A Couple of New Ideas [M for F]

Started by Legendary, November 25, 2012, 08:16:06 PM

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For Love or Abolition?

The year was 1840, the place was southern Georgia. Slavery was at its peak. Silas Montgomery was the son of Ezra, one of the most wealthy plantation owners in the state. The man was ruthless, doing whatever it took to capitalize on his land and his crops. His son had different ideas. The thought of housing innocent people and working them to the bone for no pay and table scraps was disgusting, but no matter how opposed to the idea he was, Silas would never voice his displeasure to his father out of fear of retribution.

With a growing yield of crops, Ezra had no choice but to find more help. That help came in the form of a mother, father and daughter who happened to be Silas' age. At first glance, Silas was immediately attracted to the new addition to their 'extended family'. He knew his father would kill the both of them if he knew his true feelings, but Silas couldn't help himself from seeing her late at night. He vowed he would free them and help find a better life for them all, but things weren't as easy as they seemed.

Obviously there's some sensitive subject matter, so I'm not expecting very much interest, but the thought of retribution on the part of the son is intriguing along with the whole forbidden romance element. I'm really craving this one, so I'd like my partner to be fully invested in the premise.

For Love of the Game

I've always been interested in the element of a big name athlete and a burgeoning relationship. Obviously, with the amount of travel and temptation, the relationships must be strained. I want a story dealing with those dynamics, from the initial meeting to the actual turbulence of such a difficult relationship.

The sport, meeting and subsequent relationship are all up for discussion. The idea is vague, but hopefully with the right partner, we can come up with something that'll tickle both our fancies.