Many new ideas come and take a look ( f looking for M or F )

Started by Emma20, August 15, 2014, 11:42:31 AM

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As of 7th of April 2017: Still looking for roleplay partners
code explanation

MC - my character, female only
YC- your character, male only
YC+ - your character, you can choose to be female or male

The Bodyguard and the daughter of a mafia boss ( I am really craving this one)

The Bodyguard and the daughter of a mafia boss
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Bodyguard/ The daughter of a mafia boss

I'm thinking that my character is around 19/20 and that your character is around 22-30

MC is the daughter of a mafia boss and she gets a new bodyguard (YC+) for a reason we decide together, the bodyguard takes advantage of the reason and gets the upper hand of MC. She has to follow orders from him whether it is to go from her room to the basement - the basement is the place where everything you find in a sex dungeon and more/ whatever kinks we want to incorporate- naked so that he can play with her. However since he has to follow the daughter to every place she goes he can play when he wants, for example MC has to attend an important dinner party with her father, and YC+ stands in front of her and seemingly whispers something in her ear while he really fingers her, or it looks like he is correcting her dress when in reality he is pinching her nipples. Forcing MC to be quiet so that it's not discovered since that would be bad for the deal her father is trying to make etc.

This can also be a femme slash, everything would be the same but of course the bodyguard would be a female - I have never done femme slash before but I am willing to learn. Hopefully you will tolerate questions and either by telling me or showing in the story what would happen in the basement etc.-

A pet
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YC+ is powerful and rich, the leader of the mafia, but its quite lonely and YC+ wants a pet but because of allergies YC+ cant have a real pet so YC+ kidnaps MC to be YC+'s kitten or puppy - thats for you to decide if MC is going to be a kitten or a puppy-
PM me if interested

Getting a bodyguard
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MC is getting a bodyguard because she was attacked on the street, by the mafia. In the beginning the bodyguard (YC+) protected her, but as the days goes by, things change and YC does not protect MC for her own sake but for yours ( this needs more flesh on the bones but i want us to do so together)
pm me if interested

An old play turned kink
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Your character (YC+) always liked to play pet with your little sister,(MC) having her act like your little puppy. Though as you both grew older it stopped, though you never stopped thinking about it, and now as both are grown ups (your character around 24 or something like that while mine is 19) and studying at the university or have a job, you wonder if it is possible to get your sister to be your pet again.
pm me if interested

Spirit tamer
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Being a spirit tamer is a privilege only the purest females can achieve. And no male can get there except one(YC), the reason is because he stole my character's spirit during a fight.

And because of that my character gets mad and makes him her spirit instead so he has to join her at her school. However now having a male as her spirit. Though now she has her own male that has to follow and do as she says in battle while he is in an all girl school. But YC only needs to listen when in battle, when they are not in battle YC can do as he wants, but also reverse the roles

Though during the battles things seem to change, the spirit stealer is not as stuck up and mean as she first thought.
Ok so i have some problems with describing the idea but just ask questions that will be a lot easier to answer but basicslly in this we are equal because while my character controls yours in battle your character controls mine outside the battle
my character
pm me if interested

The model
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A stalker (YC) has finally found out where a young 19 year old model is currently doing a photo shot for a male magazine. Disguising himself as a photographer or a bodyguard - you decide- he makes his move after the shoot and kidnaps the model (MC).
my character
pm me if interested

The orphan
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My character(MC) is a rising star in a strip club in Japan and is the favourite stripper of your character(YC+). One night (s)he finds out that she(MC) is actually an orphan, and makes his/her move to adopt her, so that she can become his/her personal play toy.
my character
pm me if interested
