[Star Trek TNG]Blood and Fire - Recruitment (STA System Game) Large Game Status!

Started by BlackStone, March 04, 2021, 02:37:14 PM

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One of the players in question to anyone thinking about it. Confirming that this is fun times. :D
My O/O's / My A/A's / My Ideas
Update - Apologies to all my partners, real life is exploding and I've gotten far behind.


Quote from: TheVillain on March 03, 2022, 01:02:45 AMOne of the players in question to anyone thinking about it. Confirming that this is fun times. :D

Definitely this, though RL has kept me away from this game longer and more frequently than I'd like. Hoping that changes in the immediate future so I can get back to things properly, since this group is great.


Monthly bump.  It would not take too much for people to catch up on, and the Lyla James just started Act 1 and no time like now to get in on what should be fun.   I also have need of a Deputy Chief Medical Officer for some immediate roleplay and hop right in on the action. Below are the roles which would have impact on the current and future plots as well as a new ship with a new twist as the Klingon Empire and stories told from their point of view enter play.  Here is what we are looking for.  Each player is allowed one character per ship as long as they do not have the same position (if you are chief engineer of one ship, you cannot be for another).

Roles Wanted for Resolute
Deputy Chief Medical Officer who will become Chief Medical Officer once the current act is done
Chief Engineer

Roles Wanted for Lyla James
Operations Officer
Chief Medical Officer
Tactical Officer

Roles Wanted for Hornet

Roles Wanted for I.K.S. Bloodraven

We do have a Discord server for OOC as well as game mechanics discussions/rolls so players know the outcomes of their actions so they can write into their response post if they were "Big Damn Hero!" or not.  Any questions please let me know, we would love to have you a part of this game.


Character Personnel File
Player ID: Tilt
Name: Wren Hallewell
Gender: Female
Race: Human

Star Fleet Service Record
Position: Chief Medical Officer
Rank: Lieutenant
Branch of Service: Medical
Major: Medical

Character Appearance
Height: 167 CM
Weight: 86 Kg
Age: 33
Hair Color: Brown
Eye Color: Blue
Build: Plump
Distinguishing marks: None

Character Description:

All things considered, Wren considers herself to be a fairly average human specimen. Not terribly tall and more curvy than the average Starfleet officer, she has the tendency to view herself particularly harshly. To compensate for her low self-esteem, she leans towards conservative clothes and dress.

Her shoulder-length brown hair is often braided away from her face, both for professionalism and to keep hair from getting in the way in the case of a sudden medical emergency - as is common on Starfleet vessels.

On the surface, Wren a timid and self-conscious individual. She has the tendency to undervalue herself, whether that comes to her appearance, her work, or other talents. Despite her flaws, she's an empathetic person dedicated to the well-being of others. While she regards herself as someone who's easily pushed over, and this is true to an extent, when she gets her mind set on a course of action she's rarely dissuaded.

Beneath it all, she's a romantic at heart in all manners of the word. Wren truly believes in the promise of a better world and that her place in the Federation is the best course to making that future happen. Even in the darkest times, it's that belief that keeps her moving forward.

Other Info:

Being the child of a prodigy isn't fun. That is the summary of Wren's early life, the youngest daughter of Tyne Hallewell and his second wife Terra. Where the children he had with his first wife excelled in both early classes and later cutting edge medicine, Wren struggled to match their achievements. A slightly-above-average student at the best of times, she struggled with advanced concepts and the growing realization that her family viewed her as a disappointment. Feelings of inferiority grew as her mother turned to violent, sometimes vicious, punishments in private, forcing Wren to practice her medical knowledge to hide the signs of abuse.

This led to Wren abandoning Medical school in her early twenties, joining a colony on Titan to engineer ablative armor for starships. This formed a rift in her family, abandoning generations of specialty doctors for what Tyne regarded as a common man's work.

Her love for medicine was rekindled in the worst of times, during a standard test an error in calculations led to structural failure and dozens of Titan's workers. Pulled into service with her medical knowledge, she was able to keep the worst patients stable until help came in the form of Starfleet doctors from the Nightingale. Seeing doctors in action sparked a passion in Wren that drove her into Starfleet, where she excelled in practical care of patients and microbiology - eventually even joining the same crew of Nightingale.

Her service, particularly at Wolf 359, helped her rise to CMO and transfer to the Lyla James.


Make her a Lieutenant.  I can edit when I post her.   Approved and glad to have you Tilt!


Character Personnel Pile
Player ID: Tilt
Name: Matika (Tika) Louvell
Gender: Female
Race: Human/psychic

Star Fleet Service Record
Position: Chief Science Officer
Rank: Lieutenant
Branch of Service: Science
Major: Science

Character Appearance
Height: 178 cm
Weight: 69 Kg
Age: 29
Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: Grey-Green
Build: Fit/Pear
Distinguishing marks: None

Character Description:

Even years after her war, Tika maintains her body well. She trains and runs often, keeping her body lean and ready for when the other shoe drops.

Half-Native-American and half-French, Tika takes more after her mother than her father, with bronze skin and freckles. She keeps her black hair short, sometimes even shaved on the sides, to keep wild curls out of her face. She has a quick smile and laughs often, with bright grey-green eyes that tilt up at the corners just slightly.

Tika is a series of contradictions. A mischievous soul who looks for trouble, but a hardworking academic with little patience for laziness or stupidity. A former spy with a psychic gift for uncovering secrets, who loathes lies and treats her history as an open book. A soldier who hates war, but doesn't know how to live without one to fight.

She's known for being stubborn and perhaps a bit self-righteous, having seen the worst of humanity and quick to see when that same threat is rising again. Her distrust towards the nature of humanity can make her a bit paranoid about the legitimacy of this seemingly perfect future she's found herself in.

Other Info:
Born in 2034, Tika grew up in an unstable Earth teetering on the edge of war. A daughter of the notorious Louvell family, one that had made its wealth in arms dealing, much of her family was enriched by the rising political tensions on a world divided by a both petty and not-so-petty disputes. This erupted into war when she was fifteen, the third and easily most catastrophic war in their history. A secret drove Tika to enlisting young, at just seventeen. Her mother's family hid the gift of psychic powers in their line, a power that Tika truly believed could turn the tides of war. Retrocognitive and with powerful telekinetic abilities, she quickly became one of the most talented spies for the US military.

For all her efforts, though, the war raged on for years more. It only ended when humanity was on the brink of extinction.

In the wake of the war, Tika found she was dying. Nuclear fallout left her with an aggressive form of leukemia and just months left to live. Her aunt, unable to accept her death, had a cryogenic chamber built in a deep Louvell bunker. There she slept away the centuries, until discovered in 2362. She woke to a different world, one full of aliens, technology, and peace between humans.

Almost immediately, Tika decided civilian life didn't agree with her and enrolled in Starfleet. Tired of fighting and killing, Tika decided to pursue science and used her retrocognitive abilities to quickly catch up with other students in the field. Eventually she graduated with honors, and found herself rising through the ranks due to innovative applications of what she's learned.



Hello BlackStone,

If this game is still going on and there is room for one more I would be interested in joining in with the group.



Hello again, if it is alright I would like to create a character for the U.S.S Lyla James.  Chief Medical Officer.  Female character.


Ok so after reading the medical thread I have seen we have a chief medical officer how about a nurse?


Someone beat you to the punch last week I am afraid.   My apologies for not having updating the list.  Here is what's available.

Deputy CMO (will become CMO at the end of Act 1)  I can get this character into rp immediately and pair them up with the chief science officer
Deputy Envoy (will become Envoy at the end of Act 1)  Again will be in rp with the away team 9n the alien ship
Chief Engineer

Lyla James
Operations Officer
Tactical Officer/Head of Security


Bummer but that's alright.  I think I'll go with Tactical Officer/Head of Security.  I'll be working on my character today.


There still is the Deputy CMO for the Resolute.   The player who was playing the CMO left the game so I have been puppeting her but I really rather have a PC there, and at the end of the act the CMO would "transfer" off, leaving the Deputy as the new CMO.


Yes I could see how that could work out.  I'll run with that and work on my character tonight.


Character Personnel Pile
Player ID:Nim

Star Fleet Service Record
Position:Resolute, Deputy Chief Medical Officer
Rank:Lt Commander
Branch of Service:Lt Commander, Medical
Major:Medical, Doctor

Character Appearance
Weight:200 Lb
Hair Color:Dark Brown
Eye Color: Dark Brown nearly Black
Build:Muscular As above.
Distinguishing marks: None

Character Description: Lukara has long dark brown wavy hair.  Mostly worn loose or tied into a pony tail at the base of her neck. Rich dark piercing eyes which miss nothing. An attribute which gives her great advantage in the Medical field. Lukara has the muscle mass and height typical to her race and gender.  Yet she has a lighter touch than one would expect from a Klingon which has the effect of calming down her patients.  While her physical appearance can seem intimidating at times when she smiles it completely transforms her face to that of a comforting and caring individual which puts her patients at ease. 

Personality: Lukara is not quite like the typical klingon stereo type.  She was found as a baby laying in a basket outside of a med bay door on a distant Federation out post.  Dr. Carol Brown found her when she arrived at sick bay for her shift.  When she lifted the blanket she was extremely shocked to see the Kingon infant.  She took the baby into sick bay and immediately showed the infant to her husband Dr. David Brown.  They examined her together and found that she was a strong healthy Klingon baby.  But where did the infant come from?  There were no Kingons living at the outpost and they had not heard of any Klingons being any where the area.  But it didn't matter to the couple who could not have children of their own. By the time all of the tests had been run both Dr's had fallen in love with the infant.  Following Star Fleet regulations they began the long process which would hopefully grant them permission to adopt the baby. Most of which had to be taken care of once they finished their 5 year term of duty and returned to Star Fleet command.

By that time the child was speaking and reading English as well as any other 5 year old human child.  By the time she turned 18 she had attended all of the best schools Lukara's parents could find.  However she never learned how to speak or read Klingon.  Lukara however did master the Klingon fighting skills through practice on holo decks and one Klingon instructor.  Not to mention the fights she got into growing up with other Klingons because she did not know her native tongue. At the age of 32 she graduated from medical school with her Doctorates degree and officer training earning the rank of Lt. Commander with the highest honors and awards offered by Star Fleet Academy.

Following graduation she was assigned to the U.S.S Resolute serving as Deputy Chief Medical officer.  Where she began the most exciting adventure of her life following in the foot steps of her adoptive parents.  Who were by all accounts extremely proud of their beautiful Klingon daughter who was not only a doctor as they were but she was also a Star Fleet officer.

Other Info: Various encounters with her own race would prove vital to her development. Learning most of which about her heritage and race that her human adoptive parents could not teach her.  Including finally learn to both speak and read Klingon fluently. However some of the lessons would not so easily be learned.


A link for all of us who ever had a shouting match with our muse: http://www.ted.com/talks/elizabeth_gilbert_on_genius.html

How to set this Muse ablaze (O/Os)

When the little angel won't appear no matter how many plum blossoms you swirl:  https://elliquiy.com/forums/index.php?topic=135346.msg16474321#msg16474321 (Major update 5/10/2023)


"And on this vessel we have a plant in charge of our research, a Bajoran responsible for beating people up, and a Klingon in charge of fixing them..."


She looks as if she should be a lot of fun!
My Ons and Offs  My A/A (updated 12/5/24)




Quote from: Outcast on April 28, 2022, 07:06:17 AM
"And on this vessel we have a plant in charge of our research, a Bajoran responsible for beating people up, and a Klingon in charge of fixing them..."


She looks as if she should be a lot of fun!

I think she will be a lot of fun as well.  Especially when working with such a diverse staff.  I'm looking forward to jumping in with the game!

Dj Zekrom

Character Personnel Pile
Player ID: Dj Zekrom
Name: Klaus M. Zimmerman
Gender: Male
Race: Human

Star Fleet Service Record
Position: Tactical Officer/Chief of Security
Rank: Lieutenant Jr. Officer
Branch of Service: Security, Special Ops
Major: Security - Tactical Operations, Martial Combat

Character Appearance
Height: 6' 7"
Weight: 235lbs
Age: 29
Hair Color: Jet black
Eye Color: Blue
Build: Muscular, constructed alternatively
Distinguishing marks: Klaus has a tattoo of the Klingon emblem on his left hand and a large back tattoo depicting some kind of strange, black crowned monster with the words "DER SCHWARZE KÖNIG" on a banner below it.

Character Description:
Klaus is a larger human on the muscular side, often filling a room with his strangely intimidating presence. He's known for his rather darker look, often being described as "edgy" while attending Starfleet Academy. Klaus has jet black hair that never shimmers in the light and falls over his brow, almost hiding them. Being of Germanic decent, Klaus has rather bold features, a strong jawline, and almost pale skin- but not pasty. He carries himself confidently and possesses a long stride. Klaus has a deep rumble for a voice, made somewhat worse by his German accent that sometimes is picked up incorrectly by the Universal Translator; certain words will randomly come out in German, sometimes startling non-Terran races. His face is almost always serious, or twisted into a scowl depending on the situation. Rumor has it, Klaus only smiled for one person at the Academy and hasn't smiled since.

Klaus is nothing short of a human Klingon when it comes to his attitude, the only thing setting him apart from them is his silent demeanor. He has a short temper and is often impatient when it comes to dealing with others he considers to be weaker then himself. Despite this, Klaus always follows orders given by a superior without question and maintains his composure rather impressively in front of senior officers. People are quick to assume that Klaus is cold and heartless because of how unfriendly he appears to be, this has yet to be disproven… And this doesn't change even when he's off duty. Klaus is quick to pick a fight when the opportunity arises, his enthusiasm for battle will sometimes cloud his judgement but this is quickly rectified with a direct order. Because of this, Klaus has pent up 'bloodlust' that he unleashes in the holodeck, frequently throwing himself into battle simulations and Klingon fighting pits with safety protocols off. Any ship's doctor is usually familiar with Klaus after a week of assignment.
Klaus might be one big angry brick wall but there is one thing he keeps secret; a small, rather creepy looking makeshift plush of strange creature, similar to the one tattooed on his back, which he keeps close. Hidden away in his quarters away from prying eyes, 'Mo' is the only thing Klaus will willing confide in.

Other Info: Klaus was born in a rural part Germany. At the time of his birth, his father (at the time Rear Admiral Kristoff Zimmerman) was in San Francisco attending a staff meeting at Starfleet headquarters. His mother died from complications at birth and Klaus was left alone with a midwife for almost two days before his father returned. Because of this, Klaus's childhood was rough. His father gave him the nickname 'Maus' (mouse in German), not as a term of endearment but as an insult. With his father absent most of the time, Klaus was left with little to do except study. He quickly grew fond of his father's Klingon manuals, fixating on them rather intensely. Over time, Klaus became very familiar with the Klingon's way of life and mannerisms, sometimes hissing insults in Klingon at others who didn't know the language.

According to his Starfleet record, there appears to be a gap between the ages of 6 to 16. It is unknown what happened with Klaus during this 10 year span but certain classified documents have been found indicating some sort of involvement with Section 31. No other information was released even when requested. Klaus also cannot recall what happened during this time when prompted.

Klaus was immediately submitted into Starfleet Academy upon coming of age by his father, Klaus had no say in this decision but entered regardless since this was a direct order. He joined the Security division, taking up classes in martial combat, Shipboard Tactical systems, and various Klingon studies. Many cadets at the Academy were intimidated by how strong Klaus was and were surprised by the fact that he seemed to have previous experience in hand-to-hand combat, though he wasn't perfect.
While at the Academy, Klaus hit a sort of a rebellious phase and became close friends with two fellow cadets; Zane Hoffman, an aspiring helmsman, and Dimitri Trovolsky, a questionable medical student with an IQ way too high for his own good. These three soon became the infamous Devious Trio, often staging childish pranks across the Academy grounds from replicating silly string and spraying it on everything they laid eyes on, to streaking across the campus. While Klaus remained serious during class, in his free time, the three would find their own ways of entertaining each other while being menaces of society. While the other two would sly away from admitting their wrongdoings, Klaus would take full responsibility for their pranks in his own attempt to assert dominance. He was only partially successful as Klaus's father intervened after their 6th prank. He eventually became rather intimate with Zane up until graduation, it is unknown whether or not they are still in a relationship.
Upon graduating, his attitude changed drastically, becoming who his is today.   
H̴̰̮͇͕̮̗̟̻̊̀̑̅̎̈́̈͊̀ͅe̶̟̖̣̟̖̯̖̺̳͔̼͗ ̸̧̧̬̬̟̯̲͂̓̇̇̓̒̎͆͝Ç̷̡͎͕͇̻͕̩̜͙̌̑͒͋o̵͙͔̲̳̙͖͖͕͌́̀͌͠ḿ̵̧̯̲̜͈̌é̷̡̖͙̹̼̪͔͈͜ś̷̲̺̯̣̮̖̃̒


Approved.  Go to Lyla James Act 1 thread for the fun

Dj Zekrom

Character Personnel Pile
Player ID: Dj Zekrom
Name: Boris Trovolsky
Gender: Male
Race: Human

Star Fleet Service Record
Position: Chief Engineer - USS Resolute
Rank: Lieutenant Commander
Branch of Service: Engineering
Major: Engineering - General Sciences

Character Appearance
Height: 6' 4"
Weight: 210lbs
Age: 30
Hair Color: Russet brown
Eye Color: Green
Build: Muscular/toned
Distinguishing marks: Boris has strange protrusions running down his spine that are visible from beneath his uniform, this is from a spinal prosthetic that allows Boris to continue moving normally despite having a severe spinal injury. Additionally, Boris has a tattoo on the right side of his chest depicting a bear-like monster
Character Description:
Boris is a Russian man with russet brown hair and green eyes. Unlike his younger brother, Dimitri, he has a muscular build and is slightly taller. Boris sports a well-kept beard and slicked-back hair that falls just above the nape of his neck. Though he has a larger almost intimidating appearance, Boris has a softer voice with a soothing Ruski accent. Because he grew up off-world on a colder, darker planetoid orbiting a dim star, his skin is a pale milky white. As a result, Boris often avoids going outside in direct sunlight because of light sensitivity and how easily he burns. Even when the going gets tough, Boris will almost always have a smile on his face, albeit hidden under his beard; one can usually tell when he's smiling.

Boris is nothing short of an absolute sweetheart, he's always willing to help others when they ask for assistance sometimes viewing it as a learning opportunity for everyone involved. He's passionate about his work and takes initiative whenever something goes wrong. Rather than sending people below him to do simple work/repairs, something Boris refers to as "dirty work", he will often go take care of it himself, favoring the happiness of his Engineering staff over his own wellbeing. The Russian will often enjoy telling stories about his previous experiences, or his brother's misadventures, discoveries and antics, to anyone willing to listen in an effort to pass time or to help calm others. With his head held high, Boris won't let anything stop him from doing the right thing, or his job, even if its detrimental to himself. He urges his staff to reach beyond the stars and seize their passions, "Put your heart, or hearts, into what you do and it will never fail you. I'm proud of you regardless of what happens."

Other Info: Boris was born on an anti-Federation agricultural/mining colony called New Moscow(1) in the year 2341; his younger brother Dimitri being born three years later in 2344. The environment around him was cold and harsh and their sun barely shined for most of the year, despite this the people kept working and were jaded by the world around them. Boris worked in the fields of lichen, mosses and other cold fairing plants, doing extraneous labor for many long hours. Both him and his brother started to become weary of this seemingly endless cycle of work in the bitter cold. They sought something new, something fun and relaxing, and they weren't the only ones who wanted this too. Around the age of 17, Boris formed a makeshift rebellion with his little brother and the other children who agreed with him. They'd stage their own forms of protest against their families and labor organizers, often ditching work in the mines and fields to either run through town or play in the snow. Sadly, this rebellion was quickly quashed and they were harshly reprimanded, forced to fall back into line. This did not stop Boris though, he was still determined to rebel. Since trading with other civilizations had become more commonplace, the brothers were exposed to even more new ideas and soon learned about Starfleet. Out of spite, they agreed to join Starfleet as soon as they came of age. Even though Boris was older than Dimitri, he insisted on waiting for him to turn 18 before leaving New Moscow even if that meant having to endure harsh conditions and punishments. Once the time came, the two ran away, taking a transport to Earth and eventually making their way into San Francisco.

Boris went into the Academy originally wanting to study botany and agriculture but soon found himself absolutely enthralled by computers and their components. He quickly entered into Engineering classes and though he knew very little about the subject originally, Boris studied relentlessly. He remained well behaved, unlike his brother who used his intellect to antagonize the Academy along side Klaus Zimmerman and Zane Hoffman. Boris often scolded Dimitri for his childish pranks since their parents were not able to be raised over subspace and came up with his own ways to punish him. He resented having to play the parental role while the two were in Academy but did so because he knew no one else would. He kept his distance from the trio as much as he could in order to focus on his studies, only making an exception whenever Klaus would ask him to spar or play racketball, sometimes even openly brawling with the German on the Academy grounds whenever their ideas clashed. (Song suggestion if you'd like a vibe of this: Disco in Moscow by Eisbrecher) One of these incidents involved Klaus's father, whom dragged Klaus away and stuck him, before reprimanding them both and leaving abruptly. After witnessing this, Boris changed his mentality towards the man and to this day, the two are good friends and remain in touch over subspace.

Boris graduated before his brother and the others and was quickly assigned to a starship as a junior grade lieutenant in engineering. He kept up his work ethics and strode to advance in the ranks, hoping to one day become Chief of Engineering. During his time aboard this starship, he helped solve an engineering crisis involving the ship's deflector when it malfunctioned while at warp. The ship was almost torn apart before it could come out of warp but Boris came up with an idea he called a "band-aid" to keep the deflector running just long enough for them to safely come out of warp. Upon studying the deflector more, he discovered it had been sabotaged by an unknown party and he quickly raced to not only repair it but to gather evidence for the Chief of Security. While repairs were being made and the investigation was underway, the ship was attacked. With the ship still vulnerable and backup being lightyears way, Boris pushed himself harder to get the ship functional enough to protect itself. It was an engineering nightmare but it only got worse for him as one of the sections near Main Engineering was being evacuated; he was aiding in the efforts and one of the bulkheads collapsed, crushing him beneath it and breaking his spine, leaving him paralyzed from the neck down. Unable to do anything, Boris struggled to keep his eyes opens and fought for dear life to stay conscious until help came. "I'm not done yet..." was all that he was muttering once his fellow shipmates found him under the wreckage. He was quickly whisked away for medical attention. The doctor onboard declared him unfit for Starfleet, stating there was nothing he could do to fix a severed spinal column. Once this news reached Dimitri, he insisted on seeing his brother and was adamant that he could fix the problem with the help of a select few doctors and engineers he had met after graduating, going so far as to threaten to abandon his post if they wouldn't grant him leave. Once he was allowed to leave, Dimitri reunited with Boris at Jupiter Station along side the team he had hastily assembled. They got to work and were ultimately successful in not only mending his spine but creating an artificial spinal cord that was attached to the back of the injured patient. This became one of Dimitri's crowning achievements only after one year of being in Starfleet. Meanwhile Boris was left in a moral conundrum, unable to make sense of what had happened or how he had survived, or if he had even deserved to. Determined to keep going with the second chance he was given, Boris attended physical therapy for months to get used to his new motor controls, all while he kept studying new engineering topics and offering to assist with computer repairs around the station to stay on top of his game. After reapplying to Starfleet, they granted him a position on the USS Resolute as Chief of Engineering. It was a dream come true for the Russian but as he likes to put it. "My work is never done."

(1) New Moscow: This particular settlement was founded before the Federation was formed in the 22nd century, being one of Russia's final attempts to forge their own path amongst the stars before inevitably joining the rest of the world to create world peace. Because of this, little is known about the original mission and many files on it; including crew manifests, ship specs, and more, have been lost to time. When the Federation finally rediscovered this settlement just outside the Sol system, a civil dispute ensued with the people of New Moscow claiming that the Federation was just "American propaganda", thus demonstrating that many Cold War ideologies had managed to survive in this colony. Over time compromises were made, disputes were settled and New Moscow was left to keep running as they did before under the watchful eye of the Federation. They still remained highly anti-Federation, often refusing aid when it was offered and firing upon Federation ships that strayed too close to the planet. When alien merchants approached the planet, seeking its resources, they weren't entirely welcomed but slowly over time the colony became more open to trade, thus beginning the spread of new ideas and technologies into their tiny corner of the galaxy. Subnote: This is not a canon colony, I just made it up. Space Russians! Yay!

In memory of my father. I never told him about this OC but Boris was modeled after him. For a moment it pained me to write from Boris's perspective but I remembered something my partner would say "Remember them for who they were and the great things that they did." I remember him as humble man that liked fixing things and telling stories, just like Boris. May you rest in peace Oliver...
H̴̰̮͇͕̮̗̟̻̊̀̑̅̎̈́̈͊̀ͅe̶̟̖̣̟̖̯̖̺̳͔̼͗ ̸̧̧̬̬̟̯̲͂̓̇̇̓̒̎͆͝Ç̷̡͎͕͇̻͕̩̜͙̌̑͒͋o̵͙͔̲̳̙͖͖͕͌́̀͌͠ḿ̵̧̯̲̜͈̌é̷̡̖͙̹̼̪͔͈͜ś̷̲̺̯̣̮̖̃̒

Dj Zekrom

Character Personnel Pile
Player ID: Dj Zekrom
Name: Dimitri Trovolsky
Gender: Male
Race: Human

Star Fleet Service Record
Position: Chief Medical Officer - USS Hornet
Rank: Lieutenant
Branch of Service: Starfleet Medical
Major: Medical - Emergency Medicine/Genetics

Character Appearance
Height: 6'
Weight: 145lbs
Age: 27
Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: Green
Build: Lanky/toned
Distinguishing marks: Dimitri has a condition called 'postaxial polydactyly', a dominant trait resulting in him having 6 fingers on each hand instead of 5. Additionally, he has a tattoo of a black widow spider on his left forearm, a tattoo of the Soviet hammer, sickle and star on his lower right abdomen, and a tattoo sleeve on his right arm depicting spider webs, many various species of spiders and tarantulas, and DNA helixes and syringes woven into the webs. He also has pierced ears, typically wearing black studs or studs with spiders.

Character Description:

Dimitri is the sketchiest looking doctor one could meet and his Russian accent doesn't help to disprove this. He has shoulder-length black hair that is typically swept back out of his face, green eyes and some form of a smirk on his face at all times. Dimitri isn't very athletic, this combined with a strangely hyper metabolism makes him rather lanky and physically weaker than most. This however is easily made up by his surprising intellect. Dimitri has sharp features and extremely pale skin, which some doctors will frequently mistake for malnutrition to which he usually responds, "You're just jealous of my boyish good looks."
Like his brother, Dimitri is prone to overheating and sunburns due to his upbringing in New Moscow. He typically keeps the temperature of the med bay below room temperature and the lights dim, only raising either if ordered to do so or if a patient requires it. Dimitri is also left-handed which sometimes causes issues, but he understands that mistakes happen.

Pets: Dimitri has three tarantulas that he keeps in well-kept enclosures behind his desk. One being a 'Glass' tarantula (shortened from 'Baba Yaga's looking-glass', typically transparent or white in appearance with white hairs and purple markings) from New Moscow, the others being a 'Cobalt blue' and 'Smith's red-knee' from Earth. They will often crawl up to the glass and stare at anyone who comes into the room. Dimitri hasn't yet shared what their names are.

Dimitri is an odd fellow to say the least, and has some unusual methods of practicing medicine. His exemplary intellect usually feeds into his ego, sometimes making him an unbearable person to be around.
But despite all of his vices Dimitri knows when to fall in line and be on his 'best behavior' as some CO's would describe it. He's well known for being able to focus and work efficiently in emergency situations, often coming up with crafty solutions in dire situations. In his rare moments of comradery and human decency, he'll help aspiring medical ensigns study medical techniques or hold first aid courses to teach non-medical staff how to care for the injured should there be no medical staff on hand.

Other Info: Dimitri was born in the isolated colony of New Moscow in the year 2344 and raised in the harsh cold environment. Unlike his peers, Dimitri didn't favor hunting, tedious labor and physical activity and remained indoors for most of his life studying medical texts. He was initially on track to become the next town doctor but instead joined his brother's rebellion against the settlement's ideals. His snarky attitude arose from him trying to find a way of rebelling that didn't involve fighting, often coming up with ways to sabotage equipment or make the settlement's council members ill.

After coming of age, Dimitri and his brother escaped New Moscow and left to join Starfleet. He quickly made his way into the medical profession and demonstrated his intelligence to his teachers and peers. Not knowing that he was this smart originally, the high praise from others began feeding his ego. Behind his back, some psychology students went into his personal medical records and 'diagnosed' him with narcissistic personality disorder in retaliation to the pranks he had begun pulling with his friends Klaus Zimmerman and Zane Hoffman. This record was never corrected. After graduation, Dimitri no longer kept up his childish antics, valuing the importance of his profession and his ability to help others.

During his career, Dimitri's brother was severely injured in a surprise attack against the ship he was serving aboard, leaving him paralyzed from the neck down. Dimitri demanded to see his brother and tend to his injury, expressing his distrust towards the doctors that were currently tending to him. He quickly took to studying spinal reconstruction and quickly discovered that this wouldn't be the solution. He took it upon himself to find another option and began investigating cybernetics. He pioneered a new prosthetic capable of sending electrical signals from the brain to the rest of the body, completely circumventing any damage to the spinal cord. With the help of a few engineers and doctors that Dimitri did trust, he created the prosthetic that Boris currently uses to move around. Though this is one of the positive highlights of Dimitri's career, he rarely talks or brags about it.
Quote"I was doing what was right... He's my brother and I knew he'd be miserable for the rest of his life if I didn't do something. I know, I know, I helped a bunch of people, not just him. But I don't care... I just.. didn't want to watch him wither away, because I know that's exactly what would've happened."
*Refer to personnel file: Boris Trovolsky for more info.

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Hello Blackstone

I would be interested in taking on another role in Blood and Fire if that is cool with you.

U.S.S. Lyla James (Advanced Escort)
Operations Officer
