Gender Swap RP [Seeking Someone to Play a Male in a Females Body]

Started by pleaseteaseme, June 04, 2011, 09:35:30 PM

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I hope the thread title makes sense, had to reread it a few times to make sure it all made sense!  XD

Anyway, I recently read a comic about a gender swap, and it got me thinking that it could actually make a really good RP!

The RP would start with the male and female switching bodies, be it through a wish, a magic spell, or even something funny like banging heads together. The characters would know eachother prior to the event, however how I don't really mind, be they friends, neighbours, relatives, classmates or something else! I was thinking both would be in their mid to late teens for the RP, but it's subject to change if you may have other preferences.

I would like to play the female trapped in the males body, and am looking for someone to play the male trapped in the females body.

I'd quite like it for the girl to have been very sweet and nice, where as the boy was a bit of a lad previous to their swap, and we follow them both as they struggle to get used to their new genders.

I think it could make for some fun scenes as the boy would initially have lots of fun with the girls body, where as the girl might struggle to get used to being a horny young man.

As things go on I thought it might be fun for the boy to cocktease his own body, as he knows exactly how his body would react to what he is doing, and despite her protestations, the girl in the male's body would be unable to resist what he is doing to her, and he takes great enjoyment in essentially driving himself wild as the new owner of his body fails to control his cock.

All of this is just a rough outline, so I'd be willing to add or change a few things to the above should anyone have any good ideas!

If you're interested, then please send me a PM.
