Brit's Request Thread

Started by Britwitch, December 14, 2017, 02:11:38 PM

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Here you will find all the story ideas I’m seeking partners for as well as my current and past stories too.

At the moment I am tentatively considering picking up a new story...or two.... but I am also happy to discuss potential stories with a plan to start at a later date. Life is calm at the moment so my posting rate is a little quicker than usual - so please bear this in mind!

Please do check out my Ons and Offs thread for more information about my likes and dislikes and if you have an idea of your own that you think I might suit then please do shoot me a PM and let me know!

Current status : Selectively seeking new stories



Developed story ideas looking for partners with the most recent additions at the top.

The Shoemaker

Content: Pretty light overall, definitely romantic

Setting: Historical (late 1800s to early 1900s ideally)

Scenario: Not so long ago, if you wanted new boots or shoes - you had to go to the local cobbler to have them made for you. For those living in more rural areas, this meant waiting for the cobbler to come to you. There were those who spent their lives travelling from village to village, spending a week or two at a time to make the shoes ordered by those living there - using the leather the local farmers produced - before moving on to the next. This story is about one such cobbler, or rather, a young apprentice trying out on his own for the first time.

His father has passed away and he's taken over the business so he has many a client but he needs to prove himself. Not least because of the daughter of a certain farmer who he's admired from afar throughout his apprenticeship. Until now his time with her was always chaperoned by his father but now she'll be old enough to meet him alone.

She is the only daughter of a beef farmer, his sons are already married and living on or around the farmland. She knows her life is going to be one of hard work, which she has no issue with, but the idea of being stuck in their little village in the middle of nowhere...that terrifies her. The only excitement in her life will be trips to the nearest town for markets every few months, or the infrequent visits of the cobbler. New shoes were always exciting but in truth, it was the young man who travelled with him that made her stomach tingle and her skin ripple with goosebumps.

What happens when they find themselves alone for the first time ever.

Requirements:  Someone to play the young cobbler with a degree of sensitivity towards the time period. Not looking for anything overly specific more of a feel for the time. Sensibilities and such.

I also really love the idea of him having ballet slippers with him that are a commission for a ballerina in one of the bigger cities. He shouldn't let her try them on but then if he does, he'll get to help her put them on and tie the ribbons.... ;D 

The Portrait

Content: Light/romance most likely but open to 'darker' themes as might be appropriate, M/F or M/F/M

Setting: Late 18th century England although historical details are not as important as a familiarity with the general feel of the era (Pride & Prejudice, Sense & Sensibility etc).

Scenario: A talented artist is commissioned to create portraits of a wealthy landowner and his family, following his recent marriage. His first wife, of many long years, had died and he had remarried a woman much younger than himself. The rumour in society was that the girl's father had run up several debts that the landowner offered to 'take care of' in return for the hand of his daughter in marriage and a share of the family business/land/prospects. Her family was well regarded so the union made sense in that regard, even if their different ages caused many brows to crease when they saw them together.

The artist arrives with little knowledge of the situation other than the list of paintings that have been commissioned. A portrait of the landowner himself, a similar one of his new bride and then a family portrait including his now adult children from his first marriage. The artist stands to gain a lot from the job. His work would be seen by some of the most wealthy and powerful people in the land.

But then he sees the charming new Lady of the house and the problem begins. He knows he wants far more than to simply paint her... He finds excuses to keep coming back to paint her, suggesting he paint parts of the estate to give him even more reason to be around the house...and gardens. One day asking to sketch her, the poses gradually growing more risqué...

Requirements: Ideally looking for one partner, but would be open to two, to write the dual roles of the husband and the painter.

Depending on how we want to portray the husband, he is either entirely disinterested in his wife and so she relieves her boredom and heartache with the painter...or perhaps her husband has rather dark tastes he could never satisfy with his late wife (going to other women for such things) but now he has a young wife who can't refuse him anything and our painter seeks to rescue her from the ill treatment he believes her to be suffering... The content of the story could change quite drastically depending on this element.

A Light in the Dark

Content: I’m seeing it as light/romance but depending on how we approach it there could be other elements

Setting: A remote lighthouse but could be almost anywhere in the world and time period is open too

Scenario: A stranded sailor seeks refuge in the lighthouse.


I’ve been wanting to write a story in a lighthouse for years but was never sure how to do it. Then I found the picture above and an idea popped into my head that might just work. ;D If I can find the right partner for it!

The idea is that she is the lighthouse keeper of the remote lighthouse, she inherited the position from her father (her mother had died when she’d been young) and now the job and responsibility is hers.

His ship is wrecked in a storm and she takes him to the lighthouse to recover. Romance blossoms between them as he gets his strength back but he has a secret. Depending on when and where we decide to set the story will obviously affect the kind of secret he’s hiding.

I’m looking for a creative co-writer for this who enjoys plotting as much as I do to help fill the gaps and make this glimmer of an idea into something bright enough to pierce the dark... ;D

Wild Heart Lane

Content: Light/romance but open to suggestions for other elements if they fit, M/F

Setting: Modern day, England

Scenario: A small coastal village in the south of England (Cornwell, Devon, Dorset etc). Picturesque and quaint, is it everything you’d expect to see. Rosemary, a single woman, lives alone (with her faithful dog) in a cottage set a little outside the borders of the village and is simply trying to live her life.

Rumours that she’s a witch have been there as long as she can remember. And with her mother before her. And her grandmother before that. (School wasn’t the most fun time she’d ever had in her life – rhymes for witch are hardly creative among the youth of today.) These days she sells jams and jellies at farmer’s markets, honey from her bees, herbal teas made from the contents of her well-tended garden, and every now and then – even the odd tarot reading for the few people she trusts. Or rather, the few people who trust her.

To be fair, people are polite now she’s an adult, but wary.

She’s determined not to the continue the ‘curse’ that seems to plague her family and always has done as far as she can tell. The women find a love, fleeting usually but undeniably passionate. The product of which is a daughter. Brought up along by their mother, they learn the old ways before inevitably following her mother’s footsteps into single parenthood and the shame that goes along with it.

She won’t let that be her life, nor force a child to live through what she has.

She won’t fall in love, she’ll keep everyone at arm’s length. No love means no children and no children means no daughter to have to live with the stigma of being ‘the woman from the witch’s house’.

Then, a stranger appears who could change everything. If she’ll let him.

Requirements: Inspired in no small part by the movie ‘Practical Magic’ and the idea that a broken heart in the past has cursed the female bloodline. The stranger has come to the village to help with some event or other ('Britain in Bloom' or something similar that would get the community together) and is sent in her direction for help given her reputation and knowledge. Wasn’t thinking of including lots of actual ‘magic’ but a little here and there probably wouldn’t hurt things.

He could well have his own emotional baggage that makes him wary or maybe he’s far more open to love than she is, which makes her even more stand-offish…

I’m looking for some ‘good, old fashioned’ romance with this one. Something of a slow burn in the beginning before passion takes over. Ideally some problem will crop up towards the end to give our lovers something to overcome but that’s something I’d love to work through with my writing partner.

Madame Guillotine

Content: Light/romance with elements of BON, not planning on NC but would depend how my co-writer and I flesh out the general idea

Setting: 1794, Toulon, France

Scenario: The aristocracy are being systematically wiped out as the new Republic takes shape. The man responsible for keeping the prisons empty and Madame Guillotine well fed has made an enemy who plans to use him for her own ends before taking his life.

Looking for someone to play Pontmercy, the newly appointed ‘agent of the Committee of Public Safety’. The man charged with making sure Toulon is brought under control and that all possible counter revolutionaries are removed. He’s a zealous citizen who devotes his every waking hour to making sure the Republic’s ideals are being upheld and protected.

In the few weeks he’s been in charge he’s sent hundreds to ‘Madame Guillotine’ amongst them a brother and sister, Patrice and Yvonne Renard. It’s these two recently sentenced victims that are the reason for the story.

My character, Stéphanie Marchand, was childhood friends with the Renards. She is no member of the aristocracy herself but she only survived the death of her parents in her own childhood because of the Renards’ benevolence and generosity. Her parents had been loyal servants and so she was taken into the household as a companion to Yvonne but grew into a cultured young lady as a result.

Her friends’ only crime was their family name and the family they came from were nothing but generous landowners. So, she plans to seduce Pontmercy and release her friend from jail before using any methods she can think of to shatter his career and destroy his life.

What she doesn’t count on is Pontmercy himself.

At the beginning it’s a seduction, dangerous for certain but a seduction as a means to an end (breaking her friend out of jail).
But then things will take a turn for the unexpected when Pontmercy returns after the furore calms down. She’s awoken desires in the man that he’d almost forgotten in his dedication to his new position. There will be elements of bondage and dominance between them.
She indulges his desires and plays up to the feminine stereotype almost eradicated by the revolution. To her surprise she finds herself developing feelings for the man she originally planned to kill.
Then when it’s Pontmercy himself who is in danger (a rival for his position using the earlier jailbreak as reason to doubt his commitment) Stéphanie has to decide whether to cut and run or try to save the man she might have actually fallen in love with.

Requirements: I’m looking for a detailed co-writer for this story who has some appreciation for the time period in question. Think ‘The Scarlet Pimpernel’ and you’ll be in the right area. While I have the general story arc figured out I am open to suggestions for plot devices along the way.

Ideas I'm not really craving at the moment
Love and Duty
Love and Duty

Content: Could be anything from light/romance to extreme depending on how we approach it.

Setting: 18th century England, M/F

Scenario: A Lord and his ward.

After the death of her parents she came to live with him as his ward, her father and he being best friends since childhood. He doted on her, having not managed to find a wife of his own to lavish with affection. He saw to it she was as well educated as any male counterpart of equal age, she wasn't spoiled - making sure she saw the responsibility attached to their position in society. She was witty and charming, not to mention having inherited the beauty of her mother. She was well liked, by nobles and servants alike. He was proud of the young woman she had become, and knew her parents would be too.

One day, when her personal maid had a day off, she was trying to dress for a ball. She could do most of it herself but her corset was something that took two people. Certain he wouldn't mind, she asked him to help. He did, embarrassed to see her in such a state of undress, and off she went.

He was left with the image of her, more adult than child, barely dressed. Shocked to find long forgotten feelings of desire rising up inside him, he is a little lost as to how to continue. He's certain she doesn't feel anything for him, he isn't sure he can think of her in the same way he did before.

Does he try to woo her? He knows her better than anyone so he knows what she likes, what her passions are. But, could a young beauty like her ever be happy with an older man, one she saw as a father? Perhaps there is a suitor comes calling who spurs him into acting, knowing he'd make her far far happier.

Does he find his want of her is too much to wait and so feels he is due something in return for his caring for her all these years? Letting a dark side rise to the surface.
Marrying her, as did happen between wards and their guardians from time to time, and keeping her for his own.

Requirements: This would need a degree of planning before we start so looking for a partner who's happy to brainstorm first as well as someone with an appreciation for the historical elements of such a story. Sensibilities of the time and so on.

Stories cut short and abandoned for now but could definitely be resurrected with the right partner
Name: Wrong

Content: Light/Romance mostly

Scenario: They shouldn't want to be together, but they do.

She's a teacher, adored by her little pupils and their families, respected by her peers. He's a widower, recently moved to town and his child has been placed in her class. As a new starter, the two have a meeting to discuss how the child has settled in and find out how best to meet their needs.
Things start innocently enough, he thinks she's pretty and loved by his kid, she thinks it's a shame that he's been through what he has. Then they start seeing each other, bumping into one another, around the small town. In the store, giving each other tips on what to buy. Once or twice at a bar when they're out with friends. Neither thinks anything of it but late at night, when they're alone...they always find themselves thinking of the other.
Gradually they admit to themselves, not each other, that they might have feelings there. But, it's wrong.

Isn't it?

Things will come to a head after a parent/teacher meeting some weeks/months later where something is said that makes them both react. Passions are high and difficult to ignore.

But then what...?

Continue an illicit affair or risk the condemnation of those around them and make their love public?

Requirements: This I would like to be a long story, with tension and romance and a real sense of their struggle with what they want. I'm open to discussion on setting and details - his history and background, perhaps she has a fiance (another teacher even) who he finds isn't worthy of her. There are issues of professionalism for her, she shouldn't get involved with the parent of a student. Which is more important...her job...or her love?
Would love to work out the kinks in what I think could be a very romantic tale with a passionate co-writer.

Current status : Selectively seeking new stories



Images that have caught my eye and make me want write about them in some way.
If they catch your eye too, send me a PM and let's see if we can't brainstorm them into something we can write together.


I stumbled across this image a few days ago and haven't stopped thinking about it.

She has legs so I'm thinking she's not a mer-person per se, but maybe she was...?

Or is he a merman who's rescued a human from drowning and struggles to release her back to the land...?

Or were they merfolk who fell in love, breaking some sort of law and have now been cast out of the only world they've ever known?

Flash Photography

I love the potential in this image!

Is he going back or coming forwards? Does it work with everyone or just him? Is there a magic coin that makes it work?
I'm not usually one for time travel type situations but this really appeals to me. Maybe it's the photographer in me ;D

Is he searching for the girl who sat to have her photo taken only to vanish before his eyes? Kinda like a 'Quantum Leap' vibe, he goes from booth to booth, looking for her.

This is one I've had saved forever and have yet to come up with a story for.

Could you help me?

Mermaid in a Can

Oh this could be the start of so many different kinds of stories, couldn't it? ;D

Is it a buy your own mermaid kind of deal, buy the can, open it and tip into water to 're-animate' and bring to full size?

So many options for this and would love to see what my mind and yours could come up with for it...

Celtic Clash

Oooh, this is so appealing right now.
Mists and magic, a clash of cultures and an inexplicable attraction...

She's the leader of her tribe and he's a soldier for the enemy, the invaders threatening everything they know and hold dear.

An ancient rite promises to protect their homestead from invasion but when he stumbles upon her in the middle of her call to the Gods, naked in the moonlight, other forces are unleashed far more powerful than either of them may realise.

Current status : Selectively seeking new stories



Claimed story ideas in development

Love and Lust in the Douro
Love and Lust in the Douro

Content: Light/romance but open to suggestions for other elements if they fit, M/F

Setting: The Douro region, Portugal, turn of the 19th/20th century

Scenario: A romantic little story that came from a trip to Portugal and being told that most of the port cellars have English names because they were founded by the wealthy English and used the cheap local labour. I thought it might be fun to play out an encounter between the daughter (or even the bored/ignored wife) and one such worker but they would have no common language so it would be all about reactions and such. Probably a very short and intense tale, although that's not to say there couldn't be a longer story in there, but writing it out either way could be fun...

Essentially it would be a historical romance that spans class and even language with loads of adorable encounters and some seriously hot stuff in the cellars or the vineyards.

They also have a saying about the Douro, the only place in the world where true port wine comes from, that it's "9 months of winter, 3 months of hell" because of how horrendous the weather is in summer but necessary to make the conditions right for the grapes. Sensing the chance to see each other attempting to cool off in the rivers and the like...

Requirements: Someone to write the role of the worker who falls for the daughter/wife of the owner. Looking for a passionate tale between them even if it isn't a 'love' that will last.

Island Life
Island Life

Content: Light/romance but open to suggestions for other elements if they fit, M/F

Setting: Outer Hebrides, Scotland. Present day although would be interested in setting this a little further back in the 20th century.

Scenario: The Outer Hebrides of Scotland are an untamed, beautiful place. They are also home to thousands people who need medical care, just like the residents on the mainland. The local doctor on Grimsay*, the charming and friendly Dr Mackintosh, has sadly died after 40 years of service to the islanders and a replacement is needed.
The prospect of living a wilder sort of existence doesn’t appeal to everyone, even if the position does come with a house.

But, after a flurry of applications, a new doctor is selected and a four-by-four trundles across the narrow strip of land that links the small tidal island with its far larger neighbour. The driver owns the land where the doctor’s house is located, as well as running the local school.

There are a few ways this story can go and I’m open to discussion about which way this ends up going. I think I’d rather play the landowner/local teacher myself as opposed to the doctor but this isn’t set in stone.

The doctor obviously needs their own reason(s) for choosing to escape to an island in the middle of the ocean and these will impact the story. Are they running away from heartache or is it something darker that has driven them north? Have they taken the job purely to improve their CV, seeing the remoteness as a sign that life will be easier than in an inner-city practice and are totally unprepared for the harshness that comes with the location? Not to mention the language** barrier with certain locals.

* While aiming for a fair degree of accuracy when it comes to the setting, ‘Grimsay’ in this story will doubtless be an amalgamation of various islands in the Hebrides as needed to suit our story.
** Any Gaelic will largely be provided by the charming people at Google.

Requirements: Looking for someone to play the doctor role ideally and while the gender of the writer isn't important, I would prefer to write against a male character for this story. I'm also hoping for a co-writer who has an idea for their character - what is it that has driven them up to the islands in the first place and what impact will that have on the potential relationship between the characters.

Just Let Me Watch You
Just Let Me Watch You

Content: Ultimately this is a romance but with elements of a budding D/s relationship before they admit their feelings and even more so after ;D

Setting: Modern day

Scenario: A young woman (late 20s/early 30s) in need of funds signs up on the recommendation of a friend to act as an escort of sorts via a website she herself uses when she's in need of a little extra cash. Although it's very clear from all the paperwork that engagements are not meant to be sexual in design, should private arrangements be made between client and companion...well that's up to them.

She goes on a few engagements, accompanying a man a couple of years older to an out of state wedding which was fun, nothing happens beyond what's been previously agreed and she's made enough cash to consider withdrawing her profile from the website when she gets a request that seems too good to be true.

A large amount for an evening of her time, in her hometown no less, she'll be provided with an outfit that she can keep and an assurance that nothing will be required of her beyond her company.

She agrees and turns up to the immaculate looking apartment building she was given the address to and heads up to the penthouse where she's met by a woman a little older than her who leads her to a room where a stunning outfit is laid out on a bed, along with lingerie and heels. She's told to dress, to use whatever toiletries she feels she might want to and then to head into the living and to sit in a specific chair.

Once dressed she heads into the room which is barely lit at all and sits in the chair to wait...

The man who has engaged her simply wants to watch her, removing her clothes down to her lingerie to begin with. Sitting out of sight and interacting very little beyond offering instructions on what to remove and how to move. Something about his voice seems familiar but she can't place it.

I'm hoping for a series of encounters, growing ever more risqué and intimate, as her curiosity and interest in the stranger grows until he reveals himself to be someone of her acquaintance. An older man (not a relation but perhaps a friend of her parents or a former teacher even) who she finds herself exceedingly attracted to. He has his own reasons for wanting her 'services', whether he knew/recognised who she was is something I'm happy to discuss with my writing partner.

I will admit to hoping for something of a romance in the end with the two of them ending up together.

Requirements: I am hoping for something of an age gap between them so am looking for a partner who is happy to write an older male character (from late 30s to mid/late 40s).


Content: Open to discussion about the direction this could take.

Setting: A fantasy setting rather than anything 'real' I feel would be best for this.

Scenario: For as long as anyone could remember the fog had come. It's arrival was never exactly predicted but everyone knew when the nights began to draw out in length and the days grew shorter that one day the breeze that drifted almost constantly along the valley floor would drop and then the fog would inevitably come.

Streets would be deserted, wherever you were was where you would most likely remain until the wind returned and the fog would recede. Sometimes it was a week but there had been years when the mists had lingered for more than a month.

There were those few opportunists for whom the fog was a blessing. Tavern owners, for instance, relished the prospect of a captive set of customers obliged to eat and drink at a price. Local lawmakers had discussed bylaws to prevent such things being taken advantage of but landlords inevitably 'changed their mind' when the fog descended and the chance to discuss such things publicly was no longer possible.

There were also those who would offer to accompany those for whom travel in the fog was a necessity. Many were honest men, good with a sword and pure of intention. There were others, of course. Just as there had to be night and day there were guides who would take the coin offered by travelers but then lead them astray. After all, in the fog one road looked very much like another. It was all too easy to 'lose' their way or 'misplace' their charge. Some travelers would simply vanish, some - mostly trusting young women - would suffer far worse fates at the hands of those who led them willingly into the fog. Taken advantage of in the darkest of ways, used...sometimes sold.

Even if your guide was trustworthy who knew what dangers might be waiting down the road, the villains waiting in the fog to pounce on passers-by.

No one really knew why the fog came. Some said it was judgement for the sins of the town's founders in past, a punishment. Some said it was merely weather and nothing more. Nevertheless, whatever the true cause might be, when the fog came no one wanted to wander far from home.

A young man or woman travelling on business finds themselves stuck in the town with no prior knowledge of the fog or it's consequences. When the clouds seem to fall from the sky one night and fill the streets they definitely don't want to stay any longer than they have to. But what choice do they have?

Strike out on their own and risk getting lost, try to find a guide willing and trustworthy enough to take them into the fog and convey them to their destination, or simply wait it out...however long that might be.

Requirements: I'm open to either variation of characters, is she the guide for his bookish and mysterious traveller with something to protect or is he going to be the one who volunteers to take the young woman with a desperate need to get through the fog? Hoping to tell a good tale here with the right partner.

The Messenger
The Messenger

Content: Light/romance but open to suggestions for other elements if they fit, M/F

Setting: 1940s England, World War II

Scenario: Daisy Daniels joined up when the call came in December ’41. She’d been itching to ‘do her part’ ever since that dreadful day two years earlier when Chamberlain’s voice had carried through the airwaves telling them that England was at war with Germany and when the National Service Act was passed, there wasn’t anything her parents could do to stop her any longer. She was 24, old enough to go and so she went. Her older brother was already fighting, he’d joined the Air Force and made it through the horrors of Dunkirk. Now he was running bombing missions over Germany and his infrequent letters intended to ease their worries almost always did the opposite.

Daisy was no where near the frontline and likely never would be. She was trained as a mechanic with the ATS, taught to drive and had become part of the postal service. It wasn’t the most thrilling of jobs but she knew it was helping. She was doing a job that freed up one or two men to go and fight the good fight. Plus she got paid, the first time she’d ever had money of her own, and there were other perks too. Living with the other girls was a riot most of the time and then there were the dances… The chance to go and smile at soldiers and airmen, to listen to wonderful music and feel as alive as one possibly could.

After 1942 she was sent to a depot at Woolwich Arsenal as a Dispatch Rider, there she found she was to be on standby 24 hours a day. Her main task was to carry orders and despatches to the various bases and Ack Ack sites, to Commanding Officers whenever it was necessary. This could be during air raids whether bombing or strafing, come rain or shine. She didn’t think she’d ever get tired of seeing the surprise in high ranking officer’s eyes when she removed her helmet to reveal her curls beneath and she’d lost count of the amount of times she’d heard, “Blimey, a woman!” Although there were more and more women now, less and less men.

Yes, she heard the sirens more than she’d ever done back, felt the rumble of the ground beneath their feet during a raid, knowing each shudder was another bomb falling, but as terrifying as it was to be in the shelter during a bombing raid it was nothing compared to the first time she’d had to don her helmet and goggles and head out with documents that had to be sent while the sky overhead rumbled and flashed as bombers tried to destroy the nation’s capital and anti-aircraft guns blasted up into the clouds to try and keep them at bay. There had been a few near misses, times where the road ahead had simply vanished into a crater in the ground or the crumbled remnants of a building all but blocked the road but she’d been lucky so far. Other riders hadn’t been. She knew she was a target, riders always were, but at least she was in England. The risks were lessened and that was what she kept telling herself. If she kept her eyes open, she’d be fine.

Several of the girls in the same barracks as her had beaus in the service but she knew the dangers of falling in love in wartime. Not just the worry of heartbreak but the idea that ‘we may die tomorrow so we should live tonight’ often meant many young women found themselves in trouble with no husband to help them through it. She’d do her falling in love after the war, of that she was sure, there would be plenty of time.

Then one night, as the sirens wailed to life she was preparing to ride out into the night with dispatches firmly secured in her satchel. As the motorcycle growled into life the first bomb hit somewhere nearby and she forced herself to focus on the task at hand.

She had no idea that night was going to change her life…

Requirements: I have a few ideas about what might happen that night to alter the course of the war for Daisy, she is carrying military dispatches after all, but would like to build a story with a partner for this.

Hoping for some love in there somewhere but not necessarily a straightforward story. It could be a fellow member of the services, or perhaps a young man unable to fight for his country (or returned from the front wounded and honourably discharged)…or perhaps someone else entirely. I'd love to know your take and ideas on this.

I just love the idea of a capable young woman, wanting to do her bit for the cause, possibly getting caught up in something far more dangerous than she’d ever have expected.

The Stranger at the Door
The Stranger at the Door

Content: Open to discussion about the direction this could take.

Setting: 1940s/1950s, probably the US

Scenario: I came across these two photos during my internet travels and they seemed the perfect beginning for a story.

He comes into the diner where she works every week. Same day. Same time. Same table. Same order. He sits by the window and watches…something or maybe someone for an hour or so and then pays his tab before leaving.

He doesn’t cause trouble, always tips well, but even so she does find herself wandering who he is and what it is that captures his attention beyond the glass. He’s not unattractive, older than her but not married going by the lack of a ring on his finger. She finds herself looking forward to him coming in, although she can’t explain why.
Then one day, something changes. A rowdy customer causes her to bump into his table, perhaps his usual table isn’t available. Whatever it is, they are forced into a situation where they must talk more than they would normally during one of his visits. Time passes and he leaves.

However, when she gets home that night she’s surprised to find him, waiting outside her door with a serious expression on his face. Asking if she’ll let him inside. There’s something he needs to ask her.

Requirements: Someone to help me brainstorm this opening into something that could be taken down any number of routes. Does he work for the mob? Is he an undercover cop? Or something else entirely.

Wrong Place, Wrong Time
Wrong Place, Wrong Time

Content: Open to discussion about the direction this could take. M/F

Setting: Modern day but open to discussion about the geographical location

Scenario: Thinking of a heist situation, bank is robbed and a hostage taken. He picks a nervous woman, the type who he figures has a husband and children to worry about her and for her to keep in mind - enough reason for her to behave, to not give him too much trouble as they flee. But their escape goes awry and they're forced to spend more time together than he intended. So, to fill the time, they talk. It turns out she had less than honest business in the bank herself that day.

Do they become partners in crime or does she become the thing that keeps him 'honest' as his plans grow in audacity and danger?

I think there are a few places this could go, with the right partner.
I came up with what could work as an opening post over in the Storyteller's Café, which I've added below.


“It’s only just bloody November,” Bobbie grumbled to herself while she waited, the muted sound of Christmas songs played on a piano already grating on her nerves. The air in the bank felt unnaturally warm in comparison to the brisk air outside, the fresh air that tingled when it brushed over your nose made it feel like it might snow. She’d been in line long enough to hear ‘Hark the herald angels sing’ three times already, in amongst the other carols and festive standards, and she just wasn’t in the mood for it. Tutting softly she lifted her azure toned eyes towards the ornate clock on the wall and huffed in frustration. Her lunch hour was rapidly ticking away and at this rate she was probably going to reach the front of the line just in time to turn around and have to walk back out again.

Pushing up onto her toes slightly to look over the shoulder of the old woman in front of her she saw there were only three of the bank tellers at work. The rest of the service points in the bank of windows were shuttered and not in use.

“Of course they only have three open,” Bobbie muttered to herself as she lowered her heels back down onto the floor, rolling her eyes out of a need to do something to vent some of her irritation. “It’s only the middle of the day, when most people have the time to go to the bank, makes perfect sense to have less than a quarter of the available desks working.” Her sarcastic words were hissed under her breath. She knew it wouldn’t help but it did feel a little better when the woman in front of her glance back over her shoulder and offered a sympathetic smile.

“I know, dear,” the woman sighed wearily, “it makes no sense to me either. If you like, you can go before me.”

“That’s very kind of you,” Bobbie smiled gratefully, “but you’ve been waiting even longer than I have, I couldn’t make you have to stand and listen to this god-awful muzak any longer than absolutely necessary!” The two of them laughed for a moment or two before they both returned their attention to the queue. Slowly inching forwards until the little old lady had tottered off to a counter and Bobbie found herself the next to be served. Running a hand back through the long, dark lengths of her hair and wishing she’d thought to bring a hair tie with her. A glance at the clock confirmed she had little time left but there should just about be enough time. Providing she was called forward in the next-

“Everybody down on the floor!” came a gruff yell from near the door followed almost instantly by the loud sound of a gun firing. There was a rush of activity, hushed screams rose up in the air as every person in the bank flattened themselves against the marble floor. “Nobody move and nobody gets hurt!” The male voice added in a menacing tone.
Bobbie, on her stomach at the front of the queue, squeezed her eyes tightly shut for a second or two. This couldn’t be happening.

Booted feet thundered through the trembling people sprawled across the floor and while it sounded like hundreds had stormed past, Bobbie reckoned there was only five or six of them. Plus the ones who had to have been left behind to make sure no one tried to do anything heroic. Or stupid.

“We all want to get home for the holidays,” came the voice again, closer now and the tone in it made the hairs on the back of her next stand up. “Would be a shame for someone to spend Christmas in hospital…or worse.”

“Oh Christ, shut up will you!” came a new voice from a little way away, this voice was also male but sounded a little younger somehow. If not younger then less sleazy at any rate.

“Awww, c’mon,” the first voice laughed, a harsh barking sound that made Bobbie wince, “you know there’s no harm in it.” As her eyes fluttered open she saw a pair of boots move to stand right before her. “Besides, it’s fun to watch them squirm.” There was a whimper somewhere to the right of where she lay, the sound of a woman clearly terrified and Bobbie resisted the urge to try and see what might be happening behind the curtain of her hair.

“That’s as maybe,” the second man said sharply, his voice now coming from above her head and clearly belonging to the boots before her, “but if you keep yapping like that, someone could ID you further down the line and then where will you be?”

“Spoil sport,” came the waspish response, punctuated by another frightened sound from the woman and then it went quiet.

Well, quiet apart from the thundering pounding of Bobbie’s heart in her ears. Her breath was shallow and quick and she just prayed the robbers would find what they were looking for and go before the police came. Most banks had warning systems in place now, she was as sure as she could be that help would be on the way before long. She had never wanted to get back to work as much as she did in that moment.

“Fuck!” came a furious shout from somewhere behind the row of counters.

“Don’t tell me it’s not there,” growled the first man dangerously as the air filled with the sound of boots slapping their way back out of the rear of the bank into the main hall.

“It’s there but I can’t open it, not right now,” someone answered angrily, their voice strained which made Bobbie think they were carrying something heavy.

“So we take it with us and-“ the first man stopped abruptly and the room fell silent as the faint sound of distant sirens began to warble in the air. “We go. Now!”

Bobbie was about to breathe a sigh of relief when the first voice issued a command that she knew wasn’t going to end well for someone.

“Hostages! Grab a couple now, we might need them later on.”

“You can’t be serious!” The second voice retorted.

“Someone that looks like they might be worth something to someone,” sneered the first as the same female voice whimpered and Bobbie could guess who he’d selected as his hostage of choice. “And do it now! We’ll meet back at the rendez-vous tomorrow night. Until then, lay low.”

With a sigh of frustration a large hand suddenly wrapped around her upper arm and Bobbie found herself hauled unceremoniously to her feet.

“Please, please don’t,” she said quickly, desperately, “not me, take anyone but not me.”

Whoever he was he was tall, taller than her. Broad shouldered, his features hidden behind a swathe of fabric that covered the lower half of his face, the hoodie he wore shielding the top of his head, but his eyes were the brightest green she’d ever seen.

“I…I’m not worth anything to anyone, I swear.” She stammered, blue eyes wide as they pleaded with his.

“Sorry, sweetheart, but you’re worth something to me right now,” he said with what sounded like genuine remorse before quickly hitting her at the back of the head with something hard and then the world went dark.

Remember Me?
Remember Me?

Content: Light/romance but open to suggestions for other elements if they fit

Setting: Contemporary

Scenario: They knew each other a long time ago, twenty years ago to be precise. Now their paths cross again in the wake of tragic events. Can he finally summon up the courage to tell her what he always wanted to?

In their youth they’d all belonged to the same social group, their parents were friends and so they spent a lot of weekends and holiday times together. She was a few years older than him, something that seemed incredibly important when you were a teenager. He had a massive crush on her (she was funny and clever, not to mention pretty) but she clearly only had eyes for his older brother – as did most of the girls. He trailed around after her and they were good friends, but that was as far as it ever went.

They grew up and universities called them all away from home and off into their shiny new futures.

She met a guy during her studies, got married after graduation and then after a very rocky marriage (insert whatever failings we like for the husband to have had – drinking, gambling, violence etc.) they divorced.

He dabbled in a few things, ended up making a name for himself as an actor. Nothing huge but some well-reviewed plays in London, a few guest spots on tv shows. The rest of the time he runs a small but lucrative gardening business back in their hometown.

Then her parents pass away. Her father had been ill for a long time so his loss, while awful, wasn’t entirely unexpected and her mother followed shortly after, from stress and heartbreak most likely. She inherits a huge house with a massive garden that’s fallen into disrepair in the last few years. It’s a chance for her to start over but she can’t do it alone.

At her mother’s funeral she remembers someone mentioning their son having a landscaping business but who they were faded into the emotional turmoil of the day. She finds the business card they’d given her and shoots an email asking him to come to give her an estimate.

He remembers her but does she remember him?

He certainly doesn’t look the same as she remembered. He’s tall now, taller than his brother in fact. His sandy blonde hair has darkened and his boyish looks have grown more defined. And when she does finally realise who he is (or was), will that help or hinder things between them?


Essentially this is a love story between the two of them. She’s hesitant about having any kind of relationship given how her marriage ended and he never stopped caring for her – never had more than ‘one night stand’ relationships. I’m hoping for some kind of plot twist, perhaps debts with the house or some other problem that pushes them together, going into business perhaps which then becomes something more. I’m open to suggestions for this.

I would really really like to see this young man I found used as his face claim but that’s not set in stone ;D

A Helping Hand
A Helping Hand

Current status : Selectively seeking new stories



A Brave New World... Or is it? with Pockets [NC-H]

Dreamland Group game [EX]

The Meadows Group game [NC-H]

Oh Captain, My Captain with Wulfspire [EX]
(Sequel of sorts to 'Stowaway')

The Meadows with LaCroix [NC-H]

Love and Lust in the Douro with Dale [Light-H]

Island Life with Dale [Light-E]

The Realms Beyond Group Game [EX]

Steel and Blood with BlackStone [BON]

The Star of Africa Group Game [EX]

Remember me? with TreyWalker [Light]

Over Enemy Territory with Geraint [Light]

The Messenger with echoes [Light]

A Lady's Temptations with Geraint [BON]

Along the Path Yet Revealed with marauder13 [UN]

Current status : Selectively seeking new stories



Spring's Autumn with Rinzler [One Shot]

Shadows of Yearning with Wistful Dream [BON]

Away from the world... with marauder13  [EX]

Silver-Eyes with midnightblack [One-Shot]

Family Business with Marek [NC-H]

RSVP with Marek [One Shot : BON]

Necessary Evils with Marek [NC-H]

The Rose with Marek [BON]

Stowaway with Marek [NC-H]

The Garden of Eve with Marek [BON]

Trespassing with Marek [VAN - One Shot]

In The Neighborhood with Mellific [VAN - One Shot]

Office Party with Geraint [VAN - One Shot]

The Business Trip with Kitteredge [VAN - One Shot]

Current status : Selectively seeking new stories



Christmas Break-In with Theta Sigma [One Shot]

Fogbound with Wyatt [EX]

The Scene Group Game [EX]

True Crime Group Game [EX]

Just Let Me Watch You with Praxis [BON]

Squall Line with ScuttleB [EX]

The Elysium Society (Group game) [EX]

Behind Enemy Lines with CrownedSun [BON]

Stranger at the Door with Elandra [Light]

Wrong Place, Wrong Time with Daeva [EX]

Under the Mistletoe with Rylin [One Shot]

Away from the World... Again with marauder13 [L-H]

Caravanserai (Group Game)

To Kiss the Wild Sky with Nowherewoman [Light]

Racing the Tide with Marek [L-H] (Offsite)

Just the Three of Us with Geraint [L-H]

Bought & Paid For with Daeva [NC-H]

Cost of a Mistake with Gman001 [NC-H]

Wild Heart Lane with tobisquestion [L-H]

School of Love with TheGrandAdmiral [One Shot]

Forget with Phobetor [NC-H]

The Virgin Widow with Geraint [L-H]

Sugar with Rylin [BON]

The Weather Outside is Frightful with Rustic [ONE SHOT - L]

Remember me? with HazySky [L-H]

A Matter of Taste with Marek [L-H]

Private Party with Qt [NC-H]

Sweet Soul Music with Marek [BON]

Awry with Marek [UN]

Everything Has Its Season with Marek [L-H]

Masquerades with BlackStone [BON]

Off the tracks with LustfulIntentions [NC-H]

The Stranger at the Door with Bearman54 [EX]

Fogbound with Zelta Runa [L-H]

All Too Familiar with Marek [L-E]

A Chambered Heart with wigglebiscuit [NC-E]

In nomine Patris with Marek [EX]

The Cracked Façade with Vlexia [BON]

Absquatulate with Delirium147 [NC-H]

The Present of the Past and the Promise of the Future with Marek [EX]

Down The Rabbit Hole with Daeva and Marek [EX]

Unexpected Predicament with Cliffspiracy [EX]

Remiel and Britwitch write a Fairy Tale with Remiel [One Shot - NA]

Stranger than Fiction (CYOA) [UN]

Chasing Shadows with Eikichi [NC-H]

Community Property with marauder13 [EX]

Underneath your Skin with Delirium147 [NC-H]

Getting Square with AMessOfADreamer [BON - One Shot]

Remember me? with TheSilentBang [VAN]

Vive La Republic with Victorian [EX]

Bad Road Trip with apocryphan [NC-H - One Shot]

Wrong with PervCelebre [VAN]

Forget with frostsider [NC-H]

Current status : Selectively seeking new stories


Updated everything and added 'The Cost of a Mistake'

Current status : Selectively seeking new stories


Updated stuffs and added 'Wrong Place, Wrong Time'

Current status : Selectively seeking new stories


Added 'The Stranger at the Door'

Current status : Selectively seeking new stories


Added 'A Helping Hand'

Thanks for those who expressed interest, that particular story is now no longer available. <3
Do please check out my other ideas in case anything else catches your eye.

Current status : Selectively seeking new stories


Current status : Selectively seeking new stories


Added The Messenger and The Portrait

Current status : Selectively seeking new stories


Added Island Life as well as taking care of a little tidying up and moving around of available story ideas.

Current status : Selectively seeking new stories


Giving this a little bump in the hope of kickstarting my muse into writing again. ;D

Current status : Selectively seeking new stories


Added Wild Heart Lane

Thanks for those who expressed interest, that particular story is now no longer available. <3
Do please check out my other ideas in case anything else catches your eye.

Current status : Selectively seeking new stories


Tidying up and giving a little bump. Hoping to get back into writing more regularly and would ideally like to pick up a story or two.

Moved Madame Guillotine, The Stranger at the Door and Wrong Place, Wrong Time to under discussion

Current status : Selectively seeking new stories


Added 'Mer-peeps' to Inspirational Images.

Current status : Selectively seeking new stories


Moved 'Madame Guillotine' and 'Fogbound' back to available ideas

Current status : Selectively seeking new stories


Added 'Just Let Me Watch You' and moved 'Wild Heart Lane' back to available ideas.

'Wild Heart Lane' is no longer available, thank you to those who expressed interest. ;D

Current status : Selectively seeking new stories


Added 'Love and Lust in the Douro' and 'The Shoemaker', as well as moving taken story ideas to 'Stories Brewing'

Current status : Selectively seeking new stories


Did some general tidying, as it's been a while - moved unavailable stories to the relevant places.

Added some stories back into seeking that either never got much beyond the plotting stage or seemed to run aground pretty swiftly after launch - 'The Portrait', 'A Light in the Dark', 'Wild Heart Lane' and 'Madame Guillotine'.

Current status : Selectively seeking new stories


Looking to try and get back into more regular writing and posting and hopefully the spark of a 'new' story will help my muse get her proverbial arse in gear!

I know I'd started discussions about some of my open ideas so will reach out to those people but definitely open to potentially new partners as well. :D

Current status : Selectively seeking new stories