.
Current group request: Strings



la dame en noir

Games(Group & 1x1): 7 | Post Rate: 1 - 6 days | Availability: Actively looking!
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O/Os | FxF Writers Directory


I would be interested in a knight position, but i do not want to make an astrological chart for all the ones that have been made.

So some help would be greatly appreciated.

As for gaurdian I wish to reserve the Cane Corso


Quote from: Ingexthefuryhunter1 on July 23, 2018, 05:17:51 AM
I would be interested in a knight position, but i do not want to make an astrological chart for all the ones that have been made.

So some help would be greatly appreciated.

As for gaurdian I wish to reserve the Cane Corso

Mercury, Uranus, and Neptune are still available

Lady Sakura

la dame en noir

Dis what we need?

Mercury Knight, Uranus Sailor & Knight, Neptune Knight, Pluto Sailor
Games(Group & 1x1): 7 | Post Rate: 1 - 6 days | Availability: Actively looking!
A&A | FxF |
O/Os | FxF Writers Directory

Lady Sakura

Quote from: la dame en noir on July 23, 2018, 12:32:47 PM
Dis what we need?

Mercury Knight, Uranus Sailor & Knight, Neptune Sailor, Pluto Knight

You mean Neptune Knight? Aren't you the Neptune Sailor?


Terra Knight as well if I don't get a CS for him. I won't let the role die in reservation.
The gates are open
Current Time Zone: US MST
Delays: School 20 Feb - 9 May
Current solo request: None.
Current group request: Strings

la dame en noir

Quote from: Lady Sakura on July 23, 2018, 12:34:56 PM
You mean Neptune Knight? Aren't you the Neptune Sailor?

fixes immediately out of embarrassment
Games(Group & 1x1): 7 | Post Rate: 1 - 6 days | Availability: Actively looking!
A&A | FxF |
O/Os | FxF Writers Directory

la dame en noir

Quote from: TheBlackThrone on July 23, 2018, 12:37:33 PM
Terra Knight as well if I don't get a CS for him. I won't let the role die in reservation.
ooo this as well! :O
Games(Group & 1x1): 7 | Post Rate: 1 - 6 days | Availability: Actively looking!
A&A | FxF |
O/Os | FxF Writers Directory


Quote from: TheBlackThrone on July 23, 2018, 12:37:33 PM
Terra Knight as well if I don't get a CS for him. I won't let the role die in reservation.

Never mind this. The player is still working on the CS.
The gates are open
Current Time Zone: US MST
Delays: School 20 Feb - 9 May
Current solo request: None.
Current group request: Strings


Quote from: la dame en noir on July 23, 2018, 12:32:47 PM
Dis what we need?

Mercury Knight, Uranus Sailor & Knight, Neptune Knight, Pluto Knight
I thought we had a Pluto Knight?

la dame en noir

Games(Group & 1x1): 7 | Post Rate: 1 - 6 days | Availability: Actively looking!
A&A | FxF |
O/Os | FxF Writers Directory



Busy as hell week. But weekend should let me sit and focus!


Well Saika you know me I will always be a knight of Uranus


Name: Steven Oltoway
Former Name: Prince Ta'LWay
Alias: Uranus Knight?
Age: 22
Height: 5'9
Weight: 220 lbs
Hair Color: Long Blonde hair always in a tight weave pony tail that ends in a lions main ball
Eye Color: Azure Blue
Sexuality: Hetero
Nationality: Port a rico
Basic Description: A medium build sun tanned male, he sports a tattoo of two fencing foils crossed with a sea hawk clutching a mask on his right bicep and a ring of planets around his leg bicep
Visual Description: mcconaughey
Degree: Astrophysics & Mathematics
Classes: Astronomy, Advanced computer theory, History of the world & Fencing
Clubs: Fencing and SCA
Personality/Background: Coming from a diplomatic house hold, his attitude is one of indifference, school was easy for him but as he found once he got to the school when you have tutors for every thing school becomes simple, the first year was a disaster actually learning how to study and organize where a pain but he had it down now, so routine was a major lesson he learned, School, homework, practice, relax then practice again. IF he is not in the arena practicing his swordsmanship he is on the dorm roof with his eye to the telescope.
Likes: star gazing, Fencing, cooking and karaoke
Dislikes: Know it all, and pompous people who think down on others
Plant: Uranus
Special Powers: Mirror image duplication  once cast up to five extra and exact images appear, moving independently of each other but always defer to Steven, as an attack power Steven can hop from one image to the other no matter the distance to surprise the enemy, as a defensive move Steven can use his duplicates like shields, once depleted of damage the images explode into ice crystals.
Weapon: French basket tri-Rapier 
Guardian: Arial
Description: A deep black Cane Corso, with a small crescent white patch above her forehead ridge.
Her Bestial form was that of a



your hungry heart was 
o v e r f e d.



your hungry heart was 
o v e r f e d.


Quote from: hernameisbanks on July 23, 2018, 06:58:16 PM
Asuka is unamused by all your watery shenanigans. 

...but can  be appeased with a baker's dozen cream filled donuts...


Cream filled doughnuts, cherry, raspberry, lemon or custard. But i would see a more refined pallet at this university. Would you care for a benoit with jam


Quote from: Ingexthefuryhunter1 on July 24, 2018, 03:45:58 AM
Cream filled doughnuts, cherry, raspberry, lemon or custard. But i would see a more refined pallet at this university. Would you care for a benoit with jam

A refined pallet at a California University is pot with your doughnut.  ::)


Quote from: Vicissitude on July 24, 2018, 03:42:19 AM
Asuka is unamused by all your watery shenanigans. 

...but can  be appeased with a baker's dozen cream filled donuts...

I can’t wait for this hair to be placed in a story.

Quote from: HockeyGod on July 24, 2018, 08:29:26 AM
A refined pallet at a California University is pot with your doughnut.  ::)

LOL, THC glazed, delish.
your hungry heart was 
o v e r f e d.


This is indeed a thing you can get in California:

As for the creme filled ones, Lil will go for the cherry or the coconut... Mmm. And yes, pass the chocolate ones to Asuka -- unless she's pretending (badly) to like them

One way she differs from canon is that's she's not big on cooking - there wasn't a ton of opportunity or need at boarding school. She took up sewing instead.

*eating*, though - absolutely into it XD


Then my gal will be more than happy to be three cook. Gives her something to do haha


Quote from: Ingexthefuryhunter1 on July 24, 2018, 03:45:58 AM
Cream filled doughnuts, cherry, raspberry, lemon or custard. But i would see a more refined pallet at this university. Would you care for a benoit with jam
He'll try anything once.  Well, almost anything.  Anything that's sweet.

Quote from: hernameisbanks on July 24, 2018, 08:38:56 AM
I can’t wait for this hair to be placed in a story.

LOL, THC glazed, delish.
Such hair. Very fluff.

....and pot with a donut... or a pot donut.... sounds like the eater would be the glazed donut after a while. XD  Well, you are what you eat....

...I suspect at some point in his history, or inevitable future, there's an unfortunate incident with pot brownies that were left unattended.  He's like a brownie seagull. 

That or those pot gummy bears...


Quote from: Vicissitude on July 24, 2018, 12:12:32 PM
He'll try anything once.  Well, almost anything.  Anything that's sweet.
Such hair. Very fluff.

....and pot with a donut... or a pot donut.... sounds like the eater would be the glazed donut after a while. XD  Well, you are what you eat....

...I suspect at some point in his history, or inevitable future, there's an unfortunate incident with pot brownies that were left unattended.  He's like a brownie seagull. 

That or those pot gummy bears...

That's a lot of pot goodies


I'm interested in Neptune Knight. CS being cobbled together.

Lady Sakura

Quote from: Bowen on July 24, 2018, 07:31:13 PM
I'm interested in Neptune Knight. CS being cobbled together.

Nice welcome! Can't wait to meet them.

Sirian Eve

CURRENT STATUS: Posting 8/26




Quote from: Saika on July 24, 2018, 02:33:16 PM
That's a lot of pot goodies
Do not leave a bag of pot gummies laying around.  He'll just start munching while watching a movie or attempting to homework.  You have been warned.
Quote from: Bowen on July 24, 2018, 07:31:13 PM
I'm interested in Neptune Knight. CS being cobbled together.
Yay! Welcome!


Quote from: Vicissitude on July 24, 2018, 11:31:36 PM
Do not leave a bag of pot gummies laying around.  He'll just start munching while watching a movie or attempting to homework.  You have been warned.Yay! Welcome!

Heh is that why they sit in the back of class? Jk



Name: Caspian Zale
Former Name: Urian
Alias: Neptune Knight
Age: 23
Height: 6'1"
Weight: 235 Lbs
Hair Color: Dirty blond with some highlights
Eye Color: Ocean Green
Sexuality: Hetero
Nationality: Sparta, Greece

Basic Description: Clean cut, no scars or tattoos. Had an aqualine nose but a fight 'fixed' it so it looks normal now. Usually finger comes his hair, direction depends on the problem he's working out at the time.
Visual Description (face claim is Luke Guldan)

Degree: Marine Archeology
Classes: History (Naval), English (Mythology), Geophysics, Oceanography
Clubs: Swim team, Dance club

Personality/Background: Caspian's parents were both professors in the University of Peloponnese. His father was an Economics professor and his mother a historian. Caspian had a lot of expectations placed upon him from an early age. His parents had a simple method to raising him, he was allowed to follow 'fun' things like sports and mythology if he was in the top five of his classes. If not, then the books came out and anything resembling electronics suddenly had no batteries in it.

When his uncle Niko came back from the Navy he found his favouritest family ever. Niko traveled the world and spoke all kinds of languages. He lived and studied with the Shao Lin monks for a year. When they hung out Niko was usually training so Caspian started to learn Hun Gar with him. His parents still had rules about being 'well rounded' though.

His parents disapproved of girls until the majority of schooling was done as they had seen 'first hand' what kind of disruption they could be. Niko finally just suggested if he wanted a life that he had to pick a course of study not related to theirs and head to another university.

His parents were fairly well off. He hadn't realized that until he said he wanted to move to the United States; they certainly hadn't lived with any kind of extravegance. They had their pros/cons discussion and wanted to know what he'd be studying there but Caspian had lost out on a car and a number of summer vacations due to not being prepared. He won that argument and suddenly had a stupid amount of money in his bank account. He visited family for a few weeks before packing his things and travelling to the States.

With an apartment of his own and a school he was looking forward to attending, things had a new and vibrant feeling for him. Like all kinds of new experiences were possible and just out there to have.

Likes: Hun Gar (specialized in Tiger Trident for his weapon), cooking/eating a fine meal, karaoke, swimming/beaches, photography/sketching(started out mostly for work purposes but he now finds these activities relaxing), dancing, video games, meeting/talking to people
Dislikes: Watching sports (boring), people who put kechup on everything, wine, the rude ones, the entitled, people always on their phones

Planet: Neptune

Special Powers:
The Poseidon Vortex Using his trident, generate spirals/vortices composed of water. The vortex can be projected as a long ranged attack or as a tornado of the respective element for both offensive and/or defensive purposes.

Weapon: Trident (ignore the other guy holding it)

Guardian: Titan
His place wasn't feeling lived in so Caspian went to the pound and found Titan. He was a cute little guy and immediately reached through the cage as Caspian was walking by. He had him there...then he started talking. Slam dunk need this guy to come home. A friend he could talk to--brilliant!

Description: Samoyed

la dame en noir

*passes out*


hes beautiful and LOOK AT THAT PUPPER!
Games(Group & 1x1): 7 | Post Rate: 1 - 6 days | Availability: Actively looking!
A&A | FxF |
O/Os | FxF Writers Directory


Lady Sakura

Ewwwww Giants fan on his shirt... *Runs away*



Lady Sakura

Quote from: Bowen on July 25, 2018, 12:05:22 AM
And so the drama begins


But yay he is the swim club with my Shaylee. Some brownie points there 😘

la dame en noir

HOWEVER! I may or may not be leaving the game, that's still in the air at this point lol.
Games(Group & 1x1): 7 | Post Rate: 1 - 6 days | Availability: Actively looking!
A&A | FxF |
O/Os | FxF Writers Directory


The gates are open
Current Time Zone: US MST
Delays: School 20 Feb - 9 May
Current solo request: None.
Current group request: Strings

Lady Sakura


Quote from: Lady Sakura on July 25, 2018, 12:03:27 AM
Ewwwww Giants fan on his shirt... *Runs away*

The fact that is what you saw first makes me laugh right now XD


In his dislikes I listed sports. He's not a fan, he just likes the shirt.

Lady Sakura

Quote from: Saika on July 25, 2018, 12:20:02 AM
The fact that is what you saw first makes me laugh right now XD

Haha just a salty Patriots fan. 😂😂

Quote from: Bowen on July 25, 2018, 12:20:53 AM
In his dislikes I listed sports. He's not a fan, he just likes the shirt.

That's fine.

The character looks great though, aside from his taste in shirts. 🤣


Quote from: Lady Sakura on July 25, 2018, 12:23:52 AM
Haha just a salty Patriots fan. 😂😂

That's fine.

The character looks great though, aside from his taste in shirts. 🤣

Heh a salty fan XD

I think his character looks great too :) The sports jock doesn't like sports, makes me chuckle lol


He likes sports just not watching other people play them.

If the gang wanted to go out and throw a frisbee or kick a ball around...he'd be up for that in a second.

la dame en noir

Quote from: Bowen on July 25, 2018, 12:43:56 AM
He likes sports just not watching other people play them.

If the gang wanted to go out and throw a frisbee or kick a ball around...he'd be up for that in a second.
Come to the OOC guys!
Games(Group & 1x1): 7 | Post Rate: 1 - 6 days | Availability: Actively looking!
A&A | FxF |
O/Os | FxF Writers Directory


Updated the recruitment thread. The last roles are:

Mercury Knight
Sailor Pluto
Sailor Uranus
The gates are open
Current Time Zone: US MST
Delays: School 20 Feb - 9 May
Current solo request: None.
Current group request: Strings

Madam Striga

Hello! I was wondering if I might take Sailor Pluto despite my Sailor Moon knowledge being rusty?  :-[ :-X

Lady Sakura

Quote from: Zoastria on August 06, 2018, 09:23:41 AM
Hello! I was wondering if I might take Sailor Pluto despite my Sailor Moon knowledge being rusty?  :-[ :-X

Yay a new face! Hello and Welcome!

As long as you know the basic premise I'm sure you'll be fine <3

la dame en noir

Quote from: Zoastria on August 06, 2018, 09:23:41 AM
Hello! I was wondering if I might take Sailor Pluto despite my Sailor Moon knowledge being rusty?  :-[ :-X
Pluto is my favorite!!! <3 You should totally do it!
Games(Group & 1x1): 7 | Post Rate: 1 - 6 days | Availability: Actively looking!
A&A | FxF |
O/Os | FxF Writers Directory

Madam Striga

Quote from: Lady Sakura on August 06, 2018, 09:35:10 AM
Yay a new face! Hello and Welcome!

As long as you know the basic premise I'm sure you'll be fine <3

Thank you ;n;

Quote from: la dame en noir on August 06, 2018, 01:35:56 PM
Pluto is my favorite!!! <3 You should totally do it!

I'm definitely tempted and may or may not have been looking at faces already.


Madam Striga

This is so unfinished please don't look
Name: Song, Min-ji
Former Name: Earline
Alias: Sailor Pluto
Age: 20
Height: 5'8"
Weight: 130lbs
Hair Color: Brown
Eye Color: Dark Brown
Sexuality: Bisexual
Nationality: South Korea
Basic Description: (if they have scars, tattoos, piercings, etc. You go all out describing it here)
Visual Description:

Face Claim - Joo Min Hee "Minhee"

Degree: Graphic Design with Media Studies
Classes: (List up to 4 classes. It’s important because other characters may be in the same class as you therefore more interaction. Mercuries can list up to six.)
Clubs: Film Club & Gymnastics

Personality/Background: (Whatever needs to be said about their personality or background can be written here. You do not have to write the pre-Destruction story if you don't want to.)


Planet: Pluto
Special Powers: Sight of Death - Temporarily induces blindness within the target.

Weapon: A golden staff

Guardian: Nix

Description:  A female Cornish Rex whose facial markings are vaguely reminiscent of a cluster of stars. Nix is a sly creature, whose sense of honour is second only to her search for the ultimate sneaky insult. She is not meanspirited but rather prides herself on her ability to read people - and to read their faults. Her favourite snack is cheese and she has a bad habit of sleeping on Min-ji's face. In the past, Nix lived as a tiger-like griffin.

Nix's Appearance


Yay!!! We have a Sailor Pluto! Can't wait to meet you in game and welcome!


Terra Knight
Mercury Knight
Sailor Uranus
And maybe Sailor Venus

Those are the open slots we have.
The gates are open
Current Time Zone: US MST
Delays: School 20 Feb - 9 May
Current solo request: None.
Current group request: Strings

Madam Striga


Quote from: TheBlackThrone on August 06, 2018, 11:48:18 PM
Terra Knight
Mercury Knight
Sailor Uranus
And maybe Sailor Venus

Those are the open slots we have.

I just opened the IC for our approved players since I return from deployment tomorrow. The quoted above are the slots we still have open.
The gates are open
Current Time Zone: US MST
Delays: School 20 Feb - 9 May
Current solo request: None.
Current group request: Strings


Planet: EARTH
Power: World Gate;
locates an uninhabited surface
and laser-teleports there.


Guns (Black and Golden)

Materialize when he transforms.
They fire bullets of stellar light.

Degrees: Writing (Alena) and History (Andrew)
Classes: Mythology (Asuka & Caspian),
World History (Andrew & Steven),
Modern Poetry (Sakura), Art Studio (Selena)
Clubs: Theater/Drama Club (Mikhail & Selena),
Cooking/Culinary Club (Brock & Sakura)

Tommy DiDario

Name: Eric Costa
Former Name: King of Earth, Prince and King Endymion
Alias: Terra Knight    Age: 20
Height: 6'1   Weight: 190 lb
Hair Color: Brown   Eye Color: Hazel
Sexuality: Bisexual   Nationality: American, New Jersey
Basic Descript: Tidal Crescent Tattoo on clavicle
and Compass Tattoo on back between shoulders

Personality/Background: Ever since a child in New Jersey, Eric was fascinated with
the moon's effect on the earth. He didn't need to be told to go outside; he was always
active running and rock-climbing. The one in the family begging to go on camping trips.
Three brothers, three sisters, parents had dramatically divorced when he was born.
Also the type to read through international best-sellers, encyclopedias, and world events.
Worldly and sophisticated; will not hesitate to tell you that "he's been there, it's nice."
If you had asked him what time it was anywhere, he would tell you and never be wrong.
He is charming and has a way with words. But does tend to have a melodramatic streak.
Eric often went to the shooting range to blow off steam. Moved around too many times.
After being haunted with dreams of Bay Point University, he decided to move to Bay Point.

Likes: Outdoor and recreational activities. Beaches. Foreign foods. Cannabis. Star-gazing and looking up at the Moon.
Books, poetry, songs, plays, musicals, films, television, video games, art, anything created that is popular with people.
Dislikes: Injustice, insensitivity, intolerance, bullying, discrimination, and hatred. Sociopaths and psychopaths. Gloom.

Guardian: Corona
Description: After enrolling in Bay Point, Eric Costa had gone hiking through a secluded redwood forest and
was face to face with a roaring cougar about to maul him until -- out of the wild, the collar-less Doberman
had bolted to Eric's rescue and made too much violent screams that the cougar shrank and decided they
were not worth the trouble. No one claimed the dog so he adopted whom he called Corona.

Doberman Pinscher
Dragon (Beast Form)

Lady Sakura


Heyy Lady Sakura! :P
This looks like another good game, just had to submit a char sheet xD


Quote from: lux89 on August 13, 2018, 02:24:05 PM
Planet: EARTH
Power: World Gate;
locates an uninhabited surface
and laser-teleports there.


Guns (Black and Golden)

Materialize when he transforms.
They fire bullets of stellar light.

Degrees: Writing (Alena) and History (Andrew)
Classes: Mythology (Asuka & Caspian),
World History (Andrew & Steven),
Modern Poetry (Sakura), Art Studio (Selena)
Clubs: Theater/Drama Club (Mikhail & Selena),
Cooking/Culinary Club (Brock & Sakura)

Tommy DiDario

Name: Eric Costa
Former Name: King of Earth, Prince and King Endymion
Alias: Terra Knight    Age: 20
Height: 6'1   Weight: 190 lb
Hair Color: Brown   Eye Color: Hazel
Sexuality: Bisexual   Nationality: American, New Jersey
Basic Descript: Tidal Crescent Tattoo on clavicle
and Compass Tattoo on back between shoulders

Personality/Background: Ever since a child in New Jersey, Eric was fascinated with
the moon's effect on the earth. He didn't need to be told to go outside; he was always
active running and rock-climbing. The one in the family begging to go on camping trips.
Three brothers, three sisters, parents had dramatically divorced when he was born.
Also the type to read through international best-sellers, encyclopedias, and world events.
Worldly and sophisticated; will not hesitate to tell you that "he's been there, it's nice."
If you had asked him what time it was anywhere, he would tell you and never be wrong.
He is charming and has a way with words. But does tend to have a melodramatic streak.
Eric often went to the shooting range to blow off steam. Moved around too many times.
After being haunted with dreams of Bay Point University, he decided to move to Bay Point.

Likes: Outdoor and recreational activities. Beaches. Foreign foods. Cannabis. Star-gazing and looking up at the Moon.
Books, poetry, songs, plays, musicals, films, television, video games, art, anything created that is popular with people.
Dislikes: Injustice, insensitivity, intolerance, bullying, discrimination, and hatred. Sociopaths and psychopaths. Gloom.

Guardian: Drake
Description: After enrolling in Bay Point, Eric Costa had gone hiking through a secluded redwood forest and
was face to face with a roaring cougar about to maul him until -- out of the wild, the collar-less Doberman
had bolted to Eric's rescue and made too much violent screams that the cougar shrank and decided they
were not worth the trouble. No one claimed the dog so he adopted whom he called Drake.

Doberman Pinscher
Dragon (Beast Form)

Accepted. :-)
The gates are open
Current Time Zone: US MST
Delays: School 20 Feb - 9 May
Current solo request: None.
Current group request: Strings


Oh my gaaah yess thank you TheBlackThrone!
--tosses in rose!--


Updated open character roles.

Mercury Knight
Sailor Venus
Sailor Uranus
The gates are open
Current Time Zone: US MST
Delays: School 20 Feb - 9 May
Current solo request: None.
Current group request: Strings


Updated roles currently open:

Mercury Knight
Sailor Venus
Saturn Knight
Sailor Pluto
Sailor Uranus
The gates are open
Current Time Zone: US MST
Delays: School 20 Feb - 9 May
Current solo request: None.
Current group request: Strings


Name: Angel Cossé-Davenport (Davenport is mother’s maiden name)
Former Name: Aeolus
Alias: Sailor Uranus
Age: 24
Height: 5’11”
Weight: 141lbs
Hair Color: Black, but dyes it platinum
Eye Color: Blue
Sexuality: Pansexual, enjoys women more especially when they are shorter than her.
Nationality: French-American
Basic Description: Left palm has an outline of a puzzle piece, both ears are pierced, and wears the male uniform as she considers herself gender neutral
Visual Description: Face Claim: Madison Paige


Degree: Doctor of Physical Therapy/Master of Science in Athletic Training
Statistics (Jin, Andrew, Lil, Shaylee)
Health Promotion and Wellness in Physical Therapy Practice III

Theater/Drama Club

If you would have asked Angel what she was going to be when she grew up, you would have gotten musician, motocross star, extreme sports athlete, but modeling was far from it. Her parents always encouraged her to be whatever she wanted to be and never let anything stop her. Instead fate had other plans for her and it came in the form of her grandmother that she barely knew. She grew up in a boarding school as her grandmother believed that was the best place for her be after her parents died in a car crash from a drunk driver when they left a party at a vineyard in France. Instead of going to live in America with her mother’s family, her grandmother kept her in France since she had the money and power to back her up to fight any silly custody battles from across the ocean.

She was supposed to be all prim and proper but wearing dress even at a young age made Angel feel out of place. She hated the ribbons and bows, the overly flowy and bouncy dresses. Instead she wanted to wear pants, shorts, everything that her grandmother hated as a lady must look like a lady. Since she was stuck with her, she continued to live following the old-fashioned rules and lived her young life at private schools and during the summer get shipped every year to Switzerland for finishing courses as her grandmother was determined to defeat the stubbornness streak inside of her and maybe she may even find an eligible man that would be willing to take her.

While in school she participated in track, soccer, and lacrosse and being in an all-girls school she was dubbed “The Prince” which she didn’t mind at all. Soon school was where she could perform and be herself in a sense as Angel loved playing the role as well. When her grandmother found out about her… interests at the age of 18, there was outrage and threats of being cut off. No money, everything that belonged to her would be taken away except for the clothes on her back. With a lift of her middle finger and a grin, Angel was free and left as her grandmother was left speechless. There she went out and cut her long straight black hair, pierced her ears, and got a tattoo in the palm of her hand to symbolized a missing piece in her life.

Using the scholarship money she received for track and soccer, Angel went to school and picked up a couple of odd jobs here and there. When working at a clothing store in Paris, they asked her to model some of the clothing they had as the model that was supposed to work with the photographer got sick. Then the world opened up for from there on in as Angel threw that in her grandmothers face to show that she can be who she wants to be and not be worried about it. To show the world who Angel was and that she didn’t care.

As she worked as a model for the next six years of her life locally and she went to school to become a physical therapist and an athletic trainer. It seemed strange really, to go to a university when she was a successful model or had chances to be in a professional athlete. However she felt a draw to the career path she has chosen as every athlete gets injured and needs someone to whip them back into shape. There were people who got injured and needed to be able to walk again. Children who has disabilities and needed a friend who believed that they can do it. The other reason being that beauty fades and what then? When you lose your prime what do you do?

Upon entering her Master’s program, Angel was given the opportunity to attend Baypoint University as part of their exchange program to which she gladly accepted. California was new, fun, exciting, and something in her heart, no… something inside the fiber of her being told her to go there. Telling her that what she seeked was there.

Likes: Extreme sports, modeling, music, YouTube, food and wine, cute things, damsels in distress
Dislikes: Math, being bored, snobs, rude people, fan clubs

Plant: Appears on the back of her right hand
Special Powers:  Razors Rings: Whether using her hand or her blade, power is concentrated on a focal point and upon release a gust of sharp, rotating ringed wind is released as it shreds her foes or breaks down barriers.

Movement is similar to the gif, ignore everything else
Spoiler: Click to Show/Hide

Weapon: Space Sword (talisman)

Guardian: Creamsicle, formerly Pegasus

Creamsicle is fluffy orange and white ragamuffin cat that loves lounging around and is very calm and loving.

To carry the soldier of the heavens to battle, Pegasus was always by her side as she allowed the outer senshi to travel to the outer planets with speed that was unmeasurable.


la dame en noir

Games(Group & 1x1): 7 | Post Rate: 1 - 6 days | Availability: Actively looking!
A&A | FxF |
O/Os | FxF Writers Directory


Lady Sakura


here we go again with these thirst trap characters.
your hungry heart was 
o v e r f e d.



Lady Sakura


Quote from: hernameisbanks on August 30, 2018, 10:53:21 AM
here we go again with these thirst trap characters.

So I was wondering. What is a thirst trap character?

Disregard. Got it explained lol


Quote from: Saika on August 30, 2018, 12:55:33 PM
So I was wondering. What is a thirst trap character?

Disregard. Got it explained lol

i love you.
it's a good thing.
your hungry heart was 
o v e r f e d.


I updated the front page. These are the current open slots:

Mercury Knight
Sailor Venus
Saturn Knight
Uranus Knight
Sailor Pluto
The gates are open
Current Time Zone: US MST
Delays: School 20 Feb - 9 May
Current solo request: None.
Current group request: Strings

Captain Whitebread

I am going to put a tentative claim on the Saturn Knight.

Either a full character bio or an announcement that I will not be playing should follow before the end of the long weekend.
There are nights when the wolves are silent and it the moon that howls.

Captain Whitebread

Name: Chatha Chabwera
Former Name: Prince Albion
Alias: Saturn Knight
Age: 19
Height: 6' 2"
Weight: 19 0 lbs
Hair Color: Black (braided into beaded cornrows)
Eye Color: Brown
Sexuality: Heterosexual (Sapiosexual & Demisexual)
Nationality: Malawi
Basic Description: a flawless physical specimen, with just the beginnings of a cheesy moustache and goatee.  He has a soft speaking voice.  He wears a one karat blue white diamond in each ear.
Visual Description: (face claim unknown)

Degree: Dual Major - Education and Political Science
Classes: Communications, Philosophy, Psychology, Sociology
Clubs: Kickboxing, Music Club
Personality/Background: Chatha is a quiet, genial young man.  He was raised by a single mother in a culture that saw the circumstances of his birth as a stigma with which to keep the two of them down.  Both refused to give in to the hate around them and leaned on each other to rise about it.  He is a firm believer in the equality of women and has a deep respect for them.  It makes him a little shy in their presence.
Chatha wants to return to his homeland once his education is complete and use what he learned to elevate his people so that they can live better lives than they currently do.  He is a drummer and enjoys tribal rythyms.

He has not yet awakened because, as a Saturn, he slumbers deeper than the other Senshi.  He is in for a shock when the truth is revealed
Likes: Drumming, sunrises, sunsets, he's discovering hip hop.
Dislikes: Bullies, racists, people who judge without knowing, people who mistreat women
Plant:Saturn.  The sickle of Saturn appears as a pale spot in a larger birthmark on the back of his left calf.
Special Powers:Concentric Ring Punch.  When he drives his fist into the ground, a shockwave radiates outwards, forming a pattern similar to Saturn's rings.  Outside, this can knock people off their feet.  Inside, it can bring buildings down.
Weapon:Iklwa - a short stabbing spear developed by Shaka Zulu and named for the sound it makes stabbing into and being pulled from an enemy's body.
Guardian: Rhea
Description: Female Basenji

Formerly a Siren, Rhea misses the ability to truly sing and enthrall all who hear.  She has followed Chatha whereever he has gone for the past six years, hoping against hope that the Saturn within him would awaken.  Now that the relics are nearby, she is eager to once again reveal her wisdom to her companion.
There are nights when the wolves are silent and it the moon that howls.


I'm sorry this took me a while. I just got back from a guard shift and your peers reminded me that you dropped a CS here. He is approved and can be moved over to the character thread. I'll PM you the discord link. It's optional but encouraged.
The gates are open
Current Time Zone: US MST
Delays: School 20 Feb - 9 May
Current solo request: None.
Current group request: Strings

Captain Whitebread


No worries on the speed.

Never used Discord. Might be interesting
There are nights when the wolves are silent and it the moon that howls.



Lady Sakura



[Floatleft][/float]Name: Alexis Sato
Former Name: Celestia
Alias: Sailor Pluto
Age: 19
Height: 5'5
Weight: 107lbs
Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: Blue
Sexuality: Heteroflexable
Nationality: French/Japanese grew up in Italy
Basic Description: Doll like,  that's what everyone said about her. Black hair, pale white skin and blue eyes she was striking. As of yet she has only a few trendy finger and hand tattoos but plans to get more.
Visual Description:

Face Claim: Kina Shen

Degree: Major: Astronomy Minor: undecided...
Classes: Astronomy, Stellar Astrophysics, Physics, and Astronomy in Ancient Civilizations (also known as ancient alien class)
Clubs: Drama, French tutor for French club
Personality/Background: Lex was born the product of a great love. Her parents story was one for the silver screen as far as Lex was concerned. Her father was a historian from Japan with an interest in seeing Roman architecture in person. He was a man in love with wonders he never thought he would actually get to touch. Her mom was an artist slash photographer slash model from France on holiday. She really did whatever came to her. She was a free spirit that had a hard time putting down roots. They met when her mom ran into him dumping his coffee down his jacket and the rest was history. They fell in love and were married within a year. Within a year of that they were pregnate with Lex.

For Lex while she bonded with her mother it was her father she clinged to. She got 7 great years with him. He would tell her old legends as bed time stories, her favorites were always the Greek and Roman gods though she was more familiar with the Romans , that’s where her interest in astronomy started. She was endlessly interested in everything and living so near some the most amazing ruins in the world there was plenty of old places for the two of them to explore. Her dad was her best friend they were always side by side as her mom found her way through school and then found another project, as always a butterfly on the wind. With such a rich history one would think she’d go into some kind of historical field but when her father died suddenly her focus shifted from facts that she could touch like the stones of an old building to something more theoretical. What had before been a minor interest in space sparked by ancient civilizations obsession of it became an obsession for her as well. To her mind it was clear why ancient man worshipped the sky, it kept it’s secrets well and she wanted to discover them.

It was a good metaphor for her depression as well. After her dad passed Lex's world became a lonely one. Her mom withdrew from the world and Lex who didn’t get along well with other kids at school found herself buried in her books. She filled the void first with learning. She would close her eyes and try to picture it, the planet's, a nebula birthing a star, a black hole sucking in everything it could reach. Most often she pictured Pluto. It was her favorite planet, cold and alone. To a small sad girl it sounded like home.

Lex had a lot of growing pains as she transitioned from being an overlooked kid into a teenager that was hard to ignore. She was unique and it made her polarizing. You either liked her or didn’t and she really didn’t care or at least that’s what she would say. For living out loud turning her reputation from the quiet girl to a fun loving risk taker she’s remarkably hard to get close to. Most of her circle wasn’t at school though, Lex made friends with people a lot like her mother, artist and poets and musicians, tortured souls who used their art to express themselves. For a long time Lex wanted to be more like them but found it just as rewarding to be around these type of people, they accepted her. She often hung out in counter culture club’s or smoky bars and at some of the most interesting people. By the end of high school the once reclusive girl had lots of friends but when it came time to go to school there was no one surprised that she chose to leave Italy and start somewhere new.

Likes: black, loud music, poetry, painting, theater, honest people, smoking, tattoos, vodka, fast cars and faster boys
Dislikes: Boring or shallow people, bullies, things that waste her time.
Plant: Pluto symbol burns into the base of her neck.
Special Powers: Slow Time, for thirty second time around her in a 25 foot radius everything slows to a crawl while she remains unaffected.
Weapon: A leather choker that turns into a 9 foot braided bull whip with metal studs both for weight and pain.

Guardian: Nyx
Description: A large grey black cat, Casus is a king of his own world. He territorial and protective of her with new people. He's an independent being who seems to have chosen Lex as his person despite her tendency to try to do things he doesn't care for like baths or clipping his nails.

Beast Form

Extras: Garner Necklace that she only takes off to bath, can't ever remember not being it and feels naked without it.


Sailor Pluto is accepted. You can move her over to the character thread.  :-)
The gates are open
Current Time Zone: US MST
Delays: School 20 Feb - 9 May
Current solo request: None.
Current group request: Strings


Update. Current roles open:

Mercury Knight
Sailor Venus
Uranus Knight
The gates are open
Current Time Zone: US MST
Delays: School 20 Feb - 9 May
Current solo request: None.
Current group request: Strings


Update. Current roles open:

Mercury Knight
Sailor Venus
Venus Knight
Uranus Knight
Sailor Jupiter
The gates are open
Current Time Zone: US MST
Delays: School 20 Feb - 9 May
Current solo request: None.
Current group request: Strings

Sirian Eve

CURRENT STATUS: Posting 8/26