The Bloedschande's

Started by MagicalPen, February 15, 2008, 11:27:15 AM

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The Bloedschande Family has some dark, dirty secrets that only the parents know. But they're about to initiate their two children into the family secret, shortly before a family weekend involving aunts and uncles and other cousins. Mr Bloedschande does not only fuck his wife on a regular basis, but also fucked his mother (when she was younger) and still fucks his two sisters. Mrs. Bloedschande is fully aware of this -and often participates- but has her own dirty secrets too. She's fucked her father and brother, not to mention a few of her nephews once they came of age too.

Now, the parents are going to reveal this dirty little secret to their two teenagers, in the most desirable of ways.

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if you need someone to role play one of the kid i'm interested