RP:1x1 Search: Love On The Brain [ Incest ] & Star Trek

Started by VideoKid, November 19, 2016, 11:08:47 AM

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I’m writing this thread specifically looking for a Father X Daughter role. I am looking for somebody to play the Father and I do have a plot to go with it and face-claims. The face claims are kind of important is it was the inspiration for the idea. I’m not asking you to play “said” actor as I am asking just for the visuals.

The plot would be the Father is a worldwide celebrity. An actor that has worked his way up to doing big movies. We could make those movies up. He would have an only daughter and be separated or divorced from his wife.  His daughter would begin to be a little distant because she has realized she has feelings/ attraction to her own Dad and seeks therapy. The Dad through whatever means would find out and we would start from there.

I’m willing to change or add things to the plot if you have any.


Father/ Actor


I do have an intro so I could start the role play. I can role play through threads, private messages and have a role playing e-mail.


If anyone actually goes out of their way to contact me. I will ask some questions. I have this weird habit of running into really good awesome older men who are role players. Then we start role playing, we get to talking and I find out their married and hiding their role playing from their significant other…..then they decide suddenly god or something else has touched them and they need to be faithful and abandon me. So just please be an actual human who has the freedom to role play without restrictions or restraints. I’m married, my husband knows I role play, we have great trust. My marriage does not affect my hobby.


The first update is when you message me for this role play. Please expect it to be semi long term. I’m not looking for people to drop the game once they have initially made love the first time….I feel there is all this build, tension and it happens and some people bail…..there is more to a relationship than just that. Please come to me wanting to write that out.

The second is I have another minor idea…..to start more drama, the father could already have a paid submissive, something like fifty shades but a little lighter. Ask me for details.


New Request 12-15-16

So were only allowed one request so I will slowly start adding more to this. I do a lot of fandoms. I’m a movie fanatic. So if you have a particular movie you’ve watched and want to role play in canon or original, run by me even if it’s not listed.

Right now I am looking for a male or female who doesn’t mind playing a dominant role to either play as a character I want to play against or someone with the same appearance and is completely originally re-created.

Looking for someone to play Khan from the newer movies. Yes, I have a really bad obsession with Benedict, the good news is I have had so many successful role play where he is used.

Someone please be Khan for me lol PLEASE……


Did some updates. I also have a pairing for Uncle X Niece with the same face claims.
