Captured for powers

Started by Sillykitty1995, November 05, 2017, 03:08:32 PM

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My idea was that this group of people live in a similar world to ours but more corrupt. Unknowingly a few groups of people have been getting experimented on over a few years. After some time goes by suddenly this occurring stare happening to people giving them powers and/ or ability that they had not had before. When this stares happening the government comes in and begins capturing them.  Putting them in chains and shipping them to a desert in the middle nowhere in a larger force field doom (also know to them as the bubble). They then are being forced to live with one and other and mate with partner to have child (some time willing and some time not so much cause their family safety being held over their head) but their trying to find a way to escape. During their time in the bubble they are tortured and tested on. Their treated more like animals then people.

I'm looking for a group of 12 characters so 6 men and 6 women. If I do group I think I be cool with people playing up to two characters. I will be hopefully be playing at least one female character as well as the twisted government/ bad guys, Although I'm up for suggestions as well as help with being bad guy. I'm cool with you picking out your power just keep in mind some weakness. but please run them by me first is all I ask.
If you are interested please pm me. Thank you   
We do have a few people set up but still waiting for more but we still need a few more characters. Her is some more back story:
Sobthis whole thing stared when the country went in to another great war but when the war stopped some scientist didn't. So they stared putting the serum in shots and and some food. You had to get both for it to do anything to you and any thing you did in the days pried to it starting to effect determine what happened in some cases it was random tho. The government would then be alerted and you would then be put in the care of the scientist. Your family would be promised you would be safe and that they were looking for a cure. You were even told this. Your family would then been told that they would have to be keep under watch and cameras would be put in place doctors of the scientist would be sent to see them weekly and a chip would be implanted in the and would kill the at the touch of a button.

Its a new fasility and they have been ether move or fresh captured but there all coming in on the same ride  theyll be beaten into submison and hit with the stuff that made them trance form in the first place see if the can  hockst any other powers out them mine going to have been their for a while so she pretty beat up.  but this new fasility is for breasing and testing mainly. A lot of manipulating.