RP Samples: Ben Vs Gothra

Started by princeben07, September 21, 2010, 11:29:27 PM

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A blessed union in the matching of powers is not verily required, but since I am not gathering enough blood, I will have to suffice for this mongrel's skills. I sincerely hope that he has not forgotten his role as my master, but I really do not benefit from any of this.

There is such a trial at hand, though, when one thinks about it, you cannot run from fate, as HE has. All the while moving with his tails inbetwixt his legs, he is forgetting about the divine prowess he is able to display at times when he is not being a complete fool. I do believe that he thinks of combat as some sort of dodge or even a hustle if you will. His attacks are poor, the strength that he claims to boast is no more than a mouse's squeak, and I have come here today to prove that certain point valid indeed. His point of going on is quite bewildering, and moresoever pathetic, as well as weak.

I, however, will re-invent the art of pain upon him; I will cut, slice and mangle his thoughts until the absolution of fear shrieks inside of his mind to the breaking point of episodes of insatiable insanity, and until body begs for my mighty Hourglasss to put IT to rest forever!

While you, the reader, may reflect upon the wonderous and yet zany past of my master, I beg to differ; noone in their minds of justice would ever speak to such a lowly creature, let alone associate themselves as "Kin" to him. I will stand here with my Hourglass of Conformance and await this bafoon's arrival. This will prove quite the entertainment to the brinc of a slight chuckle at best."


Ben moved along playfully, murring a bit, having just bathed and dried himself completely. He felt quite refreshed and since Gothra was going to talk all of that shit to him in the first place, he deemed it important to put his student back in his place. Things with the two had been boiling over for a long time, but this was not typical. Gothra never took it upon himself to just openly challenge someone unless Ben gave him the permission to; and challenging his master was not an exception to the very rule itself.

No matter, Ben thought it could fall under the word of nice that Gothra was still thinking about him and still trying to belittle the Daichon. This rarely ever worked, save for when he spent time with Okina Raynes. That girl made Ben feel so alive at times, but alas, that had wanned into the past.

Now armed with the Pscythe Of Obelisk, Benaires Silver Alex Daichon, age of 45, 690 years, walked onto the battle field, which resembled a forest clearing. There were no animals around; how odd indeed. Gothra sure knew how to pick an area to get pummeld in. Curling up his left paw, Ben gazed in the distance to see his student, who had prepared for just this moment. Avus may have some differences with his blood relative, but Gothra, on the other hand, had some kind of deep fascination with hating the one who only took it as considerate to even show him about life on the physical plane.


The beast has finally made his clumsied appearance. Just look at him; it is both a shame and an insult that such a noble race is being led by such an idiot! No matter though; I will prevail. Taking a few steps into this creature's direction, I grip the handle of my Hourglass of Conformance, letting forth a slight gesture and even an evil smirk; the nerve of him to actually show UP!! My sandals barely make noise across the wet and green grass, as the gap now closes betwixt the two of us.

Waving my right arm some, I begin to summon a light wind to assist me in my first attack, for which the dumb animal knows of very well. I now take a stop, placing the time piece onto the grass, crushing it some as I come to rest for a few moments. With a brief reach into the top of my Hourglass, I then get a nice hand full of the sands inside, pulling the granules out of the container, bringing it close to my face. A slow opening of the palm would expose this sand, as I was to take a breath of great proportions, now exhaling, sending it blasting out of my grasp and into the direction of the dumb animal. Hoi! Hoi! It is such a wonderous attack that if Benaires did not do something about it, he would feel the energy signature of his very being suddenly weaken and perhaps wisked away into nothingness, and this fight would end painlessly.


Ben only sighed; he knew what maneuver was; Gothra used it quite often. Fighting with this Blood Farmer certainly made for good entertainment. "Conformance Kiss Sand Blast? You're still using that crap? Okay, two can play that game!"


Ben closed his eyes as the Circle Of Wandering took on a glow of blue, verifying a user's spell to use without delay. His body would take on a glow of blue as well, as the molecular structures of his body began to fade, suddenly bursting into beams of light in all directions. Gothra's attack only did one thing; nothing. It was very difficult to tell where Ben could be since it was bright and sunny outside in this place of combat, but the mighty Daichon already planned on where he would re-assemble himself. Without a sound, the light itself began to gather up behind Gothra, as Ben then would take physical form once again, appearing 4 inches away from Gothra's back, reaching with his left paw to palm fist Gothra with such force that it would perhaps propel him forward, sending him into flight.


This is truely a DUMB animal; to think that I actually was thinking that he had improved. I had seen this one use Lunasol before, as a pre-charge for this maneuver udally drained upon the re-assembly of the molecular structure. Closing my eyes, I can detect a chage in the air pressure that is behind me; this is a dead give-away for the dumb animal. Spinning a complete 360 degrees, anchored on the balls of my feet, I expect a blow to come from this beast, but he may want to think twice about trying to make a contacted blow such as an open Palm Fist.

I intended to swing the Hourglass into the front of me, perhaps to thwart the oncoming blow from Benaires, as this would render itself as a very nice surprise. The speed of his body is quite impressive, even if he is over 3, 000 pounds. I would guess that this larger lion hasn't heard this mouse roar as of yet.


What a wondrous reaction; Ben did not believe this. Gothra would risk his Hourglass being damaged by that blow. With such a primitive way to defend himself, Gothra really was not thinking clearly. Ben's blow collided with the Hourglass, sending forth an echo and a rippling wave of sound in all directions, causing a few trees to bend and sway to the sheer force of the blow itself.

Placing his left hind paw behind him more, he decided to step back, knowing that his opponent dared not to back down. Being confident of such an attack deemed too risky and yet careless for the Daichon.

A glow of red then switched from the antennae and to the ends of them temporarily, indicating a communication to the Ancestral Pattern1. Ben had to think things through carefully this time: Gothra had seemed to have anticipated his counter-attack.

Prep: Unknown ability charging as communication with Ancestral Pattern.


"Now do you understand Mongrel? I am more than a match for your prowess. Let us continue, shall we?"

Taking a few steps back, raising that Hourglass, I then proceed to charge up more energies inside of the body of this timepiece and tool. While the dumb animal has not a clue as to what my arsenal consists of, he will most definitely look forward to some type of an attack in the next few turns.


"I thought I told you to stop calling me that Gothra!!"

Ben's mouth was to open up wide, as an electrical impulse raced from his tails and up through his entire body. 1

1. Electrolysis is activated.


Amazing! The dumb animal still was persistant to continue this useless struggle. Each time the rays of consciousness extended into Cocytus, there were constant interruptions from the influx of energies from the Ancestral Pattern; as if I had not known this flow of consciousness at all. Benaires was a very precocious animal indeed.

Nonetheless, I had to act quicly. I still had not a clue as to why his communication with the Ancestral Pattern was still linked; perhaps he was about to actually try an attack that I could verily honor.

Electrolysis; I was quite familiar with this particular attack in that, he used this often during his fights. It had become some kind of apathetic crutch that Benaires used in every battle or confrontation that he engaged in, not being able to make his mark on a particular target.

The left palm of my hand quickly took a glow of white, charging with a temporary orb of A.T. Energy, in hopes that I would be able to thwart this charged ball of electricity. For as soon as Benaires was to release this attack, which would likely be at my upper body cavity, I would be able to flash the open palm in front of my intended contact spot, with hopes to bounce it out of its original path of damage.