Now you see me - oh wait, you don't (Roleplay Not Reserved)

Started by MagsCael, August 21, 2017, 12:46:45 PM

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Author's Note: Here's some background on this roleplay's concept:

Maggie Veray walked unnoticed through the park.

It wasn't because she was skulking.

It wasn't because people couldn't care less about her.

She wasn't lost in throngs of other people. Some event was taking place at the park all weekend so there were certainly crowds, of which Maggie was currently on the periphery but that wasn't why nobody noticed her, either.

The truth was, they couldn't.
Because Maggie was invisible.

The result of some science experiment? Nope. Maggie was born this way. Of course, her family could perceive her readily. People had thought her older brother held onto an imaginary friend long past standard age because of it; now they simply thought he was a goof when he'd be attentive towards the "air". At best people thought they were haunted or that tricks were being played on them when they could just make out a disembodied voice, catch glimpses of Maggie as if she were some partially reflected shape momentarily obscuring their vision, or seeming to see objects disappear from one place to reappear elsewhere; sometimes with fresh writing or a doodle if the object was a notebook or piece of paper. Maggie could really get people going then. Other times it was a desperate attempt to make them realize her existence, but that had yet to come to a satisfying result.

Maggie couldn't explain why she was off the majority's radar, or apparent only in toned down degrees: a whisper in the wind, someone's mysterious sensation of having just brushed past something, or swearing they had seen something for a second; any better than she could explain why a rare few could perceive her wholly, like she was just another average Jo.

When she was little, she and her brother at least had a sensible theory on that latter bit: you had to be related.
But that was soon debunked when Maggie met Liza Cardinal. Then later, Ria Paregon. Down a theory, up two best friends.

Over the years, the girls had applied their imaginations and themselves at science in order to find more lasting answers. For their own interest if not for Maggie. What they knew for sure were things weren't like in the movies: Other people didn't see objects floating when Maggie held them (as aforementioned, they simply disappeared for the duration), or clothes suspended in mid-air (though Maggie certainly had the sense of decency to wear such). They also understood age made some difference. A disproportionate amount of little kids could perceive her (something which had Maggie questioning how many imaginary friends were actually living, breathing people....) but they would then "grow out of" the ability.....

The girls had decided on multiple physical and physiological ideas over the years. Little pieces of the larger jigsaw, if you well. But as yet, they had nothing so close to a definitive explanation. No tests which undeniably proved Maggie's existence to "non-perceivers", either. Liza and Ria had at least succeeded in something - earning the label of "weirdo geeks" in school (yeah, some success!) Maggie on the other hand...would've actually relished being labeled as anything.

Not that Maggie was lonely really or felt sorry for herself or anything. Just it was different going about your life unperceived, and no matter what she observed or was told, she still wondered how it was to live "as the other half lived" (or the other, what? 9/10ths?) not mention if she could ever live independently, meet a nice guy.....

With a breath the 20-year-old shook her head. Who needed a guy right now, anyway? What she needed was to cover this event at the park so, camera in hand and notebook in carrier bag, Maggie moved towards the heart of things.

She may not exist to most people "in real life", but she was fast becoming a hit -okay, a local hit- in the blogosphere.