Your So Far But Always In My Heart (Bubbles and AAA111)

Started by AAA111, September 12, 2010, 12:05:33 PM

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Chris is 24 years old. He has brown spiky hair that he tries to keep up everyday. He is not a sissy or anything but he does like to take care of his hair. It is something that is important to him. He has baby blue eyes and he dresses very nice almost all of the time. He normally has on jeans and some type of button down t-shirt. He has been dating his girlfriend for the past 2 1/2 years. There relationship just changed with him accepting a new job and having to move 3 hours away. He is in love with his girlfriend and misses her but this job pays good so he is doing this for her and he hopes that she knows that.

He is at home on his computer watching his fantasty football league. He has his tv set to the local game. His team is playing. He is a huge football fan. He does the whole fantasy football league thing. He is a man's man. He smiles thinking about his girl and wondering what she is up to. He has his phone next to him. He wants to text her but he thinks she is working so he doesn't want to bother her. He will text her later tonight after the game is over. He turns his chair so that he can watch some tv.


Risa's hand were full with paper work as she slammed the door behind, using her left leg,and just threw the papers on her desk.Everything was a mess in the Office and felt as if the day will never come to an end.In fact,it just started.She sat down on her uncomfortable chair,brushing her hand through her dark,long hair with small reflects of red into the sunlight,as her emerald eyes were looking over to the papers with a bored expression.

"Agh! I wish I could have a day off,for once! In the past 4 months I worked hard as hell and the damn Boss..won't even give me a raise!" complained while taping a pen onto the desk,all agitated.Even for her,sometimes it was hard,harsh and felt just to get up and walk away.But.she didn't,Risa was only 21 years old and yet,didn't acted like one.Well,only for her job took a more serious pose,as aside from that..she was more childish and goofy.A kind and loving person who cared for the others and the animals.

She begun to review those papers,signing a few of them and put her glasses on making her to look more serious;for quite some time,Risa kept thinking about Chris and wondered how he was,if he ate properly or slept long enough.She did miss him and a some point,really wished to be theer with her no mater what.Then again,for now ..the thing was impossible.
At least a good ting will happen: they will spend the holidays together,for 2 weeks so that should be enough to get a nice feeling about it and a reason to look forward to.
No more RP's.I am swamped for now.


Chris got up from his computer chair and slipped up on to his bed laying down as he watched the game. He had his phone directly next to him. He thought to himself that now would be as good a time as any to send his baby a text message. He really missed her and he wanted her to know that but also to know that everything that he does is for her.

She begins to send him a text message "Hey baby. I just wanted you to know that I love you very much. I know it is hard being so far away from each other. But I took this job because it was such a good paying job. I hope that you know everything I do is for you. Oh yeah what are you doing this weekend. I miss you and love you very much. "

He was very much a romantic guy. He loved treating his lady to everything and anything that he possibly could. He wasn't like the other guys who just wanted to get "laid". He was in this for the long haul. He was known to show many many surprises. Today was his day off of work but he goes back to work the next day.


It was nearly lunchtime, but Rise didn't want to and eat just yet.Her work wasn't done and still had like,more than half papers to sign and to review.It will be a long day indeed, she just wished to be over already and go home to take a hot bath and to sleep.In the past 3 days she barely slept with so much paper work.

After a short while,her phone begun to ring as the tone of text messages she recognized.Quickly,tried to get her phone out of her jacket but hit the coffee from the table messing it all up on her 30 pages of article.
"Curses...aghh!!" as Risa tried to put aside the soaked papers in coffee."Great..I have to re-write them now.." with a sigh she wiped her hands with a napkin and looked at the text from Chris.Made her smile big and begun to type fast back.
"I miss you to,darling..I really wished to be here.I love you for the weekend,got to go to Illinois to get some papers signs and then home.What about you?" message sent with a small smile,looking over to the window.
Sometimes,Risa did felt lonely without him around and they were times when she cried out loud in her room,but of course..she never told him that.He will think she is sucha  crybaby.Maybe she was..or not.
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He watched his team win the big game. He was whooping and hollering with such happiness in his voice. But it wasn't the same without Risa around. He sure did miss her.

As he heard the ring alerting him that he had received a text message he smiled. He knew that it was from her because he knew that no one else really texts him. " I wish I could be there with you. I'm sure work is stressing you out but you know i'll always a phone call away if you need me to vent or talk to. Oh just going out to the club tomorrow night with the boys. Vent off some steam and just chill. It's been a rough week." He really wasn't planning that for the weekend. It was something else but he was going to surprise her.

He had just recently, about a few days ago, sent some flowers to her work. She had sent about 2 dozen roses with a note inside that read:
"to the love of my life, here are 2 dozen roses to signify the best 2 years of my life. Though we are apart physically you are always in my heart. I'm missing you every day but I know i'll see your beautiful face soon. life is full of ups and down but baby we will always go through them together.


He smiles hoping she gets the flowers soon.


So,Risa begun to re-write the papers, all focus on them as after a short while, her phone begun to ring once again,only that it was in a drawer and didn't heard it.She continued to work and work..until it was late at night and all the people were going home already.
Risa closed her laptop happy with the project done,finally she could go home ..while just as he was gathering up her stuff,a man got inside her office putting the roses down and smiled walking away.

Risa put a big smile on her eyes reading the note,as some tears made room down her face,she sat down on the chair and read again and again the note,touching gently the roses with her fingers.
",Chris.Still..-this has become to hard for me." said to herself and took fast her stuff,forgetting the phone in the drawer rushing outside to get out from the building,letting the roses there as well.

She rushed out,as some raindrops begun to fell to the ground and a small rain started catching her standing in the rain,without moving..waiting for the Bus to arrive.Risa kept thinking over and over again of how much this will go on..She needed him more than anything,but this had become to hard to deal with.She needed some time alone, so Risa got up in the Bus heading home all soaked.
No more RP's.I am swamped for now.


Chris was extremely tired and it had been a very long day for him. He sighed as he got his pj's on and put up his away "sleep..wishing you were next to you rab" As he laid in bed that night he thoughts came back to her and he was so excited to surprise her. He drifted off to sleep a few minutes later.

When he woke up the next morning he smiled. Knowing that today was going to be a wonderful day. He decided to set his away. Risa didn't have his s/n since she didn't do the whole im thing. "Today is the greatest day ever..out of town for the week..going somewhere special.Be back in a week :-0" He began to pack his suitcase to head to his mysterious destination.

He got in the car as he began to drive.


As she got home,Risa changed fast her clothes after taking a hot shower,made herself some green tea.Her mind kept racing at Chris and at the flowers,the messages and all the relationship.She drank her tea slowly,looking over to the window and sighed holding the cup of tea trying to warm up some more,Risa then went to bed curling p under her fluffy blankets.

In the next morning,it was around 8 AM and Risa was rolling in the bed not wanting to get up and go to work;even if today was during weekend,by 6 pm she had to be in Illinois to that meeting.
"why from all people I have to go there?Argh!!"said Risa throwing a pillow out of the bed and covered more with the blanket as the sun was entering more in the room,making more light than necessary.In the end,after a short while..she got up and took a fast shower.Also,walking up into the kitchen begun to prepare some breakfast,still with her mind running at Chris.Then she realized something.
"where is phone?"asked herself and begun to search in the entire apartment,but no trace of it, as if it had got underground.Now,she was really panicking.She needed that phone more than anything else,getting dressed quickly with a dark gray skirt and a blue shirt,some high heels she went rushing outside,stopped a cab to go to her office.

However,Risa got there rushing on the stairs till second floor,soon got to her office unlocking it went at her drawer from where got out her cell phone and checked all her messages.At that time,a man entered her office.It was Mark,one of her best friends from work.
"so early up here huh?Did I missed something?" asked the man,with dark hair and glasses.He was a good looking man.Risa looked at him with a smile,and rushed over to the door as he stopped her,sung his hand.
"Mark,,I need to go to the meeting.Plus I haven't ate .." said Risa,putting the phone aside,as Mark leaned closer and hugged her.She didn't refused him,since they knew each other for 5 years mostly.
"I missed doing this..why the rush?I will treat you with breakfast." said Mark while both of them went outside to the cafeteria.
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Once Chris had his car all packed he smiled to himself thinking that this is going to be the perfect surprise for her. He knows that she is not going to expect to see him but she deserves it and so does he. He went inside and filled his water bottle to the top with water. He liked to keep himself hydrated while he was on the road. He found his phone and was going to text her to make sure that she would be home whenenver he got there. He smiled thinking this will be amazing.

"Hey baby when are you getting home from Illinois?" She sent him the message. He was very nonchalant and quiet about everything so it was really hard for him to screw things up. He loved surprising her. Today he was wearing a pair of dark blue jeans and a white t-shirt that he made "I'm in love with in a goddess." He was extremely corny but he was very excited about today.

He sat down on the couch as he waited for her to reply. He was so giddy it was a little scary.


Risa went with Mark at the cafeteria table,she  put her phone on the table and went to get the order and of course the message got there in the meantime.Mark picked it up,reading it his facial expression change as if he was jealous and deleted the message from Chris.Once she got back,sat down and they begun to chit-chat for a while drinking from the milkshake and eat the omlete,Mark was always watching her and had seen her as a woman and never as a girl.

"Risa..have you thought about my proposal?it still stands.Let me know as soon as possible."said Mark to her,reaching for Risa's hand taking into her and kissed it making her to blush.From time to time she looked over the phone,to see if it will call or not.But it didn't,for a while as she retreated her hand smiled shyly at Mark.
" know already my answer Mark.I love him,I can't accept you.Understand for once..we are friends" replied Risa sipping from the milksake,and with her other hand brushed her hair,then again Mark reached for her and held tight her hand.

"Marry me Risa.Leave that guy..he is barely with you,around you..what does he have and I don't?I've been with you for more than he had." said Mark holding her hand down,and Risa felt the tension and the nervousness rising up more.She looked upon him trying to release her hand.
"Mark..let go of me!It hurts.." said Risa on a low tone but serious,trying to her her hand back form him.

"NO I won't..if you don't give me a answer!"said all angry and squeezed harder her hand,she begun to feel asaulted  by his gesture and couldn't release her hand,as he then in a fast motion pulled her closer and kissed her lips forcefully.She managed to push him away,grabbed her phone and then slapped him leaving angrily outside.
No more RP's.I am swamped for now.


It was a good hour later after he sent the message and he didn't get anything back. He was getting kind of worried because she always replied right after he sent it. This wasn't her. He was wondering if she was okay. He tried real hard not to be the jealous type but he knew that Risa and Mark were good friends. He hated Mark with every fiber in his being. He just had this aura about him. He didn't trust the guy as far as he could possibly throw him. He did trust Risa though. He decided to send one last text.

"Baby you okay? You didn't reply back to my last text. Getting worried..Just text if your cool..I love you"

He laid down on the couch wondering if this job was really worth being away from her. He made all this money to get her everything she wanted to have. Risa was his princess. He wanted to treat her to everything that she could every possibly want.


"How..dares he to do that to me?" complained to herself and wiped her mouth,as she walked down the street with her high heels and her hair was flying a bit due the small breeze,passing by.She stopped again another cab,which drove from there straight to the airport.She had to get to Illinois as fast as she could,really wanted to get over this as quickly as possible.
In the meantime,mark payed for the coffee and remained pensive about what he had to some point,he knew that Chris had to get out of the picture,no matter the costs.

Risa looked at her phone and saw the text message,reading it was a bit confused and begun to type back." I didn't got any message,only this one.I am "fine",just some problems with work.Nothing to worry,I am on my way to Illinois now..hoping by 9 PM to be back home.I miss you.." sending the text,she smiled a bit and sighing,her eyes were looking on the window.

After almost 2 hours,she got to Illinois and begun to run towards the main building with the small suitcase and the papers,she had to be there in about 10 minutes.If she will loose the signing her entire career will be doomed.Luckly,she got in time..and with a smile handed the pen to the Director just on the hallway,as he was about to leave.
" least this went well today..ah! can't wait to get favorite show will start in 1 hour!" Risa,put a wider smile on her face and went downstairs from the building looking for a taxi.
She waited for like half of hour to get a free one,at the end finally managed to get into one so she headed home."for this contract..I will order some sushi!" said smiling as the driver drove of from there back to her home.

No more RP's.I am swamped for now.


Chris had decided that he would start the 3 hour drive to see her. He was gleaming with excitement and glee. He knew that she had ABSOLUTELY no idea at all that he would be surprising her by stopping by. This would be the biggest surprise that she would get in a very long time. He was very excited about it all.

As he reads the text message from her he looks down in surprise. "Huh..what happened I know I sent it to her" He says to himself as he looks through his text messages that he sent and he sees the exact last one that he sent to her. "Oh hmm..I sent one to you about an hour ago asking when you would get home from Illinois..but I found out. Take care of yourself and remember that I love you very very much."

After 3 hours, he arrives in her town. He has a key to her apartment so he unlocks the door and heads into her apartment. He is so excited for all of the surprises that he will soon be showing her.

He starts off by putting two vases of roses on the table. 2 two dozen reds roses for the girl of his dreams. Right between the two vases he wrote a note:
roses are red, violets are blue, no girl in this world is as beautiful as you. beautiful beautiful girl that i love more and more each day..I LOVE YOU

He sits in her room and lays down on her bed nonchalantly knowing how surprised she is going to be.


After a while,finally she gets home as she payed the taxi driver and smiles getting out of the car and walked in the apartment building,still holding the small suitcase in her left hand.Risa took a look over her watch and saw that it was a little over 9PM.
"In time..I will take a shower and then sushi for me!" said all happy,as her mind still got flashbacks from today and shook her head as got to her floor and unlocked the door,closing it behind her and threw away her shoes and the suitcase.
"Ah..better call now for the-" stopped as she was about to go to the kitchen and saw the roses and the note on the table.Now this is strange,who could have.-." reading the note her expression turned pale a bit..and her heart started to beat very fast.She smelled one rose and then took a deep breath walking closely towards her bedroom..

"he couldn't be in here...!" said all still very surprised,opening slow the door he was there.It was Chris.Son,tears begun to fall down her cheeks,and dropped the note  while she supported by the wall for a second looking at him.
" y-you?" said very surprised and crying,as then rushed over and jumped in hugging him tighter as never,touching his face as well."This..isn't a dream,right..?'Cause it's to beautiful..!I don't wanna wake up.." said to him still crying as her eyes met his and then smiled bi,hugging him again.
No more RP's.I am swamped for now.


He smiled as she looked at him in complete and utter shock. He loved surprising her and he knew that the tears where in fact tears of joy. He stood up and hugged her tight. He kissed her lovingly and gentle on the lips.

"No baby it is not a dream. You are my dream come true. Shh shh baby don't cry. I'm here. It's okay." He holds her face as he looks at her. "So what is new with my beautifully exsiquite girlfriend"

He sits on the bed as he holds onto her hips as she grins wide.


However,between sobbing she manages to get it all together,wiped her tears away after he kissed her making her blush deeply.Still couldn't believed that he was there before her eyes,she moved to reach his hand and hold it there,squeezing it and smiled at him gentle.
"I..can't believe it.You are here.." says all serious and happy in the same time,with a racing heart."I..just god back from Illinois,I got the contract done..other than that,nothing special.." as she thought fast the small issue with mark today,she turned her face away and sighed a bit.Then,returned to him and smiled gently embracing Chris dearly."God! I missed you as you.."were the words which she said,letting out other small tears to fall on her face.

" hungry?I wanted to order some sushi.." asked away letting him go from the hugging and stared at his eyes,touching his face in a gentle manner with her fingers..
No more RP's.I am swamped for now.


He smiled at her. "Well I'm glad you got all of your work done so now you are free and I can focus everything on YOU baby. I missed you too baby. Ya know still trying to figure out how exactly you didn't get that text..Hmm. Not sure but I guess it happens. I'm here and who cares. " He is looking at her glad it is the weekend so she doesn't have to see Mark for a few days. He HATES the kid but she doesn't really know that yet.

"Yeah I'm hungry. Whatever you want to do is fine with me baby. I'm here for you. A week off to spend with the most beautiful girl in the entire world. I love you."

She intertwined her fingers with his fingers.


"hmhm..Indeed.I more than glad to see you.I could never have thought,you'll come down here." said Risa with a big and happy smile,getting up from the bed still holding his hand and pulled him after her."Then.,.I will cook something with what I got in the fridge." mumbled a bit,as both of them went outside the bedroom and headed to the kitchen,Risa turned to face him and smooched his cheek all dearly like,letting go of his hand.

"I will see what I can do..I think I can make some fried chicken with some pastas and souse." as Risa put the apron on her and begun to get out the ingredients on the table,looking at Chris form time to time starting prepare the food for the dinner.
"SO...tell me more.Hows the new job?How are you collegues..and hows int he new apartment?"asked all curious and giggled a bit waiting for a answer.
No more RP's.I am swamped for now.


"Oh babe I've been playing to come down and see you for weeks. I've missed you so much. I'd do anything for you babe. I hope that you really do know that." He held her hand and followed her as she led them into the kitchen. "We can order pizza if you want babe..Whatever is easy."

He smiled at her as she put on the apron and began to cook dinner. She looked so damn cute when she cooked. "Oh babe your are looking soo darn cute right now. I almost can't stand it."

He laughed at her. "The new job is going good. Working 10 hour days sometimes more depending on the calls that come in." He works as a head honcho for one of the largest electrical companies in the state. He is making good money. "Colleagues are nice. Made a few friends. And the apartment is great. Though it is more of a house. It has like 3 bedrooms so one is mine and then I turned one into a guest room..aka your room..and the last one is my office. I love it and I love you baby" He smiles at her.


"Hmm I see.Any new ladies around you?" said as she turned with a grin and holding a knife,and then cut some veggies for a salad."I am glad that you are doing good so far..I thought you'd come down during the holidays,you really surprised me..In a good way of course." continued Risa with a small smile and blushing in the same time at his words for being cute and telling her,how much eh loves her.

Risa turned her body to face him,letting the chicken meat to fry first and took a sit next to him on the small sofa,from the living room reaching for his hand feeling as her heart was beating like a drum.She had missed him.A lot.More than anything..but,her mind was racing at the moments when he'll not be around and she will get lonely.She hated that feeling the most.But she..loved him.More than herself.
" you to,Chris..I really do.." said on a low tone and leaned closer to kiss his lips,in a sweet kiss and full of love.She missed that and every small touch from him.It was like,flew away and melted away within the kiss.Her heart begun to pound faster and stronger and a warm feeling crossed her entire body.
No more RP's.I am swamped for now.


"I work with some new ladies but no one as cute and lovely as you honey..What about you any new guys around?" He asked as she smiled at him. "I'm good at surprises remember..and oh yeah here's one more. " He hands her a piece of paper. On the paper is some paperwork for a new house that he recently bought. The house is located about 5 minutes from here. She notices from the address.

He smiled at him as he continued to cook the food for dinner. He held her hand as she smiled. "I know you do baby and babe I love you more than anything in this world. I love you so much baby" He kissed her on the cheek as he puts his large muscular but loving arms around her body making her feel secure.


Risa,felt the security and protection,along with the loving feelings passing through her veins in those moments;she squeezed his hand after kissing her cheek and couldn't help herself not to smile happy." new guys,same routine.Just,Mark is kind of..crossing the lien lately and I might not be able to take it and just quit the job.I..will find something else,I promise."said Risa,while reading the piece of paper.

"Ahm! this is so close..Chris! You,didn't had to do this..!!"said all surprised and amazed of what he could really do,just that she wished instead of a house,flowers or jeweleries he to be there with her.As much as possible.The house and other materials couldn't fill the empty from her heart when he wasn't with him.Risa snuggled closely to him and put a faint smile,by thinking again at those things.
"I am thinking of quitting my job,now that I got a raise and the contract done with the Farren;s Company,I can leave..and i was thinking to come and move there with you..what you say?"she asked him,still a bit insecure of his answer.Even if he loved her as he said,she didn't knew what he will do or how he'll react int hat matter.If indeed,he will turn her down..she might do something crazy..
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He looked at her as she talked about Mark.."What did that asshole do now??!!" He asks her completely irritated and annoyed that the jerk would even attempt to try anything. "I swear to God I will kill him. It was him that deleted the message. I know it"

"I know it is close and baby I wanted to do this to be closer to you because baby I love you. What do you mean quit your job? Babe if you just got a raise you should stay.


Risa let out a soft sigh and leans closer to him,in a sweet embrace patting his back gentle and breathing heavier near his ear."I..never liked this job.Really,I feel like I need a small break." said to him with a small pause,as then she got up to walk back into the kitchen,got out the chicken fromt he oven and started to prepare the pastas and the sauce.
"Mark..just asked me to marry him or he will take care of you.SO he said,after..almost strangulated my hand."continued Risa with a faint smile,and put the food on the plates.

"he..has become to possessive.It's making this to hard,he is me friend..yes,but..if I leave this job,he might even freak out and kill himself."said again and sat down with the food on the small table,made a sign for him to come there."Come on.,let's eat.It will cool of to much.." while she sat down the chair and took a fork being lost a little in her own thoughts.
No more RP's.I am swamped for now.


"Baby if you don't like it you are more than welcome to come back and live home with me. But I don't want you to leave your job because of me. I could never forgive myself for something like that. " He said and then his smiled faded. "I swear to God I am going to kill him. He had better never ever touch you again if he knows what is good for him. I don't think you should be friends with him. He thinks he is god's gift to the Earth.  I HATE HIM so much risa"

"Go ahead let him kill will save me the work of doing it myself." he said to her with almost complete seriousness. He sits down at the table wondering why she is so quiet.