A Few Ideas (FanFic, Historical, Low Fantasy)

Started by Airindel, October 25, 2012, 04:26:32 PM

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Looking for creative individuals to write the following stories. Gender of the writer is unimportant, but what matters is a convincing character. 
Please feel free to browse my thread to understand what I enjoy in my partners as well as my writing preferences.

If interested, please send me a PM.
Many thanks.

The Robber Bridegroom

Inspired by the Brothers Grimm tale.
Historical Low Fantasy

Character Wanted: the Robber Bridegroom (the suitor)

Concept: A father betrothed his daughter to a stranger, one who appeared to be a gentleman, appeared to be handsome and courteous, and one who is believed would make a fine husband based on those qualities. As the marriage date draws closer, the suitor requests his love to visit him...

But through the darkest wood he lives, the path strange, the forest unknown to the young woman yet compelled she is to visit given the circumstance.

Warned she is by a bird to turn back, that the house abides only to death...but believe she does that it is her imagination.

On entering the cellar kitchen, an old woman is there, cleaning. On seeing the young woman, in believing she is good, the old woman tells her to leave, that those who live in the house are cruel, that they would kill her and eat her.  Too late is it, however, for a band of thieves arrive at the house with another woman, one in which they kill, cannibalize....

And in that house, the house within the darkest wood, the betrothed woman must escape or meet a gruesome end.

Dragon Age: The Will of Justice
Character Wanted: Varric or Fenris

In the wake of Knight Commander Meredith, in the wake of the slaughter that saturated the halls of The Circle, and of the Templar Hall, Kirkwall strained to rebuild.

The Champion of Kirkwall, Hawke, she had disappeared into the depths of the Free Marches with Anders. Lovers they had been, and emotional bonds entwined the two...and given the massacre, given the choices she made, they seemed inseparable.

But Varric had forewarned her.
And tales that Fenris told her of the Tevinter Magistrates offered glimpses of a personal history, of slavery, that ought not to have existed.

What does happen when a demon and a person unite as one?
No longer were they separate individuals, Justice and Anders; personalities melted into one being...

And Anders changed.

Always did he brood. Always did he venture to speak his opinion regarding Mages, or that of the Templars, or the Chantry.
Yet something was different. Something to which Hawke noticed, but could not pinpoint, could not put into words.

There was violence. And bitterness. And hate.
Anders was a man shaping the world, burning it, welcoming his destiny...

But many innocent people perished in his wake, consequences of his actions, and no longer could Hawke endure, or forgive, or accept.
Never had she the strength to strike Anders down, to end his life... and so she left, quietly, and without word.

A friend she would seek out, and begin a new life with him.

But the will of Justice is peculiar...

A Previous Life: A Walking Dead Tale
Setting: Contemporary based on the tv series The Walking Dead
Character wanted: Daryl Dixon

Before the desperation, before the despair, and before the melancholy of hopelessness, everyone had a life. For some, it was filled with wonders and fascinations, of love and friendship, and for others, it was tarnished with traces of misery, abuse, lies...only hints of happiness.

Circumstances and events, the environment that one becomes acquainted with, lives within, it shapes people, offers them a particular personality, particular traits.

For Daryl Dixon, he knew life with his neglectful alcoholic father, a drunk of a mother until her untimely death, and was raised by his brother, Merle, 'to be a man'. He was abused, but he was a survivor, a trait that never yields.

The skinny of it all: I'd like to explore a previous life for Daryl, including a heavy-involvement relationship with a woman, with the story ending with the rise of the Walkers. The story should focus on character/personality, and it ought to involve certain aspects including the trauma of abuse, and Merle.

The Inquisitor's Daughter
Setting: Medieval-Renaissance (would consider Low Fantasy too)
Character wanted: The Lover


She grew up in the underworld of the city, in the dark crevasses and caverns that good and moral people feared... where dungeons festered with criminals, with traitors... and the screams from the victims, from those being tortured echoed for what seemed to be an eternity.

She was the only child of the Inquisitor, and knew well her father's trade.
Watched him, she had, over the years of her life, and all too well did she know how to break a person. Yet too, she knew all too well the lies of men, of women, of what darkness lingered in their hearts, and when her childhood was no longer, when she became an adult, a name she sought to carve out for herself.

Thief. Rogue. Mercenary. Assassin.  They were the trades in which she delved, in which riches were rewarded to her, and trades that would allow her to rise, to become free of gutters that once clung to her childhood life, to shed a history of poverty.

A lover she had, a man beyond her in strength and personality...

Some whispered rumors that her lover was a madman, a delusional lunatic.
One lady called him a husband.
The populace addressed him as the Queen's Consort.

Jealousy from the Queen would unleash Hell, and test the bindings of the lovers and their fate.

Lips that taste of tears, they say,
Are the best for kissing
~Dorothy Parker



Added A Previous Life: A Walking Dead Tale and The Inquisitor's Daughter.
Lips that taste of tears, they say,
Are the best for kissing
~Dorothy Parker
