Familiar Changes

Started by The Emperor Zelos, January 01, 2011, 04:11:57 AM

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The Emperor Zelos

Inspired by others but I have several ideas that are all open for discussion.

These stories are meant to be longer lasting nothing short.

The general plot in all are a human becoming a wizards/witchs familiar, fully animal but also a furry version to allow intimate actions aswell. The exact details differ and everything is always discussable. And the cast here is that the familiar is the opposite gender of the wizard/witch

The puprose of a familiar in this story is to as a magical creature enhance the wizards/witchs magic by its presens but also assist it in things, though the status of the familiar is close to a  slave/pet/animal owned by the wizard/witch

And what species one would become is also discussable as im very open.

  • The wizard/witch is relatively young (late teenager or close) and inexperienced and does this accidently to someone
  • The wizard/witch is the laughing stock of the magic world due to his inability to get a familiar and finally finds someone he think would be suitible and the new familiar helps him getting better once thigns settle
  • The familiar to be is curious about someone in close proximity and goes to inspect finding out he/she is a wizard/witch and is punished by becoming the familiar
  • Similar to the previous one but chooses it instead


  • Power Struggle: The victim tries struggling to regain some sort of power before realising it doesnt work
  • Transformation: The victim will be transformed and be switching between furry and animal as story goes on
  • Bonding: The victim and Wizard/Witch slowly develop a special bond with one another and enjoyment of each
  • Discovery: The wizard/witch doing an emotional/psychological discovery of himself and the familiar discovering the magical world

Might add more later but if interested please PM =) Any position may be asked for and discussed