Welcome to E! (Helpful links and things to do)

Started by Kye, January 07, 2019, 07:25:55 PM

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Hello and welcome to E! We are so happy to have you here!

Here are a few things that will make your stay a bit more fun while going through the approval process. We understand it’s hard to wait, but we do try to have plenty of things available to you to help time pass by.

I’m sure you noticed that Staff and members alike will be stopping into your introduction to ask you questions based on what type of questions you wanted in your questionnaire, but if you would like a place to have more idle chatter we have both the Doormat and the Shoutbox and we definitely encourage you to come say hello and socialize with us. If you do go by the Shoutbox, make sure to have a look over the Shoutbox Rules to ensure we keep it friendly and fun for everyone.

For other ways to get involved with the community while you wait, we have several different options.

  • Non-Adult Board - This is the section you will be able to roleplay in and take part in while unapproved.
  • Non-Adult Roleplay Requests - Here you can browse through requests and find something to write, but remember it must remain PG-13.
  • Word of the Day - A fun daily word prompt.
  • Forum Games - Fun little games that give you a chance to laugh and meet people from E.

If you have any more questions, please don’t be afraid to ask in your introduction thread. We wish you well and good luck with your approval!

Staff Team