Recruitment for 'Shadows of the Vatican City' [NC-H][System]

Started by Elven Sex Goddess, December 27, 2008, 12:31:30 PM

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Elven Sex Goddess

                     Shadows of the Vatican city.

Underneath the pomp of the ever lasting throng of faithful that visit the Holy city of the western world.  Lies a shadow world, that exists and is quite vibrant flurry of activity and  daily life.   That is as if a mirror of polar opposite, to the vision of life that is presented to the world.

The overlords and other players of this shadow world.  Begin with the 'Shadow court' of the Vatican.   Despots within the Holy city that have their hand in all nefarious dealings.   From rackets, street prostitution,  to drugs and even slavery.     Then we have the 'Family', the mafia.    Whose business most times works hand to hand with the  Shadow court's.   Then there is the 'Amazonian group.'   Women and men who have come together, to form a power based on strength of numbers.   Finally the Polizia (the police).   Of course many more inhabit the city.   

Shadow Court;   Free ability stat bump of 1 to Mental faculty, Along with free knowledge skill, Religion-Christianity of 1.    No exceptions, all Shadow Court members are members of the clergy and must be male.

Plot line;  The Shadow Court, primary directive is to control everything.  Have a hand in everything and being the ones in charge.  They will work or more precisely use the Family.   The Amazonians is the antithesis  and hated enemy.   The  look to repatriate them  back into the folds of control of the Shadow Court.

The Family;  Free ability stat bumps of 1 to Strength and  Stamina/Resistance.    Again male driven hierarchy.    Limits to number of females to male.  For every three males,  one female slot opens up in the family.

Plot line; The family looks to control all of the criminal aspects of the shadow world.  Which puts them in direct competition of the shadow court.  They through do not care about the Amazonians as the Shadow Courts.    Nothing to fear, a bunch of cunts that need a good man is all.    One avenue that the family differs from the Shadow Court, is the protection racket.     The one enemy of the Family is the non corrupted Polizia

Amazonians;   Amazonians are those that have escaped slavery, or some other aspect of the shadow world.  And come together to form a power base.  For protection, and to stake their claim to  piece of the  world of shadows.    They gain 1 ability stat bump to force of personality.   Plus 1 rank for free in the skill of Streetwise.    All Amazonians are females.   A male that joins must dress up as a cross dresser.  And present themselves in the feminine form. 

Plot line;  Bring down the Shadow Court,  gain control of all the various trades.  Which puts them at odds with the Family.  But the male heavy family,  fails to recognize the growing threat. 

Polizia;   The police, often corrupt, very few not corrupt.  They receive 1 free skill slot to firearms.   1 free skill slot to investigations.   Finally 1 free skill slot to first aid.

Plot line;  Corrupt,  ensure who ever has corrupted you.   That there plans are  propagated for respected fashion.   If non corruptible, then you oppose the various fractions of the under side of society.  So the regular persons of the beautiful city can live without fear and in peace. 

Regular person;  one free bump to either a stat or skill.   Can be anything, from a baker, to a prostitute or slave.  Equal male or female.  The perks, are they are free to choose and do what they want.  They have not the various fractions to worry about and their agendas.    The bad, is because they have no organization behind them.  They often cannot call upon help.

Plot line;  That all depends on who or what you are.   For the real trick is not only survive.  But to prosper in life.

The system Q.U.R.P.S. will be used.   Starting values will be 10 Abilities   15 Skill points.   Plus bonus to what ever classification you decide to play.   

The game will be set in Non Consensual human game system.  As the prospect for rape exists in the dark nature of the setting.   As the basic drive of the story and game, is the  underhanded maneuvering, often of an illicit nature the intrigues of the Shadow Court.  And the machination stresses deceit and cunning in devising plots or schemes of everyone.  To survive or get ahead.