Looking for fantasy themed scenarios

Started by IxStarfallxI, May 21, 2017, 01:50:39 AM

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I am very interested in playing one of my fantasy based characters in something fun, story driven plot and adventure. And all the fun naughty stuff too. :)

I am really looking for fantasy or fantasy/medieval themed scenarios. But they can be played in modern fantasy settings as well if desired. I am open to play with men and women, so if interested working something out please PM me for more details. :)
All time favorite dirty lines from Star Wars.
"You came in that thing?! You're braver then I thought!"
"But Luke! At that speed will you be able to pull out in time?!"
"Engage those Star Destroyers and let's start probing that shield!" ( because who doesn't love a good probing? ;) )

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