Star Wars (System Game / Saga Rules): Ashes and Embers

Started by Cassandra LeMay, February 19, 2015, 09:35:15 AM

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Cassandra LeMay

The Emperor is dead and the Rebel Alliance stands triumphant.

Only that it doesn't.

The Emperor may be dead, but the fight is only beginning. A fight sector by sector, world by world, heart by heart.

In this time of strive a small group of Rebel operatives is sent to the Vandor sector, off the Corellian Trade Spine. Their mission: To scout out the Imperial forces in the sector and lay the groundwork for an eventual assault that will drive Imperial forces from the sector and allow the Alliance to move its forces towards a final push for Coruscant.

QuoteVandor? Vandor was the eye of the needle. We had most of a fleet at the end of the Corellian run just waiting to strike Imperial Center, but we needed to dislodge the Imperials first. Sure. We could have gone around, but only piecemeal, one ship at a time. They would have taken us apart ship by ship somewhere along the way if we had tried. Thank the Force we had some good people opening Vandor for us.
-- Admiral Drevon Axar, New Republic Fifth Fleet

Ashes and Embers is a Star Wars group game I hope to run, set in the aftermath of the battle of Endor. It will use the Saga rules, but I would call it "rules light". By that I mean a game where not every single combat action might be played out one die roll at a time. Character stats and abilities will certainly play a role, but I would like to run things a little more fast and loose when it comes to fights (be they on a personal scale or a starship scale), least we end up taking a week or more to play through a round of combat.

Characters will be based on a point-buy (I am thinking 30 points right now) and can be level 4 to 6. I would like characters to be created using only the SW Saga core rulebook, to make this as accessible as possible. Characters should already be Rebel Alliance operatives, but if they have joined the rebellion because they believe in it or because they are paid for it depends on the player.

Anyone interested?
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