Looking for a Co-GM for a Fallout 2D20 story

Started by MetroFallout, November 16, 2023, 09:37:40 AM

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I have some ideas for what I think could be a pretty fun story for all involved but I don't really feel all that confident GMing the whole thing by myself. I'm looking for someone to both bounce my ideas off of and work together in GMing a good story for a small group.

No real need to know too much about Fallout lore and I have a copy of the core rulebook and assorted stuff that I have prepared. Just need someone with GMing experience to guide us all along mechanics-wise.

Edit: If possible, would prefer to work with someone with experience in this system.

Edit 2: Story would be revenge-flavoured where PCs would be tracking a central antagonist that would have wronged them all in some way and takes place in the American Southwest and East of the Colorado river in some blasted-out areas. Expect grittiness but broken up/combined with some lightheartedness as per series tradition.