The Gladiatrix / The Hunter (seeking Ladies, Lieges, Legates for simple system)

Started by Remiel, October 18, 2017, 11:18:32 AM

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The Gladiatrix

Based off an idea I had that, sadly, did not get much traction, I thought I'd pitch this idea to the market again. 

Playing rough.  Who doesn't like it?  Especially when pride and honor is at stake.

The basic idea here is that we are combatants in a Roman coliseum, fighting not to the death, but to victory.


We'd use a simple rock-paper-scissors dynamic to determine the winner:

A STRIKE is a direct, straightforward attack, concentrating on offense.  It will beat a Feint, but lose to a Parry.
A PARRY is a defensive action of some sort.  It could be a literal parry with either shield or blade, or it could be a dodge; either way, it expects the attack, and opens up an opportunity to counter.  It will beat a Strike, but lose to a Feint.
A FEINT uses some sort of trickery or misdirection to fool the opponent, or simply maneuvering for superior ground.  It could be anything from kicking dirt into an opponent's eyes to blind them, to coyly batting your eyelashes in an attempt to weaken their resolve.  A Feint will beat a Parry (because you are coming from a direction your opponent was not expecting) but lose to a straightforward Strike.

The beauty about this system is that each tactic is very general, and open to a broad range of interpretations.  For example, a Strike could be a simple punch at an opponent's gut, or it could be a thrown rock or shot arrow.  A Parry could be a block with a shield, or it could be a sidestep or duck.  A Feint could be an attempt to slip behind the opponent and grapple them from behind.

To begin with, we'd each secretly choose five tactics in any combination (for example, I could choose Strike / Strike / Feint / Parry / Feint).  Then our first choices, in order, would be matched against each other.  Then our second choices would be matched against each other, and so on.  Whoever won would get a point; if there was a tie--if we chose the same tactic--nothing would happen.  First one to three points is the winner.

Simple, no?

What would happen upon the victory would be up to us.  My personal preference is that the winner would sexually dominate the loser, in full view of the audience.   The setting is highly negotiable.  We could do this in a Roman coliseum, in a Viking pit, or even in a modern cage match.  I would be open to male x female, female x female, or futa x futa.  Heck, we could even play multiple characters.

The Hunter

The premise behind this one is simple.  My character is a hunter, trying to catch your character, who is trying to get away from him.  Capture will almost certainly mean sexytimes of a dubiously consensual nature.

I see this happening on an island, with various geographic features--jungles full of vines and creepers, with secret waterfalls and sparkling pools, caves, and perhaps the ruins of a lost civilization.

To represent progress toward your freedom, we would use numbers and the dicebot.  You would begin with a head start of 5, and I would begin at 0.  In each post, you would roll the dicebot once and add it to your number.  A high number might represent some discovery or a secret advantage, while a low number would represent some misfortune (such as tripping and falling down a slope).  The catch?  You would use a 1d4, whereas I would use a 1d6.  If, at any point, my number catches up to yours, I catch you and get to do anything I want with you (here we can discuss details).

If, however, you managed to get to 20 before I caught you, you reach your goal and achieve freedom.

That's basically it.  I'm always open to constructive criticism, and willing to accommodate alternative ideas.   But hopefully, what I've presented here will have whet your imagination.

Thanks for reading!