The Beauties And The Beast [Consensual, Modern Day Mythical, Seeking F]

Started by TheVillain, August 15, 2010, 02:59:14 PM

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The Greek countryside has always been home to myths and legends, both good and evil. Stories passed down from mouth to mouth over the ages with the usual purpose of explaining the world around them there usually was maybe a kernel of truth among the embellishments. But this time the truth in the story may be something else entirely.

The rumors began to spread in 2006 when a 29 year old mother of 2 young children was miraculously cured of her cancer. Literally in one visit to her doctor she was given maybe a few months to live, and in the next there was no cancer to be found. When asked how it was done Adrasteia told people that when she was a child she imagined that she had befriended a Satyr. Accepting that she was going to die she went to visit an aunt she hasn't seen since childhood but became lost in the forest. Seeing her childhood Satyr imaginary friend on the side of the road she figured she had nothing to lose she stopped to talk to him. Confessing that within a couple minutes she and her formerly-imaginary friend had started making love, she claims that after they were done she felt better then she has for years.

Tabloids would go on to tell stories of other sightings of the Satyr by other people, even some women claiming that they and the Satyr having wild sex together before he disappears back into the forests.

The next time a sighting occurred that left something that could be considered evidence was in 2008 when a support group for women with fertility problems went on a camping trip. They claim that early in the camping trip the Satyr joined them, and after learning their plight offered to help them have children. They go on to claim that over the weekend-long camping trip he would take them one by one into a nearby grove and have incredible sex with each of them. Genetic testing on the resulting children has been unable to spot anything unusual about the DNA but has been able to confirm that all of the children have the same biological father.

The final piece of what can be considered evidence comes from a Portuguese zoologist who took "The Satyr Photo" a week ago. Admittedly it's grainy and there's too much brush in the way to see if he really is a Satyr, but there's definitely the backside of what looks like a very toned and tanned naked man walking away from her- after they fucked according to the zoologist.

And so those woods are watched carefully now, for a man who may be an honest to go Satyr. A Satyr who has escaped the best hunters and scientists for centuries, is fertile enough to impregnate 8 women over the course of a weekend, is an incredible lay, and may have miraculous healing powers to boot!

[Alright, so the idea is that there's a Satyr somewhere in the Greek wilds and your characters are women that- for some reason or another- want to find him. Or they don't want to find them, they just need to have a reason to be in those woods. Maybe an American Scientist hoping to make her career, a woman with a terminal disease hoping for a miracle cure, a woman who is so desperate to have a child she's willing to submit to the wiles of a mythical beast, or come up with your own.

I'm thinking I'll accept any good character, and I'll tell you by PM, just one at a time. So one scene with one character then I'll PM the next. So, format-wise, it will be kind of like this but exotic and consensual instead of realistic NC. If you want to play, I need to know your character's name, appearance, and a bio/info paragraph or two that covers some basic history and why she's in the same woods as a Satyr.

My O/O's / My A/A's / My Ideas
Update - Apologies to all my partners, real life is exploding and I've gotten far behind.