The sun mutating matter?

Started by Serephino, September 18, 2010, 12:19:49 PM

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I'm not real sure what to make of this, but thought I'd share. I know I've heard about solar tsunamis somewhere before, and that they were getting pretty bad. 


Considering (among dozens of other reasons) that another article on that site is called "Are Democrats Trying to Stop People From Owning Gold?" I just can't seem to take their science seriously. 
If you can heal the symptoms, but not affect the cause
It's like trying to heal a gunshot wound with gauze

One day, I will find the right words, and they will be simple.
- Jack Kerouac


"Proof Obama born in Kenya presented to Congress" was also another gem on that site. The science article should be judged on its own merits, but that being said if (like myself) you don't intend to do serious research into the science presented the presence of screwball articles like those does help give an off-the-cuff call on if the article is the product of cranks or no.


Here is the Arxiv paper

1) This isn't a peer reviewed claim.
2) The claim is that seasonal adjustments to decay rates are of the order of .998 - 1.002 - one fifth of one percent. The claimed 33 day term is a fraction of -that-

The general consensus seems to be that there was an environmental condition affecting their detector, as it was not repeated under more tightly controlled scenarios as above.

The possibility of other types of neutrinos or some mystery particle having an effect has not been completely ruled out, but further research has shown that any such variation must be -at least- a full order of magnitude smaller, if not further. Jenkins could just be detecting noise.

As for the fearmongering bullshit in the link... it doesn't speak well for the site as a whole.


I didn't look around the site much, just something found in my email when I got up to check it.  Something didn't seem right because of the scare tactic, but my mind is really fuzzy at the moment.