Looking for 'love' with Animals. (Females Only) (M/F) (Please PM me)

Started by Corny and Horny, March 02, 2010, 07:08:36 PM

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Corny and Horny

Hi People

I would like to start a roleplay session with a female character that involves either Animals and/or Furries.

I do not have any stroy yet in particular and am willing to discuss the story plot.

I am narrowing the field down to only these creatures :

Horse / Unicorn

These creatures can be in their animal form or in anthro form. This is fine by me.

If you would like to join my story, please let me know which charcter would you like to play as (Human or Animal or Furry).

I would prefer to play the male role.

Thank you.

Corny and Horny

Just bumping this thread.

I also forgot to mention that this can be in any timeline or location.

Corny and Horny

FYI - Just wanted to mention that this thread is still valid and I'm still lookng for players.

If possible, looking for someone to rp a female horse. If interested please drop me a msg.

Thanks in advance.

Corny and Horny

Hi all. Just letting you all know that I'm still looking for someone to play as the Female human or female horse here.

As for the other two, dolphin and dragon, I'm already in an rp. However I'm still willing to rp if there is anyone still interested in the 'crossed out' creatures. priority on the horse tho. just let me know if you are interested.



I added a few categories to help people who're interested know what kind of partner I'm looking for, since the scenarios don't explicitly state anything.