Started by country, August 28, 2009, 04:23:21 PM

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Life on the island could not be better, coconuts were growing, fishing was good and everything was peaceful.  All islanders were fully aware of the ominous fact that when global warming melted the polar ice caps, their island would no longer be an island, and would in fact end up 1.773 metres under water.  Plans had long been made to raise the houses on stilts.  No-one was sure how well the coconut crop would be in the future, but fishing should be easy.

However a new concern about the effect that global warming would have on the polar bears had been brought to the islander's attention the previous evening by Mr Vegetarian Organsic Methanefree Green.  All the islanders had returned home greatly disturbed by the news, but also uplifted by their almost evangelical sense of purpose; they would organize a protest march to the head office of the Fossil Fuels Cooperative and put a stop to the use of fossil fuels. 

However, as is all too often the case when things seem so to be going so well, disaster has struck at the heart of these islanders.  During the night Mr Green was struck down by (an) unknown assailant(s) in a most horrible, repulsive and abominable manner.  Much too horrible to present graphic details to our sensitive readers but visions of land crabs can be brought to mind. Yech!

The remains of Mr Green are found in the square tethered between four pegs.  He is identified by the scrap of garment that was left from his sulu.  And to think, that the preceding obsession of Mr Green had been to rescue land crabs from the brink of extinction.  Oh well, perhaps, in his own way, he is still doing that.

Can the islanders rebound from this calamity?  Can they identify the culprit(s) or will the innocent greenies slowly disappear one by one from this idyllic setting? 

To return to the idealism of the previous evening they must find a new leader, someone who will be the spark plug to their goal of stopping the Coop.  Is there such a person on the island.  Will a new leader take them on to glory?  The islanders must choose carefully.

The Islanders
