Replacement Wanted for fantasy romance story (M for F)

Started by Alec Lifestar, April 11, 2015, 04:27:45 PM

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Alec Lifestar

Welcome to my latest request!

This is somewhat untested waters for me, but I thought I might give it a shot still.

I've played this story with a partner since retired from E, but I'd dearly like to continue this story, so, just maybe, I'll catch someone's interest in stepping into the breach and continuing it with me.
In short, the story is a take on my favourite theme: A knight returns from his border duty to escort the Princess of the Realm whom he grew up with on her coming of age-journey; only now, finding out they are still close, they slowly grow closer than they ever could as children...

So, if the prompt tickles your fancies and you'd be willing to contribute to a pre-established story, here's the thread I'd like to continue:

Feel free to raise me any questions you might have before deciding you'd want to do this.

Looking foward to hear from you!
My O/Os * Requests and Ideas
Activity level: Busy at work - slow posting * A/As * My RP method

My stories:
A Dwarven Slave * Rise and Fall * Princess Guard

My Discord handle: AlecLifestar#5916