Stick Pirate: Comedic Roleplaying - Probing Interest

Started by TheKmank, March 22, 2010, 04:38:50 AM

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I was wondering if anyone would be interested in playing a Stick Pirate RPG.

For all those unfamiliar with the StickGuy RPG setting links to the (free) rules can be found here:

The game is just a bit of fun and stress relief I will except about 4 or 5 StickPirates.

Application Form
StickName: (what your stickpirate's name is)
StickPotrait: (detail is not an issue)
StickPirateType: (pick one listed in the StickPirate setting url)
Positive Attributes: (choose 2, don't have to be listed in StickPirateType)
Negative Attribute: (choose 1, as above)
StickInfo: (A short description of your stickpirate, may include background, personality etc)

Arrr you're a pirate, sailing the 3 StickSeas! Serving on the Ol' Doom Stick under the dreaded Capt'n StickBeard. Will ye travels bring loot? Or will ye end up napp'n in DavyStick's locker?