Palladium Fantasy RPG 2nd Ed. - Evil Character Solo Game [O.C.C. Witch] Need GM!

Started by RubySlippers, January 17, 2012, 07:48:50 PM

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I picked this up a month ago and play it tabletop but would love to play a witch in the game system, its just such a classic evil magic user and how many games have a class pact bound to a demon or devil or old one or other evil scum of a being. And its ripe for gaming here with the extreme areas to roleplay in. And the good thing is I can roll horribly and still be one.

Anyone who has the rules want to go for it I want to start at Level 1, maximum hit points and S.D.C. but otherwise roll her up normally but otherwise heavy role-playing and doing bad things she will be cagey evil sort depending who her master is a demon or devil lord or lady.