The Long Dark

Started by Sabby, April 11, 2008, 03:03:16 AM

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The Long Dark. The time when the sun slowly died, and the world was pitched into utter darkness. An eternal winter that would eventually consume all life except the most hardened of species. This was not a natural act. It was orchestrated by some unseen force that seeks the worlds end. No one knows who, but unless something was done, they had won.

Through an extreme effort, in the shadow of exstinction, the many intelligent races of this world banded together. Feuds and bad history was put aside, and they dug a new world for themselves. The Last Haven. An underground kingdom, where a colossul volcano is stocked to provide warmth in a freezing planet.

Crops can be grown, fish bred, almost all the comforts of an above world are somehow incorporated here. And many of the races, that were once at war, now enjoy relative (if, in some cases, tenuous) peace.

Many small pockets of life still exist out in the snow storms. There is no light or heat that they don't make on their own. There is one salvation for them. Every year, a massive armored vehicle will travel the land, making pit stops at areas designated on map. This map has been water proofed, mass produced, and released into the air. Millions have floated along the skies, landing hundreds of thousands of miles around, some even reaching the other side of the frozen ocean, in whole other continents.

People find these maps. They know where to be, and when. If they can make it, they can get to Last Haven. Many who make the journey fall to the cold, or the frozen creatures that survive these horrid conditions. Still, many will try. What choice do they have?

A completely freeform story in an original fantasy setting.


Daemon - Very proud, war ridden race of red skinned humanoids, all sharing yellow eyes and small horns, with long, strong tails. They were once considered evil, but are nother more or less then any other intelligent race, and have often proved their worth in the shifting of enemies and allies.

Practice the Occult, a dark magic with emphasis on bounding and coercing with otherworldly demons and inflicting (or lifting) curses.

Doradei (Or Paradaemon) - A society of Daemons that broke away long ago, living in the forests that border the Daemons territory. They are gray skinned, and mostly known for silent, dark, morbid personalities. They live off of their forests, as much a part of it as any tree, easily taming fearsome beasts.

Practice Voodoeth, similar to their Daemon brothers and sisters, but coercing the demons and spirits without the need of enslaving them. This is what gives them their dark personalities, and their bodies and minds often suffer from these unions. Many are insane, but can function in society.

Drockleuch - Pirates, fishermen and sea goers, Drockleuch are tanned people, thin, with a sheen to their skin. In the right light, their scales can barely be seen, but they appear almost human. Their eyes are black, with barely anything else to them. When submerged, their fins extend on their wrists, ankles and back, and their gills open.

Do not practise magic, but are known for being some of the first races to adopt flintlock weaponry, and are revered for their reflex and speed.

Gaondar - Goblins, as they were called, were at war with mostly everyone until superstition died away and the prejudice of their race was extinguished. They have contributed much to the world, masters of strange machinery, powered by pistons, cogs, and many things other races just do not understand. They refuse to share such knowledge, ensuring that any nation that wishes to adopt such technology also bring the Gaondar close into the society as well.

Gaondar are thick set creatures, the most unusual of all the others in appearance. Green skinned, heavily muscled, with backs very slightly hunched. Small spikes and spines are found on their elbows and shoulders.

Fight with strange weaponry of metal and lights, some of which whirrs and buzzes, vibrating to the point where a single strike can kill a another Goandar, even in full armor, destroying metal and flesh in a fantastic display of exploding matter. Double sided axes, battle axes, great swords, hammers, staffs, spiked gauntlets.

Humahen - (Basically humans) a jack of all trades species.

Terasi - Mediators, politicians, poets, writers, artisans, and powerful practitioners of Magick. It was their collaboration with the Goandar the created Last Haven. Tall, thin, pale, with white slitted eyes that are completely blind. They navigate with sound and feeling for vibrations, and some can even fight with staffs and daggers, using magical assistance to know their surroundings.

Practice Magick, the control of fire, water, lightning, plant growth, air, the infusing of movement in an inanimate object (a massive contribution in the Terasi and Goandar truce) and many other arcane uses. Weak, physically, but slender and skilled contortionalists and dancers. Errily beautiful.


I am thinking I may GM for this one. I may just play and find freeform GM, but I may do it myself :)